Any thoughts on this?

Not really a post to anyone but everyone. To answer your question on the other thread in Time Travel Claims and how my posting has nothing to do with what the thread is about -- well, it is stuff Titor did mention, so I am just trying to inform some people of what I learned recently and the rest is if anyone wants to keep busy there is the programming if anyone wants to.

But, here we all are on this thread talking about this real-estate problem going on in this Country with apparently some people dreaming about what they think they should be able to do in the future - and that was buy a home they can not afford.

Yes in a sense they were told, and yes, in a sense they sold theirselves on the idea of affording a home they could not afford. And yes, there probably was a real-estate agent not denying it or telling the people they could not afford it, just in the case they could afford it later - so they could make big commissions on the sale and make money theirselves. The last part of the sentence the big part -- as it seems that a bunch of unethical people decided to all go haywire in the brain and convince theirselves that they all could do this. Now, none of them will be making money since the price of homes are dropping and new ones are not selling and now it is the Construction Managers who make these homes starting to just try and perhaps not lose too much money and still sell some of these homes.

Combine that with other going-ons in this Country recently with fires and such, a mass delusional state of mind seems to have taken place. If there is any comparison to Heaven or Hell, the Road to Hell seems to be easy as a metaphor of what has taken place.

Do not forget all the others that are losing money all across the board here after any of this either, the banks, the loan managers, the entire chain of the economy caught up in yet like the '80's fiascos of the real-estate market once again when it occured back then either.

And do not forget how much of it is just politics of not liking what is going on with Bush being the blame - along with the Hurricanes and these people all stating now that apparently not many of these type of people have a brain to begin with, can not catch what his/her person is doing, and if they do not conceive that it is his/her fault to begin with, nothing really has been learned. It is a mindset of the current way of thinking on this Planet. I call it the negative thinking while other claim that it is normal.

Continuing on with what seemingly seems these trends of thought processes, the world blew up because of it. And Titor had nothing to do with it, as far as I am concerned, because if it ends up similiar to what he stated, it was because of this type of thinking going on in the first place. So yes, the Feds are going to try and help with what they can, because in the end that is what this Government has been doing all along -- and the rest of it as whether to be in Iraq or not, and what I call -- all this protesting -- is actually worse to me than what happened before in this Country back in those days of the '60's and early '70's whereas some Congresspeople actually think that some of these people are leading this Country to have a WWIII as Bush stated. Again Bush was on the News just recently, and you know to me, he does not seem all that wrong, but these people again are going to go on about how this Country called the USA should not have been in Iraq in the first place, that harming kids with bad food made in this Country which also has been on TV with the sodium levels (which is like salt) and everything else going on with the Minute-Men Project and the Border, all relates to what the political parties think. The Republicans assume perhaps that people should work together in this Country and not do this kind of stuff in the first place, while the others again are complaining about it after the fact that it usually is their way of thinking liberally that causes this stuff in the first place, and again, the Fed Government is here to bale all of them out so they do not lose money. They also have those thoughts that if it is someone else losing the money - they really do not care as long as they can continue to go on with this unethical, unrational, unlogical thinking. This also makes it clear that some people in this Country can simulate intelligence on a computer and take a dumb set of electronics chips and seemingly make it appear smarter than what some humans seem to be.

So I just intended to give some people here the opportunity in the future without spending money on programs to emulate thinking in humans and come up with programs that may help out, like there are on the market place with these executive decision type programs that are expensive to buy.

I like to think of it as avoiding any type of future that these people keep coming up with, but all of us should know that -- if many people all do this, then they are attempting to control what this Government is doing -- and that if only one person comes up with something, you better have a band of gypsies along with you so you are not condemned by those kind of Acts.

Where does it state that all the other people continually have to put up with these kinds of Actions in the first place?

Again it always relate to religion -- or is that the lack of it?
Now, for no reason at all because it was mentioned, this war going on again has changed into being a religious war, when it surely has nothing to actually do with real religion.

Normal people are shaking their heads at any of this, but still trying to figure a way out of it, and now are obligated to try and help these what I call non-thinkers in the first place.

Why is a certain vision of religion seemingly being forced on people?
Again, it is the issue that if those people were helped out across the Seas, that there would be no Terrorists?

Hey, I just have other things to think about, and I just can not get caught up in all this seemingly weird idea kind of scenario that keeps being thrusted upon all people. Some people actually call this kind of Activity having something to do with the Election coming up in this Country. Someone else stated - it was called "insanity" and that person was on the Titor's Thread of the Art Bell BBS Forum.

It just leads me to the fact that whomever this person is who called himself John Titor should seemingly have all people reading him then?
And do not forget that He is the one who proclaimed himself to be a Time Traveller, because surely the other people again are not claiming that, but still proceeding as it seems as if they were.
That's to me is Crazy!
People have become much more impetuous and are thus simply choosing to act on their impulses without giving thought to the result of their actions.

And this is why any outside "forces" wouldn't have much trouble with manipulation. And people were warned, but choose to listen to their own ego's and to respond to the drive of desires, not any "real" need.

I don't know if anyone here has read anything on " The Lucifer Project ", where it has been suggested that the Cassini Probe was designed to ignite the atmosphere of Saturn and create a second Sun.

It is also linked to a rumor that this is a project of the Illuminati to eliminate million's of people on Earth caught unaware in the backlash of Saturn's Atmosphere lighting up. Those that know of this plan, are ready to take shelter and emerge later to establish their new world order.

In reading the technical data, it seems that such a device could light-up Saturn, and it wouldn't suprise me in the least if somebody tried it.

At first I was horrified at such an idea..igniting Saturns atmosphere! But then, as I watch the news, see our planet in total ruin and getting worse, I started to think that this Cassini thing might not be such a bad idea.

As they say..sometimes the worst brings out the best in people...
...maybe it is also true that the worst may leave only the best people.

I do wonder if something is going on, our city actually has through it's adult education program, a class for obtaining a concealed weapons permit, and seems to be pushing the idea for as many of it's citizens to go around armed. I thought that for the city to offer up such a class was kind of odd.

And, they just opened up tunnel systems under the city that were used in the past to transport money between the businesses and the banks. Strange that the city recently re-opened these tunnels up and are in the process of restoring them.
"How could determine the difference between a "human", "human angelic", "angelic" or "arch angel"? YOU CAN'T "

I tell you it is how you feel in their presence that would be the difference.
Each being would radiate differently. A real holy presence would be hard to fake.
It is clear to those who "understand" that the Jewish Banking Illuminati otherwise known as the Federal Reserve

Whoa there, big fella. Casting aspersions on Jews is far over the line. I've tollerated your silliness in the past but racisism isn't part of that deal.

cigman racist? nah. a little stereotypical? yeah.

I'm sorry, my friend, but I don't cut any slack to an overt or closet racist. "Stereotypical" behavior in this case is simply a rationalization for justification of another Jew baiting racist's comments...

Volume I, Chapter X "Cause of the Collapse", Mein Kampf, Hitler, Adolph

It was no longer inviting for the real hero or statesman to be brought into relations with some old bank Jew: the man of true ment could no longer have an interest in the bestowal of cheap decorations; he declined them with thanks. But regarded purely from the standpoint of blood, such a development was profoundly unfortunate: more and more, the nobility lost the racial basis for its existence, and in large measure the designation of 'ignobility' would have been more suitable for it.

As I said above, I've tollerated his silliness before because it was somewhat entertaining. His anti-Jew statements are neither entertaining nor just silliness. Ask a Jew if you have any questions.
I'm sorry, my friend, but I don't cut any slack to an overt or closet racist. "Stereotypical" behavior in this case is simply a rationalization for justification of another Jew baiting racist's comments...

I agree, Darby. And just as much as people who have recently used "the n word" have had to issue public apologies, I would think it appropriate for CigMan to issue a public apology for demeaning Jews in general. And what is ironic is when you read some of CigMan's posts, he seems to style himself as the "savior of everyman." He seems to think that HE has the solution to all the world's woes... and yet he takes this racist stance against Jews. Yes, CigMan, your comment in this vein is RACIST! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

I find it sad just how long these people have been tortured by bias and discrimination. Indeed, we are often asked to feel sympathy for black folks given that their ancestors (and some of those who are still alive) have undergone a great deal of persecution and racism. But in that light, look at just HOW LONG the Jews have been undergoing the EXACT SAME racist persecution! If it is agreed that it is time to hang-up racial stereotypes against blacks, then how could one ever argue that it is still OK to paint all Jews with an equally broad brush?

It is sickening. Leave the Jews alone and stop inciting racist behavior with racist comments.

ray and darby, why make such a big deal out of a harmless sentence. you both know cigman wasnt being racist, he was being in character.

i live in the "ghetto." i have been called a cracker all of my life, and it bothers me none, yet i have never seen a group come forward to stop that. reason being that noone cares, its the white mans world right?

i understand that blacks were wronged in the past, and i understand that jews have been done wrong in the past. so has my heritage, american indians. but the keyword here is past.

what im saying is, people like cigman are not to be blamed. racist comments should be ignored. after all, people only say things TO get a rise. you know, comparing cigman to hitler could be seen as a racist comment, and slander.

ok, let me get to the bottom of whats really perturbing me. if he wouldve said, " i will exterminate all jews and empower the aryan race!" i wouldnt be defending him. that is a racist comment. he was talking about a conspiracy! not death to the jews!

bottom line is, theres no persecution of jews, blacks, indians, or any other race. the only reason racism still excists is because we tolerate it and empower them to defend theirselves. plus you guys have much better things to do than pick on cigman. which you know, is not a racist.

now see, instead of doing all this, ray couldve helped me to build an airplane, and darby couldve made a universe to fly the plane to!!!

disagree if you must, but dont blame me when racism is never forgotten. and yes, it should be forgotten. every race has been wronged, but a person is not a race. our personal struggles are much deeper than racism could ever go. its time to call it even everywhere. if i cut my arm and you cut yours, we both bleed the same color right? so who the hell cares about race? were all homo sapiens.
I posted the link regarding Arkiane Kramarik, a girl that claims to have been taken by God and shown Heaven. To see her paintings and to hear her ! It really causes one to wonder what is going on in her life.

On other boards, Arkiane has brought numerous comments, since her talent is so profound. The painting she creates are beautiful, and from seeing some of these paintings, it causes me to wonder if she is being influenced by a time traveler of some sort...whether Divine or not.

It seems to me that IF we wish to explore the possibilities of time travel, which includes presenting and discussing ALL possible avenues of achieving just such a feat, it sort of defeats the process if we get caught up with everyday "evils".

I understand that some people would be offended, with some posts once in awhile, and should say something to the offender, I believe that this can be accomplished through the Private Message feature.

I was astonished nobody seemed to notice that I made a comment that I wouldn't mind if the Earth did get slammed by a shock-wave from the ignition of Saturn's atmosphere, killing millions and allowing the New World Order to emerge from their hidden bunkers.

Some days I feel as though I wouldn't mind such an event, other days I feel horrified at the possibility of such an event.

It is just interesting to see how this drama has played out, and what was selected from multiple possibilities for discussion.
If you haven't seen the CNN presentation about Akiane Kramarik, then you have missed something ponderous. A 12 year-old artist, who begins to draw and paint at the age of 4, and in a manner better than most adults...who goes on to claim that God has taken her to places and shown her things of Heaven.

Akiane Kramarik

How does one explain Akiane's experiences ?

Thank you for posting this. Her website and poetry and explanations of her paintings is simply overwhelmingly amazing. You have no idea the effect -profound effect this had on me, as it answered a few questions, intensely deeply personal questions I had been seeking for. Seek and you shall find, I guess, but, absolutly f'in incredible. I can't explain her experiences but it was a spiritual one for me. I suggest everyone go to her website and click on her gallery. There is something out of this world about her and her talents and I believe whatever it is-what I call God-had to bring it to our attention, thus her young age. Astounding.
DARBY Claims TheCigMan - A Racist? I think not.


There will be no apology.

Complain to TTI Management...

If I'm kicked off. Fine. I could use a new career as a Hollywood Screenwriter... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

When all the Jewish Bankers of Wall Street apologize for "Irish Jokes"...

I will apologize to the Jews.

Funny, how they are fascinated with people A HALF A WORLD AWAY!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

As for Jewish Conspiracies... or Jewish Banking...


Have you been to Wall Street?

Who is upper and middle management in these banks?

British Citizens, American Jews and Connecticut Wasps...

Sounds rascist? Maybe to politcal correct people. But its a fact.

No Jewish Conspiracies?

What is Hollywood? The Hollywood Studio System?

American Banking?

David Rockefeller isn't Jewish?

The Rothchilds of Europe and America? Aren't Jewish?

The FEDERAL RESERVE is a "group of banks" or "banking families"? They are banking families that Americans are UNAWARE.

Professional Sports Teams? Aren't owned by Jewish and German Americans?

Dentists? Doctors? Who may appear to "adhere" to THE PROTOCOLS of ZION? Aren't Jewish?

Jews really on ANTI-SEMITISM as their "defense"...


And RainmanTime, Always "coping out" of predictions and criticisms... My friend, you "something really weird is going on this board and in America"

That's all I can say...

I fight to fight for my life everyday like a "secret agent"... Frankly, I tired. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And there are OTHER VILLIANS here in America DARBY..

They are CALLED GERMANS pretending to ALL SORTS OF NATIONALITIES here in the States... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Are you going to DEFEND NAZI's too? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And Evil Elements of the U.S. Government... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And its the EVIL SUPER ZIONIST JEWS I refer to...

But people who believe they are the "CHOSEN PEOPLE" above all other humanity is kinda of DELUSIONAL and PSYCHOTIC...

And don't care for ORTHODOX or HISDIAC JEWS who don't care ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD and encourage AMERICANS to support the RAPTURE and THE STATE OF ISRAEL

Thank you for posting this. Her website and poetry and explanations of her paintings is simply overwhelmingly amazing. You have no idea the effect -profound effect this had on me, as it answered a few questions, intensely deeply personal questions I had been seeking for. Seek and you shall find, I guess, but, absolutly f'in incredible. I can't explain her experiences but it was a spiritual one for me. I suggest everyone go to her website and click on her gallery. There is something out of this world about her and her talents and I believe whatever it is-what I call God-had to bring it to our attention, thus her young age. Astounding.

Glad you liked it. Her paintings are intriguing. I've seen thousands of paintings, being a regular visitor to mueseums and art shows, Akiane's painting's seem to have something more to them. Especially the eyes...she mentioned in one of the interviews she likes to put the life of her characters in the eyes, and they do seem to grab ones attention.

The thing that is so amazing is that this little girl captures so much at such a young age. The painting she did of what Heaven looks like with the grass, trees, flowers, and the white structures really struck home, as I have had dreams in the past ( before she was born ) of exactly the same type of landscape...structures and all.

I think she is providing a message to us all that we are all born with these talents ( gifts ) and if she can do it, so can we. From her interviews, she makes the comment that she is astonished that she is deemed to be different than anyone else.

and when she says she is being taken by God to these places, from looking at her paintings, and the energy she eminates, even in merely watching her on television or is very difficult not to believe someone is taking her to these places.

And who could that someone be taking her, and where exactly is he taking her ?
"disagree if you must, but dont blame me when racism is never forgotten. and yes, it should be forgotten. every race has been wronged, but a person is not a race. our personal struggles are much deeper than racism could ever go. its time to call it even everywhere. if i cut my arm and you cut yours, we both bleed the same color right? so who the hell cares about race? were all homo sapiens."

Hmm.. I have cut my arm, fingers, etc.. a lot of times in the past by accidents. I keep seeing the "bluish tint" in my blood. I believe myself to be different than anyone else because of this visual appearance of my own blood! I dont take drugs, etc.. yet why the bluish tint? any ideas?

Would that be racist if I got a different color of blood? any ideas?

I'm "crazy" and you refer to yourself as "TimeLord" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

The saying... Take it from it comes from...

No. America is disappearing because of a LACK OF CONSPIRACY.

You people are UNBELIEVABLE.

Call me "crazy" if you must. But vote INDEPENDENT if you dare.

yet why the bluish tint? any ideas?

From what I understand is that the color of blood IS bluish, only when it comes in contact with oxygen and/or from the open air, it becomes a deeper red. Anyone can look at their veins and see blue colored blood-lines. So on that score, you aren't any different than the rest of us. Sorry.
Re: DARBY Claims TheCigMan - A Racist? I think not.

And its the EVIL SUPER ZIONIST JEWS I refer to...

But people who believe they are the "CHOSEN PEOPLE" above all other humanity is kinda of DELUSIONAL and PSYCHOTIC...

And don't care for ORTHODOX or HISDIAC JEWS who don't care ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD and encourage AMERICANS to support the RAPTURE and THE STATE OF ISRAEL


And not one of you folks has the balls to call a Nazi a Nazi when you hear one.

Actually there young fella, the young lady painting those pictures you can gaze at is not painting with such a broad brush. Not at all. Some people do paint other people with trends and with a broad brush, due to not actually thinking about what it is that they are doing.

So Cigarman, however you feel may influence your posting, but also try and think along lines of a fine brush. No one else except the ones doing the religion influence and seemingly heading for destruction are as of yet really convincing a lot of other people either, only some.
Perhaps it would just be better for some people to get off of the soapbox, and quit trying to define religion as something that only another human can take care of in the first place. I mean if Churches were suppose to look like monuments to riches, perhaps other people would not begin to think that what they consider the structure of Churches are something that was really needed.

Where does it state in the Bible that Churches should be so made as to be made seemingly to last forever in the way that they are built and adorned like some monument to God?

I think early Churches in a sense were Caves!

But, to put a label on more of the negativity of this world, is just another way to endorse it in the end.

Some people make poor decisions in all races and all religions and in the entire chain of homo-sapiens.

Go on and find Peace with yourself then, and perhaps you are not the person to communicate the result of such actions, while another person may be able to change the view of the offending person or people in such a group.

There just will be other humans and humans who continue to do that in this World, as well as anything else.

It can not be forced upon the human race to have a better world succeed. The world will have its ups and downs and if the human race wants to end up like what they think Armageddon will be like, then it was humans doing it --- I thought that was reserved just for God only, and perhaps I will just give that for the ansswer then.

Actually the post is to anyone, but then again 'time travel' is implied in all of it, and therein lies the rub. Who decided that it was actually 'time travel' in the first place?

It may be, but all of that would have to be more than a slang interpretation for the meaning of such a concept as "Time" anyway.
