Wow, different memories..... what a strange topic.Or would be if I had not had an 'experience' First of all, no claims, not a whisper of another timeline/worldline... no preconceived ideas. Just a little memory that I do not understand. (I shall type the story as I remember it, not checking facts on the net... just a memory)
OK, the story goes like this. When I was at school, there was an oil tanker accident. The oil tanker was called the Torrey Canyon. It was somewhere off the south coast of Britain if I recall, maybe Devon, or somewhere like that.
The children's news programme at the time on BBC1 was John Craven's Newsround. (It is just called Newsround these days) Anyhow, I remember leaving school and running home across the park every night, because on Newsround we got to see the RAF flying out and dropping incendiary bombs on the oil slick to try and burn it away (I guess dispersants and booms were a thing of the future)
As far my home was concerned, I can remember it clearly, the TV, the carpet, my mum and dad. All as I remember it. But then logic shows me that I was wrong. I was wrong on so many counts.
The School that was on the other side of the park was my secondary school (ages 11 to 16) and by the time I was at that school, we had not only had our first colour TV, but we were using a TV with a remote control.... yes, fancy
I recall the news reports on a black and white TV. This would be a problem, as we went colour when I was still at Junior school (I remember the man from the shop coming to install it...... and yes kids, back then, you did not buy a tv and take it home, you made an appointment for it to be delivered and fitted.....
). When I was at Junior School, I started to walk home ON MY OWN!! (very grown up) but again, I did not cross the park when I walked home from that school either.
So the current major failings of this are the TV was wrong, it was the Black and White one, not a colour. The direction home from school did not apply to a school I went to whilst we still had a black and white TV.
Now this memory has bothered me for a long time, but only because of a chance conversation. I would have been about 14 maybe 15 years old at the time, and on a Friday night, my father and some of his friends used to go to the pub for an hour or so. One night, they started talking about the Torrey Canyon Disaster (possibly because another tanker had had an incident.. the reason for the conversation was unimportant) but it became a bit strange when I joined in, and was telling them all about when I used to run home from school to see the RAF "Unleash Hell!!"
At which point the question was asked by one of my father's friends, "How old are you?" and therein lies the problem.... The Torrey Canyon went down in 1965 (I think)...... A full 4 years before I was born. So how can I have memories when I would have been at least 11 years old (because of the direction I took home from school) but with the wrong TV (although it would have been the TV my parents had in 1965)
Or was it just a dream? It is a story I have mentioned a few times over the last years, but maybe this site and the 'other' forum with a similar subject matter has raised the thought again. Although my primary reason for joining is the Philly Experiment, rather than time travel, the time travel forums are still very very interesting. And, if I have success with my Philly Experiments..... well I think the expression is "Today Invisibility, Tomorrow The whole of space and time"
Anyhow, whatever you make of the story above, it would be cool to hear about it. Or, am I (as I suspect) just insane?