You can travel forwards, but not backwards

It's called the Special Theory of Relativity. Look up "time dilation" , there are several sites online that explain it and have plug-in formulae that allow you to find required speeds to achieve a desired time dilation. astronauts in Earth orbit can measure the difference in their subjective time and the time on Earth. To do so they must have an atomic clock or something else that accurate. The experiment in which one astronaut from America will spend a year in orbit and his identical twin will stay on Earth will have a time difference of about .014 second,

Unfortunately you really don't want a vehicle that travels at the speed of light. Going from "here" to "there" wouldn't be a five minute trip to 50 years in the future. It would be an instantaneous trip from the present to the infinitely distant future. In other words, your trip terminates at the end of time (whatever that is). Equally bad is the fact that spacetime at the speed of light, from your perspective, folds up into a point (actually a singularity) directly in from of you. So you will make contact at the speed of light with a point particle containing all the mass of the universe. Ouch! Even if you could survive that you can't navigate to any particular place...the entire universe is a point. Finding the intersection of 3rd and 33rd in Some City on Whatever Planet would be somewhat problematic.
an adjustmentOkay, let me make an adjustment. Suppose a vehicle could be invented that could travel at the speed of light, but during its "journey(s)" the vehicle does not travel at its max capacity, but travels at a speed that ensures its occupants reach the future before those outside of the vehicle. This, I believe, would be the only way time-travel could potentially occur; i.e. a one-way trip forward.

Einstien wrote of precisely this in 1905. His book is available in pdf online for free. It is called Relativity:The Special and The General theory. It is written so that a person without advanced physics and math skills can read and understand it, especially the special theory

A big problem when you travel fast is the G force. Human can't survive any possible G-force. Can this problem be solved?

The same for the gravity of a black hole lol.

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A big problem when you travel fast is the G force. Human can't survive any possible G-force. Can this problem be solved?
I'm personally not convinced that faster than light speed is the only method of time travel.

Back on the question :) Is it possible to avoid the G-force taken from your body in super high speed?
Change the rules.
Expand upon Dmitry Itskov's 2045 objectives, and ask the question "can we construct an avatar that can endure massive g force punishment?"

Avatar travels through time. Survives the "bad stuff" that would kill a human being. Same tech allows humanity to initially explore the ocean depths and space. Time travel a new frontier after that? Maybe remote control. Maybe a human brain transplant. Pseudo science at best for now. :thumbsdown:

If an avatar be constructed, and it travels into the future, then it will be the avatar traveling, not you. The avatar may start time traveling and coma back when you are already death long time ago.

You're not familiar with the 2045 Initiative, maybe?

The long term agenda is a working avatar (android) containing a human brain.

As far as any correlation between a person's consciousness and life force, spanning any given number of years (years exceeding one's own life time), implying a result of a failed outing is assuming too many variables given a lack of any hard science behind actual time travel. Who's to say time is a straight road of 'things happening' as opposed to following a configuration mimicking a solar system. The distance between a point in, say, 1965 and 2250 isn't measured in time (as we define it) but by distance (in a yet-to-be established quantity).

Time travel is fantastical pseudo-science with the hard rules yet to be written.

An android, containing a human brain will still contain a human brain, that can be damaged by the G-force and still will have to find a way for the G-force not to damage it.

I don't think, that time travel is entirely a pseudo science. There are simply technical problems, that are not solved yet. Sooner or later, they will be solved for sure.

That's like saying a submarine is full of dead people because it's exposed to the high pressure at its depth. The point of this hypothetical avatar is to safeguard the brain from damage and external pressures.

The concept is the avatar of a technology currently nonexistent hence hypothetical

is to →resist or negate ←

→resist or negate ←

the g force.

There is a difference between external pressure, and acceleration G-force. I suppose, that you are not familiar with the difference.

Acceleration G-force appears only when you travel with a high speed, and it acts on every object and every atom inside the moving thing. In rockets astronauts have had experiences when they can't lift their hand up due to the acceleration G-force. A machine, that will move lets say 1000 times faster, than the modern rockets, will make a G-force, that will be unbearable and will smash the people inside.

Ah. I see now. That would render an "egg" approach completely useless. Back to the drawing board.

That would mean the solution would have to be at the atomic (subatomic?) level. This is very interesting.

I don't know. This is why I asked if some one knows how the G-force is being compensated in modern supersonic airplanes and in rockets.

RainmanTime is much more qualified to answer this than I but, I think the G-forces are only a problem while accelerating at an extreme rate. If you accelerate at a continuous 1 G rate, you will gain speed but experience no major force on your body.

Here is one theory that allows backwards time travel:View attachment 350
That one always gives me a headache because the explanation of it loops just as much as the theory. LMAO

I am not sure if it really works. What is ghost time travel?
It is as it says. You are there able to observe but unable to enact change. You are pretty much a ghost. It is basically a transference of the mind through the past, but not the body, so that you can view the events of the past but it is like watching a 3D movie for you. Things pass right through you as if you are not there and you are unable to move things or be heard.
