First off it's spelled "incredibly" not "incredably" and it's spelled "anyone" not "enyone."
But if your speaking ebonics, I guess that's OK then. Since it is considered a form of speech.
Now onto what you said in your post...
When did debating an issue become grounds for being paranoid and me not liking you? That's illogical of you to say. I only asked a question, it's not my fault you took it the way you did.
Your assuming way too much about me mokrie dela. Even from the start of this discussion you've taken part on unreasonable speculations about me. All of which were and are wrong. You don't know me.
Yet you blame me of doing the same thing. Why are you thus contradicting your self on the very thing you wish I cease? You your self are only making the cycle continue.
If all I did was ask a question about what was clearly going on. Why should that make me paranoid? If when in fact it's you who brought up an observation no one else thought about, can't I ask you if you know anything about it? Geesh...
And were you not being just a tad bit to excessive with your compliments? I mean, even I don't over do it like that. Freaks people out... Especially if they don't even know you.
So in conclusion, I see nothing intense about just being curious why you would be asking questions, and not want us to answer them.
Excuse me if it bothered you to have me be truthful to you, but that's life. People will always brings things up to you that you may not like. But you can't keep living in a dream world. Just how you said you were, in some of your earlier posts. "Don't like having their dreams spoiled"..."There alot more of us, then there are of you."
I don't blame you for not wanting to argue anymore. You never did like opposition anyway's =). Don't take my word for it, it's all over your beginning posts. Just go back and re-read them.
As for me, I started this subject to get people serious in the discussion of Anti-Time Travel. But I started a new one for those who are only serious and won't take it off topic. Time may only tell...
Have a nice day,
Javier C.