After reading this article on remote viewing my faith in it
working has dropped significantly as a means of gathering
information. For a while I thought if a person has grace it
will work for you then but now I even don’t believe that as well.
The mind will merely trick you out of the information.
Read this article and you will never believe in remote viewing
Hocus Pocus
Remote viewing will not work past this time barrier of 2011 so
arcurate prediction past this date is impossible if you believe in
this stuff in which I don’t.
After reading this article on remote viewing my faith in it
working has dropped significantly as a means of gathering
information. For a while I thought if a person has grace it
will work for you then but now I even don’t believe that as well.
The mind will merely trick you out of the information.
Read this article and you will never believe in remote viewing
Hocus Pocus
Remote viewing will not work past this time barrier of 2011 so
arcurate prediction past this date is impossible if you believe in
this stuff in which I don’t.