Blast From The Past

"If it does happen, Zeshua’s predictions of “America’s Last Pennies” and “Economic Collapse” become virtual certainties."

You have many problems here, Peter. The first problem is your refusal to accept one of the three anagram solutions that I gave you (which came from Randi). It is problematic (for you) for many reasons. First, why would Zeshua repeat the same (non-specific) theme with two anagrams? I can tell you that "economic collapse" it correct but your "America's last pennies" is not correct. Zeshua (Randi) did not repeat any specfic themes in these anagrams. The other reason this is problematic is because you are refusing to accept the possibility and probability that Zeshua was encoding existing knowledge. Clearly you can see from the last two solutions you accepted that both of these speak to existing knowledge before Zeshua posted her anagrams. Yet you still continue to push your interpretations, and your beliefs. You resist accepting the third, true solution I have given you because in doing so you would have to abandon the prospect that these are "predictions".

I am also here to tell you, and I know you will not accept it, that some of your other solutions are still incorrect. I know all of the solutions, and yes this means I also know the true solution to the "Demons Former Jig Jug". Let me tell you that you will not like the solution in the same way you do not like the "REAP A NASCENT MISSILE" solution. You are in dangerous territory here Peter, I am just letting you know. For the more you insist upon going down the road you are on, the more foolish you will look when all of the final, true solutions of Zeshua's anagrams are revealed. You will end up looking like the guy who, despite all other suggestions, continued to push his fatalist interpretations of the Zeshua hoax. Let it be known, I have given you fair warning and a prediction of what is to come, thanks to Randi.

Yes, Peter is in a real bind here. Do you think the name Randi is a coincidence? Randi set this trap just to "ensnare" (check that word in your anagrams too, you will find it!) someone who plays the Nostradamus "fit what was said to anything that happens, and therefore make it a prediction" game. The further you go, Peter, the deeper it will get. You should seriously assess your position, because there are only two outcomes, neither of which look too good for you. There is still time to avoid looking any more foolish than you already do.
12/25/06 01:00 PM : Randi also invented Zeshua as a hoax [...] Zeshua was something Randi created as a hoax.

12/25/06 08:26 PM : Randi said she is really Zeshua and Zeshua is a hoax.

12/25/06 08:39 PM : Zeshua is really yeyeman9

12/26/06 05:58 PM : Is yeyeman9 really Zeshua?

On December 16th, jmpet accused me of being Zeshua at

And then on Christmas Eve, jmpet accused “Randi” of being Zeshua, at

And then the day after Christmas, jmpet accuses Yeye of being Zeshua, at

Indazona and jmpet have amply demonstrated (above) that they are not men of their
word, nor men of honor, nor men who have the slightest insight into what is going on with the
whole Zeshua story.

- Peter
"Since you and jmpet have already amply demonstrated (above) that you are not men of your word,
there seems no reason for anyone to read or respond to anymore of your posts. "

Oh believe me, Peter, people are reading. Yeyeman is simply a side-show. You are still on the main stage. Mark my words above. I guarantee you that there are people reading who understand that "REAP A NASCENT MISSILE" is correct, and are seeing what is going on. Just remember, you were warned. Can a budding author really afford to look this foolish? We shall find out.

I'm enjoying jmpet's and indazona's posts immensely. It shows there's still some intelligence left in this site(and good humor). There are jokes, and there are jokes. They don't need to be told which is which.
You know why I do this? Because Zeshua's story cannot stand on its own legs. Therefore, whoever is propping up Zeshua's claim is in on it. Why? Because Zeshua's story as-is is incomplete, illogical and sorely lacking. I accused you because you were/are fixated on Zeshua's anagrams- for over a week, if we didn't have you constantly bumping Zeshua, she would have simply gone away.

Then yeyeman9 came along and bingo! We have a winner!

And for the record, men of honor don't go about lying to people or distorting the truth. Kinda like you posting a "Zeshua archive" and leaving off all the parts you don't agree with- like her failed nitescot prediction, her failed "Dark Side of the Moon" prediction and anything else you disagree with.

"He who makes fun of my brains will find there's nothing funny." -Groo
You know why I do this? Because Zeshua's story cannot stand on its own legs. Therefore, whoever is propping up Zeshua's claim is in on it. Why? Because Zeshua's story as-is is incomplete, illogical and sorely lacking. I accused you because you were/are fixated on Zeshua's anagrams- for over a week, if we didn't have you constantly bumping Zeshua, she would have simply gone away.

Let me try and understand your logic.

If Peter is interested in Zeshua's anagrams, he is Zeshua.
If Scott decides to come in and discuss Zeshua in an intelligent way, he is Zeshua.
If Yeyeman does the same, he is Zeshua.
If I come in and and say that I have some interest in what Zeshua said, than I must be Zeshua.

Using your logic, we must determine that:
Pamela M, Darby, Florida Jim and a host of others that "spoke" with JT, MUST be JT!!!!!

Further, using your logic:
If no one had discussed JT, he would have simply gone away (oh crap, wait, he did!)
If no one discusses Zeshua, she will go away.

The problem with your logic is that it isn't logical. It's a cop out. It's easier to accuse those that are interested in the possibility of TT that they are in fact the TT hoax, than it is to come up with other options. As a good friend of mine says "THAT DOG WON'T HUNT"

This is a Time Travel site. Find another dog that will hunt and help us figure out how Zeshua might be. Your first hint should be that it isn't any of the members posting on this thread. If it were, the group would have figured it out over a year ago and we wouldn't be discussing this today.
Got it.

1. "A Soldiers Most" = DISASTERS LOOM
2. "Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
3. “A Renaissance Pi Melts” = AMERICA'S LAST PENNIES
4. "A Sidearm Dwelt” = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. "A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. “Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. “A Quarks Humble Tree” = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. “Manila Curse” = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. “Foretells Kiwi Smirks” = SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
10. “Demons Former Jig Jug” = BUSH RESUMES DRINKING
11. A Liberal Disses One" = IRAN'S SEA BLEEDS OIL
12. "Toss My Foes A Reference" = RARE ECOSYSTEM OFFENSE
13. "Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Line 10 turned out not to be an anagram, but a riddle. History will show if
these prove correct, and I am content to wait for its judgment.

- Peter
Those who are following along in the debunking of Peter and his "team" might need a little recap of what has just happened. It follows the hoaxer's group's patterns we see everywhere on the internet.

1) Another fervent believer (SoSueMeToo) has been dutifully holding her part in the scam. Notice how she attacks those who are putting the very facts that debunk Peter & Zeshua right before your eyes. And of course she adds the plea of "help me to disbelieve" when all the while she knows it is a hoax. Sorry Sue, to the people whose eyes have been opened here "THAT DOG WON'T HUNT."

2) Peter is still feeling the pressure. And now we see his latest move comes straight from the internet hoaxer playbook: When you are cornered, with nowhere to go, you must change the rules and/or change the subject. Well right on schedule now, Peter is worried because he has been racing to try to find the solution to "Demons Forger Jig Jug" before I post it. Obviously he has not been able to find the one that I have (or maybe he has? And now sees how it will ruin his story?). Either way he has now "changed the rules" for that menacing anagram he cannot solve (or for which he sees the real solution plainly destroys his scam). Look at how confidently Peter announces the "change in rules" to try and throw-off his debunking:

"Got it.

10. “Demons Former Jig Jug” = BUSH RESUMES DRINKING

Line 10 turned out not to be an anagram, but a riddle. History will show if
these prove correct, and I am content to wait for its judgment."

He announces to all that he "got it." And then he TELLS us all that it wasn't really an anagram anyway, so no need for anyone to try and solve it. He also tries to fool people into accepting his unscientific and bogus excuse by adding that HE is content with it. To interpret for people who don't know, that means he will refuse to accept the real solution, just as he had refused to accept the REAP A NASCENT MISSILE solution. And I assure you Peter, there is a solution to your poor little jig jug, and it backs the Randi sting operation's intent for this little game.

Of course you didn't listen to me, nor heed my words. You continue to try to work your scam, and now you have only created another problem. In now summarily deciding that #10 was not really an anagram, you have now thrown-open the door of question: Which other ones are not anagrams? And that logically can lead to none of them being anagrams. Or it could also lead to the logical conclusion that I have told you is the truth: It was a setup, and none of these anagrams are predictions but rather encoded information taken from current-day events.

Are you enjoying the ride, Peter? Do you wish to contest this accusation that you are now simply trying to change the rules to defuse my ticking time bomb? No-go. Sorry. Won't happen. What you need to understand Peter is that YOU lit the fuse. Pay attention... you never know when that next bit of debunking info will show up in Randi's thread.
sosuemetoo- I agree with you- this is a time traveller website. It's not a psychic prediction website or a conspiracy website or an astral travel website... we're here to talk time travel. Time travellers come to this website, tell us their story and we ask questions and pass the time away.

Since this is a time traveller website, any time traveller that comes here is required to adequately explain how they got here. Why? See the above paragraph.

If a time traveller cannot explain how they got here, or if their story makes no sense, then THEY make no sense. On the other board we have John Titor who returned from 2040. Do you believe that person really is John Titor? Why?

Zeshua's backstory makes no sense- it's illogical and contradictory. And the only proof of anything is the Pope's prediction which
1- was incorrect
2- could easily be misinterpreted
3- is not enough to establish someone as a time traveller.

This suggests that Zeshua is not a time traveller, rather it's someone here who is doing it for kicks. Why? Because since Zeshua's message is incomplete, she needs other people to add to what she's saying to make it make sense- otherwise she will be just another hoaxter on this site full of hoaxters and personally, I don't come here to hear anyone's half baked ideas, I come here for a good story.

Now let's assume Zeshua really is from the future. Peter Novak decrypted her anagrams and chose the one he felt was right for each from a list of 50,000+ possibilities. What is the chance that all ten of Novak's anagram solutions is correct? It's zero simply because of the half a million possibilities- no one can argue that point.

Well why hasn't Zeshua (the real time traveller) posted any corrections? You'd think that if Zeshua went through all this trouble to create the "time wormhole" or whatever it is and risk getting caught by the time cops etc. that the message would be important- something that if incorrectly decrypted would be bad. Well why hasn't Zeshua confirmed Novak's anagrams?

For that matter, why hasn't Zeshua offered any proof that she is real? This is a time travelling website after all- see the first paragraph. You can't say you're from the future unless you have a good story to back it up and Zeshua is sorely lacking.

As far as Pamela, Darby etc. and Titor- none of those people added anything to Titor's story. This is critical because the Titor information was one way- from his lips to our ears. This is not the case with Zeshua. Were it not for the efforts of yeyeman9 and Peter Novak, Zeshua would simply be forgotten. The fact that they are adding information to the Zeshua story suggests they are in on it... doesn't that make sense?

I mean, if Darby was feeding physics info to Titor and Titor was saying "yeah- what he said", then we wouldn't be talking about Titor today. This is what's happening with Zeshua and this is bad science.

And finally, there are many similarities between Zeshua and yeyeman9- a lot of circumstantial evidence that all points in one direction. The fact that Zeshua registered the same day yeyeman9 went away is enough to convince me they are the same person. Doesn't that make sense?

This is a time travelling website. Let's keep it that way.

To quote Bogz:
I formally request the admin move this post to an off topic or time travel claims section.
1) Another fervent believer (SoSueMeToo) has been dutifully holding her part in the scam. Notice how she attacks those who are putting the very facts that debunk Peter & Zeshua right before your eyes. And of course she adds the plea of "help me to disbelieve" when all the while she knows it is a hoax. Sorry Sue, to the people whose eyes have been opened here "THAT DOG WON'T HUNT."

Okay fine, Indazona. I've been a member here for over three years. I've enjoyed exploring the possibility of TT.

I attacked those that accuse Peter, Yeyeman, Scott and I of being Zeshua because it is was a cheap shot. It's what new members do on any TT forum when they don't know who they are attacking. Anyone exploring Zeshua must be a part of the scam, right?

You didn't open anyone's eyes, you simply attacked the easiest way possible. Yes, Peter posted publically his opinions, just like Pamela did about JT. See where it got her?

I don't mind, because you don't matter. I'm not a part of a scam. I'm not a part of a hoax and frankly I'm offended that you would accuse me of being one.

I'm not going to give you anything further to feed on. Sit in your [censored] and spin. Let TTI become an ANTI-TTI site.
"Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

A "sigh" is an exhalation of gas.

When a planet does this, it is called "out-gassing".


There's eyewitness reports of this phenomenon currently occurring all over the planet, as well as circumstantial
evidence. Sudden rashes of dead birds (which are highly vulnerable to toxic gas) have recently been
reported in Esperance Australia, Sarrey France, KienGiang Vietnam, Austin Texas; Oakley Idaho,
Lewiston Maine, and Longmont Colorado. Methane is also reportedly being vented from the ocean floor
all over the planet, and of course there is still the unexplained gas smell that permeated all of
NYC. It seems that our Mother Earth is sighing indeed.

Oh, and for those who are interested, the poem has been successfully solved and confirmed, as follows :

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Zeshua has requested that the solution to line ten be withheld from public forums until after the
fact. Once the event occurs, and the pertinent words are in all the headlines, I'm sure some
bright reader here will remember this strange line and finally decipher it.

All these lines are supposed to refer to events that are to occur in 2007 - 2009. One, the last
one, line 13, seems to be occurring already. Didn't take long, did it? 2007 just started, and
already the predictions start to come true.

- Peter
Okay, there are some things here now that don't make sense to me. Not logical.

You say that this is the final product, the riddle solved.

If in fact Zeshua wanted us to know it...why put it in a riddle? In other words, you just spent all this time deciphering something when she/he could've simply put the "answers"-which are just as cryptic.

Not to mention vague. Earthquake? Happens every day, and just had a big 8.2. Done.

Middle East War? As we speak.

I could go on, but what really bothers me, is the "Zeshua does not want #10 answered until it happens.

First-are you in private contact with Zeshua, and why? And if Zeshua can contact you via computer-why can't they just come post here and say whatever it is that they want us to know? In other words, why are you the elected mouth piece for Zeshua?

And its really easy to post an answer to something that has happened already-and I just am not seeing that its so compelling that anyone would WANT to. Is it me, or does this whole thing smack of illogic now?
Novak’s First Rule of TT Debunking :
Just because they might lie doesn’t mean they are not a TTer.
What, you thought that in the future suddenly everyone would tell the truth all the time? Everyone
lies. I’d bet that most everyone reading this tells at least half a dozen lies today, either to
themselves or someone else. People of all eras have lied for at least the last six thousand years,
and there’s no credible reason to assume that particular sociological constant is going to change in
the next 20 years.

Novak’s Second Rule of TT Debunking :

Just because you can’t understand why they act the way they do doesn’t mean they aren’t from the future.
Hell, many people don’t even understand why their own spouse acts the way they do sometimes. If you
can’t predict or anticipate or explain your own spouse’s behaviors, then any claim to be able to
anticipate the behavior of a complete stranger from a whole different culture and time era loses
most of its credibility.

Novak’s Third Rule of TT Debunking :

Just because they DO predict the future doesn’t mean they ARE from the future.
People have been credited with successful predictions in all cultures and all eras. Confirmed
precognition is not an ironclad proof of Time Travel per se. (It is, however, interesting enough to
deserve further attention).

Novak’s Fourth Rule of TT Debunking :

Not being able to prove something is true is not the same as proving it is false.
Just because others might not be able to prove you love your spouse doesn’t mean that you don’t.

- Peter
I have already mentioned this. If one goes by religion, the Jews are awaiting for their Messiah. Some claim that they should accept Jesus as the Messiah, and others (according to Fatima and Papal Prophecies and religious views) should seek that which has already been mentioned by the Saints.

It's becomes - Do they allow it to happen since they must know about it or avoid it since they could do something about it? Exactly what could be done is unsure without unweildy processes, but then instead of an open-ended future - it becomes a fate. Well, if people acted differently then the world would be different.

If people acted differently, then the world would be different.
That's right Risata. I believe that the debunkers may be on to something. Scott has already outlined hard numbers as to why zeshua is a Hoax. What remains to be seen is exactly WHO is responsible for the Hoax. This particular thread has most of the best clues imho.
However, I was never "privy" to any of the PM from zeshua.

One has to wonder eaxctly WHY a Hoaxer would choose to spew information in Private?
For me, that ploy has always pointed to a Economy Of Lies AND it keeps the general populace from showing how it's a Hoax right off the bat. I don't know if any one here besides Peter and Sue is aware that when this Hoax began, zeshua had two other cohorts, "that had to go away" or some such drivel. Again, sounds great but it's real hard to Hoax three different personas, thus the Economy Of Lies again.