Blast From The Past

I dunno- the pope's going to Turkey and plans to visit the Blue Mosque. And there's a whole lot of young, angry, orphaned, poor Muslims who know they will be famous overnight if they took a pot shot at the Holy See. Look at Sirhan Sirhan or David Hinkley. Also there's a lot of stuff in the Qu'ran that could very easily be misinterpreted by a young, angry, orphaned poor Muslim youth to read quite differently than intended. While the same misinterpretation exists in the Bible, the Musim faith has a 30 year history of Jihad- the worst Catholics ever do is try to give you the Book of Mormon.
Posting with two nicks? That usually doesn't sit well with the staff. Did you announce this and cancel your previous nick?

Well technically I wasn't posting with two, I switched nicks, and did make a post to announce this. newbie_0 was chosen because of John Titor, a much better hoax than Z. A group effort, where as Z is just a guy who probably shows off to his friends about how skilled he is a duping people on the internet. But newbie_0 once believed in Titor without any hard mathematical evidence. I felt rather foolish and wanted a new name.

Wrong, Z claims to have a bidirectional link. He can browse the forums, search, etc.
Can you give me a link because I don't remember where HE states this.

I'm surprised you don't know about the site's search feature.

The information is then sent through wireless tcp/ip
protocols, this "Bridge" is bi-directional and as we
adjust forward in space-time for each command given, we
are able to send/receive as if in real-time.

"wireless tcp/ip"

That is one of the many mistakes Z has made that shows he doesn't have the capacity to engineer such a system. wireless has nothing to do with tcp/ip. the wireless protocol is 802.11

Admin on any forum doesn't like to be told what to do and how to run their forum. They pay the bills and put up with the headaches. You and I don't.

IF there is no isolated section on this site for scientific discussions with mathematical backing I will have to find a new place. Not a big deal.
I know! The Pope seems to be going into a dangerous situation with this Turkey trip. That’s why I started looking at his chart! But according to his chart, he is safe from the danger of death now, and will continue to be safe for about the next year and a half. But from February 2008 thru April 2009, he needs to take great care, because his chart strongly suggests that period will see him take his last breath in this world.

- Peter.
Peter: the words just before "Manila Curse" are "Humble Tree."

Durian is the name of a tropical tree which is sometimes called "The King of Fruits," or "The God of Fruits." It has melon sized, spiked, and odiferous fruits with huge seeds but a pale yellow, delectable flesh.

Now if you treat the word "humble" as an ironic statement which means exactly opposite of what is said, I would say that you have a right-on prophecy.

There are lines earlier (I.m quoting from memory) which I suspect should read, "Pole Jihad Has Mom."
I don't have the foggiest about what a 'pole jihad' would be though. Polish terrorists????
A Sidearm Dwelt = DEADLIEST WARM

but that's not all...





And there are quite a few more...some downright comical.
Excellent cryptological work Mister Novak.

This brings up a question- you are unscrambling words to decipher the meaning of them. As such, you are gaining information from Zeshua- had she not posted the information, you would not be able to decipher it.

Well, if Zeshua had to do this to prevent timequakes, then how is the timequake avoided? The information still got through- you got the message. Doesn't it just seem like Zeshua is pulling your strings a little bit and overcomplicating the delivery and oversimplifying the message?

DISASTER LOOMS- When has disaster not loomed? How many asteroids in the Kuiper Belt are headed our way right now? When's the next solar flare going to happen? Or the next Earthquake or Tsunami or Tornado. When's that giant iceberg in the South going to fall into the ocean raising the sea level a foot? Disaster is always looming- you don't need to be from the future to see that.

SHARIA LAW- Okay, there is Islamic Law. There's been Islamic law for 1600 years- so what. Does she mean Islamic law in America? Ain't happening- try and make American women wear black robes, cover their faces and give up their jobs... ain't happening.

ECONOMIC COLLAPSE- America's economic collapse? Iraq's? Russia's? You don't need to be from 2026 to look at our trade deficit and the prime lending rate and come to the same conclusion- I came to the same conclusion almost a year ago.

EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE- Where? Here? California? New Zealand? Malaysia? Japan? When? Tomorrow? Next year?

DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO- This could also be read as "Dead human Jihad ammo" as in more 9/11's. But once again- no big surprise- Titor even called this one first- (paraphrasing) "when it happens, everyone will know where to go to get away from it"... big cities. Heck- Nostradamus predicted this 500 years ago!

You know the difference between Zeshua and Titor? Titor named names, Titor answered questions. Titor's story was clear and understandable and his message made sense. Titor got more predictions right than wrong- and they were actual predictions, not vague references. Titor had pictures and time machine manuals to show. Titor's story was a real story- something that can be made into a movie. Zeshua's story makes as much sense as "disaster looms" does as a prediction.

Hope you don't think I am being a pain in the butt over this, but I mean- if it unscrambled to say something like "SAN DIEGO RUMBLE XMAS 09" or "911 ATLANTA 08" then it would be a different story.
"A Soldiers Most" = DISASTER LOOMS
"Hail War As" = SHARIA LAW
“A Renaissance Pi Melts” =
"A Sidearm Dwelt” = DEADLIEST WARM
"A Cosmic Clone Pole" = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
“Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = DEAD JIHAD HUMAN AMMO
“A Quarks Humble Tree” = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
“Manila Curse” = MANIACS RULE
“Foretells Kiwi Smirks” = SILKWORM STRIKE FLIES
“Demons Former Jig Jug” =
A Liberal Disses One" = ENABLED SILOS ARISE
"Toss My Foes A Reference" = OCEAN REEFS SEEM FROSTY
"Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS
Dear Peter,

"“Manila Curse” = MANIACS RULE
...Or possibly NUCLEAR AIMS "

If it IS an anagram, as you say, then how can it be acceptable for you to change the spelling of the source words? (Manila vs. Manilla)? I think that is a no-no in anagrams because spelling errors in creating an anagram should be most obvious. I wonder, did you ever look for any "positive outcome" statements in your anagram searches? It seems you have only focused on bad things.