Blast From The Past

"There is a surprising wealth of information on some subjects, such as yourself Pamela. I would not release that information in the public realm, for your own safety."

Is this some type of threat? for you have mentioned it twice. Please feel free to write me a Private message of said information.
In 2006 nobody would have considered a 3rd of the Palestinian Territory fractioned and taken over.

You gotta be kidding! Hamas won the election on 26 January of that very year. That set up a natural opposition between them and Abbas' Fatah party which held the presidency. It was obvious at the time that such a thing could happen, especially given Hamas' militancy.

In 2006 none would have supposed there was a call for Sharia Law in the heart of the Middle East.

Again, you gotta be kidding! It is Bin Laden's and Zawahiri's intention (and they made it known long before 2006) that they wanted a Sharia Law state in the ME. That was what they were doing in Afghanistan. And for being from the future, your history is really poor to forget that also in 2006 Sharia Law was the biggest issue in Somalia. Also at the behest of Al Qaeda.

So who you think you foolin'?
In 2006 none would have supposed there was a call for Sharia Law in the heart of the Middle East.

Nonsense. Two of the biggest nations in the Middle East, Arabia and Iran, are already under Sharia
Law, Afghanistan was under it during the rule of the Taliban, and the Al Qaeda-type groups have long
claimed that their ultimate intent is to place the whole world under Sharia Law.

Everyone has known for some time that pro-Sharia Law political organizations have been in play in
the Middle East, and with the historical political instability of Palestine, it was almost an
inevitability that a pro-Sharia Law group would control some portion of Palestine sooner or later.

I'm only slightly more impressed that your "A 3rd becomes next" prediction (from has grown something like legs with the splitting of Palestine, but again, not very much impressed.

After all, the only part of that "prediction" that has anything to do with the recent developments
in Palestine is the word "third". What does "become next" have to do with it? Nothing as far as I
can see.

- Peter
I'm only slightly more impressed that your "A 3rd becomes next" prediction (from has grown something like legs with the splitting of Palestine, but again, not very much impressed.

After all, the only part of that "prediction" that has anything to do with the recent developments
in Palestine is the word "third". What does "become next" have to do with it? Nothing as far as I
can see.

I'm not impressed either. Zeshua, the first time you mentioned the word "third" was here:

I leave you with another question. First let me detail
the connections some of you may not have been aware of.
There was a direct connection between Pope John Paul II
and Terri Schiavo. As on got sicker, so did the other.

Is a 3rd Tragedy nigh?

Then you included it in your list of predictions.

What does Palestine have to do with the Pope and Terri Shiavo?

Why do you call Darby "old friend?"

You seem to have some private information about Pamela. I'm not the least bit curious WHAT the private information is, but I'd like you to explain how you got it.

Can you tell that the folks here have become skeptical possibly to the point of cynical when it comes to time travelers/communicators? It helps me to think of these exchanges as a thought experiment. I'll presume you are exactly what you say you are, maintaining disbelief but setting it aside to engage in a discussion. With that in mind....

What would happen to you if I moved beyond disbelief and fully into belief? What if I shared that belief with other people and they achieved a high level of belief? Would you have to change the past to make sure we did not attain belief? Would that kind of “correction” be perceived by those people? As you make these changes to your past, do you perceive them in some way? I mean beyond reading your posts and our replies in archives of the Internet. Please describe.
Welcome back Zeshua. Your timing is quite interesting...and well you should know why now wouldn't you?

I have a fast question which seems kinda weird to me, you say that you are connected in real-time to us. Fair enough. That does not mean tho, that you can't access other computers in your time, aka being able to read posts before they are even posted. Right now I can go to a website and see posts that were actually posted 10 years ago, or so. Why wouldn't you be able to do that??

Now it is interesting that you have come to the public now, after a few years have passed. I ask you, why haven't you contacted us? You know what I mean by US. And no, I am not talking about the United States. Your timing just seems weird to me...We will see if you do answer to this...cuse it seems like everytime we ask you some interesting stuff, you dissapear for some months....

I am just a little bit dissapointed with you.
One thing I've been thinking of lately is that Zeshua claimed (I don't recall if it was in public or
private) that when she was a grade school student in 2008, her class spent some time studying
characters like Nostradamus, John Titor, and other would-be prophets and prognosticators. It is now
just one year away from 2008, and I feel completely confident that these sort of subjects are not
being discussed in today's public American schoolrooms, and I find it virtually impossible to believe
that anything whatsoever, no matter how huge, could change that status quo in just one year.

I'm really starting to just get tired of this whole thing. While IMO Zeshua's claims haven't yet been
decisively disproven, they certainly haven't been proven yet either, and the whole thing just seems
to be going nowhere.

- Peter
Know what is really tough? Ok.....evidently we collectively created this reality, the time line we are now in. Yes, a civil war in America is what many are predicting as we talk. What could we do to alter this reality? Hm............the only way I know of is for us collectively (the planetary inhabitants as a whole) to meditate, think upon a better, alternate reality. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
For never really "leaving" and being able to respond within 15 minutes to postings Isn't it kind of rude of you to ignore everyones questions they are asking you?
There are a number of completely possible and arguably even somewhat likely ways our world could dramatically change for the worse over the next six months. America could suffer another terrorist attack, or the MidEast could have some flareup that affected the oil flow. Either way, such circumstances could make it look again as if Zeshua was not all smoke and mirrors after all, swinging the pendulum of belief the other way once more. However, that being said, there is still something of a fixed deadline to her whole tale, as she declared to the Zeshua Group a few months ago that all of our lives would be affected and considerably worsened by worldly events before the end of the year. While the noose seems to be tightening around her tale, it won't be completely dead in my eyes until that deadline comes and goes. If one or more of her predicted disasters don't arrive before that deadline, this thread will die an ignoble death immediately thereafter.

- Peter
Alright, who's the joker? I've confirmed two distinct changes to my reality since last posting, including another case of the amazing building-out-of-nowhere phenomenon! I can picture some pasty, nose-picking geek pushing the "screw with Jim's head" button and giggling about it. Come out of that dark reality-mod control room before a grue eats you nose-picker!
If Madice booted me, it's the first I've heard. I consider him an online friend and always appreciated his insightful skepticism. I haven't been in touch with him for a long time but everyone here will tell you - that's normal for me.
Hello again ZEshUA. I notice you've been quiet (sh, sh, sh - she shows shyness).

I'm curious about your technology. How exactly does a quantum particle entanglement retrocausality temporal communication machine work? I hope you found a better name than that for it. If not, how about “tPhone?” Time, tau, total rip-off of Apple, Inc. - take your pick.

Have you received any messages from your future yet? Any theories about how to initiate contact further back than 2005, before Wi-Fi was everywhere? Could you vibrate water molecules in a brass bowl on a tripod in 1555 France? Who then really was the predictive poet; the one who mimicked his technique of encrypted verse or the man himself? I'd suggest an infinite recursion but I fear Douglas Adams would resurrect just long enough to flick my ear with a wet towel.

Lots of questions but likely no answers. That's alright, I'll just wait for the reality quake. They're always fun.

Are you sure it is just not from being in Florida or something similiar to that about buildings?

In the News Today, Zeshua (if I spelled that correctly):

"It has been six years, and al-Qaeda is now rebuilding its terrorist training camps," said Senator Byron Dorgan.

Intelligence analysts told Congress on Wednesday that al-Qaeda had created a safe haven in remote parts of Pakistan.

A leaked draft of a new US intelligence report says al-Qaeda is at its strongest since just before the 11 September 2001 attacks on the US.

Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff said earlier this week that he had a "gut feeling" that the US would be at greater risk of attack over the next few months.

President George W Bush has played down the anxiety, however:

"There is a perception in the coverage that al-Qaeda may be as strong today as they were prior to September 11th," he said on Thursday.

"That's simply not the case."

Bin Laden has not been heard from in more than a year, but his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri has released a series of messages in recent weeks that have appeared on Islamist websites.

His most recent urged Pakistanis to rise up against President Pervez Musharraf in retaliation for the bloody storming of the militant Red Mosque in Islamabad.

I have a gut feeling that Governers' of States should not have bodyguards but the children should and be allowed to play with the security guards also by tugging on their clothes and pasting signs on their backs, spraying them with water pistols and jolly having a good time with the ol' pops!
I know a couple of little boys around 8 from last year where one kind of acts like Bill Clinton but throws rocks at windows and things, while his brother the other little younger boy tries to catch his brother being mad at him and tries to throw rocks at his brother acting similiar to a Republican, while the other boys in the group all get upset and just start to throw rocks. Well, unfortunately for them, they were not allowed to continue to live here anymore breaking out things although they did have bicycles and other things to play with. The older boy is always smiling and laughing and the younger brother or boy is always mad at this kid and the rest treat him like the gang-leader waiting to see where he will throw rocks and then all of them throw rocks similating this kid. What a group, but they belong on a baseball team, but seem to be short except for the Leader boy. Well.......................
Let's all sit around the table and help out Chertoff by singing "Kum Bye Ya" ( whatever that song is) while Chertoff takes a long break and eats very slowly probably sipping his soup with his spoon.

I have a prediction that there are going to be more Senators on the News all looking and talking as if they are insane in a sense. Attempted three stooges policies~I guess! President Bush should slap them on the head and say "What ya mean - pull out of Iraq?" yunk, yunk, yunk, while the others are slapped around like Larry and Curly by Moe - President Bush - I guess! That may make Iraq wonder at it all~!
Well, briefly mentioned as a sort of time travelers were the vampires in another thread. Mentioned here in this thread is Zeshua and probably Titor, the ones who claim to be doing things and not of from this present Planet Earth. Another type of time traveler has not been mentioned at all yet, so I guess I will have to include those:

The Incorruptibles!

In a sense, it sort of sounds also like Elliott Ness, Al Capone, and large cities like Chicago even.

Well, there is the third type of time traveler (the Incorruptibles) and how any of us can go to Lourdes in France and try and get a miracle for the brain.
