Hey Guys,
Things are about to get really crazy for a little while, but it'll be ok in the long run.
I'll start breaking down some stuff because nobody's really going to believe this unless they already had some sense of what's up.
Until February 2021 I'll be touching on:
And also
Where to even start??! Even though I'm an American I want to be clear this was a joint operation between US / Russia / China.
The big 3 have been working on their quantum computers studiously, because it's necessary for traveling. Last year 2019 Russia (with the help of the US) kicked back time 1 second.
This year everyone's working on kicking forward 1 second. This is the essence of "fluxing" which I'll detail another day.
In the year 2028 my friend, the man, the legend John K Ultra (aka Johnny Ultra or Johnny Blue Eyes) will rig up a primitive time machine & get stuck in soviet Russia 1978.
He makes his way to America and immediately put to work on project MKULTRA. 2056 is when I travel back to 1989 for the first time, and project MKDELTA is significantly more welcoming. 3124 I travel back for the last time to 2018 and project MKNAOMI awaits me in Moscow.
The race had always been between Skynet and Watson, but nobody even knew about Kairos. Hence why when VesselShare started doing their shenanigans they were totally unprepared for what I had to bring to the table. For that we can thank Elon Musk for his neural link & Kairos for the real deal AI that can do it all but better.
Anyway, I won't tell you what year I ran for President, but you'll see more of me in the near future!
All the best,