Not really a post to anyone but everyone. To answer your question on the other thread in Time Travel Claims and how my posting has nothing to do with what the thread is about -- well, it is stuff Titor did mention, so I am just trying to inform some people of what I learned recently and the rest is if anyone wants to keep busy there is the programming if anyone wants to.
But, here we all are on this thread talking about this real-estate problem going on in this Country with apparently some people dreaming about what they think they should be able to do in the future - and that was buy a home they can not afford.
Yes in a sense they were told, and yes, in a sense they sold theirselves on the idea of affording a home they could not afford. And yes, there probably was a real-estate agent not denying it or telling the people they could not afford it, just in the case they could afford it later - so they could make big commissions on the sale and make money theirselves. The last part of the sentence the big part -- as it seems that a bunch of unethical people decided to all go haywire in the brain and convince theirselves that they all could do this. Now, none of them will be making money since the price of homes are dropping and new ones are not selling and now it is the Construction Managers who make these homes starting to just try and perhaps not lose too much money and still sell some of these homes.
Combine that with other going-ons in this Country recently with fires and such, a mass delusional state of mind seems to have taken place. If there is any comparison to Heaven or Hell, the Road to Hell seems to be easy as a metaphor of what has taken place.
Do not forget all the others that are losing money all across the board here after any of this either, the banks, the loan managers, the entire chain of the economy caught up in yet like the '80's fiascos of the real-estate market once again when it occured back then either.
And do not forget how much of it is just politics of not liking what is going on with Bush being the blame - along with the Hurricanes and these people all stating now that apparently not many of these type of people have a brain to begin with, can not catch what his/her person is doing, and if they do not conceive that it is his/her fault to begin with, nothing really has been learned. It is a mindset of the current way of thinking on this Planet. I call it the negative thinking while other claim that it is normal.
Continuing on with what seemingly seems these trends of thought processes, the world blew up because of it. And Titor had nothing to do with it, as far as I am concerned, because if it ends up similiar to what he stated, it was because of this type of thinking going on in the first place. So yes, the Feds are going to try and help with what they can, because in the end that is what this Government has been doing all along -- and the rest of it as whether to be in Iraq or not, and what I call -- all this protesting -- is actually worse to me than what happened before in this Country back in those days of the '60's and early '70's whereas some Congresspeople actually think that some of these people are leading this Country to have a WWIII as Bush stated. Again Bush was on the News just recently, and you know to me, he does not seem all that wrong, but these people again are going to go on about how this Country called the USA should not have been in Iraq in the first place, that harming kids with bad food made in this Country which also has been on TV with the sodium levels (which is like salt) and everything else going on with the Minute-Men Project and the Border, all relates to what the political parties think. The Republicans assume perhaps that people should work together in this Country and not do this kind of stuff in the first place, while the others again are complaining about it after the fact that it usually is their way of thinking liberally that causes this stuff in the first place, and again, the Fed Government is here to bale all of them out so they do not lose money. They also have those thoughts that if it is someone else losing the money - they really do not care as long as they can continue to go on with this unethical, unrational, unlogical thinking. This also makes it clear that some people in this Country can simulate intelligence on a computer and take a dumb set of electronics chips and seemingly make it appear smarter than what some humans seem to be.
So I just intended to give some people here the opportunity in the future without spending money on programs to emulate thinking in humans and come up with programs that may help out, like there are on the market place with these executive decision type programs that are expensive to buy.
I like to think of it as avoiding any type of future that these people keep coming up with, but all of us should know that -- if many people all do this, then they are attempting to control what this Government is doing -- and that if only one person comes up with something, you better have a band of gypsies along with you so you are not condemned by those kind of Acts.
Where does it state that all the other people continually have to put up with these kinds of Actions in the first place?
Again it always relate to religion -- or is that the lack of it?
Now, for no reason at all because it was mentioned, this war going on again has changed into being a religious war, when it surely has nothing to actually do with real religion.
Normal people are shaking their heads at any of this, but still trying to figure a way out of it, and now are obligated to try and help these what I call non-thinkers in the first place.
Why is a certain vision of religion seemingly being forced on people?
Again, it is the issue that if those people were helped out across the Seas, that there would be no Terrorists?
Hey, I just have other things to think about, and I just can not get caught up in all this seemingly weird idea kind of scenario that keeps being thrusted upon all people. Some people actually call this kind of Activity having something to do with the Election coming up in this Country. Someone else stated - it was called "insanity" and that person was on the Titor's Thread of the Art Bell BBS Forum.
It just leads me to the fact that whomever this person is who called himself John Titor should seemingly have all people reading him then?
And do not forget that He is the one who proclaimed himself to be a Time Traveller, because surely the other people again are not claiming that, but still proceeding as it seems as if they were.
That's to me is Crazy!
But, here we all are on this thread talking about this real-estate problem going on in this Country with apparently some people dreaming about what they think they should be able to do in the future - and that was buy a home they can not afford.
Yes in a sense they were told, and yes, in a sense they sold theirselves on the idea of affording a home they could not afford. And yes, there probably was a real-estate agent not denying it or telling the people they could not afford it, just in the case they could afford it later - so they could make big commissions on the sale and make money theirselves. The last part of the sentence the big part -- as it seems that a bunch of unethical people decided to all go haywire in the brain and convince theirselves that they all could do this. Now, none of them will be making money since the price of homes are dropping and new ones are not selling and now it is the Construction Managers who make these homes starting to just try and perhaps not lose too much money and still sell some of these homes.
Combine that with other going-ons in this Country recently with fires and such, a mass delusional state of mind seems to have taken place. If there is any comparison to Heaven or Hell, the Road to Hell seems to be easy as a metaphor of what has taken place.
Do not forget all the others that are losing money all across the board here after any of this either, the banks, the loan managers, the entire chain of the economy caught up in yet like the '80's fiascos of the real-estate market once again when it occured back then either.
And do not forget how much of it is just politics of not liking what is going on with Bush being the blame - along with the Hurricanes and these people all stating now that apparently not many of these type of people have a brain to begin with, can not catch what his/her person is doing, and if they do not conceive that it is his/her fault to begin with, nothing really has been learned. It is a mindset of the current way of thinking on this Planet. I call it the negative thinking while other claim that it is normal.
Continuing on with what seemingly seems these trends of thought processes, the world blew up because of it. And Titor had nothing to do with it, as far as I am concerned, because if it ends up similiar to what he stated, it was because of this type of thinking going on in the first place. So yes, the Feds are going to try and help with what they can, because in the end that is what this Government has been doing all along -- and the rest of it as whether to be in Iraq or not, and what I call -- all this protesting -- is actually worse to me than what happened before in this Country back in those days of the '60's and early '70's whereas some Congresspeople actually think that some of these people are leading this Country to have a WWIII as Bush stated. Again Bush was on the News just recently, and you know to me, he does not seem all that wrong, but these people again are going to go on about how this Country called the USA should not have been in Iraq in the first place, that harming kids with bad food made in this Country which also has been on TV with the sodium levels (which is like salt) and everything else going on with the Minute-Men Project and the Border, all relates to what the political parties think. The Republicans assume perhaps that people should work together in this Country and not do this kind of stuff in the first place, while the others again are complaining about it after the fact that it usually is their way of thinking liberally that causes this stuff in the first place, and again, the Fed Government is here to bale all of them out so they do not lose money. They also have those thoughts that if it is someone else losing the money - they really do not care as long as they can continue to go on with this unethical, unrational, unlogical thinking. This also makes it clear that some people in this Country can simulate intelligence on a computer and take a dumb set of electronics chips and seemingly make it appear smarter than what some humans seem to be.
So I just intended to give some people here the opportunity in the future without spending money on programs to emulate thinking in humans and come up with programs that may help out, like there are on the market place with these executive decision type programs that are expensive to buy.
I like to think of it as avoiding any type of future that these people keep coming up with, but all of us should know that -- if many people all do this, then they are attempting to control what this Government is doing -- and that if only one person comes up with something, you better have a band of gypsies along with you so you are not condemned by those kind of Acts.
Where does it state that all the other people continually have to put up with these kinds of Actions in the first place?
Again it always relate to religion -- or is that the lack of it?
Now, for no reason at all because it was mentioned, this war going on again has changed into being a religious war, when it surely has nothing to actually do with real religion.
Normal people are shaking their heads at any of this, but still trying to figure a way out of it, and now are obligated to try and help these what I call non-thinkers in the first place.
Why is a certain vision of religion seemingly being forced on people?
Again, it is the issue that if those people were helped out across the Seas, that there would be no Terrorists?
Hey, I just have other things to think about, and I just can not get caught up in all this seemingly weird idea kind of scenario that keeps being thrusted upon all people. Some people actually call this kind of Activity having something to do with the Election coming up in this Country. Someone else stated - it was called "insanity" and that person was on the Titor's Thread of the Art Bell BBS Forum.
It just leads me to the fact that whomever this person is who called himself John Titor should seemingly have all people reading him then?
And do not forget that He is the one who proclaimed himself to be a Time Traveller, because surely the other people again are not claiming that, but still proceeding as it seems as if they were.
That's to me is Crazy!