"A Renaissance Pi Melts" = PLANET'S MESSIANIC ERA ?????
... or ... IRAN PLACATES NEMESIS ?????
... or ... AMERICA'S LAST PENNIES ?????
Yeah, that last one sounds like it might be it. Then that would make the poem :
1. "A Soldiers Most" = DISASTERS LOOM
2. "Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
3. “A Renaissance Pi Melts†= AMERICA'S LAST PENNIES
4. "A Sidearm Dwelt†= DEADLIEST WARM
5. "A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. “Jihad Had Mom Due A Man†= DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO
7. “A Quarks Humble Tree†= EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. “Manila Curse†= NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. “Foretells Kiwi Smirks†= SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
10. “Demons Former Jig Jug†= ?????
11. A Liberal Disses One" = ENABLED SILOS ARISE
12. "Toss My Foes A Reference" = OCEAN REEFS SEEM FROSTY
13. "Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS
Although I'm mostly happy with lines 6 and 12, they are the only ones to have four words, and that makes me wonder if tehy are showing up as "false positives" here. Six of the 13 lines resolve quite satisfyingly into meaningful and relevant two word phrases, and I would be tempted to speculate that all the resolutions would be two-word solutions, if not for the fact that the last line is so very satisfying as a three-word solution.
As it stands, two lines seem to refer to economic troubles, four lines seem to refer to Islamic war, three lines refer to natural disasters, and, most satifyingly and convincingly, the first and last lines seem to frame the whole in general statements.
Given the above, my suspicion is that the unresolved line ten would be another financially-oriented one.
Man, line ten is HARD! It contains two J's, two G's, two E's, two M's, two R's, and no A's, B's, C's, or L's. I can't find anything that would work for that line. The anagram generators I am using (at
http://wordsmith.org/anagram/advanced.html and
http://www.easypeasy.com/anagrams/input.php ) don't seem to include formal names, so I'm thinking this line includes the name of a place or a person. But it may also have economic relevance. Does anyone know of any economic terms that use two JJ's and/or two GG's?
- Peter