Yer another time traveling claim

Re: Yet another time traveling claim


I have something else to ask Did the people involved with John Titor's email experiment
ever find out what caused their strange time anomalies?

They were very similiar to the peoples experiences in "The triangle" movie by Bryan Singer
and Dean Devlin. Yet we had these experiences and posted about them years before that movie
was released.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"Your right the brain cell do not replenish. What you are born with is what you have now. So what happen to the time travelers see himself his brain will implode? "

I don't know...but it is interesting to think about.

But yet...the brain cells are the same but the other cells are not....he is left with a brainless body? Hmmm..Perhaps that has already happened to a few people I know at work. LOL
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

In Response to: Pamela- by 2044 there are several documentaries and movies about John Titor and in them all to one degree or another are you, Darby and Javier who play either the people who chatted with Titor or people who stayed and kept his story alive and in 2044 you are deceased- sorry. I don't have/can't get a driver's license and Ohio is quite a ride for me to take a cab. I'll go OT re this.

Now that is funny!!!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


I am going to try this... can multiple people travel back in time?

And i won't ask the other question, tis kind of stupid and you didn't answer my pm.


Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Now that we've settled the issue of E = mc^2 let's go back and look at your fanciful equation... c = Em^2.

I previously said that we can let C=1 for convenience. That gives us a ratio expressed in "natural" units. But we can always go ahead and plug in 300,000 km * sec^-1 as the value for "c".


c = (Em)^2

and we know from our original equation (E = mc^2) that "E" differs from "m" only by a factor of "c^2". Let's plug and chug...

c = 300,000 km*sec^-1 (kilometers per second)

E = m

Let's plug in the mass of Earth and see if we really have an "equation" (that is, the left side and the right side of the equals sign are the same)

m = 5.97 * 10^24 kg = 10 mm (we established that in the last post)

Now if E = m and c = em^2 then it follows that c = m^4 (if E = m then (Em)^2 can also be expressed as (m^2)^2 or m^4)

m^4 = 10^4 mm = 10,000 mm = 10 meters

Now comes plug and chug...

c = Em^2 is the same as saying...

300,000,000 meters = 10 meters.

Oops! Captain Kirk, we have a problem. It appears that the left side of our "equation" is about 30 million times larger than the right side of the "equation".

Care to explain?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I think that your "other" question was already answered on "The end of Eternity" by Isaac Asimov LOL

and a Blast of the Past or Future depends of your reference time-frame:

quote from:

"WikiLeaks is designed to allow anyone to post documents on the web without fear of being traced.

The creators of the site are thought to include political activists and open-source software engineers, though they are keeping their identities secret. Their goal is to ensure that whistle-blowers and journalists are not thrown into jail for emailing sensitive documents."

end quote

more at:

Waiting for a Pink Timetraveler

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Darby writes >>So you finally "get" the meaning of E = mc^2. Good for you.<<

Thanks for that info. As I stated from the outset, energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration.

>>Oops! Captain Kirk, we have a problem. It appears that the left side of our "equation" is about 30 million times larger than the right side of the "equation". Care to explain?<<

Sure thing, Scotty- but never to a degree where you can then "discover" this science on your own and win a Nobel Prize for it.:)

Energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration. Mass and energy are not "mass" and "energy" but quanta of acceleration. This acceleration- ALL acceleration- came from the Big Bang. An overly simplified way to look at it, the Big Bang was pure acceleration. Some of it became mass and some of it became energy.

"Mass" then differentiated itself to beget 92 elements and energy differentiated to become the electromagnetic spectrum and the universe as we know it took form.Mass and energy have rules: mass can never be pure mass and energy can never be pure energy. Mass can never move at light speed and energy can never stop moving.

Although mass and energy truly exist, they are nothing but quota of acceleration. A side effect of acceleration... the constant movement of everything, everywhere is time. As such, if you can control acceleration, you will control time/time travel. For more information, I wrote this out twice- on this forum and over at TTF. Now beam me up.

recall15- wikileaks sounds both interesting and potentially dangerous.

jmpet- Decorporealization is a word, it just has not been invented yet. Ask Darby.

Designer- There is no such thing as "divergence". Although it's possible alternate realities exist, none of them have energy. Well- since they potentially exist, is it possible for one of them to have John Titor and his time machine which can "pop into this reality from his"? Yes. However the energy required for him to go "from his reality to this reality" is equal to the Big Bang, which makes it essentially impossible- the only way such a thing could possibly happen is if he's from a vastly more powerful universe and he exists on a different scale than us. Were this the case, every atom in John Titor's body would be equal to a galaxy. This possibility once again makes it impossible, especially since he said he's from an alternate timeline.

As far as decorporealization goes, it's not a good thing if I alter my other self. Maybe they made it up but the moral is the same- if I alter my own history, and if there is only one reality, then I should pop out of existence- how could I not? I don't belong here, my other younger self does. But we are the same person, just in two different points in time in the same place and time. It's a paradox and bad stuff happens in the universe to fix paradoxes. My atoms are from 2044- some of those same exact atoms are somewhere else right now. At the very least, I would "de-atomize" as these twin atoms cancel each other out on the atomic level- distance is not a factor in the atomic scale.

Pamela- I don't know what you mean by stange anomolies surrounding Titor, but I know I've been getting weird emails recently- weird spam.

cpguy2- The time machine has room for one, but they can use the time machine more than once.
I am not ignoring anyone on this forum- if anyone has a question, I will try to answer it.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hi Titorian, I'm from TTF, I followed the link that someone left.

If you are familiar with Stephen Wolfram's work in Cellular Automata, I was wondering if this ever amounted to anything.

I hate equations, but I can follow rules.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Thanks for that info. As I stated from the outset, energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration.

So, what is d^2x/dt^2?

>>Oops! Captain Kirk, we have a problem. It appears that the left side of our "equation" is about 30 million times larger than the right side of the "equation". Care to explain?<<

You didn't answer the question. I asked you to explain the reason why an equation isn't. The details of the "physics" isn't inportant, just the math.

Energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration. Mass and energy are not "mass" and "energy" but quanta of acceleration. This acceleration- ALL acceleration- came from the Big Bang. An overly simplified way to look at it, the Big Bang was pure acceleration. Some of it became mass and some of it became energy.

"Mass" then differentiated itself to beget 92 elements and energy differentiated to become the electromagnetic spectrum and the universe as we know it took form.Mass and energy have rules: mass can never be pure mass and energy can never be pure energy. Mass can never move at light speed and energy can never stop moving.

The Big Bang was pure acceleration? What about inflation in addition to expansion?

And what elements were created by the Big Bang? All 92 "natural" elements? Are you sure about this?

Or is it possible that 88 of the elements came about much later as the result of a similar but decidedly different process of nucleosynthesis and that only the elements through beryllium were created in the Big Bang?

Mass can never move at light speed

Care to explain Cherenkov Radiation?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"I am not ignoring anyone on this forum- if anyone has a question, I will try to answer it."Titorian quote

I would ask more questions but you have not answered the ones I have submited so far:

Posted on January 18, 2007
"Pamela- I have different religous beliefs than you do- you can say I am more gnostic. As I approached my other self, I would begin to pop out of existence one atom at a time. In theory I should never be able to reach the door."Titorian quote.

I don't understand what religious beliefs have to do with it.
Are you saying you don't believe the body has a spirit?

Another question I asked that I was curious about was
if there were any controlled experiments to know for sure you do indeed
pop out atom by atom or if it is just a current theory in your time.

Another question I have is why does a black hole form between the two people
if they approach "zero hour" ? What is the difference between meeting your other self
right away or waiting until the time comes you came from?
What about spooky action at a distance? Didn't all matter/energy in this world come from its big bang?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


About John you said the energy required for him to go "from his reality to this reality" is equal
to the big bang.

You claim a black hole will form if the time traveler meets his younger self back in time
and waits until the "zero hour".

In the big bang all forces were originally united.
In a black hole are not all forces united again?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"Recall 15,
What does this mean?

"Waiting for a Pink Timetraveler""

I guess Pamela may have known John (Titor), but she doesn't know Bob?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I have a question. What would happen, if you were hit by a bus and killed right now, here in 2007? Would that affect your younger self, because that would alter history, wouldn't it?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

I looked at Stephen Wolfram's website and it was very confusing to me. Then I looked at Wikipedia and was even more confused. Is he saying the universe has a tendency to put things into order and eventually that order becomes life? I agree with the basic principle, if that's what he's getting at- I already mentioned that the blueberries on Mars are a form of proto life.

One thing that stood out to me on Wikipedia was "some complex computations cannot be short-cutted or 'reduced' (cf. NP-hard) , is ultimately the reason why computational models of nature must be considered, in addition to traditional mathematical models."

In 2044, P=NP was solved for some time and this is consistent with Wolfram's assertion "if the program is so simple, where does the complexity come from?".

Personally I have never heard of this man. I hate equasions too and started wrapping my head around what he was saying, but I also saw a host of problems people have with his conclusions.
If someone can explain this for me, I'd love to hear it.

Darby writes:
>>So, what is d^2x/dt^2?<<

I have absolutely no idea. That's why I wrote >>I am a layman talking to a physicist, I could never fully explain the simplest of concepts to you- I don't even know what all those letters in math formulas mean no less who came up with it first.<<

>>I asked you to explain the reason why an equation isn't. The details of the "physics" isn't inportant, just the math.<<

"Mass" and "energy" are expressions of acceleration; they're relative mathematical quotents. As far as math goes, in an infinite universe where you can "simply add more and more math until it's equal", math falls short of explaining acceleration. Can you give me one absolute state in the entire universe?

Undaunted, Darby writes:
>>Care to explain Cherenkov Radiation?<<

According to Wikipedia, "Cherenkov radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle passes through an insulator at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium."

In other words, it's finite and conditional. C=ME2 is larger and more encompassing than the opposite; E=MC2 is part of C=ME2. E=MC2 is one way of looking at the universe, C=ME2 is another larger, simpler way.

Pamela writes:
>>I don't understand what religious beliefs have to do with it. Are you saying you don't believe the body has a spirit?<<

The belief in a spirit is spiritual or religous in nature... it's ultimately a matter of faith. My beliefs are different than yours and I respect your beliefs. Yes we all have spirits but where they go when you die depends on your particular beliefs and varies greatly. Where am I going when I die? To visit an old man in his living room for a fireside chat.

>>Another question I asked that I was curious about was if there were any controlled experiments to know for sure you do indeed pop out atom by atom or if it is just a current theory in your time.<<

Yes. On the subatomic scale, particles popped in and out of existence randomly. In reality, we have no such thing happening to a person on film. I believe they tried something with "rolling one soccer ball into its younger self"- the older ball just faded into non-existence as it got closer, it never touched the other ball.

Someone mentioned your body's cells change with time- "a new you every few years" and you're right, but important parts- the brain and spinal column, brain cells, neurons, teeth- live a lifetime. This is rather unsavory for me to talk about because it applies to me.

The "I am a mass of atoms" analogy works best here- as I rewrite history, my atoms scatter. Eventually I won't be me anymore.

Regarding the black hole, in overly simplified terms, it's simply easier for a black hole to form and swallow up the planet than have reality redefine itself to accomidate you. Black holes are like erasers.

The Earth is a 99.9999% closed system- we don't leak much of anything into space. If a black hole formed on Earth, it would swallow the Earth and moon and maintain its orbit around the sun in our place- continuity intact.

You'd apply the "living universe" analogy- at that point, the solar system would continue to operate the same, only the Earth would not be in it.

A black hole is just a black hole... a black hole is not the opposite of a Big Bang. The universe has billions of black holes in it. Funny, isn't it? Black holes absorb everything but move through space. How is this possible- shouldn't black holes simply absorb this movement (acceleration) too? PS- Black holes are not closed- they leak.

Risata- If I got hit by a bus, then my life story will be me traveling here to get hit by a bus, it won't affect anything. They'd ID me and see I was pretending to be someone else who lives 1,000 miles away from me (there's millions of people pretending to be other people), the other me would eventually get audited and cleared- he doesn't know I am here. And after the dust settles, my lawyer delivers a package to my other, younger self. This is my plan, but not the bus part.
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


>>So, what is d^2x/dt^2?<<

I have absolutely no idea.

That's acceleration. (Second derivitive of change in position with respect to change in time)
>>Care to explain Cherenkov Radiation?<<

According to Wikipedia, "Cherenkov radiation is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle passes through an insulator at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium."

Well, first, I don't recall asking Wiki to explain. I think that I asked if you cared to explain Cherenkov Radiation. Obviously I asked you to explain because you stated:

Mass can never move at light speed

Last time I checked, charged particles (protons, electrons and their anti-particles) do have mass.

So which is it: mass can never move at the speed of light or mass can move at the speed of light? Is there any experimental evidence to support the correct answer?

In other words, it's finite and conditional. C=ME2 is larger and more encompassing than the opposite; E=MC2 is part of C=ME2. E=MC2 is one way of looking at the universe, C=ME2 is another larger, simpler way.

So why don't you expand your equation c=mE^2 and show the underlying proof. You drew your equation from E=mc^2, which comes from the special theory of relativity. Haven't you overlooked something that is more than implied in the latter equation (when properly notated it is explicit, in fact)?

What's "finite" and what's "conditional"? What are the conditions? What's "larger"? Opposite of what?

Can you plug some real numbers for mass and energy into your equation and solve it so that c = mE^2?

By the way - in your own words, please. I can look it up on Wiki - what is acceleration?

Last: so when are you going to throw out Bearden's name into the mix?
Re: Yet another time traveling claim

Hey Pam, "Pink" as Reverend Modemac @

stats: "is the Color Pink"

Do you believe right now that Timetraveler is only for Man?

------------->>>>Hey Titorian what do you Think about?

About the Subgenius:
" The Church of the SubGenius is a satirical postmodern religion, originally based in Dallas, Texas, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s subculture, with a large presence on the Internet."

and About Hillary Clinton: from GLP:

"Titor Stikes Again With Clinton

The first undeniable thing Titor spoke of was Iraq. No matter how skeptical if your honestly rational you can conculd that Titors words reguarding the middle east war was a hit rather than a miss.

Now Hillary Clinton has put her bid in for president. Titor refered to the president of 2008 as a "him or HER" but only to the 2004 president as a him.

And from my political opinion I agree with what Titor said in reguards to the 2008 president only wanting to increase his or HER power base. Hillary is hungry for power and I believe her lust for power will divide America apart even further then Hier Bush has.

More and more Titors words come to pass not like words set in stone but like a weather prediction of rain. It may not rain on monday but the rain is comming reguardless."


Waiting for a Pink Timetraveler

Re: Yet another time traveling claim

"Do you believe right now that Timetraveler is only for Man?"

Ok. I am still unclear about your meaning but you must be waiting for a female
time traveler.'s your lucky day! HERE I AM!!! lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif
Re: Yet another time traveling claim


Do you have a first name we can call you by?

About E=mc2. John mentioned this as well that the same formula can be solved for mass.

A ball is not a living object though. A balls atoms are not constantly changing or being renewed.
I can't believe they didn't do live experiments like on plants or mice first. I think they would
have found a slightly different reaction than what they had with a non-living soccer ball.

Have you discovered where exactly the atoms go and come from when they are popping in and out of existance on an atomic scale?

If ball "A" faded into "non-existance" as you call it as it got closer to ball "B" how do you know the universe just didn't transfer it back to the original time or another time? I don't see where you mentioned it turning into energy or anything or having a hugh explosion. You just say it faded out. This does not prove it ceases to exist just that it ceases to exist here.

With the black hole forming on the Earth. Are you saying if you stayed until zero hour with your otherself and created a blackhole you would destroy our Earth and Moon?