Re: Yet another time traveling claim
This particular history never ends...
" Cris McCarthy has put together this amazing documentary, and it has taken
her over 5 years to complete....mainly because the majority of her footage
was confiscated by the CIA,
and just recently released by the Supreme Court, due to a "fictionalized creation" clause.
The story surrounds the urban internet legend, John Titor. Otherwise known as his IM user handle TIMETRAVEL_0."
Cris started her Documentary by talking with Physics, and Quantum Theory Professors,
discussing the possibilities of time traveling.
How it could or could not be possible, and what types of
scientific evidence proves or disproves the theory of time
travelling. Talking with devoted individuals who have studied their chosen
path extensively. Their path, being something that John Titor
had spoken upon, regarding how humankind will react to 2/3
of the worlds population being wiped out by a huge nuclear
disaster called....War.
Cris then downloaded a manual that John Titor had posted
online, she showed it to some people, and got some very
interesting answers and responses.
Cris was able to track down people that had some online
conversations with John Titor, including one of the first people
to talk with him, and believe what he was saying. She in turn
helped Cris try to make contact with John Titor.
Many people have a variety of different views regarding time
travel, from whether it is possible, to what they would do
if they could time travel... and some of the answers were quite
creative in these street interviews.
And that is where the footage gets interesting....
end quoted...
Best Regards
Waiting for a pink Timetraveler.