Anti-Time Travel

Activist, I forgot you asked what I would do with time travel....I feel thats a moot point. I'm not in a position to be invited to be a guinnie pig. However, if it DID happen I'm sure there would be a test agenda and I would not be allowed to do what I wished. In pure fantasy thinking, I would like to meet the great minds of history and see Great civilizations at the height of their glory. Ancient Rome, Babylon , the Colusus of Rhodes etc. The senic tour. Not to mention the great shopping! A bargain Monet or Van Gough. Maybe pick up a hand written Mozart sheet music. Like I said this is fantasy, but I'm sure reality would be just as thrilling.
Thanks for finaly answering my questions. But I still think looking at the opposing side in an issue is very important too. Even if you disagree.

Oh by the way, Pamela you did the right thing trying to help out Scientist. To bad he was lieing all along. A true man of science wouldn't act like that and be-little everyone like that. But then again, maybe some scientist would. I'm sorry Pamela, but he's going to get what's coming to him someday =). Bad Ripple, hehe.

Yours Truly,
Javier C.

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 26 May 2000).>
.....and to think i even took that MENSA exam..and passed. and Im still a dummy! heheheh oh well. atleast Im a NICE dummy.
You passed a Mensa exam? WoW, That is so cool. Was it hard, did it have alot of math? I'm sure I will never pass it in a million years. I'm not that smart =). Good Job Pamela, you must be very proud of your self, for passing an exam that proves you to be very intelligent. Able to keep up with the thinkers at Mensa =). Hmmm, brings to mind many ideas... hehee.


<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 26 May 2000).>

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 26 May 2000).>
Pamala, I hope you did't think I was insulting you. On the contrary! I was using sarcasm to make a point that a "genius" needed help from a "garbage scow" crew to obtain information. You were mannerly and helpful and a lovely contrast to some amazing bad manners. I never once doubted your intelegence! Forgive me if I inadvertantly offended you.
Mokrie dela,
you didn't offend me at all. I understood what you were saying.

hey though...he said he was sorry and took his words back.
we can all learn so much from each other.
Everyone has different pieces of knowledge..different experiences..each one is a puzzle piece. eventually we will see the pieces forming an image working together to complete the big picture as each piece is put into place. each piece is important and there is not one that is insignificant.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 26 May 2000).>
Pamala, BRAVO! You said it. I had hoped all along that the point of this site was to open doors for new ideas not form cerebral street gangs and fight with each other.
tta, in your efforts to research the "cons" of this subject matter, is it also possible to research this subject "too much"?What I mean is simply, that, in your opinion, is it not possible for a person to blindly go forward on one's own and actually make a startling discovery, when all the rules of common sense and logic forbid such a feat?
What do you mean? I'm an Activist, I'm supposed to be against things. And Time Travel needs rules. And the majority of the people here aren't in agreement with such boundaries for keeping Men and Women Free.

So I believe, that if no one else is going to do the job of initiating the Con's of an issue, like Time Travel, seeing how it can be wrong and affect mankind. Then I think I'll take that responsibility of informing the public. Is that so wrong?

How can you live with your self if you knew that cigarettes could kill the one you love? Wouldn't you want to do everything in your power to help that person quit?

Well, that's kinda what I'm doing. You may hate me for it, disagree with me, and call me crazy. But at least I don't want to do what the majority does. I won't jump off the cliff, not this time. Instead, I'll try and reach as many people as I can, and get them to recognize that that isn't the only way to go. The End-

Javier C.
If this country were to totally stop its time travel research what is going to stop other countries from achieving it?
you talk of slavery...but the only way to be really free would be to have the knowledge of it. How do you know if eventually, say around 2012 there will be a shield developed to prevent any further timetravel?
Now how could you get to this point if you were to stop all research into timetravel?
You mentioned about the Indians (In the MANKIND thread )and how their country was taken over and if they would have also had guns they could have fought back for their freedom............exactly.

<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 May 2000).>
Time travel is not just around the corner no matter how much you want it to be. Currently the best source of energy that we have is fission and we want fusion. In fact we are focusing all of our efforts on fusion and the fact of the matter is that fusion won't cut it. Even if you had the world covered in fusion power plants you would not be able to make one worm hole. Time travel requires even more enrgy than that so don't expect to see time travel work in any of your life times.

Time travel activist your opposing something that is so far off that your great great great great great great grand children might not even see it. Even if you are opposing something dangerous, cars are dangerous they kill people ever day but you are like some one opposing unsafe cars back in the time of christ.
same thing they said about being able to fly in the air , going to the moon and space travel.....yet here we are. you never know when that breakthrough will come-it could even be an accidental discovery ..and yet there may even be some that are doing it now.
Perhaps it may come sooner but they can not be doing it now or else everyone would know. Time travel would leave the tell tale sign of gamma rays and since the people on this planet are not dead yet no one can be time traveling on earth or around the earth.

Time travel requires a source of power so great that it is not the kind of thing that takes just a decade or two to come up with and control it could take a millenium or longer. We have been moving in steps and we are currently just a decade away from fusion I personly know the guy who is building a "working" fusion device. His name is doctor bussard. He came up with an design for the fastes ship that we could possibly build so far. It would be capable of going within a fraction of lightspeed.

Any way fusion caan not produce the power needed for time travel. So that brings us to anti-matter and matter. This is a known source power that is far more powerful than fusion but still not powerful enough. Anti-matter and matter is so hard to control and we don't even have any idea how to harness the energy. so that could be century or two away but you never know.

Finally the ultimate in energy, free energy this is what we need to power a time machine. This we know only that it may be possible to harness it. Once harnessed thsi energy could do more damage than any time traveling could possibly do. So activist you should oppose the use of the power source that we need to make time travel a reality.\

even if by some miracle we find a way of harnessing free energy in the next decade or two. which by the way would be impossilbe. we would not be able to handle it we would experament with it and may destroy all that exists. So now that you know how much energy we need for time travel to even seem like it could be a reality you should also know that even if you devote your entire life to time travel research you may never see it become a reality.
I'm sorry, but your all wrong. I clearly said that there was a different between progress and exploitation. Exploitation is what I am concerned about Time Travel. Not it's creation.

We need rules for it, maybe you didn't read my post to carefully to get my meaning.

And Time Travel means just that. Being able to travel through Time (All of Time). Including the 20th Century and back (not just able to function in the future), don't believe that if you don't want. But it's true, it's true.

You mentioned Gamma radiation leaving trails of past incursions. Well, I'm sure there would be ways to mask them. We won't just be careless about leaving foot print in time.

Your all limiting Time Travel to only for the future. And claiming that it's because we don't have the energy for it in this time line that it's impossible.

Well, let me just say, that there boosters in time lines (Ancient Civilizations) to help propel Time Travelers to these points. Consider it an invisible line with 2 points where you can get off in between them.

Well, that's all I can say right now, I have other things that need my attention right now. I wonder if any of you got my point...

-Javier C.
A fusion device was built many years ago it is called a thermonuclear bomb. Work in this area is now focused on cold fusion.
We also have been creating and controling anti-matter for years now. We have even built rockets useing anti-matter to super heat hydrogen for higher exhaust velocity. Anti-matter is not as hard to create as you might think.
Maybe you would be willing to explane the term " free energy " !!
Time travel does not require a great energy source. If you think it does then you do not understand Einstein's work.
Consider this: Although we live in the present we can never perceive it. We perceive everthing as it was not as it is. I.E. From the earth we can never see the sun in its present. We only see its past. This is the question. If we can only perceive the past how do you define the present and where is the future?
time master for someone with that name you certainly don't have a frim grasp of the time travel concepts. You and everyone else here seem like children perhaps 15 or 17. Have you actually studied time travel from any legitamet source? Don't bother directing any messages at me any more for I have had enough of the ignorance. I was looking for a respected group of individuals and what I found was this. after looking at all of the posts I have concluded that you all are in desperate need of education and in some cases phsyciatric help.

I am a REAL scientist I even work at a milatary base called dalgren and read up on time travel for I find it an interesting subject but I keep my thoughts within the bounds of reality. Aliens, time cops, misuse of respected theories this place is messed up. My friends and even my coworkers had a good laugh at this stuff and they are very open minded scientists. So thanks for all of the laughs. If you have a comment that you would like to share with me you can email me at [email protected]

P.S. You are so messed up.

<This message has been edited by Scientist (edited 29 May 2000).>
Well, everyone, including scientist. I won't say I told you so. But I was correct about him all along.

Big Man now huh Scientist? Can't even talk to me directly, have to say shit about me in another post. And say your sorry and wrong for being an asshole and calling everyone here garbage scrow. Tisk tisk... I actually was willing to give you a second shot, good thing I didn't =).

So what's your duty in this military base you say you work at? Are you the janitor, the guy that cleans the ring around the toilets =D? Or are you the guy that serves up government (groul) opps I mean wholesome cooking to the troops?

Now that's funny =)... Thanks for the laughs Scientist, hope you believe your lies better next time.

Arrivederci moron-

Javier C.

P.S. Scientist... "Actions speak louder then words" wanna take another crack at it, or was I right that your just full of it?

<This message has been edited by TimeTravelActivist (edited 29 May 2000).>
Perhaps I am missing the point. One party throws a shot at others by calling them 15-17 year olds, amongst other things. The other party insists on giving the other a "second chance", but oops, you blew it. For the life of me, I fail to see anything too constructive in all of this. Just sounds like a couple of bullies vying over the same girl. Does anybody wish to discuss time travel, instead?
You know what is really sad,Scientist?
....someone like you discovering timetravel.Even if you felt you were smarter than everyone else on the board and held all the answers why did you feel the need to insult everybody? instead of just bowing out gracefully? If this is how you are how would you respond as a timetraveler to an undeveloped civilization?
I will continue in my research.
You mentioned that a type 4 civilization was needed to time travel and we were at a type o civilization now. and that it would take billions of years to achieve this...Question...if you feel this way are you not kind of wasting your time?
Its a good thing you think it is billions of years off and not right under your nose... makes me feel a lot safer.
There is so much going on and you have no clue....and thats good.


<This message has been edited by pamela (edited 30 May 2000).>