Chronohistorian's Thread #2

there are no companies called "Skynet" or "MultiVAC".

Loral Skynet
Skynet (this one's a computer company).
skynet Systems (more computers).
Skynet Asia
Skynet Applied Systems (yet more computers).

Multivac (computers again).
Multivac Inc.

I'm going to stop now, as I'm sure you get the point. When you said that there were "no companies" called by those names, did you really mean that there were lots and lots of companies called by those names?
See Chrono... I TOLD you the computers got sneaky!

This is all, of course, ancient history to me. WHat time did you say you were from again Chrono?

Just wait until the species bos taurus becomes self aware and develops opposable thumbs!

"Since the realization that our most prolific source of meat is, in fact, sentient- nay- SELF AWARE- with hopes, dreams, aspirations and the ability to feel love and compassion, many ethical and philosophical questions have arisen. Chief among these though, has been this: If we weren't meant to eat them, why do they taste so good?" Alexander Cowslip (3334)
Siegmund-please see your nearest therapist.

timescholar-I am not sure who will be the next president but I think it will be george bush again.
actually I have been talking to a couple of people who do believe me.
as long as it wasn't about the future I mentioned then you would be ok.
if it was then the time guards would have to think about how it would effect the future. if it wouldn't effect it much then they would do nothing.
if it would do a lot to damage the future then they would come back and stop you from making it by altering your memories and they would put a subconscious order inside you not to make it again or they might just burgle your house and get it.
it is illegal however if you change the alien names and some of the info which I said you should be ok.

Oh, you'd definately have to change the names of the alien species. That's only sensible.

After all, the Lizarians are a race of creatures in Dungeons & Dragons, and the Scarrans are a race of creatures in Farscape. If you didn't change the names, you'd get sued big time for copyright infringement.
it is illegal however if you change the alien names and some of the info which I said you should be ok.

Mmmh, I'd have to ask my lawyer if that's true. I don't see how it is illegal to claim the movierights of something that hasn't happened yet.

What if patents from the future are valid in this time, how could we ever invent a timemachine legally?
chronohistorian - unless they had a chronojammer, but i highly doubt it because only a some of these devices were made, but are kept locked up with tons of security.