Blast From The Past

This morning I find myself wondering again if this disputed election in Iran (which brings line 10 of the second list into play) is going to become a much bigger story?


"A committee of respected Ayatollahs (the spiritual fighters) have requested that the election be invalidated for the purpose of restoring the people’s trust in the Islamic Republic [...] Telephone communication between Tehran and the rest of Iran has been completely disconnected. This corresponds with the beginnings of the arrests of the opposition. [...] Mousavi has been place under house arrest. He was arrested on his way to Khamenei's house. All communication has been shut off. Khamenei has issued a statement claiming that HE that he is leading this coup to SAVE the Islamic Government [...] Sianat az ara (Protectors of Votes) Iran' Election Commission, have called the result fraud and are calling for new election. They pointed to the suspension of text messaging Thursday night and the disruption of phone service for the campaigns and others, and ballot shortages. Sianat az ara is a group of election monitors chosen by the four candidates.[...]
Rafsanjani has resigned all duties in protest to Supreme Leader Khamenei's endorsement of Ahmadinejad as winner of yesterday's election. Rafsanjani, known in many circles as the Godfather, responded in kind with an open letter to the supreme leader demanding punishment for the aggression. That was perhaps the fuel on the fire for the streets. The anti-Ahmadinejad protesters felt more secure and confident after the division among the ruling elite became public and the streets went wild with human chains and slogans demanding Ahmadinejad's resignation."
6. “Jihad Had Mom Due A Man” = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD

Ahmadinejad's name is sure in the news headlines in a big way now, isn't it? And right on schedule, too, between 2007 - 2009. It's the biggest story out there right now.
Broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record.

Can you please tell me a time since he became president that his name was not in the news for saying or doing something provocative?

For once, I wish you would address the obvious that I keep putting in your face, Peter: The name was included by Zeshua the hoaxster because his name was already getting airplay back when Zeshua created this "poem" on 11/15/06....more than a full year AFTER Amadinejad took office as president. Given Zeshua saw he was being a dickhead back then, and knowing his term would last until this year, isn't it obvious that this is absolutely no prediction but a reporting of then-current events?

Broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record.

Can you please tell me a time since he became president that his name was not in the news for saying or doing something provocative?

For once, I wish you would address the obvious that I keep putting in your face, Peter: The name was included by Zeshua the hoaxster because his name was already getting airplay back when Zeshua created this "poem" on 11/15/06....more than a full year AFTER Amadinejad took office as president. Given Zeshua saw he was being a dickhead back then, and knowing his term would last until this year, isn't it obvious that this is absolutely no prediction but a reporting of then-current events?

You are correct that he has frequently been in the news for shooting his mouth off since Z posted this poem. However, shooting his mouth off can hardly be equated with spawning massive violence and protests.
However, shooting his mouth off can hardly be equated with spawning massive violence and protests.

So now you need to show me where Zeshua predicted what I have emboldened above. Oh...and if you are going to tell me "Zeshua wrote that to me in a private email" you can just remain silent and not answer, because.... well, you should be able to figure out why!

But if you can point to somewhere in Zeshua's public writings where she predicted THIS in connection with Amadinejad, I will listen. But so far, all she has done is throw his name out there. Hardly amazing given he was a public figure garnering attention when Zeshua created this poem hoax.

You are of course technically correct that when Zeshua made this prediction, Iran’s president was already making the news shooting his mouth off and seemed likely to keep doing so. Technically that in and of itself fulfills Zeshua’s given parameters for this prediction. However, if that fulfills this prediction, then the current election mess fulfills it to a far greater degree. But if one argued on the other hand that the “shooting the mouth off” stuff doesn’t fulfill the prediction, then this election mess still would. Either way, the prediction is fulfilled.

One could make an argument that the “shooting the mouth off stuff” didn’t fulfill the prediction, based on the definition of a ‘prediction”. A prediction is, by definition, something that is supposed to happen in the future, and predicting something that is already happening isn’t really a prediction.

If one argued on the other hand that Zeshua was making a prediction about Iran’s president based on his known behavior pattern, then one would still have to admit that Zeshua got “lucky” that something else came along to fulfill the prediction even more strongly than she anticipated.

Either way, then, Zeshua came out looking either real good or real lucky at making this prediction. You can call it a coincidence if you want, but I think that “coincidence” bolsters her credibility, just as so very many other “coincidences” have done over the last four years.
All you are doing is stretching things to make them what you want them to be.

If one argued on the other hand that Zeshua was making a prediction about Iran’s president based on his known behavior pattern, then one would still have to admit that Zeshua got “lucky” that something else came along to fulfill the prediction even more strongly than she anticipated.

No, because there was no prediction. It was just throwing out a name. A prediction would be "Mahmoud Amadinejad wins the 2009 election under suspicion of vote fraud." THAT is a prediction. You are stretching the throwing-out of a coded name and SAYING it is a prediction, but it is not. This is what you refuse to address. Instead you just twist what the definition of "is" is, Mr. Clinton.

Either way, then, Zeshua came out looking either real good or real lucky at making this prediction.

No. See above. This is not a prediction. No matter how many times you say it is, that does not make it so.

You can call it a coincidence if you want, but I think that “coincidence” bolsters her credibility, just as so very many other “coincidences” have done over the last four years.

No, I am calling it a hoax by encoding things that were already known in 2006, and hoping for someone (setting someone up?) like you to "creatively interpret". All you need to do is admit that, probabilistically, it is more likely that Zeshua was just a person in 2006 encoding things that were already known, and keeping them vague, than it is likely this person was a time traveler.

I know you will NOT admit it, but again, from the evidence Zeshua left this is the highest probability. Just as my coded predictions that are coming true are also nothing more than encoded words from something already going on.

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug = SIGN FROM MEDJUGORJE
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

These predictions are all supposed to be fulfilled by the end of this year, 2009.

I have argued here that line numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 12, and 13 have been fulfilled within the allotted time windows, but the remaining lines have not. In order for them to be fulfilled, they must appear in major media headlines. Lines 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have not, and I don't think anyone could argue otherwise. If their status changes by the end of 2009, then we will have quite alot to discuss. If not, we won't.

Folks here are working up quite a lather over these prophecies lately, but I don't see the point in that. The clock will run out soon enough, and then we will all see together if they are fulfilled on time or not.
That you avoid those things that you know would bring this whole Zeshua thing down around your feet is the point that it is becoming laughable.

By your own admition, Zeshua never really predicted anything on her own:

As for my interpretation of those solutions, well, yeah, you have a point, they are my creation.


I really don't care "what" Zeshua said as far as what our future holds...Zeshua is a hoax...s/he is somebody in our time that took a try at a time travel claim. Fuuny how you both have the same habits, as Zeshua's posts were altered or deleted, especially the one's that got laughed at as obvious hoax's.

As Rainman has pointed numerous times..."force fitting your creations" to fit so-called statements of a time travel claimant.

As usual, you won't address the points of this post, but go on your merry way, continuing to work up your own lather on something that should have ended long ago.
Folks here are working up quite a lather over these prophecies lately, but I don't see the point in that.

Wrong. We are working-up quite a lather over YOU, YOUR TACTICS, YOUR MORALS, and YOUR DISMISSAL of criticism that falsifies Zeshua. It is quite apparant that you "don't see the point" because you do not wish to acknowledge what you are doing.

This is the clear and unequivocable mark of Samael. I did much research before I called your motivation who he/she/it is, Peter. Again, you are dismissing and underestimating what is really transpiring here. But that, again, is the mark of Samael.

The means to combat Qliphoth is just as I have: Telling them straight-out what you are doing to them, and calling them out in the open about their tactics.

1) I have told you, and everyone else here, that I apply the "mirroring tactics" at all times... and I even point out where I have mirrored you and how it has tripped you up. You simply wish to ignore. Your right, but how does it make you look to critical thinkers? (Not your "sheeple" followers)
2) Myself and KerrTexas (and occasionally Darby) continue to openly state exactly what tactics you are using, and when. You do not address, nor admit, to any of them. Again, this is Samael. But if you understood how one battles Qlipoth, you would know that this continual stating of the truth of what is going on works in our favor, not yours.

I have also made it clear that the longer you play the game, and avoid not only fessing-up but putting aside the deceitful ways of Samael, the greater the impact will be on your personal life. That has absolutely nothing to do with any "curse" you may think I am issuing against you. Rather, it is a DIRECT result of your FREE WILL CHOICE to play with deceitful tactics and to do the will of evil.

When more bad [censored] starts to happen in your life (remember that person you lost in your past?), you can just look right in the mirror for the person to blame. YOU CHOSE.

RMT said - "Beyond that, the mere enthusiasm with which you try to get people to 'believe Zeshua' is suspicious in and of itself. Even Pamela does not rise to your level in trying to get people to buy-into the Titor story."

More of the same mud-slinging. What's the point of that?

When some can no longer argue the issues on their own merit, they change their approach and come at their opponent with mud slinging and personal attacks. That’s a sign of desperation, among other things. It is also a sign that the debater has lost confidence in his own argument.

I had hoped that Ray wouldn’t continue to stoop to such low tactics, but I trust the reader will understand. When readers stream back here to re-read our conversations by the thousands, and the tens of thousands, and the millions, in the next months and years, we will each stand naked before them...

...and they will see things more clearly than any of us do now.
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE,7340,L-3746712,00.html

In November 2006, Zeshua predicted that a story about a “Massacre in Palestine” would hit the headlines between 2007 - 2009, and boy did it ever! This was the worst such massacre in many, many years.

(She confirmed at that “massacre in palestine” was the correct solution to the anagram line “A Renaissance Pi Melts”)

How’s this for a “massacre” :

Soldiers say received orders to shoot first, worry later in Gaza war

Breaking the Silence activist group presents report of testimonies from Gaza offensive in which soldiers say destruction, civilian casualties were direct result of IDF policy. [...] A number of IDF soldiers who took part in Israel's recent Gaza offensive say they were urged by commanders to shoot first and worry later about sorting out civilians from combatants. Accordingly, they say, the force went into Gaza with guns blazing. [...] Seven Israeli human rights groups file complaint with military advocate general chief, attorney general regarding what they describe as IDF's 'inhumane, appalling treatment' of Palestinian detainees during Gaza op. "Better hit an innocent than hesitate to target an enemy," is a typical description by one unidentified soldier of his understanding of instructions repeated at pre-invasion briefings and during the 22-day operation, from Dec. 27 to Jan. 18. "If you're not sure, kill. Fire power was insane. We went in and the booms were just mad," says another. "The minute we got to our starting line, we simply began to fire at suspect places. In urban warfare, anyone is your enemy. No innocents." [...] The report repeats charges denied by Israel that white phosphorus was fired indiscriminately into Gaza streets. It cites "massive destruction was unrelated to any direct threat to Israeli forces" and "permissive" rules of engagement. [...] The report also mentions armored bulldozers razing whole areas including gardens, and olive and orange groves. "We didn't see a single house that was intact ... that was not hit. The entire infrastructure, tracks, fields, roads, was in total ruin. The D-9 (bulldozer) had gone over everything," the report quotes a soldier as saying. "There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present. [...] A Palestinian rights group has stated that 1,417 people were killed, 926 of them civilians, during Operation Cast Lead. But the army has put the death toll at 1,166 and estimated 295 dead were civilians. Ten IDF soldiers and three Israeli civilians were also killed.
I hate repeating myself, but here we go...

In November 2006, Zeshua predicted that a story about a “Massacre in Palestine”.

Um. no she didn't, you did.

And you have admitted this in "your own" words...

I think we should stop using Zeshua, and start using YOU-SHOE-AH !

Palestine has been a hot bed of violence, every year, as far back as I can remember. As someone trying to make others believe that You-Shoe-Ah is actually transmitting from 2026, this area would certainly have been on my list of predictables.

Once again, the idea that You-Shoe-Ah is transmitting from 2026, is becoming less and less of a possibility as these threads go on and on. My suggestion, to give up the ghost while the griddle is still hot.

Of course, You-Shoe-ah would more than likely fade away, becoming only a distant memory, and IF this happens, would be difficult to sell the book, wouldn't it ?
Then I posted a post with the solution.

Then she posted a post confirming that solution.

Ok..then post her post that confirms this post that you just posted regarding the post of the posted solution that confirmed your posted solution in the posted post.

Ok..then post her post that confirms this post that you just posted regarding the post of the posted solution that confirmed your posted solution in the posted post.
No prob, but next time you can do your own homework. She posted the original anagram poem :

When she did that, a number of us started trying to figure out what those lines meant. When we finally figured out that they were anagrams, and started posting some of the correct solutions online. We never knew for sure if we'd gotten a line fight until Zeshua emailed us saying so. Zeshua emailed us when we got lines right, but did not contact us before we’d figured out lines on our own. Then I posted a post here with the full solution set to the whole poem (minus one line):

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

All the lines in that post had been confirmed privately via email by Zeshua. But in addition to that private confirmation, she also publicly posted confirmation of some of the line solutions, such as at: wherein she personally publicly confirmed our posted solutions to the first four lines :

In reply to:
Good Days to you All,

Below, A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009
Author and Title Anonymous

A Soldiers Most
Hail War As
A Renaissance Pi Melts
A Sidearm Dwelt

Disasters Loom - "Gaza bore all the signs that warned of disaster and civil war was looming..."
Sharia Law - "New Zawahri Video Urges Hamas to Implement Sharia Law"
Massacre In Palestine - "The Palestinian Massacre" A 3rd has solidified.
Middle East War - "The Middle East is a powder keg, ready to explode."

(notice that she corrected our solution to line one, changing it from
"DISASTER LOOMS" to "Disasters loom")

Thus, in November 2006, Zeshua in fact DID predict that a story about a “Massacre in Palestine” would appear in the headlines between 2007 - 2009. And she was right -- we got one of the biggest Palestinian massacres on record, and right on schedule.

In November 2006, she also predicted that a story about an "Economic Collapse" would appear in our headlines in the same timewindow, and again, she turned out to be right, when we got the biggest collapse since the Great Depression, again right on schedule.

When she predicted "a sudden outbreak of influenza", we got the first Flu Pandemic in decades.


169 days left.
What I have amply demonstrated here is that, in the days just before and after Pope JPII's death, Zeshua's post was indeed recognized as a legitimate and successful prediction by the majority of observers.

If Ray argues otherwise, that really doesn't matter, as his opinion is irrelevant. The observers of the time thought for themselves, and posted their opinions, and their testimony is recorded here for all to see.