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Peter, and others: The original point was that Zeshua was making a claim that she was from the future.
This has not been proven.
Hammering on the particular "predictions" doesn't prove her claim. Even if a map of the influenza outbreak flies out of my monitor and knocks books off the shevles, pets the dog, and mixes up a Tom Collins, before returning to the monitor, as astonished as I might be, still does not provide support that the poster is indeed from "our" future.
In posting a reply to Recall, I noticed that in Dr. Doctorian's "predictions", as written in 1998, contains almost the "same" as Zeshua.
That has been "my" point since the beginning...that any time traveler claimant, including Zeshua, merely had to roam the internet, and could have compiled a list of these "predictions".
Not only that...most of these "proof's" could have been topics in various classrooms and the discussions used to make a claim here.
NONE of the TTI time travelers have EVER presented anything that was so new, so revolutionary, that their claim could be proven as TRUE !
Everything presented so far, was already said, elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!
As I commented before, I, myself, am not concerned about how far the "swine flu" spreads across the globe, this scenario was already covered in the book " Virus X " in 1994, and IF I was interested in disease's, I would go elsewhere to get the details, not to TTI.
Here at Time Travel Institute, my interest is in "time travel", not vague "predictions". The first step is to establish that there is a possibility that any individual is indeed from some other time period in our space.
Even if a time traveler proves that they jumped time-lines and they turn out to be from some alternative dimension, so their comments regarding OUR future doesn't necessarily apply, I could care less with what they have to say about the "events", what counts for me is the "event" that brought them HERE and NOW !
This has NOT been done, and for Zeshua, especially so. She posted pictures as "proof", and these were obvious "fakes", and have long been removed.
Another point that seems to be ignored, is that a time traveler from "our" future would not be making "predictions", but have actual knowledge of an event and the details of the event.
By Zeshua saying that "Influenza" is in the headlines, proves nothing in support of her claim. IF she had provided some details, then I would have given her claim some more attention as possibly being true...BUT, she DID NOT !
Several of you can post news stories of events taking place till Niribu blasts past Earth and kills us all...but these still do NOT support THE claim that Zeshua was from the future.
How many times need this be said...everything used BY Zeshua, AS support for HER CLAIM, was already in the marketplace ?
IF Zeshua said that the "influenza" started in Mexico, and then made its way around the globe through the spring and summer months of 2009, and was possibly linked to a lab accident, THEN, and ONLY THEN, would her claim of being from the future POSSIBLY have some merit.
As I mentioned previously, no matter which way the "influenze" goes, whether it sweeps across the globe killing millions, or only turns out to be a rather mild event, doesnt matter.
So what is the point of continuing to post the details of the "swine flu" on a time traveling forum ?
With the Middle East, once again, when has there NOT been some sort of war in the Middle East ? To use that as supporting a claim that you are from the future, is not much in the way of support.
Anybody can post the details of any conflict in the Middle East from as many news sources they wish until the cows come home..,these details are being given by YOU, NOT by the so-called Time Traveler !
Don't you guys get it ?
Having any thread reach 200 pages posted with news reports and stories from YOU, will never validate a claim by THE so-called time traveler !!!!
Lets say that a claimant did provide details, enough to establish a pre-knowledge of any particular event, the discussion beyond that would seem to center on the dynamics of Time Travel, not a vague "prediction" to be used as an excuse for the members of Time Travel Institute to become competitors of the Associated Press.
Come on...think about individual exists in the future, and uses advanced technology to blaze through time, and arrives in another time period, which involves who knows what kind of preparation, effort, support and money to achieve, and they sign up on an ancient forum to exclaim to the world that they arrived here from the future, and in un-abated excitement we ask this time traveling individual for proof of their outstanding accomplishment, and the response is that between 2007 and 2009 "influenza" will be in the headlines ?
This is like going to the ice cream shop, asking for a banana split, and seeing the person behind the counter running around, seemingly making a fantastic banana split, I mean, from all the time and effort observed, the treat has just got to something else, condiments flying, sweat pouring out from the banana split builder, ice cream and banana peel's splattering on the counter-tops, floors and walls, you'd be expecting the biggest, best banana split that has ever been created.
Yet, after watching and waiting for 2 hours, when the banana split hits the counter, you see one banana with one scoop of vanilla ice cream on it,maybe with a dab of whipped cream, in a paper bowl.
The product doesn't match the time and effort put into the desert.
Don't any of you folks understand "that" ?
The original point was that Zeshua was making a claim that she was from the future.
This has NOT been proven.
This has not been proven.
Hammering on the particular "predictions" doesn't prove her claim. Even if a map of the influenza outbreak flies out of my monitor and knocks books off the shevles, pets the dog, and mixes up a Tom Collins, before returning to the monitor, as astonished as I might be, still does not provide support that the poster is indeed from "our" future.
In posting a reply to Recall, I noticed that in Dr. Doctorian's "predictions", as written in 1998, contains almost the "same" as Zeshua.
That has been "my" point since the beginning...that any time traveler claimant, including Zeshua, merely had to roam the internet, and could have compiled a list of these "predictions".
Not only that...most of these "proof's" could have been topics in various classrooms and the discussions used to make a claim here.
NONE of the TTI time travelers have EVER presented anything that was so new, so revolutionary, that their claim could be proven as TRUE !
Everything presented so far, was already said, elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!
As I commented before, I, myself, am not concerned about how far the "swine flu" spreads across the globe, this scenario was already covered in the book " Virus X " in 1994, and IF I was interested in disease's, I would go elsewhere to get the details, not to TTI.
Here at Time Travel Institute, my interest is in "time travel", not vague "predictions". The first step is to establish that there is a possibility that any individual is indeed from some other time period in our space.
Even if a time traveler proves that they jumped time-lines and they turn out to be from some alternative dimension, so their comments regarding OUR future doesn't necessarily apply, I could care less with what they have to say about the "events", what counts for me is the "event" that brought them HERE and NOW !
This has NOT been done, and for Zeshua, especially so. She posted pictures as "proof", and these were obvious "fakes", and have long been removed.
Another point that seems to be ignored, is that a time traveler from "our" future would not be making "predictions", but have actual knowledge of an event and the details of the event.
By Zeshua saying that "Influenza" is in the headlines, proves nothing in support of her claim. IF she had provided some details, then I would have given her claim some more attention as possibly being true...BUT, she DID NOT !
Several of you can post news stories of events taking place till Niribu blasts past Earth and kills us all...but these still do NOT support THE claim that Zeshua was from the future.
How many times need this be said...everything used BY Zeshua, AS support for HER CLAIM, was already in the marketplace ?
IF Zeshua said that the "influenza" started in Mexico, and then made its way around the globe through the spring and summer months of 2009, and was possibly linked to a lab accident, THEN, and ONLY THEN, would her claim of being from the future POSSIBLY have some merit.
As I mentioned previously, no matter which way the "influenze" goes, whether it sweeps across the globe killing millions, or only turns out to be a rather mild event, doesnt matter.
So what is the point of continuing to post the details of the "swine flu" on a time traveling forum ?
With the Middle East, once again, when has there NOT been some sort of war in the Middle East ? To use that as supporting a claim that you are from the future, is not much in the way of support.
Anybody can post the details of any conflict in the Middle East from as many news sources they wish until the cows come home..,these details are being given by YOU, NOT by the so-called Time Traveler !
Don't you guys get it ?
Having any thread reach 200 pages posted with news reports and stories from YOU, will never validate a claim by THE so-called time traveler !!!!
Lets say that a claimant did provide details, enough to establish a pre-knowledge of any particular event, the discussion beyond that would seem to center on the dynamics of Time Travel, not a vague "prediction" to be used as an excuse for the members of Time Travel Institute to become competitors of the Associated Press.
Come on...think about individual exists in the future, and uses advanced technology to blaze through time, and arrives in another time period, which involves who knows what kind of preparation, effort, support and money to achieve, and they sign up on an ancient forum to exclaim to the world that they arrived here from the future, and in un-abated excitement we ask this time traveling individual for proof of their outstanding accomplishment, and the response is that between 2007 and 2009 "influenza" will be in the headlines ?
This is like going to the ice cream shop, asking for a banana split, and seeing the person behind the counter running around, seemingly making a fantastic banana split, I mean, from all the time and effort observed, the treat has just got to something else, condiments flying, sweat pouring out from the banana split builder, ice cream and banana peel's splattering on the counter-tops, floors and walls, you'd be expecting the biggest, best banana split that has ever been created.
Yet, after watching and waiting for 2 hours, when the banana split hits the counter, you see one banana with one scoop of vanilla ice cream on it,maybe with a dab of whipped cream, in a paper bowl.
The product doesn't match the time and effort put into the desert.
Don't any of you folks understand "that" ?
The original point was that Zeshua was making a claim that she was from the future.
This has NOT been proven.