Blast From The Past

What about the technique for communication Zeshua talks about
In theory it sounds very plausible..
Correctly distinguishing the exact date of the Papas unfortunate death was classy..
Maybe the best prediction made by a TTer that ive seen.

Then again maybe the smart eggs that saw the last gravy train are employing similar tactics.
I'm about 99% convinced that the Titor story was hatched (and laid) in Celebration, Florida with Larry Haber as a key player (how does anyone know who he was talking to on the phone in the George Noory interview?). I think that leaves Zeshua as the leading contender.

If you interpret Zeshua's comments about "a new science, what form will it take?" in a certain way, it is saying that there will be a revolution in scientific thinking coming. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

.......The fruit is out there--but you may have to shake the tree.

Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt

Disasters Loom - "Gaza bore all the signs that warned of disaster and civil war was looming..."
Sharia Law - "New Zawahri Video Urges Hamas to Implement Sharia Law"
Massacre In Palestine - "The Palestinian Massacre" A 3rd has solidified.
Middle East War - "The Middle East is a powder keg, ready to explode."

Gaza bore all the signs that warned of disaster; the civil war was looming, it was one assassin’s bullet away, one provocative statement, one kidnapping

Don't you think that it would be nice if you gave the author of that statement his/her credit? It did come from the Penninsula daily newspaper, no?

I see every one of those statements can be googled. I can't understand why this person posts a couple of things and then leaves for a while and then posts a couple more things and leaves. It doesn't make any sense to me. Seems like a waste of time. Zeshua never really stays to talk to anyone. Its like she posts a couple of things and then she sits back for days and looks at the responses. Then there will be another single post again and then nothing. I just don't get it. What is her purpose of posting? This person confuses me. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

My old friend, indeed you are correct, the quotation was from a newspaper article of your time. Consequently, as often as news articles are posted and reposted, picked up through your Associated Press, distributed, printed, and linked on the Internet, I do not always have access to the original sources of the documents, and in most cases someone living in your time can find that information much easier than I ever could.

Not all sources are archived on the Internet, surprisingly there is a vast amount of information still missing about events occurring in your time.

I hope this clears up the confusion. Good days to you.

What you first must understand about this new form of communication, is that I do not ever "leave", as I was never here to begin with. My postings are inserted into your time, where before they did not exist. In some cases I have posted over a wide time frame, for example, Only a few months ago I posted at these forums in the 2005-2006 time span. In total, I have been posting to Internet forums for approximately 1 year, however my posts stretch through 2005-2009.

I can guarantee you that this time has not been wasted, I have seen the influence of my changes, I've watched them progress. Each new post like a modicum of influence, a pebble dropped into the waters.
"My postings are inserted into your time, where before they did not exist."

How could this be ..would it not have to be here for you to post inbetween posts?
It should be no problem then for you to insert a post immediately following mine.
I will look for this slotted post when I return to the forum later.
I do apologize, however I am currently in real-time with your timeline. These messages are being directly inserted into the forums and a continuous connection via my Quantum Tunnel is maintained. Due to the nature of this type of insertion, I must literally query the forum archives from your time, for which a continuous service upon the nets is actively searching and comparing archives against archives.

This is the way it goes for these types of experiments. Due to time dilation effects, the closest response I've been able to compile has been in the neighborhood of 15 minutes. Please review my initial posts to the forum, many of which were scattered across 2005-2009, inadvertantly, but which served as reference points. These errors actually allowed us to more accurately pinpoint the space time coordinates and make more accurate models to predict a virtual space/time map.

Once I am alerted, and if I care to offer a response, You will receive the replies. Not before.

You all have had your time, it was a horrible time, for which I have come to warn any who will listen. There is a wealth of information in my time about yourself Pamela. I might add, you've always been interesting reading. If I might ask a question, do you believe that what the infamous John Titor spoke about the future, concerning the wars which are to come, will happen? Does it seem as though it is more likely in 2007 than in 2000?
"If I might ask a question, do you believe that what the infamous John Titor spoke about the future, concerning the wars which are to come, will happen?"


"Does it seem as though it is more likely in 2007 than in 2000?"

Disasters Loom - "Gaza bore all the signs that warned of disaster and civil war was looming..."
Zeshua posted this on 6/25. The original seems to be from someone named Ramzy Baroud, a veteran journalist and a human rights advocate at a London-based NGO; he is the editor of; his website is and can be contacted at [email protected]. He posted this two days earlier at "Middle East Online".

"New Zawahri Video Urges Hamas to Implement Sharia Law"
This story seems to have originally been announced in our newspapers on the exact same day Zeshua posted the above here at TTI.

"The Middle East is a powder keg, ready to explode."
People have been saying that for decades.

"The Palestinian Massacre"
I still don't find much currently or recently published that uses that phrase via google. Is this still to come? And if Zeshua wanted us to search for the phrase "Massacre in Palestine", well, that specific phrase comes up 13,200 time on the net according to google, and is in reference to all sorts of events over the last 50 years.
I can't understand why this person posts a couple of things and then leaves for a while and then posts a couple more things and leaves. It doesn't make any sense to me. Seems like a waste of time. Zeshua never really stays to talk to anyone. Its like she posts a couple of things and then she sits back for days and looks at the responses. Then there will be another single post again and then nothing. I just don't get it.

Perhaps the world is not only crazier than we imagine, but also crazier than we CAN imagine.

If Zeshua's story is true, then it would make sense to me that we would not be able to make sense of her behavior from our current perspective. But at the same time, that quality of her posts could have been intentionally designed into her posts for just such an effect.
"Perhaps the world is not only crazier than we imagine, but also crazier than we CAN imagine"

Perhaps the same could be said for people. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

you are correct, the quotation was from a newspaper article of your time. Consequently, as often as news articles are posted and reposted, picked up through your Associated Press, distributed, printed, and linked on the Internet, I do not always have access to the original sources of the documents, and in most cases someone living in your time can find that information much easier than I ever could.

Not all sources are archived on the Internet, surprisingly there is a vast amount of information still missing about events occurring in your time.

I hope this clears up the confusion. Good days to you.

Actually, no. I doesn't clear up anything because your response did not address the question.

I asked why you didn't give the author proper credit for his/her words that were lifted out of an article in a daily newspaper.

Because you didn't give the author credit or in any other way indicate that the words were not your own you seem to have been attempting to give the notion that they were your words...a Zeshuaism as it were...for people to debate in the form of:

Ah,ha! Zeshua made this prediction way back when and Viola! It came to pass (or didn't come to pass as the case may be).

I do apologize for the misunderstanding we seem to be experiencing over the authorship of the articles and quotations in question. Please let me attempt to clear up any remaining doubt as to the authenticity of these statements. If you recall my initial post in this thread mentions the following as "Anonymous". This is indeed accurate. There is no archive or records in my time which were able to determine the initial authorship of said articles.

These words were taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009. If anyone can validly confirm the authorship of said quotations, please do so. We do not have this information in my time.

As for an example of the difficulties in obtaining authorship for an article or quotation 20 years or more after it has happened, I submit the following, still anonymous quotation. "God helps those who help themselves." Surely you've heard of this expression, yet there is continuing debate pertaining to whom had originally uttered such words. Some say Benjamin Franklin, and even Aesop has been attributed to this quote. Yet, until it can be confirmed, it shall remain "Anonymous".

In other words, even though you didn't know precisely who the author was, you did know that 1) the author wasn't you and 2) the item did come from a newspaper article of this time.

Once again, you didn't answer the question:

Why did you not indicate, even though you didn't have the complete information, "I didn't write these words - a reporter of your time wrote these words."?

Because you've twice obfuscated the answer to my question I have to assume that I was correct - it was an attempt to take credit for the "prediction".

I thought it clear my initial post answered these questions.
"Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous"

The poem, made up from headlines of news stories circulating between 2007-2009, of which no Author was given specific credit due to the fact that their names and titles of their stories were not included within the text archives I was able to obtain.

So, for the record, these are not my words, more importantly than who's words they are, it is what the words indicate about your time. I hope that you can look beyond the authorship and find a deeper understanding in my warnings.
OK...considering all of what you have posted. Why do you feel the need to pick out words from newspaper articles that can be found right now if googled and post them like they are your predictions? After all you claim to be a time traveler and yet you are posting our own current news....I don't get it. Why do you also feel the need to make them mysterious and posting them in short phrases? Are you just trying to get people to talk about these articles or make more out of them than what they are? honest questions.

This is what makes you posting here in riddles unclear to me.
Are we to assume you will be continuing to just post our own articles in mysterious short phrases
that don't really mean anything special?

These are very justified questions. I will answer them, in the hopes that others will understand what I am about to explain.

These are not predictions by any means. I cannot predict the future, my experiment deals primarily with the past. You may notice, the original date of my posting these quotes, 15/11/06. These were obtained from a news archive search during the time period of 2007-2009. They are meant as warnings, to those who will listen, of the times which are to come. In 2006 nobody would have considered a 3rd of the Palestinian Territory fractioned and taken over. In 2006 none would have supposed there was a call for Sharia Law in the heart of the Middle East.

After these events have occurred, there is very little danger in exposing the nature of the quotation, or its bearing on your current events.

My personal safety is of the utmost concern, no major alterations of the timeline are permitted. If I had come out in 2006 and said "There will be a fractioning of Palestine into a 3rd." Then the resultant timequake may have altered history to such a degree as is unpredictable and dangerous.

What is permissible, as confirmed by these experiments, is the subtle disclosure of information, often encoded, and then released after the fact. This helps to maintain the element of disbelief which is essential.

There is a surprising wealth of information on some subjects, such as yourself Pamela. I would not release that information in the public realm, for your own safety. These are the exact reasons for the "riddles" as you refer to. My own personal safety. If you can think of a better path to releasing information which I have on the events between 2007-2009, without causing detriment to myself, or exposing the timeline to a timequake, I, am all ears.