Rift Surfer
Who knows. Maybe it's the cause of migraines.That one always gives me a headache because the explanation of it loops just as much as the theory. LMAO

Who knows. Maybe it's the cause of migraines.That one always gives me a headache because the explanation of it loops just as much as the theory. LMAO
Are you confirming my conspiracy theory? "The ET's are controlling the educational community."Technically velocity is an acceleration as it is a vector quantity. You probably meant to say speed (the magnitude component of the velocity).
Confirming that the education trolls (ETs) have controlAre you confirming my conspiracy theory? "The ET's are controlling the educational community."Or you are just being sarcastic again....
I think this explanation is a limit state to an equation that is merely an approximation of the actual physics involved, for photons do not slam headward into a point containing all mass in the universe.Unfortunately you really don't want a vehicle that travels at the speed of light. Going from "here" to "there" wouldn't be a five minute trip to 50 years in the future. It would be an instantaneous trip from the present to the infinitely distant future. In other words, your trip terminates at the end of time (whatever that is). Equally bad is the fact that spacetime at the speed of light, from your perspective, folds up into a point (actually a singularity) directly in from of you. So you will make contact at the speed of light with a point particle containing all the mass of the universe. Ouch! Even if you could survive that you can't navigate to any particular place...the entire universe is a point. Finding the intersection of 3rd and 33rd in Some City on Whatever Planet would be somewhat problematic.
the only problems encountered with G forces are when thee is acceleration. It's not the speed of light that hurts, just how fast we approach it.A big problem when you travel fast is the G force. Human can't survive any possible G-force. Can this problem be solved?
What do you make of astral time travel, & why don't you believe in itThere are people, who believe, that can go in the past via astral time travel. I don't believe in astral time travel. Just adding it for completeness.
I seem to remember that Roger Penrose, in his book The Emperor's New Mind mentioned some biological phenomena that respond to stimuli before they occur. The uncertainty principle demands that any particle be "smeared" in time, allowing for this type of phenomenon. This, however, would not be involved in a person traveling backwards any meaningful time, or "jumping" forward.
I'm not too keen on the 2045 initiative, being it may be against what should be our better instinct to spontaneously generate entire back to precursors in time and more untold future as a way to live for eternity. An instinct quashed by not having proven creation, so we'll only focus on evolution? Can evolution not be without that history grows as does universe,? Without creation?Would you forfeit living forever & on, just to know what forever holds or held only? It would be a rather short forever by comparison.You're not familiar with the 2045 Initiative, maybe?
That is a long sentence with several prepositional phrases, and that confounds comprehension. Just sayin'I'm not too keen on the 2045 initiative, being it may be against what should be our better instinct to spontaneously generate entire back to precursors in time and more untold future as a way to live for eternity.
If travel back to locations of memory is possible, how is that not travelling back in time? Travel to past locations and events - is it yes just that memories were triggered by ideas, & that this is real Astral Travel to a time in the past, both. Both evolution & creation may they walk hand in hand, but to know this or stand to do one or the other does it stifle your stand to do either? I'm not sure what Alchemy is, but i disagree that past, present and future are often either light or otherwise dark - so cannot answer your following question as to if i'd astro-travel to a dark time. Where i'd astro-travel, would always be to some time in the past. A time that i'll later say i've been familiar with all my life. All this will i do without knowing i'd gone back at all or that my life & i had changed beneath & including my own nose since. Each time i and the collective astro-travel (are reviewed & redescribed back), to've lived again from added precursors in time, would we always end up at a time brighter than the last? Any not part of the collective, might their time be darker than ours by comparison? Strike that. Might they've never even existed - a replacement brighter time having been forced over the top of them & their heaven & earth as they know it? I would not like to travel by any other means than to do it naturally, learning by mistakes & growing my total consciousnessIf Astral Travel to locations of memory is possible, is it then not possible to Astral Travel back in time? I know I have experience w/Astral Travel in relation to past locations and events - are these just memories awakened by the idea or is this real Astral Travel to a time in the past? Alchemy is also a big part of the process in my opinion as there are often light and dark times in past, present and future - Would you travel to a time if you knew there was an inherent darkness present? Astrally or otherwise?
i've never heard of a prepositional phrase before. Thankyou. Actually, any advise is gratefully appreciated. At the moment, i find people are rephrasing what i say back at me, & having me approve weather what they say is what i meant or not. I wish what i was saying wouldn't boggle the mind soI am not trying to be rude, PrecursorHwy, but your writing is exceedingly difficult to understand. And there is no doubt in my mind it is due to excessive use of prepositional phrases in long, run-on sentences. Have you never been instructed about the problems that prepositional phrases create in reader comprehension? Sorry, just trying to help you achieve a better comprehension for your readers.RMT
Glad you were not offended. Here is a link that can help reduce prepositional phrases:i've never heard of a prepositional phrase before. Thankyou. Actually, any advise is gratefully appreciated. At the moment, i find people are rephrasing what i say back at me, & having me approve weather what they say is what i meant or not. I wish what i was saying wouldn't boggle the mind so.
Agreed . Thankyou.Glad you were not offended. Here is a link that can help reduce prepositional phrases:
I am an engineering educator, and lots of engineering students don't think they need to worry about writing well as long as they can solve equations. NOT SO! I tell them that an average engineer can solve equations...what makes someone an above average engineer is the ability to write prose that describes your work to people who do not have your depth of understanding. Good writing helps everyone!![]()
Oh darn. I just realized "Actually, any advise is gratefully appreciated" is a prepositional statement, is it not? I so hope i'm not stuck this way lolGlad you were not offended. Here is a link that can help reduce prepositional phrases:
I am an engineering educator, and lots of engineering students don't think they need to worry about writing well as long as they can solve equations. NOT SO! I tell them that an average engineer can solve equations...what makes someone an above average engineer is the ability to write prose that describes your work to people who do not have your depth of understanding. Good writing helps everyone!![]()
LOL! Nope, that one is not prepositional. One way to learn to recognize prepositional phrases is being aware of what words are prepositions. My 5th grade Catholic school teacher made us memorize them!Oh darn. I just realized "Actually, any advise is gratefully appreciated" is a prepositional statement, is it not? I so hope i'm not stuck this way lol.
LolzLOL! Nope, that one is not prepositional. One way to learn to recognize prepositional phrases is being aware of what words are prepositions. My 5th grade Catholic school teacher made us memorize them!Here is a list:
And I should also reinforce that prepositional phrases are not meant to be banned! :ROFLMAO: They actually are useful when used in their proper manner, and sparingly. But in general, if you have more than one prepositional phrase in any one sentence, then chances are the meaning of the sentence could easily be confused by the reader. Beyond that....ROCK ON!![]()