You all made a difference.


Temporal Novice

It feels as though I never left. From my point of view I have only been gone from this forum a matter of days. It seems my visit in 2000-2001 had quite an impact on the world. The nuclear attack never happened and the civil war was nothing more than protests in the streets. I took the time to re-read all of my posts and am surprised at the drastic changes made to the timeline. We all thank you for realizing where the world was heading, and still is but at a much slower rate.
strange, seems like you'd might think that noone would know who you are on this timeline, on 'accounta timeline divergence, but anyways...

hows it going titor? ive read all your posts, big fan and what-not. so whats the deal with the pit stop? i dont remember you saying anything about stopping in 2007.

and how long will ya be here? ive gots lotsa questions
You said you couldn't return to any one time-line other than your own. How did you manage it? There been an update to TT technology since last time?

Good to see you back. So what's the name of The Song? It's not that I don't believe you, but you're not actually the first person to take the name "Time Traveler 0" who claimed to be the real deal.

It was your idea to confidentially give the name of a song to a member for future identification purposes. Considering that the "bad" future never came about you should have no reason not to "Name That Song".

(Now, something tells me that I should expect an answer other than the name of the song. Call me a "time traveler" if you must for having that foreknowledge, but I'm not.)
Another one bites the dust. We should have a name for fake T.T.'s. I guess I asked a very easy question to the prevaricator.

TimePrevaricator, lol Timeliar, Traveling liar, T.L. I know...T.P...toiletpaper!
Hi TT0:

You said "The nuclear attack never happened and the civil war was nothing more than protests in the streets."

I wish that were true. In 2003 I saw an empty lot become a park in 2007. There were swings and families and green grass.

So, I looked to see the park in 2017. The grass was all dead brown, houses were falling down, and the park was abandoned. The city was empty, houses were still there, but no people were inside. I peered in through a window, but there was nothing inside, not even furniture. The roads were empty, there were no cars on the street. A tumbleweed blew in the wind. The sky was gloomy and rainy, my empty city dark and without power.

It was so barren and silent. No sounds of people, machines, or even insects.

A nearby corner grocery store, its glass front broken, was smashed bad. The dark lonely shelves were stripped bare. A feeling of desolation crept up over me. Why is downtown deserted and vacant? Where are the people?
This is the most lame attempt of someone claiming to be Titor. The way John explained how time travel work. It would be nearly impossible for him to return to this exact worldline. That's if you believe everything he said!

So far I don't think that anyone actually wants to hear about your take on the future. This isn't your thread. Unless and until you come clean and explain to the Community your real identity and you stop playing the part of a 15 year old boy who never ages over many years you're stuck in a rut.

You do have talent as a writer. You have a message that you want to get out. But your attempts at playing the part that you've chosen, several years ago, is now all too familiar and transparent. On your own site hijacking a thread is possible. But here it hasn't served you well. The "story" that you told in your last post is seriously at odds with the hundreds of posts that you've made here and elsewhere.

When you decide to come clean maybe you'll be better received.
Hello Hdrkid:

A certain lady of my acquaintance once surprised a group of her friends by mentally going to a distant hospital to check on the progress of the scheduled operation on a relative of one of the members. She did so and reported that the operation was postponed due to heart arrythmia of the patient. The member in question called the hospital sometime later and found that the operation had been postponed exactly for the reported reason.

I say this because within the last few days, and partly as the result of your reply above, I asked this lady if she had ever used her ability to see what the future held. She replied that she had not. I then asked her to try to do so and give me a report on the general goings on in the city we reside in ( a city of about 1800 on the WI-MI border) 10 or 15 years in the future. She made the attempt and a few seconds later said, "There's no one here. It's a ghost town."

The reason I asked for her perception of the future was because a week or so earlier I had let my perception drift into the future, and perceived an image of the main street of the town (actually a section of U.S.41). It seemed as if there was no one around. No traffic, no people, no activity. The city seemed abandoned. In the downtown area there was one old building where a plate glass window had broken and the pieces of glass were lying on the sidewalk.

But it did seem that a few years after this, maybe 3 or 4, there was some activity in the house where I reside. But this was more like a vigilante headquarters or a gang control point.I perceived a somewhat futuristic looking black pick-up truck and there were weapons about.

So there you have it. Take it for what it is worth. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Oh yes John, I'm sure you are just thrilled events are going on a much slower rate. Incredible. Personally, I am finding things are running on a speed like never before. Faster and unprecendented.
To Darby:

Dr. Watson, a Nobel prize winning scientist, discoverer of DNA along with Crick says that blacks are genetically inferior.

According to debunkers if a prominent scientist says something it must true. Well?

Now you understand how I feel about scientists. None of them was able to get an airplane off the ground it was up to two brothers who were bicycle repairmen to do that. The men of science were too busy yelling "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!"
Now you understand how I feel about scientists. None of them was able to get an airplane off the ground it was up to two brothers who were bicycle repairmen to do that. The men of science were too busy yelling "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

That's one of those urban legends. The Wright Brothers were not the first to fly a powered heavier than air winged vehicle. What they accomplished was to use light weight bicycle parts and a gasoline engine in order to get a power to weight ratio that allowed for manned flight.

Hiram Maxim in England, Clement Ader in France and Samuel Langley in the US all accomplished unmanner powered flight using reasonably large aircraft in the 1880-1890 time frame. Langley launched his craft from a catapult on a houseboat. Sound familiar? It should,. He not only accomplished powered flight but he also invented the aircraft carrier concept. The first aircraft carrier was named for him - the USS Langley.

And Langley was a scientist. He was a well known astronomer who worked at the Simthsonian Institution and was later a professor at Pitt.

Maxim was an engineer-inventor. He invented the fully automatic machinegun. He lost the competition to Edison for the incandescent light bulb.

Ader was an electrical enginer. He engineered the original telephone system for Paris. He patented improvements to Bell's telephone.

These people were scientists and they were among dozens of scientists around the world who were working on manned flight in powered heavier than air winged vehicles in the 1880-1899 period of history.

I'm sure that RMT could take the discussion farther because he teaches areodynamics. I assume that he includes the history of flight in his lectures.