Experiment with Time, your assistance is requested

Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Sol wrote:

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During <font color="red"> The Great Reclamation [/COLOR] , either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.

The Great Reclamation is a fictional Apocalypse so I guess that narrows things down a bit.

The Great Reclamation

Comrades of the world.

Welcome to The Great Reclamation.

This year, 2421 marks the 400th anniversary of our great undoing, known to all of us as ‘Elizabeth’s Day’, the day which ushered in the darkest period of human history.
With the loss of so many lives, so went the knowledge, culture and technologies that were taken for granted by our fore fathers.
For a while humanity teetered on the precipice of oblivion, the survivors reduced to mere scavengers, existing off the carrion off a once great but murderously arrogant civilisation.

Just 400 years after the great undoing we can now marvel at the progress and discoveries made in all forms of human endeavour. Some even posit that many of our technologies are improvements upon those of the old world.

It is to this end, that the unifying world synod of 2418 held here in Dortrecht called for an exposition celebrating human achievement and progress.
In this exhibition, researchers from around the world would gather to share their knowledge and technologies, to demonstrate our industry and enterprise.

Visitors to The Great Reclamation will be left in no doubt that humanity is at a momentous point, the dark ages behind us and a new age of enlightenment. Waiting to be embraced. The Great Reclamation stands as testament to our modern world
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

The Great Reclamation is a fictional Apocalypse so I guess that narrows things down a bit.

Good catch. But we can't count on life not imitating art; remember the Titan and the Titanic.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

Comrades of the world.

Welcome to The Great Reclamation.

This year, 2421 marks the 400th anniversary of our great undoing, known to all of us as ‘Elizabeth’s Day’, the day which ushered in the darkest period of human history.
With the loss of so many lives, so went the knowledge, culture and technologies that were taken for granted by our fore fathers.
For a while humanity teetered on the precipice of oblivion, the survivors reduced to mere scavengers, existing off the carrion off a once great but murderously arrogant civilisation.

Just 400 years after the great undoing we can now marvel at the progress and discoveries made in all forms of human endeavour. Some even posit that many of our technologies are improvements upon those of the old world.

It is to this end, that the unifying world synod of 2418 held here in Dortrecht called for an exposition celebrating human achievement and progress.
In this exhibition, researchers from around the world would gather to share their knowledge and technologies, to demonstrate our industry and enterprise.

Visitors to The Great Reclamation will be left in no doubt that humanity is at a momentous point, the dark ages behind us and a new age of enlightenment. Waiting to be embraced. The Great Reclamation stands as testament to our modern world

I see a method to the madness here. Whether or not the dates and times are true "The Great Reclamation" has already happened in mans past. Though I don,t talk very much about it I have read the history of man as have anyone that went to school and college. That is if they studied much. Back in ancient times when armies would raid cities they would lit their camp fires with the scrolls from the local library. Man kinds knowledge, art, and literature went up in smoke for the sake some cause. When Rome fell all the technology learned from that time went hundreds of years before being rediscovered and used again. Just as technology from other civilizations that fell in war has done. Rome was not the only one. So goes it will happen again. But, the USA and other governments unlike ancient times has archived are technology. So, when it does happen again and it will lets hope not everything gets destroyed. If mankind does not move out into space and discover green energy, how to recycle, and develop new sources of minerals and materials and change our way of thinking then at some point in time the billions of people of the world will come to know the limitations of our ability to control our environment and each other and when that happens there will be starvation and death unlike any thing man has every known. But for know we can all go safely about our merry way.
Does the European Union disband because of the economic collapse?
No, but the Pole shift do the Job...
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Sol, it's March. Looks like your experiment failed.

That depends upon what the intent of the experiment was. I asked him to share the proper experimental design, and he balked. However, for all we know the objective of his experiment could have just been to tweak your gourd some more. If that was his objective, I'd say he succeeded.

Sol, it's March. Looks like your experiment failed.

That depends upon what the intent of the experiment was

True. The terms of the experiment were not clearly defined to us. However, Sol did declare "During the course of this experiment, we will be taking questions from the general public and selectively answering those questions within the confines of this experiment ... the experiment will be completed before March 2009.... " According to my reading, that means that the "taking questions" and "answering questions" were both to be completed before March 2009.

It could be that the questions Sol answered were the only ones that "fell within the guidelines", which would leave me disappointed.

I am holding out a smidgen of hope that we will still see some more responses from Sol, but that hope is fading. And with Zeshua scheduled to begone no later than next week as well, I doubt I will be bothering you folks here much anymore after that, as these were the only subjects of lasting interest to me at this site.

You all know my opinions on things well enough, and I yours, and there's no sense butting heads over it any more. I trust that my posts will remain archived here, in case future events convince others to take a second look at the Zeshua material. And if not, we'll all be better off.

So, to all y'all who've argued against me over these things, I thank you, for you kept a spark of hope alive in me that I might be wrong after all. I couldn't have born it if you'd all been convinced by my arguments. Even now, though I'm sure you are wrong, I still pray you are right.

- Peter
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

What a dramatic exit, Peter.

That last paragraph is a classic. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

I suppose that now we will never know what "Demons former jig-jug," means.
Re: Experiment with Time, your assistance is reque

so some did jump after all.
The United States of America, in 2009, was teetering at the very heights of its greatest triumphs

If for the sake of argument we were to agree that the above statement was correct, what do you suppose those "greatest triumphs" were that America was supposed to be teetering on in 2009?

It wasn't winning the Cold War against Russia and becoming the World's Sole Superpower. Russia has been newly aggressive against us.

It surely wasn't winning the fight in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Israel. Those have all gone badly for us lately.

Any ideas?
If for the sake of argument we were to agree that the above statement was correct, what do you suppose those "greatest triumphs" were that America was supposed to be teetering on in 2009?

If the author feels that American capitalism was its greatest achievement, then the Dow industrial average saw an all time high of around 14000 a little over a year ago. It has seen an almost non-stop plummet from that level since then due to the credit problems. Does anyone think we will ever see that level again? Probably not in real dollars anyway.
Hey, timeloop! That answer does seem to fit. That shouldn't surprise me, because you always seem to have useful insights.

Given that, I have to ask -- regarding the following :

Most likely the same way as everyone else of your time. During the Great Reclamation, either towards the beginning when the bottom drops out of the dollar and most cities and counties go bust, along with several of the larger states. Or immediately afterwards when your city is invaded and you were unable to flee. Several billion die worldwide.


You may die in 2012 when a series of events between Russia and Iran cause an exchange of nuclear ordinance. Israel is forced into a response and the result is that several billion die worldwide as a result of radiation.


You may die in 2015 when the Destroyer of Worlds returns to wipe the face of the planet clean. A great plague is unleashed and although millions have died before due to other tragedies, this particular plague is responsible for billions of deaths worldwide.

Which of these three do you think most likely, and why?

I'm still inclined to favor the first, due to the earlier comments about (1) economic collapse and (2) American citizens fleeing to Canada and Mexico.

I'm now wondering if the OP never intended to post anything more than what is contained in those 3 posts.