A Discovered Time Traveler

I actually have the opposite point of view - we had to be much further in our knowledge and development :)
So you feel like we are behind our time? I can see that. I haven't been living that long so I really don't know. Its just a feeling I get when I think about how far we have come. 10 years ago people wouldn't know what a smartphone was. 150 years ago cars didn't exist, sometime before engines. Ever since civilized man we had been using animals for transportation. I could go on airplanes, computers, electricity, ect. But that is my point of view alone. I see how you might feel that way.

If all of the people were dedicated to work and develope, and if there were no stupid disturbances in our path of development, we now would be much much further.

I will give an example. For more than 1000 years the religion has been denying, that the earth is a sphere and was impaling that it is flat. It succeeded in stopping the development of the astronomy, physics, chemistry and others such as medicine and anatomy with centuries. Can you imagine what is a century? Or 1000 years? If these sciences have not been artifitially supressed, can you imagine where we would be?

P.S. The stupid religion proceeds stopping the development of the science even today. This stopage recently, for example were the denails of the abortion by medical purposes, the religious fight against the cloning as general and against the human cloning today.

If all of the people were dedicated to work and develope, and if there were no stupid disturbances in our path of development, we now would be much much further.I will give an example. For more than 1000 years the religion has been denying, that the earth is a sphere and was impaling that it is flat. It succeeded in stopping the development of the astronomy, physics, chemistry and others such as medicine and anatomy with centuries. Can you imagine what is a century? Or 1000 years? If these sciences have not been artifitially supressed, can you imagine where we would be?
Yeah, I agree with what you are saying. Like in the middle ages technology was suppressed by Christianity. If we had never thought of religion and wasted time on worthless things we would be more ahead. I was directing that question more to the people who have had future dreams, and feel their pasts have changed.

Yeah, I agree with what you are saying. Like in the middle ages technology was suppressed by Christianity. If we had never thought of religion and wasted time on worthless things we would be more ahead. I was directing that question more to the people who have had future dreams, and feel their pasts have changed.
It is not only the religion. I gave it only as an example. There are many other factors, that are stopping our development.

Hey there I'm new to the forum, this is actually a bit off topic, but I have an honest question. Does anyone else get the feeling that us, humans, the earth, etc. are more advanced and developed than we should be for our time. I'm really young (probably the youngest on this thread) and ever since middle school I've always got a feeling with all the new technology coming out that its ahead of its time. I don't really have dreams and visions of the future like you all do but I get a feeling, that some things not quite right. Technology is accelerating at an alarming rate.
It makes perfect sense that our available technology continually improves and at an exponential rate. Afterall, better technology assists us in producing the next improvement. The better our technology, the faster the next improvement comes along.
Personally, I see improving technology as the next step in our evolution and it is the perfectly natural course. There are no external pressures to push evolution on the human race naturally. I believe integrating technology into our very biology is the next step.


Personally, I see improving technology as the next step in our evolution ...Moz
It is hard for me to view the technologies improvement as an evolution. Evolution in biological aspect is changing of the biological structure of the species in order to adopt in a changing environment. The change of the environment is a factor that in the evolution has to make a biological change. The technology actualy prevents the evolution of the human, because when using it stops, or reduce the evolutionary factors.
Example: Except making a GSM, the evolution would make the human specie to evolve a stronger voice and a better hearing in order to correspond in a distance with high - volume shoutings and a better hearing.


Technology will not reduce the external pressures for mankind to evolve because we already have no external pressures.

I think the natural course of evolution is that a creature, like mankind, will evolve to the point that it takes evolution into its own hands. Technology can and will (in fact, already does) change our biology.

We are right on the precipice.


Seivtcho:Technology will not reduce the external pressures for mankind to evolve because we already have no external pressures. ...
This is exactly what I am talking about. If technologies did not exist, and all we were in the forest or in the jungle, there would be external pressures for mankind. Now we are not in the jungle, but in the big city, no predators hunt us, no hunger and long term starvation, ebola and other such appear only in the most retarded regions. Yes technology - no external pressures for mankind - no evolution
Plus if there are still external pressures (natural) is quite debatable question.

I think you're getting bogged down in the semantics of what I'm trying to explain.

You may not call it "evolution" in the traditional sense; but the next advancement of mankind is being ushered in by technology. Technology that augments our biology and allows us to continue to evolve into a stronger, more intelligent species.


If all of the people were dedicated to work and develope, and if there were no stupid disturbances in our path of development, we now would be much much further.I will give an example. For more than 1000 years the religion has been denying, that the earth is a sphere and was impaling that it is flat. It succeeded in stopping the development of the astronomy, physics, chemistry and others such as medicine and anatomy with centuries. Can you imagine what is a century? Or 1000 years? If these sciences have not been artifitially supressed, can you imagine where we would be?
let's not forget that during the 1,000 year period you are referring to, when science was suppressed, it was suppressed by the controlling government, which in that time period, was the establishment/religion. In the same way now, the controlling government/establishment is trying to squelch free speech. The government will always be corrupt and concerned only about the perpetual furtherance of more government. In the dark ages, this furtherance of government was made possible by keeping people uneducated, in these times the furtherance of government is made possible by removing civil liberties like free speech, access to factual relevant news instead of 24-7 infotainment fed to us by buxom blondes in low cut tops and short skirts. Government is government, and I am glad that church and state are a bit more separated now then they were in the past.
Technology that augments our biology and allows us to continue to evolve into a stronger' date=' more intelligent species.[/quote']I wonder. Would it really be an "intelligent" advancement to make ourselves biologically dependent on technology? Using technology as we do now, like pacemakers or artificial hearts, to improve or extend a life is one thing, but to replace healthy organs or body parts with artificial prostheses would not only be unethical it could mean the death of someone if the tech failed. I can't see people lining up to be cyborgs or even something more like the Six Million Dollar Man. Although, today he would be the Thirty-two Million Dollar Man.
How about just having a couple of spare bodies organically grown. Then all you would need is to transfer your consciousness to the new host body. And of course the sport model is for the weekend. I might be susceptible to becoming dependent on this kind of technology.

Yup, if consciousness can be transferred like that. The consciousness is the result of the work of the neural network of the brain. Even if you manage to copy - paste it in another body, or in something else, it will not be you who will survive after the death of your real body.

Yup, if consciousness can be transferred like that. The consciousness is the result of the work of the neural network of the brain. Even if you manage to copy - paste it in another body, or in something else, it will not be you who will survive after the death of your real body.
I'm a believer in an immortal soul. So that is the part of me that I refer to as my consciousness. And unless you've actually been outside your body, it may be a concept that you might not be willing to accept. So it wouldn't be a copy that would be transferred over. It would be my soul.

How about just having a couple of spare bodies organically grown. Then all you would need is to transfer your consciousness to the new host body. And of course the sport model is for the weekend. I might be susceptible to becoming dependent on this kind of technology.
I'm a believer in an immortal soul. So that is the part of me that I refer to as my consciousness. And unless you've actually been outside your body, it may be a concept that you might not be willing to accept. So it wouldn't be a copy that would be transferred over. It would be my soul.
Ha, its nice to see someone understands my take on the soul too!

I wonder. Would it really be an "intelligent" advancement to make ourselves biologically dependent on technology? Using technology as we do now, like pacemakers or artificial hearts, to improve or extend a life is one thing, but to replace healthy organs or body parts with artificial prostheses would not only be unethical it could mean the death of someone if the tech failed. I can't see people lining up to be cyborgs or even something more like the Six Million Dollar Man. Although, today he would be the Thirty-two Million Dollar Man.
I can see your view on it, but I believe in the future artificial organs and prosthetics will be commonplace. I think they will become more affordable to the average consumer. Take the evolution of computers. They are less than 100 years old, they started out the size of a room and only the government had them. A couple decades later they become available to the average consumer. Now you can go to any store and by a decent one for under $500. What's more you can buy one that fits in your pocket, for just a bit more. So I think by the end of the century artificial parts will be everywere. Also they may not have be artificial. Some scientists have managed to "3d print" an organ. It would be just like getting a transplant ether way. No harm in that. I'm sure if you were on your death bed you would want to have your organs replaced if it ment life or death. ;)

the idea that things as seemingly revolutionary as synthetic organs (pocket-sized super computers from the persepective of 100 years ago which is a cheap reality today) and lots of other technologies makes one wonder, ... God help us if time travel technology every becomes even remotely that commonplace. I have a friend who is a visionary type and he thinks that someday time travel may be that readily available. Even if only a few countries possess it, as with nuclear bombs today, think of the ramifications.

the idea that things as seemingly revolutionary as synthetic organs (pocket-sized super computers from the persepective of 100 years ago which is a cheap reality today) and lots of other technologies makes one wonder, ... God help us if time travel technology every becomes even remotely that commonplace. I have a friend who is a visionary type and he thinks that someday time travel may be that readily available. Even if only a few countries possess it, as with nuclear bombs today, think of the ramifications.
Yeah, we can never know till it happens. It always seems when we can't make any new discoverys, we find out something that changes science and the world forever. Scientists could discover something tomorrow. Take the discovery of the world not being flat, that is a good example. At that time in history people though all the discoverys in science where all ready made. Look at us now lol.
