Re: Yet another time traveling claim
Darby writes >>So you finally "get" the meaning of E = mc^2. Good for you.<<
Thanks for that info. As I stated from the outset, energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration.
>>Oops! Captain Kirk, we have a problem. It appears that the left side of our "equation" is about 30 million times larger than the right side of the "equation". Care to explain?<<
Sure thing, Scotty- but never to a degree where you can then "discover" this science on your own and win a Nobel Prize for it.
Energy and mass are different expressions of the same thing: acceleration. Mass and energy are not "mass" and "energy" but quanta of acceleration. This acceleration- ALL acceleration- came from the Big Bang. An overly simplified way to look at it, the Big Bang was pure acceleration. Some of it became mass and some of it became energy.
"Mass" then differentiated itself to beget 92 elements and energy differentiated to become the electromagnetic spectrum and the universe as we know it took form.Mass and energy have rules: mass can never be pure mass and energy can never be pure energy. Mass can never move at light speed and energy can never stop moving.
Although mass and energy truly exist, they are nothing but quota of acceleration. A side effect of acceleration... the constant movement of everything, everywhere is time. As such, if you can control acceleration, you will control time/time travel. For more information, I wrote this out twice- on this forum and over at TTF. Now beam me up.
recall15- wikileaks sounds both interesting and potentially dangerous.
jmpet- Decorporealization is a word, it just has not been invented yet. Ask Darby.
Designer- There is no such thing as "divergence". Although it's possible alternate realities exist, none of them have energy. Well- since they potentially exist, is it possible for one of them to have John Titor and his time machine which can "pop into this reality from his"? Yes. However the energy required for him to go "from his reality to this reality" is equal to the Big Bang, which makes it essentially impossible- the only way such a thing could possibly happen is if he's from a vastly more powerful universe and he exists on a different scale than us. Were this the case, every atom in John Titor's body would be equal to a galaxy. This possibility once again makes it impossible, especially since he said he's from an alternate timeline.
As far as decorporealization goes, it's not a good thing if I alter my other self. Maybe they made it up but the moral is the same- if I alter my own history, and if there is only one reality, then I should pop out of existence- how could I not? I don't belong here, my other younger self does. But we are the same person, just in two different points in time in the same place and time. It's a paradox and bad stuff happens in the universe to fix paradoxes. My atoms are from 2044- some of those same exact atoms are somewhere else right now. At the very least, I would "de-atomize" as these twin atoms cancel each other out on the atomic level- distance is not a factor in the atomic scale.
Pamela- I don't know what you mean by stange anomolies surrounding Titor, but I know I've been getting weird emails recently- weird spam.
cpguy2- The time machine has room for one, but they can use the time machine more than once.
I am not ignoring anyone on this forum- if anyone has a question, I will try to answer it.