10 Commandment Jewish People - No Problems
I have no problem with 10 Commandment Jewish people...
I'm sure there are some...
But the Bible is frankly NONSENSE.
The only true things are probably the 10 Commandments and an "Eye for an Eye" or "Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord".
(They say the whole "Jesus is the Lord" thing from the 2nd Testament is just a PROTOCOLS of ZION Conspiracy to have you pray to the "wrong guy" while the 'Jews' pray to the ALMIGHTY GOD. (Sounds crazy I know...
God creating a "CHOSEN PEOPLE" race. Why should anyone else bother? We should just make the 'Jews' are OVERLORDS like the EGYPTIANS 10,000 years ago... IT'S RIDICULOUS FRANKLY.
No one knows who really wrote it. And there is NO COPYRIGHT.
I'm not crazy about the KORAN either... It was written by "someone" a 100 years after his death...
I doubt the ALMIGHTY GOD would support a "prophet" that calls for "killing non-believers" and "conquering the globe"... Sounds silly when you read the 10 Commandments and compare it to the Koran.
But the fact is...
Many nationalities and religions are FIERCELY ENTHOCENTRIC... And are VERY HATEFUL RASCISTS in private with the own kind... (We have the 'audio' tapes to prove it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And love screwing with the 'other guys' for fun. Sad. But true. Reality is not pleasant. Or make sense.
I don't like the following groups:
o New Word Order followers (The United Nations. Bildebergers, Etc.. Wish we would move it to the Canary Islands.)
o Illuminati (Key&Cross, Skull&Bones, Masons, Etc..)
o Super Zionists (Jews) (Some people say they are 'actually aliens' or 'interdimensional beings' impersonating Jews. But Darby wouldn't want to 'talk' about this...)
o The CIA (Black ops and procurement officers of British Descent. Not crazy about those guys!!)
(Actually founded by Skull&Bones members. Key&Cross is their 'black arts' counterparts from England.)
o Nazis (and Operation Paperclip descendants in the U.S. posing as British, Irish & Scottish and other Eastern Europe Nationalities...)
o NSA or Military Industrail Complex Evil Doers - This guys have 'super technology' beyond 'imagination'. Why we are not 'exploring' other worlds, solving 'global warming' and 'pollution' or creating a 'Star Trekian Utopian' society. I'll never know... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And they seem be 'collabrating with ALIEN RACES and INTERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS!!!)
o Evil Aliens (Including the 'Greys' clone beings. These guys are 'really really bad'
o MAFIAs - The Italians seem to be 'entrapping' and 'exploiting' those who violate gambling and prositution although claim to be with the 'Pope' and religious ROMAN Catholics. IT IS RIDICULOUS TOO!... And seem to be 'in league' with the Jewish money lenders... A Collabration if you will...
o The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Some say its just a LUCERFERIAN FRONT. I'm beginning to 'lean' in that direction myself... All the 'mombo jombo' prayers... Confusing the ALMIGHTY GOD with 'Jesus'... Sounds like they are 'getting' you to 'dial' the wrong number when you 'pray' instead of in simple english to ALMIGHTY GOD.
We are creating our own - ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE... For IRISH PEOPLE and other NATIONALITIES.
I'll bet the following based on DARBY DARBYSHIRE handle...
He is of BRITISH NATIONALITY in his past heritage...
He practices the JEWISH FAITH or Q'BALLAH..
He is an EX-CIA AGENT or current member of the U.S..Intelligence Community.
But its just a guess...
Peace My Friends!