Blast From The Past

Peter, and others: The original point was that Zeshua was making a claim that she was from the future.

This has not been proven.

Hammering on the particular "predictions" doesn't prove her claim. Even if a map of the influenza outbreak flies out of my monitor and knocks books off the shevles, pets the dog, and mixes up a Tom Collins, before returning to the monitor, as astonished as I might be, still does not provide support that the poster is indeed from "our" future.

In posting a reply to Recall, I noticed that in Dr. Doctorian's "predictions", as written in 1998, contains almost the "same" as Zeshua.

That has been "my" point since the beginning...that any time traveler claimant, including Zeshua, merely had to roam the internet, and could have compiled a list of these "predictions".

Not only that...most of these "proof's" could have been topics in various classrooms and the discussions used to make a claim here.

NONE of the TTI time travelers have EVER presented anything that was so new, so revolutionary, that their claim could be proven as TRUE !

Everything presented so far, was already said, elsewhere!!!!!!!!!!

As I commented before, I, myself, am not concerned about how far the "swine flu" spreads across the globe, this scenario was already covered in the book " Virus X " in 1994, and IF I was interested in disease's, I would go elsewhere to get the details, not to TTI.

Here at Time Travel Institute, my interest is in "time travel", not vague "predictions". The first step is to establish that there is a possibility that any individual is indeed from some other time period in our space.

Even if a time traveler proves that they jumped time-lines and they turn out to be from some alternative dimension, so their comments regarding OUR future doesn't necessarily apply, I could care less with what they have to say about the "events", what counts for me is the "event" that brought them HERE and NOW !

This has NOT been done, and for Zeshua, especially so. She posted pictures as "proof", and these were obvious "fakes", and have long been removed.

Another point that seems to be ignored, is that a time traveler from "our" future would not be making "predictions", but have actual knowledge of an event and the details of the event.

By Zeshua saying that "Influenza" is in the headlines, proves nothing in support of her claim. IF she had provided some details, then I would have given her claim some more attention as possibly being true...BUT, she DID NOT !

Several of you can post news stories of events taking place till Niribu blasts past Earth and kills us all...but these still do NOT support THE claim that Zeshua was from the future.

How many times need this be said...everything used BY Zeshua, AS support for HER CLAIM, was already in the marketplace ?

IF Zeshua said that the "influenza" started in Mexico, and then made its way around the globe through the spring and summer months of 2009, and was possibly linked to a lab accident, THEN, and ONLY THEN, would her claim of being from the future POSSIBLY have some merit.

As I mentioned previously, no matter which way the "influenze" goes, whether it sweeps across the globe killing millions, or only turns out to be a rather mild event, doesnt matter.

So what is the point of continuing to post the details of the "swine flu" on a time traveling forum ?

With the Middle East, once again, when has there NOT been some sort of war in the Middle East ? To use that as supporting a claim that you are from the future, is not much in the way of support.

Anybody can post the details of any conflict in the Middle East from as many news sources they wish until the cows come home..,these details are being given by YOU, NOT by the so-called Time Traveler !

Don't you guys get it ?

Having any thread reach 200 pages posted with news reports and stories from YOU, will never validate a claim by THE so-called time traveler !!!!

Lets say that a claimant did provide details, enough to establish a pre-knowledge of any particular event, the discussion beyond that would seem to center on the dynamics of Time Travel, not a vague "prediction" to be used as an excuse for the members of Time Travel Institute to become competitors of the Associated Press.

Come on...think about individual exists in the future, and uses advanced technology to blaze through time, and arrives in another time period, which involves who knows what kind of preparation, effort, support and money to achieve, and they sign up on an ancient forum to exclaim to the world that they arrived here from the future, and in un-abated excitement we ask this time traveling individual for proof of their outstanding accomplishment, and the response is that between 2007 and 2009 "influenza" will be in the headlines ?

This is like going to the ice cream shop, asking for a banana split, and seeing the person behind the counter running around, seemingly making a fantastic banana split, I mean, from all the time and effort observed, the treat has just got to something else, condiments flying, sweat pouring out from the banana split builder, ice cream and banana peel's splattering on the counter-tops, floors and walls, you'd be expecting the biggest, best banana split that has ever been created.

Yet, after watching and waiting for 2 hours, when the banana split hits the counter, you see one banana with one scoop of vanilla ice cream on it,maybe with a dab of whipped cream, in a paper bowl.

The product doesn't match the time and effort put into the desert.

Don't any of you folks understand "that" ?

The original point was that Zeshua was making a claim that she was from the future.

This has NOT been proven.
You made some good points Kerr.

In the American system of justice it used to be you were presumed innocent until proved guilty. In some other systems, I think the Napoleanic Code, for one, you are guilty until proved innocent.

Because of the plethora of B.S.'ers, the plausible position to take is that the time travel claim is false until proved true.The burden of proof is on the claimant, in other words.

So far, there has been no proof presented by anyone. Nada (as in yada yada). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
You made some good points Kerr.

Thank-you, Packerbacker.

In the American system of justice it used to be you were presumed innocent until proved guilty. In some other systems, I think the Napoleanic Code, for one, you are guilty until proved innocent.

Excellent point, and the words "used to be" are appropriate. Even though the concept is such that you are to be innocent until proven guilty is still said to be in place, it is far from reality. I believe that no matter what is said, you are considered guilty until proven innocent. AND even if proven innocent, the accusation still lingers.

Although, however "flawed" the system might be, it "still" is preferrable to others systems of justice around the world. I can't help but wonder if people that are opposed to the actions of the United States in places like Afghanistan have ever considered the alternatives ?

I don't know about anyone else, but it would seem to me that what the United States Armes Forces are doing, "trying" to stop the Taliban,( too many whiners slowing them down ) would be a good thing, nothing to complain about, unless you believe that lopping peoples heads off for mere accustaions and other seemingly minor activities, is appropriate...and then of course anyone that feels that the Taliban are okie-dokie, are "free" to go and live with them.

Because of the plethora of B.S.'ers, the plausible position to take is that the time travel claim is false until proved true.The burden of proof is on the claimant, in other words.

Probability comes to mind. I read in a book ( can't recall the title, nor the author, thought it was entitled Simplicity, however, looking through Amazon, couldn't find it [ one of those loaned out books that never came back] ) that claimed that one could throw a heavy rock at the ground, and in theory, IF the structure of the rock happen to align just right, and the rock struck the ground at just the right moment, the heavy rock would bounce off the ground as though it was made of rubber.

Even though such a reaction is possible, that it is extremely unlikely.

This is the same for a time travel claimant...sure, it is possible that a time traveler "might" show up on TTI, but it is extremely unlikely.

So you are absolutely correct, Packerbacker, the burden of proof is on THE CLAIMANT ! Not the fans of the claimants.

So far, there has been no proof presented by anyone. Nada (as in yada yada).

Nothing has been presented that hasn't been available elsewhere. I.E., anybody could work over the Prophecy by Dr. Doctorian, make off to be a time traveler, and post Dr. Doctorian's Propechies as their own.

In August of 1998 Dr. Doctorian wrote:

"the angel said, "Financial crisis will come to Asia. I will shake the world."

"I saw the angel raise the sickle and come down on all the Middle East countries."

"I saw Iran, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all of Georgia - Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, all of Asia Minor - full of blood. I saw blood all over these countries. And I saw fire; Nuclear weapons used in many of those countries. Smoke rising from everywhere. Sudden destruction - men destroying one another."

If I was of a mind, I could go through Dr. Doctorian's entire paper, and shift the details around a bit, and make for one great time traveler claim, and alot of people ( we know who ) would buy into it, none the wiser that the claim was merely the same old product , in a new wrapper .

By the way, I "did" author a thread entitled "OvrlrdLegion's Time Travel Story" some time ago, and my "predictions" are not too far off, and I thought my time travel claim "story" was more realistic than what I've seen so far...but then I did give myself a thousand year window of opportunity for my "predictions" to take place. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
When you see the news story that Ariel Sharon has passed away, it’ll be “duck ‘n’ cover” time.

ariel sharion is dead? omg , well i didn't know that. that changes everything. so where do i buy my flu survival kit?
You made some good points Kerr.

In the American system of justice it used to be you were presumed innocent until proved guilty. In some other systems, I think the Napoleanic Code, for one, you are guilty until proved innocent.

Because of the plethora of B.S.'ers, the plausible position to take is that the time travel claim is false until proved true.The burden of proof is on the claimant, in other words.

So far, there has been no proof presented by anyone. Nada (as in yada yada).

Well first of all this is just a fictional board. The owner here never meant for this to be real. Second of all debunking is not practicing science. Debunking is meant to prove something false by telling only one side of the issue and a lot of times it only addresses one point it does not address both sides and it does not address all the evidence on both sides so it is not the scientific method and it is not practicing science. Under the scientific method the burden of proof is also completed when the results can be replicated by others. What good is the burden of proof is on the claimant if others can,t do it too? Got you. Debunked you did I? So, there is a hole in the burden of proof is on the claimant as you claim. Yes the claimant should prove how it is done but it also should be in such a way that I or your or anyone can do the same thing as the claimant. Maybe the claimant does not prove it but if everyone else can take the claimant's proof and replicate the claimants claims then we here at the forum proved it for the claimant but the claimant gave enough information so that it could be proved. I hoped this helped the topic. Good luck.
On 1/11/2007 I posted the discovered solution set to Zeshua's first anagram prophecy:

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Line 8 (or possibly 8 and 9 together) is perhaps the most dreadful of them all. Although many feel it is inevitable that radical Islam will eventually get its hands on a nuke sooner or later, Zeshua went out on a pretty thin limb to predict that this accomplishment would occur within a specific three-year window : 2007 - 2009.

Has this now come true? Delhi news is now reporting that the Taliban have in fact acquired possession of Pakistan's nukes.



Headline: "Singh warns Obama: Pakistan is lost."

Sub-head: "India gets ready for a Taliban-ruled nuclear neighbor."

India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told President Obama that nuclear sites in Pakistan's restive frontier province are "already partly" in the hands of Islamic extremists. The Indian prime minister named Pakistani nuclear sites in the areas which were Taliban-Qaida strongholds.
Well first of all this is just a fictional board. The owner here never meant for this to be real. Second of all debunking is not practicing science. Debunking is meant to prove something false by telling only one side of the issue and a lot of times it only addresses one point it does not address both sides and it does not address all the evidence on both sides so it is not the scientific method and it is not practicing science. Under the scientific method the burden of proof is also completed when the results can be replicated by others. What good is the burden of proof is on the claimant if others can,t do it too? Got you. Debunked you did I? So, there is a hole in the burden of proof is on the claimant as you claim. Yes the claimant should prove how it is done but it also should be in such a way that I or your or anyone can do the same thing as the claimant. Maybe the claimant does not prove it but if everyone else can take the claimant's proof and replicate the claimants claims then we here at the forum proved it for the claimant but the claimant gave enough information so that it could be proved. I hoped this helped the topic. Good luck.

Fictional forum ? I believe I make this point quite often. No, you didn't debunk me at all.

Are "you" saying that "you" believe Zeshua was indeed posting from the future ?

Since you mentioned "scientific method"...lets then take a look at Zeshua. A good portion of posts written "by" Zeshua were deleted or edited. Unless "you" actually read "those" posts, then how is it possible for you to form an opinion without ALL of the evidence ?

Unless you were using a different screen name, that means you have "never" read "those" posts, nor are able to form a viable conclusion as to the validity of Zeshua's claim. IF "you" weren't here when Zeshua was...then you also never had any discussions "with" her.

If you look at Peter's post above, Zeshua never "predicted" any particular events, Peter did. For what purpose? To prove Zeshua is really from the future ? How many times does it need to be said that she was debunked a long time ago, and the posts seem to have taken on an aire of merely passing on bad news ?

The concept that seems to slip past you, is it's one thing to proclaim you are from the future and state that the Rangers win the World Series in 2015, quite another to state that everybody is going to die through various means.

You and I may realize that this is all a spoof, but there are people who actually buy into this doom stuff and react accordingly.

If some sort of "time traveler" comes here to warn everybody of impending doom, then they best be able to prove that they are indeed from the future "themselves". All that happens here when they stop posting is a game of telephone!

Replicate what ?

Are you saying that you acknowledge this is a fictional forum, that you acknowledge that TTI was never meant to be taken seriously, yet, are saying that there is something that can be proven as true by replicating something in a "fictional" time traveling claim ?

I was going to address a point you made you made elsewhere, in which you stated that with your experiment that nobody expected you to succeed, nor believed in what you are doing ?

IF I read that right, I will state for the record that I never thought anything negative regarding your pursuit. I don't believe I ever dogged you regarding your experiments, did I ?

I think what you are doing is interesting and hope you DO achieve whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. You are putting alot of time and effort into the task, far more than a vast majority of the time travel claimants ever put into their fictional tales of being from the future.
Fictional forum ? I believe I make this point quite often. No, you didn't debunk me at all.

Are "you" saying that "you" believe Zeshua was indeed posting from the future ?

Since you mentioned "scientific method"...lets then take a look at Zeshua. A good portion of posts written "by" Zeshua were deleted or edited. Unless "you" actually read "those" posts, then how is it possible for you to form an opinion without ALL of the evidence ?

Unless you were using a different screen name, that means you have "never" read "those" posts, nor are able to form a viable conclusion as to the validity of Zeshua's claim. IF "you" weren't here when Zeshua was...then you also never had any discussions "with" her.

If you look at Peter's post above, Zeshua never "predicted" any particular events, Peter did. For what purpose? To prove Zeshua is really from the future ? How many times does it need to be said that she was debunked a long time ago, and the posts seem to have taken on an aire of merely passing on bad news ?

The concept that seems to slip past you, is it's one thing to proclaim you are from the future and state that the Rangers win the World Series in 2015, quite another to state that everybody is going to die through various means.

You and I may realize that this is all a spoof, but there are people who actually buy into this doom stuff and react accordingly.

If some sort of "time traveler" comes here to warn everybody of impending doom, then they best be able to prove that they are indeed from the future "themselves". All that happens here when they stop posting is a game of telephone!

Replicate what ?

Are you saying that you acknowledge this is a fictional forum, that you acknowledge that TTI was never meant to be taken seriously, yet, are saying that there is something that can be proven as true by replicating something in a "fictional" time traveling claim ?

I was going to address a point you made you made elsewhere, in which you stated that with your experiment that nobody expected you to succeed, nor believed in what you are doing ?

IF I read that right, I will state for the record that I never thought anything negative regarding your pursuit. I don't believe I ever dogged you regarding your experiments, did I ?

I think what you are doing is interesting and hope you DO achieve whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. You are putting alot of time and effort into the task, far more than a vast majority of the time travel claimants ever put into their fictional tales of being from the future.

""We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are tough men used to tough ways, and we have to abide by the consequences." -- Cole Younger

Fictional forum ? I believe I make this point quite often. No, you didn't debunk me at all.
Yes I did. You see the point to debunking is to verbally tell the person they are wrong with or with out proof. Rainman does it all the time. And, the good thing about it is you only have to tell one side of the story. Yours. You don,t have to prove the other side wrong. Yes you were debunked.

Are "you" saying that "you" believe Zeshua was indeed posting from the future ?
I would have to go back and see what I said because this post is a few days late. It takes a lot of energy to time travel. I don,t believe that technology will be around anytime soon. I do believe in time travel with information as I have been experimenting with.

Since you mentioned "scientific method"...lets then take a look at Zeshua. A good portion of posts written "by" Zeshua were deleted or edited. Unless "you" actually read "those" posts, then how is it possible for you to form an opinion without ALL of the evidence ?

Well first there has to be a scientific statement made. There there has to be evidence supporting that statement. Who is to say or not say that there is or is not enough evidence. If there is enough evidence to replicate the theory by a second or third party and support that theory then any additional evidence is just more gravy on top of the potatoes.

Unless you were using a different screen name, that means you have "never" read "those" posts, nor are able to form a viable conclusion as to the validity of Zeshua's claim. IF "you" weren't here when Zeshua was...then you also never had any discussions "with" her.
Honestly I do good read one page of post and I am lucky if I have the time to reply. I very frequently voice my opinion even when I have not read everything. I have that right.

If you look at Peter's post above, Zeshua never "predicted" any particular events, Peter did. For what purpose? To prove Zeshua is really from the future ? How many times does it need to be said that she was debunked a long time ago, and the posts seem to have taken on an aire of merely passing on bad news ?
Your the score keeper. You tell me.

The concept that seems to slip past you, is it's one thing to proclaim you are from the future and state that the Rangers win the World Series in 2015, quite another to state that everybody is going to die through various means.

You and I may realize that this is all a spoof, but there are people who actually buy into this doom stuff and react accordingly.

If some sort of "time traveler" comes here to warn everybody of impending doom, then they best be able to prove that they are indeed from the future "themselves". All that happens here when they stop posting is a game of telephone!

All they have to prove is the time travel technology and they can simply prove that by posting the technology and let others prove it by replicating it.

Replicate what ?

Answered in above post.

Are you saying that you acknowledge this is a fictional forum, that you acknowledge that TTI was never meant to be taken seriously, yet, are saying that there is something that can be proven as true by replicating something in a "fictional" time traveling claim ?
I quote RMT "I don,t believe in time travel." "Prove it." There you go.

I was going to address a point you made you made elsewhere, in which you stated that with your experiment that nobody expected you to succeed, nor believed in what you are doing ?

IF I read that right, I will state for the record that I never thought anything negative regarding your pursuit. I don't believe I ever dogged you regarding your experiments, did I ?

No, you did not.

I think what you are doing is interesting and hope you DO achieve whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. You are putting alot of time and effort into the task, far more than a vast majority of the time travel claimants ever put into their fictional tales of being from the future.

""We tried a desperate game and lost. But we are tough men used to tough ways, and we have to abide by the consequences." -- Cole Younger

Well unlike others I actually believe in mine and intended no hoax. It was my time to put in and I enjoyed it and I still do enjoy doing it though I have backed off making much of my current work public. I will say for the record that information whether real or not and reality have a very real physical and non-physical bond. This bond is where the search for real time travel should be happening now. It is happening with me right now but no where else that I know of. Sending and receiving information through time can be just as real as sending real people through time. The only difference is people make it more easier to believe but from what I can tell even if this was done with matter and energy proving the past or the future through the personal accounts of people as time travelers is no easier than proving the information that I find in my experiments is from the past or the future. How do you know these people are from our reality or from an alternate reality. You don,t and you can,t prove it. Time travel does not make reality pre-dictable and stable it makes reality more un-predictable and un-stable. If the Russians had time travel yeah maybe they could develop better weapons but the americans would never be able to counter those weapons because the russians would always be ahead of us. The future for us the americans would be very unstable. And, for the russians they could make their future unstable as well with their miss-guided intentions. They would make mistakes putting their future at risk too. Time Travel does not help anything. I thought it would when I started but now I know that Time Travel only makes things more un-predictable and un-stable. The very act of time travel is self defeating if the purpose of that time travel is to control the future or the past. It can be used to find technology, entertainment, science, art, and yes even knowledge about future or past events but again it can make the future or the past un-stable and un-predictable than it already was. What if we were finding people with dinosaure remains. We would think those people lived with the dinosaures but if they were time travelers then we would have it wrong. The past would become un-stable and un-predictable. We could not prove our very own history because it would be so confusing to tell the future from the past. We would have no way of knowing what was real in our history and what was false. Now, the same applies to the future. Our future would be un-predictable and us in the future could again not discern our real past because of the future contamination. My own private research has shown me this. Yes I will keep that research to myself because RMT says I have to prove it physically and mathematically before anyone would believe my research. So, there I am. Still working on it. Anyone coming here claiming they are from the future or the past the very act of them being here makes the future or the past a lie. It is self defeating to time travel and them warning us is a big laugh. They have no way of knowing if we are their real future or their real past. Yes indeed this forum is very fictional but it is fun to pretend it is real and try to prove real world facts. And, we even have a real professor to grade our post. What fun.
Zeshua predicted that between 2007 - 2009, major news headlines would be discussing :
A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR

May 11, 2009
King Abdullah of Jordan's ultimatum: peace now or it’s war next year

America is putting the final touches to a hugely ambitious peace plan for the Middle East, aimed at ending more than 60 years of conflict between Israel and the Arabs, according to Jordan’s King Abdullah, who is helping to bring the parties together.

The Obama Administration is pushing for a comprehensive peace agreement that would include settling Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians and its territorial disputes with Syria and Lebanon, King Abdullah II told The Times. Failure to reach agreement at this critical juncture would draw the world into a new Middle East war next year. “If we delay our peace negotiations, then there is going to be another conflict between Arabs or Muslims and Israel in the next 12-18 months,” the King said.
One again, is it not amazing how I could predict the future so accurately?

Below a brief poem
<font color="red">Circa 2009-2012[/COLOR]

Author: RainmanTime
Title: Whose Warhead Seek Excitation

From Endothermic Gusto
I Smiled Joking--------------------- Kim Jong Il Dies
My Voice No Coercer ------------- Economic Recovery
He's No Candidate To Us
A Bog Swam Aware----------------- Obama Wages War
Deep Mesa Citadel------------------ Middle East Peace
Red Morel Comfort Show
A Town Deb Refugee Trots
<font color="red">Hacker Bit Moron-------------------- North Korea ICBM[/COLOR]
One Pie Onrushing USA ----------- European Union Sighs

I posted this poem on Feb 28th of this year (2009), but I had written this poem over 1 year before the date I posted it. Note the timeframe and the prediction I have colored in red. And now when you read the following TIME article following the latest North Korea nuclear test, we see a chilling example of just how accurately I can predict the future:

North Korean Nuke Test

A group of North Korean exiles today circulated a report saying that after the missile launch last month, Kim visited a group of generals and assured them that by 2012, the North would have achieved the status of "a nuclear state," one with the ability to fit a warhead on a long-range missile.

By 2012...just as I predicted. It would seem I am giving Zeshua and Goo-ooo-ROO a run for their money. But of course, we should all know, that they are amateurs compared to me. You will see this when you decode other remaining prophecies of mine.

Earlier this year, RainmanTime predicted: (uh.....oh! That's ME!) :D

Below a brief poem
Circa 2009-2012

Author: RainmanTime
Title: Whose Warhead Seek Excitation

From Endothermic Gusto
I Smiled Joking--------------------- Kim Jong Il Dies
<font color="red">My Voice No Coercer ------------- Economic Recovery[/COLOR]
He's No Candidate To Us
A Bog Swam Aware----------------- Obama Wages War
Deep Mesa Citadel------------------ Middle East Peace
Red Morel Comfort Show
A Town Deb Refugee Trots
Hacker Bit Moron-------------------- North Korea ICBM
One Pie Onrushing USA ----------- European Union Sighs

And look what we have in the news today!!!

Economists: Recession To End In 2009

The end of the recession is in sight, according to a new survey of leading economists.

While the economy is showing signs of stabilizing, the recovery will be more moderate than is typical following a severe downturn, said the National Association for Business Economics Outlook in a report released Wednesday.

The panel of 45 economists said it expects economic growth will rebound in the second half of 2009.

Quite honestly, I don't know how anyone can deny my abilities any longer. Certainly I am NOT a time traveler, just like I have claimed, but yet I am still able to make such amazingly accurate predictions of what will be in the news! :eek:

Maybe I should write a book... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Maybe I should write a book...


<font color="red"> zzzzzzzzzzzzz [/COLOR] zzzzzzzzzz <font color="blue"> ZZZZZZZZZ [/COLOR]
And just like Zeshua (only better!) my predictions keep on coming true:

Below a brief poem
Circa 2009-2012

Author: RainmanTime
Title: Whose Warhead Seek Excitation

From Endothermic Gusto
I Smiled Joking--------------------- Kim Jong Il Dies
My Voice No Coercer ------------- Economic Recovery
He's No Candidate To Us
A Bog Swam Aware----------------- Obama Wages War
<font color="red">Deep Mesa Citadel------------------ Middle East Peace[/COLOR]
Red Morel Comfort Show
A Town Deb Refugee Trots
Hacker Bit Moron-------------------- North Korea ICBM
One Pie Onrushing USA ----------- European Union Sighs

And just like Zeshua's predictions kept popping up in the headlines, so does this one:

Abbas To Meet Obama, Push Pan-Arab Peace

<font color="red"> Apparently realizing the difficulties he faces on a bilateral basis with Israel, Abbas will be trying to sell -- with the help of Jordan's Abdullah, Egypt's Mubarak and Saudi Arabia's Abdullah -- a more ambitious peace plan that would include benefits to Israel and the larger Arab world.

Obama has appeared open to that approach, one that experts believe can be expanded and built upon given the growing fear of Iran that is shared by Israel and the Arabs.

Arab diplomats said earlier this month that the U.S. had asked the 22-member Arab League to amend the 2002 Saudi initiative so that it would be more palatable to Israel.

"What we are discussing today is a combined approach of bringing together Arabs, Europeans and the United States as a team to create the circumstances over the next several months that allow Israelis and Palestinians to sit at the table, but also with Lebanese, Syrians and Arab nations," Jordan's Abdullah said at the time during a conference in Berlin. [/COLOR]

I am simply amazing in my predictive skills. While I have admitted I am NOT from the future or any kind of time traveler, one must ponder how am I able to do exactly what Zeshua had done? :D

And on this very day, in Iran, another one of my predictions (one which has yet to be decoded) is about to come to pass.

Where is Zeshua's "prediction" relating to this Iranian presidential election?
The solution to Zeshua’s first anagram was :

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

and the solution to her second was :

oh eight worse nine eleven

Now as far as I can figure, line 6 from the first one has not been fulfilled yet. Ahmadinejad has been shooting his mouth off a lot since 2007, and has advanced Iran’s nuclear program, but I just don’t feel those were “events” big enough to be included in this list. I dunno, one could probably argue that they were, but my admittedly subjective sense is that the inclusion of his name in this list pointed to something bigger and more dramatic.

This morning I find myself wondering again if this disputed election in Iran (which brings line 10 of the second list into play) is going to become a much bigger story?–_re_mi_ea/ml_iran_election;_ylt=AiEvkAFUfs.vRRW4iPtqEN6s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJoZGJlbHVhBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNjEzL21sX2lyYW5fZWxlY3Rpb24EY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2lyYW5kZWNsYXJlcw--

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran declared President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner Saturday of an election that pitted the conservative establishment against candidate with broad backing from the country's youth. Riot police attacked opposition supporters, beating them with clubs and smashing cars. A statement from Mousavi posted on his Web site condemned what he described as the "manipulation" of election results. Protesters set fire to tires outside the Interior Ministry in the most serious unrest in Tehran in a decade.