You all made a difference.

But when WWIII happens as John Titor predicted it is these "freaks" that will carry forward the flambeau of humananity.

He did? Where?

As I recall, and I have this vague feeling that I was there when he wrote it, Boomer said that even in his time people don't generally believe in time travel.

What? Those people are doomed to freeze to death because they have improper thoughts? The Thought Police is going to put them on ice?

What in God's name do they teach at the University of West Virginia?
To Darby:

John Titor stated that WWIII took place in 2015. Well, I will give you the exact date - July 4, 2015 is n-day. I predict that of over 300 million people, only 5 million will survive.

This is not the first time that I give names and dates. I also predict that on Nov 4, 2008 Hillary Clinton will be elected President of the United States.

Back when I predicted that oil would go over $100 per barrel the result was laughter. I said your laughter would turn to tears. Well today oil is at $96.21 a barrel and the dollar is at a record low $1.4556 against the euro.

My predictions are coming in like clockwork. Back in 2004 I told people to sell the old SUV and get a scooter. To sell the big house and downsize because the real estate market would collapse. To buy gold.

Back in 2001 when gold was $250/oz and I predicted that it would go over 1000, there were screams of laughter from debunkers.

Guess what gold is up to $825/oz up 34% this year.

Do you still think that PEAK OIL is a hoax?

Back when I predicted that oil would go over $100 per barrel the result was laughter. I said your laughter would turn to tears. Well today oil is at $96.21 a barrel and the dollar is at a record low $1.4556 against the euro.


My predictions are coming in like clockwork.

The thing of it is, hdrkid, that you are selective in which of your "predictions" you tout and which ones you conveniently ignore. This is why your "predictions" are really nothing more than "guesses" and not indicative of you actually traveling into the future. Want an example? OK!

The following is from your blog on TUE, October 31, 2006

BTW, inflation will rear its ugly head next year, oil goes to over $100/b and the price at the pump zooms from the now tame $2/gal of gas to over $4/gal.

So while time will tell whether you guessed the $100/barrel for oil (and you did not give us a CLEAR DATE when this would occur), I wonder why you do not highlight your MISSES such as $4/gal gas. Oh wait! I think I do know why!

From Thursday, December 14, 2006 we have:

My predictions are not fuzzy, they are clear and sharp like the prediction that more jobs from the US will be outsourced to India.

So you think "more jobs" without specifying a NUMBER and a STANDARD DEVIATION is "clear and sharp"? I have to say that is not in agreement with what we term fuzzy, especially when it comes to scientific things like "fuzzy logic". The term "more" is explicitly fuzzy because it does NOT identify a crisp threshold.

"More" from hdrkid in 2006:

I also predict that the price of Gold in Dec 31, 2007 will be higher than Jan 1, 2007. Furthermore I predict a decline in the value of the dollar, this adds to inflation, a problem in 2007 and also in 2008.

Sorry. That is not crisp and clear. That is fuzzy. Argue all you want, but I believe Darby has put forth a challenge to you on gas prices where you have the opportunity to be crisp and clear. So far, you have ignored it.

You might wish to remove the chip from your shoulder too, hdrkid. It is not attractive when trying to sell your snake oil. :D

While I don't want for this thread to devolve into a discussion about macroeconomics, I thought I would also say a few words with regard to your "chicken little" fear mongering about "the dollar is falling!" You seem to have a decent grasp on economics, from what I can tell, to understand why this is not all bad and why market capitalism allows for making money with a strong OR a weak dollar.

Smart people can make money when the dollar is rising OR falling. For instance, over a year ago I too saw the trends that would bring the dollar lower. The tea leaves were not that hard to see since we all knew a real estate correction had to come at some time. At that time I shifted a LARGE chunk of my domestic stocks into international mutual funds. I believe a poster here highlighted a Goldman-Sachs analysis about the BRIC ecnonomies that my nephew brought to my attention. The result? Well, my rate of returns on those monies that I shifted has gone through the roof. I just checked one account at Vanguard last night and my 1-year return on one fund was over 20%, and the other fund's return was around 17%. Not bad, eh? My year-to-date returns on those two accounts are both above 9%, which is pretty darned good compared to S&P 500 performance this year. All of this capital expansion I have experienced is a result of seeing that the dollar would fall and shifting some (not all) investments into the economies of other countries through mutual funds. I have still kept a fair amount of blue-chip US stocks because most of those stocks are also multi-nationalized in terms of their capital holdings. Translation: They are invested elsewhere in the world to take advantage of a falling dollar.

But there are other ways that a falling dollar can be a boon. Selling American products overseas is another one. Falling dollar means our products become CHEAPER to foreign buyers. And in the endless battle of Airbus vs. Boeing, guess who is loving the falling dollar right now? Boeing not only has an edge over Airbus because of Airbus' performance problems on the A380, but now it is becoming cheaper to buy a Boeing than a comparable Airbus. Believe me, Euros do NOT like that! :D

Of course, it should go without saying that a falling dollar also means our US trade imbalance with other countries will fall at the same time.

The only "problem" is China. They don't seem to want to sign-up to full-blown market capitalism, as they still wish to keep the yuan artificially low against the dollar, rather than let it float. For everything we hear about the wisdom of the Chinese, they certainly have not studied their history on this issue. They should ask Argentina how their little tryst with currency manipulation against the dollar worked out for them. Far from all the stories you hear about how "the Fed is scared to death" about China, what has actually been happening is the Fed has been trying to explain to China how it will get burned if it does not begin allowing its currency to float with markets. Sure, they hold a lot of our debt (by design, if you understand how it HELPS the US), but they also need to sell product. If the US economy does happen to slide towards a recession, the party will be over for China... and you can take that to the bank!

And let's also not forget that China is investing for the Olympics. Once the Olympics come and go (as opposed to Titor's prediction, which was and is bogus), there is going to be an economic hit for China as their post-Olympic balloon deflates.

You can say you read it here first!

Hi Rainman:

I dont want to rain on your parade, but China has a major unemployment problem. Unofficial sources say that many farmers are going to the cities to get jobs. As a result, wages that were destined to rise from 50 cents an hour in factories to $2/hr by 2020 have fallen to 40 cents an hour. Good old supply and demand. US comapnies continue to outsource so guess what the US economy will go into freefall soon.

I predict the DOW taking a major hit after the election.

On to gasoline. It's $3/gal not $4. I predicted that come Dec 31, 2007 It will be over three dollars a gallon. Yes by then oil will be over $100 barrel. Right now it is 3.013 in the US so that prediction came true. However according to the debunkers we will soon see a drop in price below three. Well, Dec 31, 2007 is the litmus test. If the price is over $3 I was right, if it is under $3 I was wrong. Back in Jan of this year, I paid $1.87/gallon for regular. When the price went up in the summer they said it was summer drivers. Now, when it is up again in the winter, they say it is a cold winter. No, that is not the truth. The truth is we are running out of oil. Peak oil is not a hoax, it is HERE!,8599,1681362,00.html

Another prediction I made was that GM, once the largest car company in the world, would go under. Yes, they lost money in 2005 and 2006, but nothing compared to the record loss of 2007 - 39 billion.

On to the next episode,
John Titor said - Get a bicycle, well, using remote viewing I have seen major fuel shortages in the future. It is a good idea to get a scooter as gasoline will be rationed. No doubt when this happens the debunkers will claim that it was obvious. Yes, the same people that said "Peak oil is a hoax!"

Japan back in 1997 came out with the Toyota Prius Hybrid meanwhile Detroit laughed and laughed while they built gigantor SUVs, now they are fighting to survive. They will not, such is the lot of debunkers.

I wish GM had a car equivalent to the Toyota Yaris a small $10,000 quality car that gets 34mpg, or the Honda Fit. Sorry, the Chevy Aveo don't cut the mustard!
hdrkid, would you consider your gift a psychic power, or simply an educated guess? from what ive seen, you seem to know alot about the stuff you are predicting. ya think that maybe takes some of the "psychic" out of it?

So you are a revisionist as well?

On to gasoline. It's $3/gal not $4. I predicted that come Dec 31, 2007 It will be over three dollars a gallon.

Not gonna let you get away with that. Did you think I would? Can you not read the quote from your blog I provided above? Heck, can you not read your own blog?

And the entire quote in context:

No, rrreally, they claim that the war is his fault, the deficit, inflation, etc.....

BTW, inflation will rear its ugly head next year, oil goes to over $100/b and the price at the pump zooms from the now tame $2/gal of gas to over $4/gal. Yep, I think that scooters will sell like hotcakes in 2008.

Not such luck for old SUVs that will sit and rust in the used car lot.

Maybe you forgot to change that part of the blog to $3 when you figured out you would be wrong? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It might be easier for you if you simply acknowledge your "misses". If you don't it could end up getting a tad unpleasant for you. Here is a sample of what you can expect:

Friday, October 08, 2004

I could not tell you the exact date, but the air was cold, so perhaps November 2009 is when I landed. I saw a lot of activity at the train station. Mothers crying hugging their children. A sad day for everybody.

Pres Kerry had given a general evacuation order for all large cities. People were to leave the designated "Blast Zones" and move to temporary shelters away from high population areas.

Hmmm.... but wait! I thought you "predicted" that Hilldog was gonna win in 2008??? Oh THAT'S RIGHT! You changed it from Kerry to Hillary once you saw that Kerry was out of it!!

Is this really what you want, hdrkid?

Back in 2001 when gold was $250/oz and I predicted that it would go over 1000, there were screams of laughter from debunkers.

You made this prediction when you were 11 years old, correct? posted this on your blog:

Sunday, September 17, 2006
New HDR machine
. has a new 3rd generation HDR unit that has four dials. This new HDR unit sell for $679 and is supposed to be better than the previous.
I have an old unit 2001 from Steven Gibbs that I paid $360 for.

Of course, this post to your blog was made just a few months after you posted on the Paranormalis site that you were 15 years old, living with daddy and attending high school.

So back in 2001, when you were 11 years old not only were you posting these fantastic predictions, you were a rather rich munchkin. Eleven years old and you had $360 to buy your own HDR unit from Gibbs.

And, BTW, Rainman was correct and you seem to have conviently forgotten what your gas price prediction was for 2007. You said, the first time, as Raimnan posted from your blog that you predicted $4.00/gal but no specific date. But you later posted this:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006
When gas goes to over $4/gal next year, double what it sells for now, they will say that it was obvious. They will talk about PEAK OIL. Well, peak oil does not explain why gas when this year 2006 from $3/gal to under $2/gal. PEAK OIL does not explain why Saudi has cut production twice this year. emphasis added
And, BTW, Rainman was correct and you seem to have conviently forgotten what your gas price prediction was for 2007. You said, the first time, as Raimnan posted from your blog that you predicted $4.00/gal but no specific date. But you later posted this:

And there are some other unacknowledged "misses" in his/her blog, Darby. See the other thread I started.

I predict the DOW taking a major hit after the election.

No date and no percentage, huh? But I thought you gave "crystal clear" predictions? That is what you said! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Another prediction I made was that GM, once the largest car company in the world, would go under.

Care to show me where online (dated reference) where you made that specific prediction? I'd love to see it. I notice you do not reference a LOT of your predictions when you say "I predicted...." But isn't that why you started a blog, so you COULD reference those time hacks in the past???

To Rainman:

If the weatherman on channel 5 predicts rain and is wrong 5% of the time does that make Meteorology a hoax? I prefer to think that nothing is 100% accurate. Still what debunkers want is the exact temperature and exact amount of rain down to the millimeter months away.

John Titor made many predictions that came true like the loss of our civil liberties. You want to hold me to an even higher standard than the weather forecasters. Do you believe that remote viewing is less accurate than sophisticated computer models of weather? If so, what level of accuracy is needed?

I am not 100% accurate. In 2005 I predicted that oil would go over $80 in 2006 and over $100 in 2007. Well, in 2006 it only went up to $78.80, so I was close, but a dollar and change away from a hit. Perhaps this year oil will not go over $100. Want to bet real cash?

Somehow I don't think so. The only thing debunkers can do is wait until my prediction comes true and then say "That was obvious, you didn't predict anything!"

Well, today I make another prediction. Just like you saw the dow go down over 200 points today and 361 points yesterday. You will see futher decline in the months ahead both the dollar and the dow. Gold will continue to rise as will oil.

Take a look at what I told people to do.

1) Sell your SUV. Get a scooter.
2) Sell stocks. Buy Gold.
What a waste of time all of this "prediction" stuff is. Every time, it's just a twist on current events; no truly new information is ever presented. The only way deceivers can make their lies credible is to taint them with the expectations of their listeners. If you see high gas prices, you'll believe a prediction of even higher ones in the near future. If you watch news stories about china's population & military, you'll believe predictions regarding an invasion or epidemic. Nobody ever comes out and says "before this month ends, armenia & chechnya will be at war." Because it's just too risky to say.

If the weatherman on channel 5 predicts rain and is wrong 5% of the time does that make Meteorology a hoax?

Inappropriate analogy: Meterologists are not telling people all over the internet that they are "visiting the future with Steven Gibbs' HDR". You are. Nuff said on that one.

I prefer to think that nothing is 100% accurate.

Not even time traveling, eh? So then you are not really time traveling, you are simply making educated guesses (like weatherman). I can accept that, but you need to admit it. If you do not admit it, then you must at least admit that you are, quite often, QUITE FAR from even getting close to 100%. Here is one example:

You predict: Gas above $4 by end of 2007.
Actual: Gas above $3 by end of 2007.
The math works out to: ((4-3)/3) * 100 = 33.33% error

I am not 100% accurate.

I know, as seen and mathematically demonstrated above. But you are often even worse. You are often 0% accurate. For example, your "prediction" of a "declining Dow" for 2Q of 2007. Because the Dow did NOT decline during that quarter, that makes you 0% correct for that prediction. Pretty lousy for a person who claims to have traveled into the future. But it would not be unusual for an average person making an educated guess, would it?

Want to bet real cash?

Depends on what standards you are willing to meet. I would be willing to bet some cash if you would meet NYSE standards for "put options".

Well, today I make another prediction. Just like you saw the dow go down over 200 points today and 361 points yesterday. You will see futher decline in the months ahead both the dollar and the dow. Gold will continue to rise as will oil.

This is getting to the crux of the matter. You could not take these fuzzy and open-ended "predictions" to a broker and have them placed as "put options" on Wall Street. No one would book them because there is too little definition of what you are "betting on". In order to make those "predictions" pass the Wall Street muster you will need to beef them up in two ways:

1) A specific closing price (not just "further decline") and
2) A specific date by which (does not have to be the EXACT day, but a drop-dead day) when the subject index (or stock) must be AT OR BELOW the closing price you specify in (1).

I think you are savvy enough about the market and how it works to know what I have just explained. I explained it not only for effect (to show what you are trying to pull on people), but also to let people know that your "predictions" are nothing but vague guesses.

Your turn.
You want to hold me to an even higher standard than the weather forecasters.


I, for one, absol-fracking-lutely would hold you to a "higher standard" than the weatherman.

The weatherman uses charts, sat images and statistics to make an educated analysis of what might occur - and then usually attaches some sort of metric to the analysis that states the level of confidence of the prediction, i.e. there's a 50% chance of showers in the Oly Pen area today."

You, on the other hand, claim to be a time traveler. You're not using statistical analysis. You're claiming to actually visit the future. So, yes. A much higher standard is expected.
To Darby:

First I want to thank John Titor for having alerted me to future events.
My suggestion is that you not depend on me or others to tell you what happens in the future. Go to and learn RV. I use both remote viewing and astral time travel to get information about the future. While, I admit that the technique is not 100% accurate it is currently the best we have.

If we can prevent Bush from invading i ran we can prevent WWIII. Right now, he is planning the attack. It is this attack that causes confrontation with the russians. His plan is to launch the attack soon using nukes against iran.

That is why I want as many remote viewers as possible to RV 2008. Find out all you can and report back. If we do hit iran with nukes here is what I saw happen. The russians had already sold them nukes, we got some but not all. They hit twenty of our cities including - Dallas, Houston, Chicago, NYC, Boston, Tampa, Miami, and many more. I believe that Cincinnati and Indianapolis escape, not sure.

Quoting from the Oct. 1, 1998, The Washington Times, "Israeli, Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu said, "Iran is developing the Shahab-4 which can reach well into Europe, and the Shahab-5 and 6, which (will have the capacity) to reach the Eastern Sea board (of the United States).

God help us all.....
hdrkid, do you truly belive you are remote viewing and astral travelling? or do you believe you are making educated guesses?

i would really like to know.

Remote Viewing is unreliable. Look at Major Ed Dames.
He said that there would be a kill shot that should have occurred
by now with the space shuttle forced down my meteors. But guess
what it never happened. He said he would find gold somewhere
and give some of it to Art Bell. Guess what it never happened.
He claimed that there would be fungus on all our crops with the
food on the field rendered useless. It never happened. All I am
saying is that Major Ed Dames in my opinion should be a better
remote viewer than you. But guess what he is not that accurate so
how can you be more accurate than a master?

And for astral travel it is of spirit and because of it you will be tricked.