Blast From The Past

Zeshua’s completed poem went:

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

10. Demons Former Jig Jug =Sign from Medjugorje
timeloop has correctly solved line 10 of Zeshua's poem.

10. Demons Former Jig Jug = Sign from Medjugorje


This is supposed to occur before the end of this year, according to Zeshua. You will perhaps recall that one of the prophecies attributed to the Marian apparitions at Medjugorje is that a supernatural visible sign is supposed to occur there, on a mountain, I think, if I recall correctly. I will leave it to others to research those prophecies to their satisfaction. But Zeshua predicted that this sign would occur sometime between 2007 - 2009, and that it would be in the world headlines.

To me, this has always been the most exciting of all her predictions. I am glad it has been solved, so I can now discuss it in public.
I am glad it has been solved, so I can now discuss it in public.

Do you really have to discuss it? Won't it eventually speak for itself one way or the other without discussion or interpretation?

How 'bout putting off any discussion until 1-1-2010, a date no longer "between 2007-2009".
By my count, this is the third event Peter has tried to shoehorn this "prediction" to fit.

What is beyond me is why Peter thinks "Sharia Law", all by itself with no other amplifying statements, is so amazing. Sharia Law has been around for over 1000 years. And the Taliban (in Afghanistan and now Pakistan) were not the first to enforce it in the modern world... anyone remember the Iranian Islamic Revolution and what it was all about? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

From the very beginning, way back in 2005, and consistently since then, Zeshua always said that 2009 - 2015 was the period she came to warn us about. Now someone else is making the same argument from a very different source.

Interpretation: Even though Peter Novak has used the last 4 years to do nothing but blather on about Zeshua's "predictions" that have the subtitle <font color="red"> A Brief Poem, Circa 2007-2009 [/COLOR], now that we are in 2009 he sees he is at the end of the road with his shill game. So this quote above now represents a re-focusing on Zeshua, but is really nothing more than a sad attempt to stretch his little Zeshua game out for several more years. Of course, one could question Peter's assessment of "consistently since then" because for the last four years all we have heard about is the little "poem" that only covered through 2009. So, consistently? No, not really. In fact, not at all. But is anyone really surprised by Peter's continued use of fake propaganda to sell his snake oil?

But now a couple of questions to Peter on the video he offered as a means to link-in Zeshua to the Masons:

1) Why do they have to change units from feet to inches to make an "amazing coincidence" stick? Would it not be more convincing if the units were consistent throughout?
2) Why do they even use feet and inches for a monument which was built well before the units of feet and inches were ever defined or in common use?
3) Do all the numerical "coincidences" (which are forced about as much as you force Zeshua "prediction" events) fall apart if you use the ancient unit of distance measure, the cubit?

Some questions begged to be answered.
3) Do all the numerical "coincidences" (which are forced about as much as you force Zeshua "prediction" events) fall apart if you use the ancient unit of distance measure, the cubit?

yes and no. the cubit varied in size, unlike the math of today.
yes and no. the cubit varied in size, unlike the math of today.

Good point, ruthless. And this makes it even more suspicious that the alleged coincidences between the measures of feet and inches for the pyramid are meaningful. To draw such conclusions, one would actually have to show that these measures (feet and/or inches) were used in measuring and laying out the pyramids.

There is little doubt that a round wheel was used to measure off the sides of the pyramid and the height of its apex. This is why pi figures so prominently in the pyramid itself. But one would have to establish the radius or circumference of said measuring wheel and then be able to connect it to the measures of feet and inches we know today.

The First Sign: Nibiru bend the Light of The Sun...after complete its 270 roll

then surface from the bottom of the Sun...and you get <font color="orange"> the sign [/COLOR] in the Sky... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Along the same lines is all the mystic references to PI. PI has no fundamental value - it is not a constant.

The "constant" that we use for PI (~3.1416...) is valid only in theory as it applies to plane geometry over rather small surface areas. Ask a surveyor who is surveying a 100 acre parcel. The Earth isn't flat. Draw a circle on a "flat" concrete slab with a 10 mile diameter and you'll quickly discover that the length of the diameter is a bit too long and if you calculate PI the number will be a bit less than what it is in plane geometry.

Calculating PI in a very large area of intergalactic space (say a 10 LY diameter sphere) would tell you the mean curvature of spacetime in that area.

In any case, references to PI as some sort of fundamental and universal mystic number is plane (excuse the pun) wrong.

The same applies to triangles. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is not of necessity 180 degrees. Again, that only applies to plane geometry.

Go to the rotational north pole of Earth. Draw a "straight'' line down to the equator. Turn left 90 degrees and draw another line along the equator just short of half way around the globe. Turn left 90 degrees and draw another "straight" line due north. You will intercept the original line at the north pole at it's origin. You now have a triangle with two 90 degree angles plus an ~179 degree angle at the north pole. The sum of the interior angles of the triangle is 359 degrees - "slightly" greater than 180 degrees.

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is not a fundamental, universal or mystic number any more than is PI.


Israeli Bestseller Breaks National Taboo

Dr Shlomo argues that the idea of a Jewish nation is a myth invented little more than a century ago.

TEL AVIV - No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list – and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s biggest taboo.

Dr Shlomo Sand argues that the idea of a Jewish nation – whose need for a safe haven was originally used to justify the founding of the state of Israel – is a myth invented little more than a century ago.

An expert on European history at Tel Aviv University, Dr Sand drew on extensive historical and archaeological research to support not only this claim but several more – all equally controversial.

In addition, he argues that the Jews were never exiled from the Holy Land, that most of today’s Jews have no historical connection to the land called Israel and that the only political solution to the country’s conflict with the Palestinians is to abolish the Jewish state.

The success of When and How Was the Jewish People Invented? looks likely to be repeated around the world. A French edition, launched last month, is selling so fast that it has already had three print runs.

Translations are under way into a dozen languages, including Arabic and English. But he predicted a rough ride from the pro-Israel lobby when the book is launched by his English publisher, Verso, in the United States next year.

In contrast, he said Israelis had been, if not exactly supportive, at least curious about his argument. Tom Segev, one of the country’s leading journalists, has called the book “fascinating and challenging”.

Surprisingly, Dr Sand said, most of his academic colleagues in Israel have shied away from tackling his arguments. One exception is Israel Bartal, a professor of Jewish history at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Writing in Haaretz, the Israeli daily newspaper, Dr Bartal made little effort to rebut Dr Sand’s claims. Paradoxically, he dedicated much of his article instead to defending his profession. He suggested that Israeli historians were not as ignorant about the invented nature of Jewish history as Dr Sand contends.

The idea for the book had come to him many years ago, Dr Sand said, but he waited until recently to start working on it. “I cannot claim to be particularly courageous in publishing the book now,” he said. “I waited until I was a full professor. There is a price to be paid in Israeli academia for expressing views of this sort.”

Dr Sand’s main argument is that until little more than a century ago, Jews thought of themselves as Jews only because they shared a common religion. At the turn of the 20th century, he said, Zionist Jews challenged this idea and started creating a national history by inventing the idea that Jews existed as a people separate from their religion.

Equally, the modern Zionist idea of Jews being obligated to return from exile to the Promised Land was entirely alien to Judaism, he added.

“Zionism changed the idea of Jerusalem. Before, the holy places were seen as places to long for, not to be lived in. For 2,000 years Jews stayed away from Jerusalem not because they could not return but because their religion forbade them from returning until the messiah came.”

The biggest surprise during his research came when he started looking at the archaeological evidence from the biblical era.

“I was not raised as a Zionist, but like all other Israelis I took it for granted that the Jews were a people living in Judea and that they were exiled by the Romans in 70AD.

“But once I started looking at the evidence, I discovered that the kingdoms of David and Solomon were legends.

“Similarly with the exile. In fact, you can’t explain Jewishness without exile. But when I started to look for history books describing the events of this exile, I couldn’t find any. Not one.

“That was because the Romans did not exile people. In fact, Jews in Palestine were overwhelming peasants and all the evidence suggests they stayed on their lands.”

Instead, he believes an alternative theory is more plausible: the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. “Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God.”

So if there was no exile, how is it that so many Jews ended up scattered around the globe before the modern state of Israel began encouraging them to “return”?

Dr Sand said that, in the centuries immediately preceding and following the Christian era, Judaism was a proselytising religion, desperate for converts. “This is mentioned in the Roman literature of the time.”

Jews travelled to other regions seeking converts, particularly in Yemen and among the Berber tribes of North Africa. Centuries later, the people of the Khazar kingdom in what is today south Russia, would convert en masse to Judaism, becoming the genesis of the Ashkenazi Jews of central and eastern Europe.

Dr Sand pointed to the strange state of denial in which most Israelis live, noting that papers offered extensive coverage recently to the discovery of the capital of the Khazar kingdom next to the Caspian Sea.

Ynet, the website of Israel’s most popular newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, headlined the story: “Russian archaeologists find long-lost Jewish capital.” And yet none of the papers, he added, had considered the significance of this find to standard accounts of Jewish history.

One further question is prompted by Dr Sand’s account, as he himself notes: if most Jews never left the Holy Land, what became of them?

“It is not taught in Israeli schools but most of the early Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion [Israel’s first prime minister], believed that the Palestinians were the descendants of the area’s original Jews. They believed the Jews had later converted to Islam.”

Dr Sand attributed his colleagues’ reticence to engage with him to an implicit acknowledgement by many that the whole edifice of “Jewish history” taught at Israeli universities is built like a house of cards.

The problem with the teaching of history in Israel, Dr Sand said, dates to a decision in the 1930s to separate history into two disciplines: general history and Jewish history. Jewish history was assumed to need its own field of study because Jewish experience was considered unique.

“There’s no Jewish department of politics or sociology at the universities. Only history is taught in this way, and it has allowed specialists in Jewish history to live in a very insular and conservative world where they are not touched by modern developments in historical research.

“I’ve been criticised in Israel for writing about Jewish history when European history is my specialty. But a book like this needed a historian who is familiar with the standard concepts of historical inquiry used by academia in the rest of the world.”

Zeshua predicted this on 11/15/2006.

Specifically, she predicted that between 2007 - 2009, newspaper headlines would feature stories with words like "Israel based on Lies".
Specifically, she predicted that between 2007 - 2009, newspaper headlines would feature stories with words like "Israel based on Lies".
Yeah. So please show us the "newspaper headlines" with these precise words.

We are all waiting...
Yeah. So please show us the "newspaper headlines" with these precise words.

We are all waiting...


yeah.. and don't whip out anything from weekly world news either
Re: In Honor of Zeshua\'s Passing...

Keeping the dream alive. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Below a brief poem
Circa 2009-2012

Author: RainmanTime
Title: Whose Warhead Seek Excitation

From Endothermic Gusto
I Smiled Joking-------------------- Kim Jong Il Dies
My Voice No Coercer --------------- Economic Recovery
He's No Candidate To Us
A Bog Swam Aware------------------- Obama Wages War
Deep Mesa Citadel------------------ Middle East Peace
Red Morel Comfort Show ----------- World Chromosome Fret
A Town Deb Refugee Trots ---------
Hacker Bit Moron------------------- North Korea ICBM
One Pie Onrushing USA ----------- European Union Sighs
Re: In Honor of Zeshua\'s Passing...

Red Morel Comfort Show ----------- World Chromosome Fret

Sorry. Keep trying. I knew this one would be tough, but I did not think this much. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Zeshua privately confirmed to the group of eight via email that we had indeed found all the correct solutions to the poem, which I posted at tti on 1/11/2007 as follows:

1. A Soldiers Most = DISASTER LOOMS
2. Hail War As = SHARIA LAW
3. A Renaissance Pi Melts = MASSACRE IN PALESTINE
4. A Sidearm Dwelt = MIDDLE EAST WAR
5. A Cosmic Clone Pole = ECONOMIC COLLAPSE
6. Jihad Had Mom Due A Man = MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD
7. A Quarks Humble Tree = EARTHQUAKES RUMBLE
8. Manilla Curse = NUCLEAR ISLAM
9. Foretells Kiwi Smirks = WILL STRIKE FROM SKIES
10. Demons Former Jig Jug =
11. A Liberal Disses One = ISRAEL BASED ON LIES
12. Toss My Foes A Reference = SECRETS SAFE FROM NO EYE
13. Heaters High Storm = MOTHER EARTH SIGHS

Zeshua publically and openly stated, on 6/14/2007, “You will hear words like ‘Civil War’ and ‘Massacre in Palestine’, The Middle East will erupt in chaos and all out war. It starts and then stops, then starts up again, this is a continuous struggle which has gone on for years and will come to a very abrupt end.” Note that these words do not describe minor skirmishes, but major conflict : “chaos and all-out war”. Note also that it does not describe a single nation suffering a civil war, or even a pair of nations settling a border issue, but instead AN ENTIRE REGION engaged in conflict: “The Middle East will erupt in chaos and all-out war”. This has NOT YET occurred, and the time-window (2007-2009) only has a few months left. What if this does not happen within the allotted time window? My answer is – I pray every night that it does not. But at the same time, this is what makes all this so intriguing : these predictions are NOT universal. You couldn’t just throw a dart at a newspaper and find something that you could say fulfilled these predictions. The above prediction has obviously not come true yet, which means that if and when it DOES come true within the allotted time window, no one will be able to come back and say, “Oh, anyone could have predicted that”, nor could they say, “Oh, that happens all the time.”

Eleven days later Zeshua posted at tti again, PUBLICALLY CONFIRMING that “Disasters Loom, Sharia Law, Massacre In Palestine, and Middle East War” were indeed the correct solutions to the first four lines of her poem. Of those four solutions confirmed by Zeshua herself, lines 2 and 3 have since come true; we have indeed seen those news headlines flood our media in the given time window, just as she predicted.

Note that until this mess in Pakistan started to get out of hand in early 2009, her June 2007 prediction “You will hear words like ‘Civil War’” had not come true yet. But note that at the same time Pakistan’s struggle with the Taliban started to escalate, we also started hearing that same phrase being thrown around here in the states, with rumors of Texas wanting to leave the Union. So suddenly we are seeing this “Civil War” meme being discussed rather abundantly in the news. So that statement, of hers, not mine, has also come true.

Two days later, on 6/27/2007 Zeshua posted again, carefully explaining that all the solutions of the poem lines were “taken from titles and brief summaries of news events, circa 2007-2009”, that “The poem [was] made up from headlines of news stories circulating between 2007-2009", that they were “obtained from a news archive search during the time period of 2007-2009”. She posted three separate times on the same day to emphasize and clarify this point.

However, she never publically came online and substantiated our solutions to lines 5 - 13, so readers have the choice of whether or not to accept the solutions we’ve given to those lines, as they prefer. Numerous members of the group of eight have come online to confirm that the solution sets I posted were indeed authorized by Zeshua, so if readers choose to disbelieve these are the correct solutions, they malign more than just myself.

Line solutions 5, 11, and 12 have certainly come true since they were posted in January 2007, regardless of whether or not you ascribe their origins to Zeshua. These were predictions that were supposed to come true within a narrow time window, between 2007 - 2009. Whether readers credit these successful predictions to Zeshua, to me, or to someone else is irrelevant, so long as readers realize that these predictions were posted in plain words, not anagrams, in January 2007, and have been coming true right on schedule ever since. There are now only nine months left for the remaining lines to come to pass.

I hope they do not. I hope the economy turns around, I hope the Middle East calms down, I hope the Muslims don’t throw any nukes at anyone before the end of the year.

But I’m not counting on it.