"If it does happen, Zeshua’s predictions of “America’s Last Pennies†and “Economic Collapse†become virtual certainties."
You have many problems here, Peter. The first problem is your refusal to accept one of the three anagram solutions that I gave you (which came from Randi). It is problematic (for you) for many reasons. First, why would Zeshua repeat the same (non-specific) theme with two anagrams? I can tell you that "economic collapse" it correct but your "America's last pennies" is not correct. Zeshua (Randi) did not repeat any specfic themes in these anagrams. The other reason this is problematic is because you are refusing to accept the possibility and probability that Zeshua was encoding existing knowledge. Clearly you can see from the last two solutions you accepted that both of these speak to existing knowledge before Zeshua posted her anagrams. Yet you still continue to push your interpretations, and your beliefs. You resist accepting the third, true solution I have given you because in doing so you would have to abandon the prospect that these are "predictions".
I am also here to tell you, and I know you will not accept it, that some of your other solutions are still incorrect. I know all of the solutions, and yes this means I also know the true solution to the "Demons Former Jig Jug". Let me tell you that you will not like the solution in the same way you do not like the "REAP A NASCENT MISSILE" solution. You are in dangerous territory here Peter, I am just letting you know. For the more you insist upon going down the road you are on, the more foolish you will look when all of the final, true solutions of Zeshua's anagrams are revealed. You will end up looking like the guy who, despite all other suggestions, continued to push his fatalist interpretations of the Zeshua hoax. Let it be known, I have given you fair warning and a prediction of what is to come, thanks to Randi.
Yes, Peter is in a real bind here. Do you think the name Randi is a coincidence? Randi set this trap just to "ensnare" (check that word in your anagrams too, you will find it!) someone who plays the Nostradamus "fit what was said to anything that happens, and therefore make it a prediction" game. The further you go, Peter, the deeper it will get. You should seriously assess your position, because there are only two outcomes, neither of which look too good for you. There is still time to avoid looking any more foolish than you already do.
You have many problems here, Peter. The first problem is your refusal to accept one of the three anagram solutions that I gave you (which came from Randi). It is problematic (for you) for many reasons. First, why would Zeshua repeat the same (non-specific) theme with two anagrams? I can tell you that "economic collapse" it correct but your "America's last pennies" is not correct. Zeshua (Randi) did not repeat any specfic themes in these anagrams. The other reason this is problematic is because you are refusing to accept the possibility and probability that Zeshua was encoding existing knowledge. Clearly you can see from the last two solutions you accepted that both of these speak to existing knowledge before Zeshua posted her anagrams. Yet you still continue to push your interpretations, and your beliefs. You resist accepting the third, true solution I have given you because in doing so you would have to abandon the prospect that these are "predictions".
I am also here to tell you, and I know you will not accept it, that some of your other solutions are still incorrect. I know all of the solutions, and yes this means I also know the true solution to the "Demons Former Jig Jug". Let me tell you that you will not like the solution in the same way you do not like the "REAP A NASCENT MISSILE" solution. You are in dangerous territory here Peter, I am just letting you know. For the more you insist upon going down the road you are on, the more foolish you will look when all of the final, true solutions of Zeshua's anagrams are revealed. You will end up looking like the guy who, despite all other suggestions, continued to push his fatalist interpretations of the Zeshua hoax. Let it be known, I have given you fair warning and a prediction of what is to come, thanks to Randi.
Yes, Peter is in a real bind here. Do you think the name Randi is a coincidence? Randi set this trap just to "ensnare" (check that word in your anagrams too, you will find it!) someone who plays the Nostradamus "fit what was said to anything that happens, and therefore make it a prediction" game. The further you go, Peter, the deeper it will get. You should seriously assess your position, because there are only two outcomes, neither of which look too good for you. There is still time to avoid looking any more foolish than you already do.