Any thoughts on this?


when i drop a spot of blood on the table or something..
I can see bluish tint in it all the way til it coagulates. I know about the bluish color in the veins..

I was wondering why is that.. We all must have red blood..but the bluish tint in it... nothing special about it? I did ask someone yesterday about that and he said that it could be a form of agyria.. (silver poisoning).. I was like "huh?"... silver causing bluish tint in the blood? hmm..
It was long time ago when the subject of bluish blood was discussed, so I don't rememeber the specific's from a biological perspective as too why it is so...but I do remember that it was normal.

If you are "really" concerned about metal poisoning, they have tests for that now-a-days.



It isn't question of having BALLS to call a Nazi a Nazi when I see one, it is a matter of some folk's comments ain't worth a tip of the hat.

Sticks and stones and all that....what is more of a concern is those that choose to act on their mis-guided ways. Down this way racism is alive and kickin. A co-worker wanted to go fishing with a friend, and was pulled over by the Sheriff just before they arrived at their destination.

The Sheriff took my co-worker aside and told him that if he went out on the lake, only one of them might be comin back, so it was best if they turned around and went home. My co-worker glanced down the road and could see folks sitting in a pick-up truck holding rifles and shotguns.

The Sheriff told my co-worker " not to worry 'bout them boys, they just a'huntin them some varmits. "

He was looking at the co-worker's friend sitting in his truck as he said it, of whom was not of Caucasion ancestry.

The co-worker turned around and drove out of that area as fast as he could, scared and amazed that such a situation could happen in our day and age.

It is that kind of discrimination that needs to be addressed.

Somebody writing a baloney post on an internet forum, when there are much more interesting posts available to pursue...especially when you have an intellect such as yours...seems a real waste of time and mind.

Re: DARBY Claims TheCigMan - A Racist? I think not.


And RainmanTime, Always "coping out" of predictions and criticisms... My friend, you "something really weird is going on this board and in America"

That's all I can say...

First of all, I think you need to proofread your posts a bit better.

Second, if by "copping out of predictions" you are referring to my refusal to admit I was wrong about Hillary Clinton, I've got another newsflash for you:

Poll: Obama Opens Double Digit Lead Over Clinton in NH

As I explained in that other thread, Ciggy, I will be happy to admit I am wrong WHEN/IF Hillary wins the DEM nomination. I am one of those "old school" types who prefers to wait until the fat lady sings (or until the last dog is hung, depending on which analogy you prefer!).

10 Commandment Jewish People - No Problems


I have no problem with 10 Commandment Jewish people...

I'm sure there are some...

But the Bible is frankly NONSENSE.

The only true things are probably the 10 Commandments and an "Eye for an Eye" or "Vengeance is mine sayth the Lord".

(They say the whole "Jesus is the Lord" thing from the 2nd Testament is just a PROTOCOLS of ZION Conspiracy to have you pray to the "wrong guy" while the 'Jews' pray to the ALMIGHTY GOD. (Sounds crazy I know...:)

God creating a "CHOSEN PEOPLE" race. Why should anyone else bother? We should just make the 'Jews' are OVERLORDS like the EGYPTIANS 10,000 years ago... IT'S RIDICULOUS FRANKLY.

No one knows who really wrote it. And there is NO COPYRIGHT.

I'm not crazy about the KORAN either... It was written by "someone" a 100 years after his death...

I doubt the ALMIGHTY GOD would support a "prophet" that calls for "killing non-believers" and "conquering the globe"... Sounds silly when you read the 10 Commandments and compare it to the Koran.

But the fact is...

Many nationalities and religions are FIERCELY ENTHOCENTRIC... And are VERY HATEFUL RASCISTS in private with the own kind... (We have the 'audio' tapes to prove it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And love screwing with the 'other guys' for fun. Sad. But true. Reality is not pleasant. Or make sense.

I don't like the following groups:

o New Word Order followers (The United Nations. Bildebergers, Etc.. Wish we would move it to the Canary Islands.)
o Illuminati (Key&Cross, Skull&Bones, Masons, Etc..)
o Super Zionists (Jews) (Some people say they are 'actually aliens' or 'interdimensional beings' impersonating Jews. But Darby wouldn't want to 'talk' about this...)
o The CIA (Black ops and procurement officers of British Descent. Not crazy about those guys!!)
(Actually founded by Skull&Bones members. Key&Cross is their 'black arts' counterparts from England.)
o Nazis (and Operation Paperclip descendants in the U.S. posing as British, Irish & Scottish and other Eastern Europe Nationalities...)
o NSA or Military Industrail Complex Evil Doers - This guys have 'super technology' beyond 'imagination'. Why we are not 'exploring' other worlds, solving 'global warming' and 'pollution' or creating a 'Star Trekian Utopian' society. I'll never know... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif And they seem be 'collabrating with ALIEN RACES and INTERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS!!!)
o Evil Aliens (Including the 'Greys' clone beings. These guys are 'really really bad'
o MAFIAs - The Italians seem to be 'entrapping' and 'exploiting' those who violate gambling and prositution although claim to be with the 'Pope' and religious ROMAN Catholics. IT IS RIDICULOUS TOO!... And seem to be 'in league' with the Jewish money lenders... A Collabration if you will...
o The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Some say its just a LUCERFERIAN FRONT. I'm beginning to 'lean' in that direction myself... All the 'mombo jombo' prayers... Confusing the ALMIGHTY GOD with 'Jesus'... Sounds like they are 'getting' you to 'dial' the wrong number when you 'pray' instead of in simple english to ALMIGHTY GOD.


We are creating our own - ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE... For IRISH PEOPLE and other NATIONALITIES.

I'll bet the following based on DARBY DARBYSHIRE handle...

He is of BRITISH NATIONALITY in his past heritage...
He practices the JEWISH FAITH or Q'BALLAH..
He is an EX-CIA AGENT or current member of the U.S..Intelligence Community.

But its just a guess...

Peace My Friends!

Re: 10 Commandment Jewish People - No Problems


you are very close to identifying Darby /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I know who Darby is. Just be careful where you tread.

Re: 10 Commandment Jewish People - No Problems

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but it looks to me that this thread has gone to the dogs. I know that I went off topic a tad, but nowhere near some of the other posts. Guess this thread is crying out to be locked up tight. Too bad, it had a great start.

CigMan, why don't you stay downstairs in the conspiracy room ? Probably would be more comfortable for you down that a'way.
Re: 10 Commandment Jewish People - No Problems


We are creating our own - ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE... For IRISH PEOPLE and other NATIONALITIES.

I'll bet the following based on DARBY DARBYSHIRE handle...

He is of BRITISH NATIONALITY in his past heritage...
He practices the JEWISH FAITH or Q'BALLAH..
He is an EX-CIA AGENT or current member of the U.S..Intelligence Community.

But its just a guess...

It's is, as you say, a guess.

British nationality, no. I'm an American. True, my ancestors a few centuries ago came from England. That makes them English. You might want to make some inquiries into the difference between England, Britain and the United Kingdom. Though similar, they are not the same. Consider the theory of sets for further information.

As to being Jewish I will say this. As of today, based on your obvious anti-semitic rhetoric, I am a Jew. Similarly the King of Denmark, His Majesty Erik Julius Christian Scavenius aka King Christian X, declared all loyal Danes to be Jews in 1943. Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, lived, suffered and died, not as a Christian, but as a Jew. If He could do as much I can, in my own way, can do no less. My heritage also declares that not only am I an English American (and Irish) but I am also a Dane. So, yes, I am a Jew - and proud to so declare it.

You lack of compassion for the masses is quite impressive and horrifying!!!

But you are an "engineer" and not a "business person" or "man of the world" So it's somewhat understandable your naivete...

As for "Perhaps going through the pain of forclosure MAY teach these people a golden lesson about looking (and thinking) before they leap?"

It is clear to those who "understand" that the Jewish Banking Illuminati otherwise known as the Federal Reserve or (The Federal Reserve Banking Families they are not actually "banks" people.) conspired to build a "debt society" with credit cards and super usery fees contract statements that are all authored by the SAME PERSON regardless of bank. And the MORTGAGE CRISIS and MORTGAGE REFINANCING CRISIS was ALLOWED TO HAPPEN to support the HOUSING BUBBLE that was financing the CONSUMER FINANCE SOCIETY that is called the U.S. ECONOMY. These people have been living off the EQUITY of their homes for the past 10 YEARS. If AMERICA still had a MANUFACTURING BASED ECONOMY this ECONOMIC SILLINESS wouldn't be ALLOWED TO HAPPEN or AMERICA CURRENCY STANDARD was ON GOLD instead of PERCENTAGE PRINTING OF THE U.S. DOLLAR that currently the FEDERAL RESERVE SCAM OF THE PAST 80 YEARS.

So sad to see a "smart engineer" who is a "conservative sheep of the new world order and Illuminati" ,


CigMan is simply a victim… <font color="red">Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. [/COLOR] No matter which way you tread here CigMan, you must know that the country in which you reside is based on Judeo Christian beliefs. You would not have liberty and freedoms if it weren’t for JEWS. Yes JEWS! And you better start liking the word and I’ll get to shortly explaining why. And especially for those who think that religion had little role in the founding of “democratic” countries like Israel they are in for a rude awakening! America is another prime example of achieving success through democracy… for if one visits the nations capital of Washington D.C. they would witness many biblical verses and references commemorating the name of the Jewish G-d etched within granite, marble and brass on federal institutions all over our nations capital. The U.S. capital building has engravings that say “what hath G-d wrought!”, and “America! G-d shed his grace on thee”, as well as the famous quotation that is written all over American currency that says, “In G-d we trust“. When one enters the national archives building a bronze depiction of the 10 commandments gilds the entryway floor. Additionally within the capital building there are rotunda paintings… some which include Pocahontas being baptized, and pilgrims praying for G-ds mercies before sailing to the New World. One can also view above the house chamber’s main door where there are marble relief’s of history’s 22 greatest lawmakers, in which they are all facing Moses. It doesn’t stop there, it continues on into the supreme court building above the eastern pediment (a triangular looking rock area) are histories major lawmakers (carved out in a realistic dimension setting) in which Moses is again in the center holding a copy of the 10 commandments. But to first enter the supreme court one must pass through two oak doors which also have an engraved depiction of the 10 commandments on them, and in the court room itself, above the justices chair benches one can see another engraving of Moses holding the 10 commandments. Additionally, within the U.S. capital buildings chapel there are stained glass windows portray George Washington praying below the phrase, “This Nation Under G-d”.

The Liberty Bell is also inscribed with Leviticus 25:10 that proclaims - Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.

Additionally, few may actually know that the Washington monument cornerstone contains within it a copy of the constitution, the declaration, and the “Kings James Bible“. Additionally, the engravings and inscriptions on the monument venerate G-d, stating such things as: In G-d we trust. Moreover, on its top cap it reads “laus Deo” (which means, praise be to G-d).

Let us remember that the founding fathers of America where Judeo Christian Masons. So let us also understand that America was founded on Judeo Christian ideals that were based off of the Jewish old testament that “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”. Many Americans fail to realize that their “freedoms” come about because they were founded on a Judeo Christian based society, yet these rights are used against us by “atheist” when they claim its “unconstitutional” when they are subjected to religion. These people are victims like yourself sig of a society that is loosing its grip on the meaning of true “democracy” - for to destroy America one must simply destroy peoples faith. As I’ve already quoted <font color="red">Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy G-d, I will also forget thy children. [/COLOR] The knowledge that is being referred to, is the knowledge of religion that was the “first initiator” of the importance of “liberty and equality“. Democracy cannot work properly without religion backing it. The reason for this is because the notion for what we as humans call “freedom” was first noticed when and only after “sin” crept into the equation (the fall of Adam and Eve), <font color="purple">which later in history led to the giving of the 10 commandments on which “liberation“ is a precondition - representing the Jews that were LIBERATED out of Egypt. [/COLOR] Later on in history Jesus showed us what equality means by breaking the taboos on fellowship with lepers, prostitutes, Roman soldiers and tax collectors. Even women traveled with him in his larger company of disciples. These Judeo Christian beliefs were later instilled into 3rd president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson (in his political philosophy) which can be found in the Declaration of Independence. In one brief and fleeting paragraph, Jefferson condensed the essence of “American thinking” concerning human existence and the proper role of government. In effect, these words are the guts, backbone and spirit of America when Jefferson said: <font color="purple">We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. [/COLOR]

It will be a sad day when religion is abolished for lack of knowledge, for we will have lost the true meaning of what it means to be LIBERATED. When we loose touch of religion, we are cut off from all freedoms given to us by our loving creator, for it is only by Him that they are given. Thomas Jefferson as aforementioned: <font color="purple">They are endowed by their Creator. [/COLOR]

Hi. Welcome Back.

How did your 'secret assignment' go...

You say you are 'psychic remote viewer'... and you have 'visions of that 'McMonagle' guy..

You not from a 'jewish organization' 'spying' on that guy are you? Years before any 'contraversial comments' about people of the Jewish Heritage and Faith...

Maybe he is 'upset' supposedly 'jewish psychic remote viewers' are having 'visions' of him and and 'spying' on him. You may be THE SOURCE of his 'upsetment'. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif It could be /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Someone told me your 'Rita Katz' - That JDL like Intelligence Investigator with her own group?...

Is that you?

Or someone else?

Well.. Before you call me a 'rascist' I'm part French also. Supposedly 'lots' of Jewish People migrated to the South of France. So I might be of Jewish Heritage but not of the Jewish Faith.

Yes. There is 'no conspiracy' with Jewish people in America...

There are only 1-2 percent of the population in The United States of America.


I'm sure its just a 'coincidence'.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

But I think not. I lean towards 'some type of conspiracy'

So Sue Me!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It will be a sad day when religion is abolished for lack of knowledge, for we will have lost the true meaning of what it means to be LIBERATED. When we loose touch of religion, we are cut off from all freedoms given to us by our loving creator, for it is only by Him that they are given. Thomas Jefferson as aforementioned: They are endowed by their Creator.

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the role that the clery has within this world ? Whether they be a Christian "Father", or Jewish "Rabbi" or perhaps even a Eastern based "Monk" ?

As an example...when we were having our daughter Baptised, the "Father" of the church seemed to be somewhat rude, and made some remarks that raised my eyebrows more than once. He set up a specific time for us all to arrive at the church, yet, it was he that forgot what that time was supposed to be.

He basically was upset and angry because he thought we were late. He made some remarks that I took to be not very positive in nature.

Even as we planned for the event to take place, required that I speak with the "Father" many times, and he always seemed to feel as though he was better than me, and we argued over several points. Do you think it was appropriate on my part to return the rudeness to him, and call him Un-Christian like, and I might have thrown in some other judgments in the heat of the moment ?

Just because he is a "Father"...does this mean that he should be treated any differently than anyone else.

It did feel kind of "wrong" to be sitting across from him, as he was dressed in the typical Priests robe, and collar, and to be bickering with him.
"Just because he is a "Father"...does this mean that he should be treated any differently than anyone else.

It did feel kind of "wrong" to be sitting across from him, as he was dressed in the typical Priests robe, and collar, and to be bickering with him."

ummm, pick one. look at things from his point of view. this is the man that babtised your daughter. he will forever be a part of your life and your memories. sounds to me like he brought about a conflict inside of you. a conflict that needs to be finished. he was rude, etc. and you let him babtise your daughter? why? no need to answer that question, i already know.

"Just because he is a "Father"...does this mean that he should be treated any differently than anyone else."

yes. a holy man deserves the utmost respect. they give up all that they have to reach they do something we will never sacrifice, our lives. so my question to you is, why did you write the quote above? you already thought about this and made a decision. correct?
The brains seem to be strained. First, there should be a Fear of God, and not that of humans. Anyone in real Christianity knows this, and relies on the fact that God is here to protect as well as serve those who really know religion.

This Country is a Republic, and not a Democracy, and it never will be. That means that if there is something going on (like there has been) you vote them out to insure your future. People are not doing that, and it is plain as the morning Internet you read of the News.

Just because some people think they can twist facts does not mean that this Country twists anything. Believe me when I say that there are witnesses and this has been going on for quite a while and is based on some people being "Radical" in this Country. They still refuse to acknowledge what they do, and in the end, it is they with who the Country will not put up with in the future.

And to think that some people can pass lie detector's test and all of it put down with white-collar alledged criminal management and then again blue-collar alledged criminals.

No, again the Radical Elements of this Country assume that they have more Rights and Freedom than others and again invoke their twisted Holy Trinity Above, just like some priests and ministers, all being afraid of what imaginary humans might do on this Planet, as if any of them know the future. They only infer that they do, and thus cause it to happen by their Acts that they themselves have been doing.

Perhaps Jesus just does not like it, and thus perhaps Jesus even God is not dead as put upon by some other hypnocrites in this day and age.
Oh, you all want another reason or reasons why Elections go the way that they do. Hey, there are retired people still in this Country who lived during the Great Depression. They and other older people did not retire on much money. Then you have some irrate ex-veterans and others put upon others about 40 years ago, and lie through their teeth, actually in a sense acting like Fed Employees which they are not. Ya, that is what happened in this area to some who were going to college at the time, and can prove it. Do not mess with civilians just because some think that in some State they can actually be like a cult of Nazis, and mainly the Liberals who prey upon others. Sure some humans make mistakes, but you see, those humans were neither high or high sellers, period. Now, those also continued on, and still to this day, they refuse to acknowledge it out of others who are still in a sense mad fore the way that they were treated after being in the Armed Force. Hey, if a War comes about, who stated that others would not also go to a conflict of a War. No, too many assumptions are made, Congress sits there and state they do not deal with that, and only pass Legislation -- ya, again really, let's all hug an illegal today, for they still are the ones who passed it. They assumed again, like forty years ago, that they can do what they want to since this Country is a Republic while the others still continue to do also what they want to.

California may represent what they think is the future for some in this Country, but that is about the only State that actualy thinks that way, the rest have not really done that. So move them all to California because they all think that they are better than everyone else, or whatever, because when the proof comes out, this Nation is going to look like a bunch of Radicals. Call your boss, then Jihad Jane. She isn't that stupid, but in a sense, she is. Give them all money for what, saying that is Freedom. Sure have another Election, I sure your brains are really fried with some people in this Country. I sure that there is Ethics somewhere, except for some who seem to think they can dictate to others in this Country either through a job or other anti-social attitude. Why are some Fed Employees kept employed now? Because simply something may happen, so they gave them busy work to do. Where are the others who have not even paid any fines for any of it yet?

They may lose their job, and that is all. The National Debt would be paid off already, if some people did not think that their rules only apply. Do not assume that some people can not prove it, you will look as foolish as you really are for mocking the Lord in this Country.
As others have stated on the Internet, perhaps the Devil is really runnning this world now, and who will care if anyone actuallyl believes him. It ain't religion doing this, it is the use of blanket statements dictating to others while others claim they can have their own kind of kangeroo courts system also.

I have got your prayers if you are one of them. Go to H!
There right on the News tonight Jan. 10, 2007. An older person who has a retirement check of $355 a month just dies and there are two others wheeling his dead corpse around in a wheelchair while he is flopping around trying to cash his social security check, but one of the people they stopped at (store) knew the old person, and that was that.

Ya, this Country is a joke, correct!
Ya! already thought about this and made a decision. correct?

Yes, I did. I spoke to one of the Fathers' that had been with that church for many years, and he told me about the "new" one. On his advice, I sat down with the Father that I figured had been rude and we worked out our differences and became good friends. I learned more about him, and where he was coming from, and he did the same with myself. We BOTH apologized for our behaviour, whether we felt that we had been right or wrong. He turned out to be a good man. And surprisingly enough, it seemed that we weren't that much different from each other after all.

He actually became quite an inspiration, and with his assistance, I took some steps in my life and followed in his footsteps. Not exactly as he, but the end result is the same.
when i was 24, i met this man named joseph. he came from africa with his wife and family and he was a preacher. my wife went to his church and liked his sermons alot, and she thought i would like them too. at the time i needed to go, but i just kept disagreeing with him about things. he was a preacher, yes, but i had read the bible 8 times in my life, so i knew quite a bit about the bible. he believed more in the new testament way, and i believed more of the old ways, so we clashed alot. he told me that i should humble myself to god, but i wasnt ready to, nor did i think that would be the correct decision. i had to go deep within myself to realize what he was trying to relay to me.

in the end, he changed my view of things, and i changed his. i was babtised by him. i really didnt think the babtism did anything to me, but it did. slowly but surely, i started realizing that my sins had been forgiven and that i could now live my life without regret. i look back at that day and i am proud. proud that i did not let my stupidity get the best of me. but it was oh so close. that day was a defining moment in my life, and in the development of my character. i couldve went so many directions, and the odds of me choosing the way i did was very slim. ruthless wouldnt have been ruthless without this fact, yet in another world with a 1% divergence, ruthless there would have probably chosen a different path. now wheres bob dole... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
One of the things that stuck with me through the whole episode, was that even though we were bickering, that Priest always took my calls, he always responded to my letters, and always welcomed me when I showed up at the church with his arms open.

This is why I wanted "him" to baptise my daughter. She was still a mere babe, and she kicked and screamed, that Priest never blinked, nor slowed down, nor gave up. He stayed the course and did what needed to be done. And during those moments, there were many opportunities for him to become rude, or angry "during" the baptismal, but he never did. He actually was very gentle with her, and she eventually calmed down in his arms.

The look on his face when he gazed into her eyes, and the look on her face as she gazed into his, taught me alot.

And as you, without that exchange, we might possibly have taken different paths, and have missed out on the things that we each learned through each other. He may have even saved my daughter's life...but that is something that will not be posted in this forum.