Chronohistorian's Thread #2

Well, then. That means, that as I originally said, if anyone were now to publish anything which had an alien race called the Scarrans, that the Sci-fi Channel wold be able to sue them, so it's unwise to publish a story which features one.

Thank you for agreeing with me.
Scarrans, oh yah, i heard of them.. about 98% of their population was destroy due to massive amounts of large asteroids colliding into their planet, only the ones that were lucky enough to stay out in space to watch that happen lived. I think it happend around 2570
Time2601-lol. they are called skaarans and not scarrans.
the skaarans have outer space stations which look for anything from ships to asteroids that could destroy their planet.
If anything gets past that then there are two shields protecting their planet. it would take an armarda of ships just to get passed the space stations and the ships which they would send out.

98% of their population?

Considering 35% of their population are always in space due to 40% being of them being in the army (5 are probably on away leave) there must have been a great tragedy the likes of none of themhave seen before to make them all go on top of their planet.
"the skaarans have outer space stations which look for anything from ships to asteroids that could destroy their planet.
If anything gets past that then there are two shields protecting their planet. it would take an armarda of ships just to get passed the space stations and the ships which they would send out."

The shields are gone, because of the space stations was destroyed, by the Dracalk race. They were recently discovered when they entered the skaarans area. While the battle was raging a few of the skaarans were held captive by the Dracalks. Then suddenly an asteroid hit them, and they weren't even prepared because they were too busy fighting the war.

You wouldn't know because this happened yrs after your time.
"The shields are gone, because of the space stations was destroyed, by the Dracalk race. They were recently discovered when they entered the skaarans area. While the battle was raging a few of the skaarans were held captive by the Dracalks. Then suddenly an asteroid hit them, and they weren't even prepared because they were too busy fighting the war"

how convenient for them
Chrono, I think it is time that we come clean. The truth is infact that we on this forum are all time travellers. This forum is our secret place to exchange information. The trouble is that we are all from your future and we are worried that your primitive excursion to this time will change the timeline. We have been doing this for much longer than you, so you should leave exploring the timeline to the pros.

Anyway, you have alot to worry about now that you know that Siegmund will kill you in the near future!!!
Chrono, I can PROVE that you're not a time traveller. You can't be a time traveller because we're about to be wiped out by an impact from space.

I have EXTREMELY reliable sources

So how do you explain that. Your story can't be right if this one is....LOOK, it's Bush must be true.
Rhudey-you and siegmund are not from the future.

Kye-that isn't reliable. it isn't the bbc or some other reliable news source. isn't even listed in the top 100 of trustworthy news
1. I am not detecting any chrono radiation
2. you said you didn't believe me when I first came here and told you about the lizarans. why was that?
3. you are a bad liar
Listen chrono... In the future... you believe me.

Besides... I've ALREADY TAKEN a member of this board TO THE FUTURE. Can you say the same?
he is a liar too. as for the picof the man in the suit I have seen it before but I just can't remember when.

if you have taken one, surely you can take all of us?
He is not a liar. I can vouch for him. I saw him travel into the future with me!

So... I have more proof of my authenticity than you. Poser!
1. I am not detecting any chrono radiation
2. you said you didn't believe me when I first came here and told you about the lizarans. why was that?
3. you are a bad liar

1. you are lying

2. because you were lying

3. then prove I'm wrong, you haven't yet