Nope. Don't even try it.
Hi. I'm going to explain something that time travel shouldn't be necessary to comprehend. The very first fax and some of the words in the IRC chat logs are the only place where any words at all from myself, the real "John Titor" are present. The individual who posted as TimeTravel_01 is the individual who is referred to as "the commander". He is not to be trusted and most of what he posted here about the future is false. I know that individual's real identity and he is the subject of a major federal investigation due to crimes here, especially regarding the forced confinement of...
I've been back online for a while, and I even produced some work a few years ago that is temporally out of sequence to the point of just now starting to make sense. That's how time traveled or out of sequence information works - it only starts to make sense when the cause that created it initiates the effect, even if the effect already exists out in the world now.
Here's the secret, though. I was born in 1985 and the only way that I was able to make any sort of postings on anywhere, or put anything into the present was because that name "John Titor" was invented in-sequence, in 1998, and the internet postings were all made by people actually in 2001, not from the future. The posts should be considered the equivalent of information, in part, influenced by the future.