You all made a difference.


After reading this article on remote viewing my faith in it
working has dropped significantly as a means of gathering
information. For a while I thought if a person has grace it
will work for you then but now I even don’t believe that as well.
The mind will merely trick you out of the information.

Read this article and you will never believe in remote viewing

Hocus Pocus

Remote viewing will not work past this time barrier of 2011 so
arcurate prediction past this date is impossible if you believe in
this stuff in which I don’t.
To Desinger:

Ok try this out. RV a scene a few months in the future and write down all the details. You will be surprised at how accurate it is.

For example, there was a UPS store near where I live. I went forward four months and saw that it was closed. I then asked the owner if he was going to close the store. He said no.

Quess what three months later the store was closed. I asked the owner when I saw him crossing the street why he had lied to me. Turns out that he had problems, a death in the family, a divorce etc, he did not plan to close the store.

But what I saw happened.

Another case is an office building in an empty lot. I was given the target of anempty lot and I drew the building which would be on it a few years later. It was uncanny. The person giving me the target did not request a date only a location.

One thing that you can do is RV the past. Like a small town and later ask old farmers if the general store was in a certain spot and what it looked like inside. You will be surprised what you see...