Blast From The Past

looks like the flu party is just about over.

Just about over? God, I hope not!
Because there are still a LOT more people to whip into a needless frenzy, and let's also not forget there is a helluva lot more money to swindle... I mean "earn"... from "concerned citizens". See, look here:

Retailers Nationwide Cash In On Swine Flu Fears

<font color="red"> Retailers, marketers and online scammers are finding a way to cash in on the swine flu craze with fashionable surgical masks, iPhone flu tracking applications, test kits and even bogus survival kits and vaccines. [/COLOR]

In fact, this looks so damn profitable, I am going to get started on the NEXT BIG HEALTH SCARE! I think I'll call it "Zeshuaitis". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Here is just one example of what results from "people like you" fanning the flames of panic:

<font color="red"> After a week of headlines about the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, many emergency rooms and hospitals are crammed with people, many of whom don't need to be there.

The visits by the "worried well" have triggered concerns of overburdening the nation's hospitals and emergency departments, several health care professionals told CNN.

This week, some hospitals saw record numbers of patients. A few emergency departments shut down to paramedics because of overcrowding. [/COLOR]

And you think you are somehow "being helpful" whenever you promote some "panic du jour", recall? You are clearly doing more harm, than good. But then again, perhaps that is your intention!

<font color="red">"I haven't seen such a panic among communities perhaps ever," Bell said. "We are spending significant time in the emergency department, calming people down. Right now, people think if they have a cough or a cold, they're going to die. That's a scary, frightening place to be in. I wish that this hysteria had not occurred and that we had tempered a little bit of our opinions and thoughts and fears in the media. It just went haywire." [/COLOR]

So by inciting panic, the media (and their ever-obiedient followers, like recall) has caused a problem bigger than the thing they were reporting on. Now, because of people's unreasonable panic about this swine flu issue, other people may not be getting the real emergency treatment they actually require. Does that make you feel good, recall?

If I were you, I would be ashamed.
the poem has been successfully solved and confirmed, as follows :

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES

10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

There may be just two weeks left to prevent the Taliban from overthrowing Pakistan’s government, Gen David Petraeus, the commander of American forces in the region, has told officials.
looks like the flu party is just about over. any comments pete?

Maybe it is and maybe it ain't. Either way, the future course of this disease is irrelevant to Zeshua's predictions, because the one and only prediction she made about the flu has already come true -- that our headlines would be filled at some point between 2007 - 2009 with a story about a sudden outbreak of influenza, which we've seen occur in the last week. She never said if it would result in large numbers of fatalities or not, or how long it would last. However, she did also predict that a big story about a vaccine would be in the news, and another big story about symptoms. I'm pretty much expecting both of those to be related to the flu story, but we'll see.
There may be just two weeks left to prevent the Taliban from overthrowing Pakistan’s government, Gen David Petraeus, the commander of American forces in the region, has told officials.

As usual, Peter Novak seeks to mislead others by re-writing and re-wording things he has seen elsewhere to suit his intention. Why do you not include links when you do this, Peter? Perhaps because they would show your disingenuous nature?

Petraeus Story

<font color="red"> Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. Central Command, has told U.S. officials the next two weeks are critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive, FOX News has learned.

"The Pakistanis have run out of excuses" and are "finally getting serious" about combating the threat from Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists operating out of Northwest Pakistan, the general added.

But Petraeus also said wearily that "we've heard it all before" from the Pakistanis and he is looking to see concrete action by the government to destroy the Taliban in the next two weeks before determining the United States' next course of action, which is presently set on propping up the Pakistani government and military with counterinsurgency training and foreign aid.[/COLOR]

Notice that neither of these things attributed to Petraeus are in quotes. That, right there, should tell you a lot. Also notice that there seems to be TWO different interpretations of what Petraeus was referring to when he made his "two weeks" comment. Of course, you being the notorious gloom-and-doomer that you are, you did NOT include the interpretation that would falsify your belief. Why am I not surprised? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Poster: Peter_Novak
Subject: Re: Blast From The Past

Maybe it is and maybe it ain't. Either way, the future course of this disease is irrelevant to Zeshua's predictions, because the one and only prediction she made about the flu has already come true -- that our headlines would be filled at some point between 2007 - 2009 with a story about a sudden outbreak of influenza, which we've seen occur in the last week. She never said if it would result in large numbers of fatalities or not, or how long it would last. However, she did also predict that a big story about a vaccine would be in the news, and another big story about symptoms. I'm pretty much expecting both of those to be related to the flu story, but we'll see.

You reinterpreted your way around this whenever it didn't go your way, just like i predicted. What do I get?

..but honestly it's funny watching you get worked up over nothing just to look like an ass
looks like the flu party is just about over. any comments pete?

The flu will never be over. It will always mutate. It will continue to kill people mostly older or younger people. It has been around for ages in different forms. It was brought to north America and killed a lot of native indians but is anyone talking about that now. No they are not. They are only concerned about themselves now. Anyway people will try to profit on it so what. Life goes on and the flu will go on too mutating and spreading as it has always done. People act like this is new stuff. It is not the case. A new strain maybe but there will always be new strains.
that our headlines would be filled at some point between 2007 - 2009 with a story about a sudden outbreak of influenza

Of course she meant Bird Flu which was already a screaming nutter headline on the Net and in the news, but what the hell. Any port in a storm is close enough. Over 50,000 people die from seasonal flu every year in the US alone.

I'll make the same prediction for 2010-2012 There will be headlines about yet another pandemic flu between 2010-2012. I'll go a step farther...the nutters and woo-woo's will relate it to the Mayan Calendar - the end of the world.

Thus sayeth Goo-ooo-ROO the Great and Wonderful, by His Grace, Lord Emperor of Bern and Adversary of He Who Has a Pact With Satan, Amen
Dear Goo-ooo-ROO:

I should point out that, even though "some people" are simply ignoring my own "brief poem", which has already yielded frighteningly-accurate "predictions" that have come true, that my predictions therein continue to come true. I am truly amazing, and you must give me credit even if you do not believe I am a TTer (which I am not).

Below a brief poem
Circa 2009-2012

Author: RainmanTime
Title: Whose Warhead Seek Excitation

From Endothermic Gusto
I Smiled Joking--------------------- Kim Jong Il Dies
My Voice No Coercer ------------- Economic Recovery
He's No Candidate To Us
A Bog Swam Aware----------------- Obama Wages War
Deep Mesa Citadel------------------ Middle East Peace
Red Morel Comfort Show
A Town Deb Refugee Trots
Hacker Bit Moron-------------------- North Korea ICBM
One Pie Onrushing USA ----------- European Union Sighs
(Kudos to timeloop who has solved many of them already!)

Allow me to inform all of you that, at this very moment, one of my unsolved "predictions" from my nifty little poem is coming to pass. As much as I think giving clues is vile and demeaning (you should all be smart enough and interested enough to solve them all), I will tell you that the "prediction" of mine that is coming to pass is very much in the same vein as Zeshua's "prediction" about hurricane Katrina. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

If anyone actually solves it, I can show you precisely how this is so. You will, no doubt, be amazed and you can worship me by sending me indulgences.

(Formerly He who has a pact with Satan - Satan wanted to renegotiate terms, and I told him to pound salt)
Dear Peter,

Maybe it is and maybe it ain't. Either way, the future course of this disease is irrelevant to Zeshua's predictions, because the one and only prediction she made about the flu has already come true -- that our headlines would be filled at some point between 2007 - 2009 with a story about a sudden outbreak of influenza, which we've seen occur in the last week. She never said if it would result in large numbers of fatalities or not, or how long it would last. However, she did also predict that a big story about a vaccine would be in the news, and another big story about symptoms. I'm pretty much expecting both of those to be related to the flu story, but we'll see.

Gee... Just as early as last week, you were calling for bets. And here you are already hedging them. Tsk tsk tsk. Zeshua would not be pleased that you have abandoned her "specific" predictions. And you are now totally ignoring that whole "FEMA" part, it seems. Well, I hate to break the bad news to you, Peter, so I will let CNN do it for me:

Swine flu no worse than regular flu, Napolitano says

<font color="red"> The swine flu virus that has sparked fear and precautions worldwide appears to be no more dangerous than the regular flu virus that makes its rounds each year, U.S. officials said Monday.

"What the epidemiologists are seeing now with this particular strain of U.N. is that the severity of the disease, the severity of the flu -- how sick you get -- is not stronger than regular seasonal flu," [/COLOR]

I think you now owe the people of this board an apology for your shameless fear mongering.
On November 15, 2006, Zeshua posted her poem :

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. "Heaters High Storm" = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

A sigh is an exhalation, an outgassing.

Less than two months after she posted this prediction, on Monday, Jan 8, 2007, reports of methane outgassing started to hit the news. The first reports came out of America. There were reports of what appeared to be a monstrous gas leak in New York City and nearby Jersey City, but no gas leak was ever found. Rochester, NY reported 4 broken water mains during this same time frame, and Marine tankers reported that their alarms for methane going off, but no leaks were ever found.

Then the reports from around the world started pouring in, all seeming to be happening simultaneously. Italy evacuated people from Genova and Bologna due to gas leaks, an explosion killing one. London closed their tube lines due to suspected gas leaks and gas smells. Australia had water main breaks in Adelaide, and gas smells evacuated a mall in Perth where several were hospitalized as a result, but no gas leak was ever located.

Here in the US, more reports started coming in from Ohio smells, and a factory explosion, cause unknown. Nashville, TN reported a gas line leak. Mobile, AL reported a gas leak. Blue Springs, MO reported a gas leak with explosion and evacuation. Dallas, TX reported gas smells, and Houston reported a factory gas leak, cause unknown, and Austin reported dead birds, cause unknown. Iowa reported a pond bubbling. Albuquerque, MN was evacuated due to gas smells. Half Moon Bay, CA was evacuated due to smells. A marine tanker in Santa Barbara reported its alarms going off due to methane but no leak was found, and Oxnard freeway closed due to a gas main break.
There's Peter with his shoehorn again.

What is really interesting to me, Peter, is you have not acknowledged just how successful I have already been in my little "prediction poem". But that only proves you are a shill for the Zeshua hoax. I can't wait until you make the move to publish the book. You will not be able to deny your motives at that point.

The flu pandemic IS HERE.
The economic collapse IS HERE.
The Islamic war to take over Pakistan IS HERE.

Everything is proceeding exactly as Zeshua predicted.

When you see the news story that Ariel Sharon has passed away, it’ll be “duck ‘n’ cover” time.

Zeshua predicted a Middle East War before the end of 2009, and we don’t have one yet, still nothing but internal civil wars. A far larger regional conflict will appear before the end of this year.

The auto industry is collapsing. China stopped buying our debt. Soon it’ll be Grapes of Wrath time again here in the States.

But that only proves you are a shill for the Zeshua hoax. I can't wait until you make the move to publish the book. You will not be able to deny your motives at that point.

The fact that you still find yourself looking for that "proof" only goes to show that you are still not convinced of these things.

"Publish the book"? Are you mad? I can't get ten people to listen to me here; why do you think a book would do any better? Everything I have to say about these things is being said online, mostly here. If I were to consolidate it all into a book, it would still be posted online for free.

This is not a time to be seeking profit in the marketplace (the marketplace is collapsing, or hadn't you noticed?) It is time to be preparing to live thru ten years of hell on earth.
The flu pandemic IS HERE.
The economic collapse IS HERE.
The Islamic war to take over Pakistan IS HERE.

Everything is proceeding exactly as Zeshua predicted.

How many times will you ignore people pointing out the truth? Peter Novak "post-dicted" these things by selectively interpreting Zeshua's vague posts. I know you will never face it Peter, but it is the precise truth about your paranoia. Get help.

The fact that you still find yourself looking for that "proof" only goes to show that you are still not convinced of these things.

The fact that you shoe-horn events that occur to fit vague statements based around events at the time they were written means you are seriously deluded. Get help.

"Publish the book"? Are you mad?

I am not the one pushing on a rope, Peter. Have you ever asked yourself if you are the one who is mad?

This is not a time to be seeking profit in the marketplace (the marketplace is collapsing, or hadn't you noticed?) It is time to be preparing to live thru ten years of hell on earth.

Then why, pray tell, are you still here after you have said good bye many times trying to convince people who think you are a lunatic? I would really like you to answer that question, but I know you will ignore it like every other inconvenient question I have put to you.

I know you think I am a jerk, and the feeling is mutual. But when you refuse to address ANYTHING put before you that serves to falsify Zeshua, then it is literally impossible for you to escape the common term for what you are doing: Confirmation Bias. You refuse to even address it when it is mentioned, and that is an indicator that you are sick in the head and cannot face reality. Get help.
