Anti-Time Travel

while Im on the subject.. you said type 4 civilizations would be the only ones to have time travel capabilities. And let us say they travel back to a type O civilization.
And let us say they come in contact and communicate with this type O civilization what is the possibility of the type O civilization now having the type 4 civilizations technology?
This in itself should tell you that the technology may not be billions of years off.
But the thing that tells us that the technology *is* billions of years off, if not impossible, is that we still haven't ever met a legitimate time traveller. You can't tell me that if time travel exists, someone, some time, won't have accidentally (or on purpose) come back through our neck of the woods. If time travel gets invented, it'll exist for millions of years. Plenty of time for a mishap or screwup.
I dont know....The first rule of a time traveler would be to try to remain undetected.(for obvious reasons)
the second could be if you are detected try to erase this from the persons memory. or down play it as if the person had dreamed it. like maybe place them in their bed afterwords unconscious. when they wake up they think they dreamed it. or place it deep within thier subconscious so that it only would come out in hypnosis and how many people beleive in that? or even be hypnotized when they experienced missing time?

or maybe they dont exist at all but if they did they obviously would be glad you thought they didnt. heheh

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 30 May 2000).>
I'm beginning to think of all the degrees, of all the studies of physics on these boards, that Pamala is the only one with enough humanity and common sense for time travel. Mark Twain"s words: Smart from books ain't so smart. If some one from our time were to time travel and interact with other cultures,past or future, I hope they send Pamala. I have doubts about the rest of us, myself included, possibly starting a war.
Or should I say MAD SCIENTIST:

I thank you for the compliment. I have two children and know many more, to be counted among them I find no dishonor.
As for ignorance I will consede ignorance on any number of subjects. You seem to think ignorance is bad, however for me acceptance of my ignorance is a driving force for my intellect. I say to you no one can achieve a higher understanding until they accept their ignorance. There is no shame in not knowing.
I am not going to defend my level of education to you or anyone else. Any statement, question or answer I make should stand alone. My education level or lack there of should not be a factor in determining the value of my statements.

For someone who can correct the errors in Einstein's theory of relativity my question should have been easy to answer. Even if you do not know the answer you should understand the underlying concept of the propagation of light. I suggest you study " Lorentz Transformation ".

My use of the name Time Master is directly related to the concept of time. If your theory of time was complete you would understand this. The fact is we are all time masters yet you do not have a clue as to why or how this is true. Maybe you should ask your open minded scientists friends to help you work out the errors in your theory of time.
Thanks Mokrie Dela,
But I think you and several other ones on this board would make excellent candidates as well.
You never know maybe one of us will be.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 31 May 2000).>
Very well said Pamela. I think though that you know that your adventure has already started in that direction. Roads lead no where except to those who walk them. You have started your walk, but will soon learn to run!

...~The Doctor~...
Thank you Pamala. Should I ever be honored with the opertunity to "travel," I'll share my machine with you. Have you read Timeline by Micheal Crighton? Very good book. Also have you noticed the many different names appearing and dissappering throughout these boards? I'm beginning to think there is one guy using multiple names to write nonsence.
hey Morkie dela
TIMELINE by Michael Crichton was one of the last books I have read on timetravel....I think.
he combined a science of the future-the emerging feild of quantum technology (quantum foam)with the complex realities of the medieval past.
amazingly enough every word that was spoken out of place was questioned. I think this is how it would really be. I think you would have to do alot of observing of the history of where you were before you actually participated in the realm. History books didnt even record the correct punctuation of major words they needed to use. and words like "gentle" had different meanings back then. and the surprises they came across they relized things were not as they expected them to be. It was interesting how they were transporting people back and forth like "faxes" and it only took a nano second.
it was a really interesting book.

No I really didnt notice people disappearing and reappearing on the board.

Doc-did you invent that saying yourself? "roads lead no where except to those who walk them" you probably did you are very creative. I like that saying.

Thanks for the teachings on matrionic physics (you are a very patient question at a time.) hope to be learning more from you in the future.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 01 June 2000).>
mokrie dela,
Just who are you referring to when you said "one guy using multiple names to write nonsense?" Why did you bring it up? For some reason do you believe you'll get an answer here? Or are you implying it to someone here?

For all we know, it can very well be you. Just saying that to throw us off. What are you hiding...? What's your purpose for kissing so much ass? What are you hoping to achieve?

-Javier C.
Activist, You are incredably paranoid. What on earth can I or enyone else "achieve" on a message board? This is an amusing way of passing time. What am I hiding? I have three heads. Why am I ass kissing? I thought I was giving a compliment where deserved. I have no secret reasons for mentioning the names I've seen other then an observation I thought was interesting. I'm here only to communicate, not to play kid games. The topics are interesting but some of us are a little intense when there is no call for it. I realize you don't like me because I debated with you but I just wish to mellow out and enjoy the boards. By the way, weren't you going to use your new board to avoid people like me? Glad your back as you got the most used board started with some really lively discussion. I just don't feel like arguing much anymore
First off it's spelled "incredibly" not "incredably" and it's spelled "anyone" not "enyone."

But if your speaking ebonics, I guess that's OK then. Since it is considered a form of speech.

Now onto what you said in your post...

When did debating an issue become grounds for being paranoid and me not liking you? That's illogical of you to say. I only asked a question, it's not my fault you took it the way you did.

Your assuming way too much about me mokrie dela. Even from the start of this discussion you've taken part on unreasonable speculations about me. All of which were and are wrong. You don't know me.

Yet you blame me of doing the same thing. Why are you thus contradicting your self on the very thing you wish I cease? You your self are only making the cycle continue.

If all I did was ask a question about what was clearly going on. Why should that make me paranoid? If when in fact it's you who brought up an observation no one else thought about, can't I ask you if you know anything about it? Geesh...

And were you not being just a tad bit to excessive with your compliments? I mean, even I don't over do it like that. Freaks people out... Especially if they don't even know you.

So in conclusion, I see nothing intense about just being curious why you would be asking questions, and not want us to answer them.

Excuse me if it bothered you to have me be truthful to you, but that's life. People will always brings things up to you that you may not like. But you can't keep living in a dream world. Just how you said you were, in some of your earlier posts. "Don't like having their dreams spoiled"..."There alot more of us, then there are of you."


I don't blame you for not wanting to argue anymore. You never did like opposition anyway's =). Don't take my word for it, it's all over your beginning posts. Just go back and re-read them.

As for me, I started this subject to get people serious in the discussion of Anti-Time Travel. But I started a new one for those who are only serious and won't take it off topic. Time may only tell...

Have a nice day,
Javier C.
Activist, Your perceptions of me are of no importance. When you become older and hopefully wiser, others perceptions of you won't matter either.
If they are of no importance to you, why do you bother to defend them? Again you contradict your self.

How old are you anyway's? With age, doesn't always mean you become wiser. You being so wise how you claim to be, you should know that.

Age is just how old your body is, it doesn't mean you have so much experience and wisdom.

-J. C.

P.S. And as for things not mattering anymore. That's when you've succumbed and given up. I never accept things that I can help.
TTA, Are you obsessed with me? This is a time travel site. And if you insist on correcting my typing errors, I must say your grammer is really messed up. The point is that I don't care about you on a personal level. You shouldn't care about me on a personal level. The subject is time travel.
Man, what's up with you? I don't care one bit about you. I'm just answering your questions. Can't you see that? I guess you don't like being proven wrong.

Suit your self, I know I'm not doing anything wrong but just answering your questions.

Have a nice day,
Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 01 June 2000).>
TTA, I never asked YOU a question to begin with. My comments and questions were for Pamala. She answered me.You haven't proven any thing wrong. Your just obsessive. Do me a large favor and drop this endless and pointless conversation. Any comments I make in the future will have nothing to do with you.
Mokrie dela, Now who's being paranoid?

And all I did was answer some of your questions and comments. That pissed you off? I don't know why.

You should know that as long as the comments and questions keep flowing, that anyone in these message boards will keep on answering them. That doesn't make them obsessive. See, your wrong right there, again.

So just excuse me for clearing up your confusion, Mokrie Dela. I realize now how much that bothers you. And how bent out of shape you get just for having me pointing out the truth.

If you don't want this to continue, all you have to do is break the cycle (I told you this before). I'm only answering what you said, and it's not my fault your keeping the line of communication going.

Just sever it, and let's get back on topic. Simple as that. Why can't you just do that?

Javier C.

P.S. I didn't say anything bad about your spelling, Did I? I just pointed it out. I didn't say it was messed up or nothing, geesh man. Take a chill pill.