Boy, I leave for several months and come back to this. You all got so sidetracked into attacks on each others characters that you forgot all about the original post. Here's my two cents worth, "If humanity can imagine the technology, then it can build it." If it already hasn't been built, it will be. We're to stubborn of a species not to dabble in something that shines like a bauble such as time travel.
But in my own personal introspection I'm going to have to agree with TTA. The idea of time travel is just way to much of a temptation to use safely. I know some of you. I know that you would like to bring back that loved one that you lost.(I am sympathetic though.) I know that you would like to go back to that girl(or boy) that you liked back in high school and ask him/her to the dance. I know that you would love to do something to make your life better, brighter, and in living color. Perhaps you would like to help mankind become a better species. (Or something more simple as turning off the oven before your house burned down.)
Bear with me. I'm the layman's term person. Imagine if you will a pyramid of cans reaching from the floor to the ceiling of your room.(Yes your room). Now your the can at the very top, but you decide to go back in time. Head on down to the bottom. Oops, you stepped on a rare butterfly...oh my, or "Yes officer I saw that truck about to hit the man and I pulled him out of the way." The pyramid(time) comes crashing down from the bottom(beginning)to the top(end). Destruction, salvation, revelation, time has changed. One can, and you only need one(event that is), and the entire structure above(representing the future) is changed. You could re-stack all the cans into a pyramid again, but can you say that each and every can(each moment) was put back into the structered order as you knew it. And again you couldn't say that the new timeline was for the better. I give it the chaos theory of 50/50 for good against bad. Thpppppt.
And don't give the old addage of "If at first you don't succeed..." If you change time whose to say, you'll even get a second chance. (And no I'm not pessimistic. Just trying to imagine all the variables. So please don't shoot me guys.)
So even if I do believe in time travel I really don't believe it should be used. (Not by the bunch of us anyway.) ;b
<This message has been edited by Alpha Romeo (edited 02 June 2000).>