To: JOHN TITOR-A special request.

However, one has to then assume that the diveregence is so great that John Titor in OUR timeline never time travels(snip)

The Titor in our timeline would surely be sitting there reading all this in 2036....prior to getting in the time machine.
Not gonna work. The Titor from "our timeline" cannot both travel and not travel. (Unless he is also claiming to have the surname Schroedinger and he is of the feline persuasion).
So which is it in your concocted multiverse? (And when you claim both I will ask you to move on to your next diversionary tactic). ;)


"Just FYI: This is my most favorite incomplete answer Titor ever gave. He also did not define the standard by which this percentage is measured (i.e. what = 100%?). By not doing so, this number means absolutely nothing." definition, if there are infinite timelines then 2.5% divergence is meaningless. What is 2.5% of infinity ? Still infinity.

Also, attempts to measure or quantify 'divergence' are scientifically absurd. By definition we do not have any more than a range of quantum probabilities in THIS we cannot say what the state is in another. The notion that uncertainty exists in this universe, but we can somehow precisely define the quantum state in another unscientific nonsense.

However, one has to then assume that the diveregence is so great that John Titor in OUR timeline never time travels


The Titor in our timeline would surely be sitting there reading all this in 2036....prior to getting in the time machine.


"Not gonna work. The Titor from "our timeline" cannot both travel and not travel. (Unless he is also claiming to have the surname Schroedinger and he is of the feline persuasion).

So which is it in your concocted multiverse?"

I'm struggling to see where I have presented anything dichotomous. Where you did your 'snip'....I quite rightly pointed out that it has to be one OR the other.

I hope for your sake of closure that one day some version or another of JT will come to visit you.

And I also hope everyone that has been rude to you enjoys Hyperinflation and big city living post crash.. I mean God DARN people can be friggin heartless! Whats Wrong with this world?!?! No Wonder why JT had no problem telling us about his past and a war that will come regardless... Save who ya can and the rest don't seem to need saving anyways since they know Timetravel is all fake anyways. Those same skeptics seem like the type that would hurt people for food if they ran out... or insult ladies online just because they had a special experience once...

Good Luck Pam.

May you find closure one day.

And I also hope everyone that has been rude to you enjoys Hyperinflation and big city living post crash.. I mean God DARN people can be friggin heartless! Whats Wrong with this world?!?! No Wonder why JT had no problem telling us about his past and a war that will come regardless... Save who ya can and the rest don't seem to need saving anyways since they know Timetravel is all fake anyways. Those same skeptics seem like the type that would hurt people for food if they ran out... or insult ladies online just because they had a special experience once...
I get similar type response on every forum on which I am a sceptic. It invariably comes from those who 'want to believe'.
Well...I'd like to believe too. But, the internet is such a breeding ground for fraud, deception, and hoax of every kind that it requires VASTLY more than John Titor ever provided in order to persuade me.

What amazed me about Titor was not some guy travelling back from 2036....but that so many people unquestioningly fell for it.

Personally, it would not surprise me if we did in these times start to see the first inklings of time travel. But I think it MUCH more likely that any time traveller would contact a current scientist ( for example Ron Mallet ) than log into a time travel web forum with a 'hi...I'm from 2036'.

I'm struggling to see where I have presented anything dichotomous. Where you did your 'snip'....I quite rightly pointed out that it has to be one OR the other.
Hmmmm....well, I didn't read the "or" anywhere in that paragraph. Perhaps it needs just a touch-up in your explanation to make sure that is clear. (I know...telling a Brit that their language may not be complete can get tomatoes thrown at one in short order!) :)
For the sake of argument, here is the whole thing again:

However, one has to then assume that the diveregence is so great that John Titor in OUR timeline never time travels....and is sitting there in 2036 oblivious of all this. That's quite a divergence ! The Titor in our timeline would surely be sitting there reading all this in 2036....prior to getting in the time machine.
When I read this (and maybe it is my American interpretive hat that is on...LOL), I only read two statements, both about the Titor that belongs to "our" timeline. One says he never travels and the other says he does. Perhaps what you meant is that the Titor who never time travels is the one who never is part of our timeline? That would make sense, and the two statements would no longer be duplicitous...

Which ever one response of course. lol
In the multiverse there are many and not all rpond to the name of John Titor and the name variations...

im just wondering why pamelas still trying to sell this story 10 years later
Funny...All I did was post a messsage to John and you guys started posting on it.

I really don't care what you guys think to tell you the truth.

Just FYI: This is my most favorite incomplete answer Titor ever gave. He also did not define the standard by which this percentage is measured (i.e. what = 100%?). By not doing so, this number means absolutely nothing.
If we assume Titor's missives to be accurate then we have to believe that there are different "worlds" where his predictions are virtually unassociated with his locally predicted outcomes. What would those worlds believe to be the "divergence"? Infinite? Or, perhaps as insinuauted, random?

In the end we are talking to the principle of relativity. If the outcomes are infinite then there is no relationship between what occurs "here" vs "there". If there happen to be similar outcomes the best that one can say is that, by random circumstance, the Observer happened to observe one of an infinite number of possibilities - an outcome that is close to what is (or was) occuring on Titor's "world" but unrelated to the overall future super-position of possible outcomes for "our" world, which are, by definition, infinite.

In that case who really cares that "his" world's present situation varties by X percent (and I agree - what does that really mean?) from the perspective of our world? In our future the divergence will vary in a way that is unrelated to local events.

Given this, what reason can anyone give for the expense in time and effort for time travel? We can already imagine infinite possibilities. If in the given scenario all we accomplish is to viewing the reality of our imagination we aren't viewing anything that has any predictable affect for our world. Fourth dimensional tigers leaping from "the myst" is something that we can already imagine...just as we can already imagine a quasi-Soviet government that has five Presidents, five regional "national" governments and a few million people who somehow survive an all-out nuclear release of weapons by the USA and Russia, no matter how unlikely that event might be.

' 2.5% divergence ' is meaningless however one looks at it. One does not need multiverses to make a nonsense of it.

Even if we simply take the Earth in isolation ( it is after all the source of Titor's predictions ) and forget the other 11.5 trillion cubic light years of observable universe ( lol ) I really to believe that in 2036 there is some device that can measure the physical ( let alone quantum ) state of the entire Earth such as to know the exact momentum of every grain of sand on a beach, every locust in a swarm, every one of 6 billion humans, every cloud, etc, etc, etc.

That is after all one's baseline. Only when you have the exact position and momentum of every atom on the planet can there even begin to be talk of 'divergence'.

I'd love to know when the device that does this is going to be invented !

am I really to believe that in 2036 there is some device that can measure the physical ( let alone quantum ) state of the entire Earth such as to know the exact momentum of every grain of sand on a beach, every locust in a swarm, every one of 6 billion humans, every cloud, etc, etc, etc.
Exactly. We can't even measure the quantum state of a collection of a few electrons let alone the state of "the universe". Try finding the inner product of the matrices of every particle in Titor's universe and our universe to figure "the divergence" between them. ;)

In my dream I did not see that time machine in the vehicle and I am wonderingnow if it was just something you drug along with you and said it was your

time machine.
It's comments like this that make me think you are every bit as much a part of the hoax as Titor.
Of course.....what better way to get round the fact that Titor's 'time machine' cannot possibly work, than to start to pretend that it wasn't the 'real' time !

I must say though that I do like the hoax twist of the forlorn infatuated lover waiting back in our time for the philandering time traveller to show up again. Oh..what pathos ! Move over Cathy and Heathcliffe.

Well Twighlight, it is clear that you simply do not understand Titor's technology as well as Pamela. ;)

Here, let me help you. This video will clearly explain the fundmental technological basis behind the critical component of Titor's whatchamathingy:

And don't forget, side-fumbling was effectively prevented! Brilliant! That was they key!


What seems to be going on here, is some "men" trying to figure out how the mind ( thought process )of "women" work, and you can take it from the married "men", no matter how much you try to figure it out, it just won't work.

As soon as you "think" you got it figured, the women will do a change up and throw you for a loop.

At some point in "any" situation with "any" woman, is to know that "the best" response for any man to anything from a woman is this:

" Yes, dear ".

Dang it ( facepalm and look of abject shame ) could I forget the Turbo Encabulator ! It was the basic technology behind Packard Bell computers ( facepalm again at having once bought a Packard Hell PC ).

What seems to be going on here, is some "men" trying to figure out how the mind ( thought process )of "women" work wife didn't find it at all funny when, on our 10th wedding anniversary, I quipped " 10 years ! You get less than that for armed robbery "


When my wife comes home with a new frying pan, that has a newer better gripping handle on it, I learned she isn't demonstrating how much better of a grip she has on the pan because of food.

Pamela did mention that she has taken up making ceramic pots as a hobby.

Pamela....... warning received.

I promise not to mess with you ever again.

You say JT is a time traveler, I, for one, believe you.

By the way, just "how big" are those ceramic pots you're making ?
