Titor Predictions - Track Record To Date

Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

No, I swear I cannot see. All I can see is yet another poster trying to stretch current events to match Titor's vague "predictions". The offerings in this post are some of the biggest stretches I have seen to date. Why do you think they are so accurate?

Only 36 days until Titor is proven wrong (no civil war in the US in 2005).
Yup. I never said he's "the real thing", but he has happened to have a pretty good idea of future.

So in this case I'd say the guy who posed as Titor was a brilliant individual that managed to compile a somewhat realistic scenario for the future, out of scientific data and political events.
It's something people can relate to, that's why so many people have believed the stuff he's been saying.

A civil war, or a revolution sure is brewing in the US, however I doubt it will occur in 2005. It would be good for the American people. However that too remains to be seen.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Yup. I never said he's "the real thing", but he has happened to have a pretty good idea of future.

So in this case I'd say the guy who posed as Titor was a brilliant individual that managed to compile a somewhat realistic scenario for the future, out of scientific data and political events. A civil war, or a revolution sure is brewing in the US, however I doubt it will occur in 2005.

I'm inclined to agree with you, and I think even the most blind Titorites can see that a civil war isn't gonna start in the next 36 days.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Here's another intresting Titor prediction, or should I say estimate, to be more politically correct.

China prepares to invade "inferior white race's" countries
Basically Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense, has stated in a speech to his generals that China will need to start war to expand its borders in order to survive. Otherwise the country will collapse internally from overpopulation, and the communist party will collapse as well. It contains facinating xenophobic statements about chinese being the superior race in the world and that domination and occupation is its right in the future.

Excerpt from JohnTitor.com:
JOHN: FEB 6, 2001 - The West will become very unstable which gives China the confidence to "expand". I'm assuming you are all aware that China has millions of male soldiers right now that they know will never be able to find wives.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

I never said he's "the real thing", but he has happened to have a pretty good idea of future.
Well, that is certainly true if you do two things:

1) Throw out his failures, and
2) Stretch his "successes" to meet what has happened.

With respect to his failures, let me mention one: How come we don't have the Mad Cow pandemic (his precise word) that he "predicted", and why was he so erroneous in not mentioning Avian Flu? Could it possibly be explained by the fact that Mad Cow was something known to anyone even remotely connected back in the late 90s, and Avian Flu was NOT known to many people back then?

I'd say the guy who posed as Titor was a brilliant individual that managed to compile a somewhat realistic scenario for the future
Again, it all depends on how you "stretch" his vague statements. Since I do not choose to "stretch" his statements (and you, with others do), I do not see the same "realistic scenario" that you do. In fact, there were only VERY few solid predictions he did make, and two of them are just about to fall as complete failures:

1) Civil War in the US in 2005 (actually, he even clarified 2004, but those of us who know he was a hoaxer are just being nice by giving him an extra year)
2) Last official Olympics (his words) were 2004.

A civil war, or a revolution sure is brewing in the US
You're from Finland, right? And since you do not live in the US, and are therefore not as close to our political pulse as someone who does live here, what sort of data do you base this upon?

It would be good for the American people.
I just love it when people from OTHER countries claim to know what is "good" for the American people. You do realize the irony in your statement is that our entire war of revolution against England was because WE knew what was best for US, and to hell with the rest of the world! Of course, you in Finland (and so many other EU countries) bristle (and rightly so) whenever you hear America or an American president claim what is "good for the EU". How dare you, with your limited view of what America is and what we stand for, purport to claim to know what is "good" for US. Perhaps we should discuss the "wonderful" EU constitution that has been proposed? If you wish to talk about giving up freedom for security, one could make a very good case that this behemoth constitution gives up many more freedoms than any PATRIOT act laws have ceded.

If you don't like the US, that's fine, I can accept that. But I would hardly think Europe stands out as a shining example of how to handle democracy, given the TWO complete failures for Europeans to squash tyranny in their own back yard in the 20th century.

China, is it a threat?

Quote from <font color="red">swear[/COLOR]:
Here's another intresting Titor prediction, or should I say estimate, to be more politically correct.

China prepares to invade "inferior white race's" countries
Basically Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense, has stated in a speech to his generals that China will need to start war to expand its borders in order to survive. Otherwise the country will collapse internally from overpopulation, and the communist party will collapse as well. It contains facinating xenophobic statements about chinese being the superior race in the world and that domination and occupation is its right in the future.

Excerpt from JohnTitor.com:
JOHN: FEB 6, 2001 - The West will become very unstable which gives China the confidence to "expand". I'm assuming you are all aware that China has millions of male soldiers right now that they know will never be able to find wives

Assuming that link is accurate (I have no reason to believe otherwise, but there was no media coverage of it) then there's not much we can do about it until they invade somewhere (Taiwan is most likely.) Even then I think that, at least to begin with, America and the UK would be reluctant to intervene militarily, especially given how much their armies are streched in Iraq. I think overall China is a slight threat to the western world, but not as much as it could be.

Quote from creedo299:
Something is wrong to me and this current track of said Titor's, seems off.

Really? I'd never have guessed
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Again, it all depends on how you "stretch" his vague statements. Since I do not choose to "stretch" his statements (and you, with others do), I do not see the same "realistic scenario" that you do. In fact, there were only VERY few solid predictions he did make, and two of them are just about to fall as complete failures:

1) Civil War in the US in 2005 (actually, he even clarified 2004, but those of us who know he was a hoaxer are just being nice by giving him an extra year)
2) Last official Olympics (his words) were 2004.
Once again, I repeat, I do not believe the person claiming to be John Titor was a time traveler. So stop bringing that up, go "stretch" your ass or something.

You're from Finland, right? And since you do not live in the US, and are therefore not as close to our political pulse as someone who does live here, what sort of data do you base this upon?
America is the best documented civilization in the history of mankind. However, according to your theory, anybody that doesn't live in America can't know anything about what's really going on in America.
I read alot of news from around the world, both mass media and alternative, especially American news. I also talk to alot of Americans from time to time, since I frequently visit discussion boards which are mainly visited by Americans, but also by Brits and Australians. Many of these Americans do not like the way their country is going, and they do agree that a civil war might be brewing in the background.

I just love it when people from OTHER countries claim to know what is "good" for the American people. You do realize the irony in your statement is that our entire war of revolution against England was because WE knew what was best for US, and to hell with the rest of the world! Of course, you in Finland (and so many other EU countries) bristle (and rightly so) whenever you hear America or an American president claim what is "good for the EU". How dare you, with your limited view of what America is and what we stand for, purport to claim to know what is "good" for US. Perhaps we should discuss the "wonderful" EU constitution that has been proposed? If you wish to talk about giving up freedom for security, one could make a very good case that this behemoth constitution gives up many more freedoms than any PATRIOT act laws have ceded.

If you don't like the US, that's fine, I can accept that. But I would hardly think Europe stands out as a shining example of how to handle democracy, given the TWO complete failures for Europeans to squash tyranny in their own back yard in the 20th century.
Wow. You really jump to conclusions like a kangaroo.

First of all, I'm all against the whole European Union. The whole thing was a trap to start with. I mean it's classic conditioning, the way it emerged. The European Union was not always the European Union you know. First it was the Coal and Steel Union, then the European Economic Community, then the European Community and would ya look at that, now it's the European Union. Hoarding more power by the decades.
I'm all for the dismantling of the EU. I mean, since when has centralizing power to a socialist federal empire run by unelected unaccountable corrupt bureaucrats that can't really be fired, been a good idea? Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and Communist China are the rotten fruits of the failed experiment called socialism.

Personally I prefer America, or what it used to be.
Now it's just turning into a fascist socialist federal empire because of all this bogus legislation like the Patriot Act, more power and funding to the federal government and federal agencies, not-so-friendly foreign policy, all the fearmongering and lies, the government is advocating these implantable microchips, more surveillance cameras -- some with biometric scanners, then there's that STASI-like government organization and tons of other stuff. The advantage you still have is that you have the second amendment, we "Europeans" on the other hand don't have that, except Switzerland, which isn't a part of the EU though.

I'm afraid this crap will also spread to Europe, mainly via the European Union which basicly has pretty much control over all the member states, not total overt control though. They haven't fully exercised that power yet though, but they will ... they will.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

You have to chalk a lot of "what's going on" to big business. Here's a classic example:

1. 1970. Auto makers come out with "the new luxory model" which costs 33% more, 20% of which is profit.
2. The next year they come out with "the newer model". And since something that's newer and better can't be cheaper, they stick to the 20% rule and make a killing.
3. Over time, this profit margain grows. 30 years later we end up with American auto makers selling $28,000 cars for $35,000.
4. Since the reality of the issue is that it costs a lot less to make a car than the price they sell it for, foreign countries can profitably make autos and ship them 10,000 miles to the USA cheaper than we can sell to our own people.
5. Over time, Americans realize foreign cars are really better/faster/cheaper/more efficient, this hurts American auto.
6. 2001. American auto, now faced with bankrupcy, is forced to start selling cars "at cost", which means they're scrapping the 20% they used to put in their pockets.
7. As a result of selling "at cost", American auto loses seven billion dollars. They sell lots of cars, but there's no multi-million dollar bonuses anymore.
8. American auto realizes very quickly that the only way they can continue to sell cars competitively is to keep them at the same levels. Or get the government to lend a hand.
9. Since big business likes their multi-million dollar bonuses, they ain't gonna take a pay cut.
10. November 2005. As a result of all of this, American auto is forced to fire 30,000 of its employees.

What's the point? We now have 30,000 more unemployed Americans, none of which can afford to buy the American cars that American big business makes! Apply this "big business mentality" to all other aspects of business and you'll see exactly why we're falling apart. And where are those 30,000 unemployed people going to work?

1. Sell for less, force the manufacturers to sell cheaper than they want to.
2. Those manufacturers, in order to sell for less, have to pay their people less.
3. Walmart hires people and pays minimum wage. But that's okay, we sell for less!
4. Since China pays 14 cents an hour, they're a natural choice to supply Walmart.
5. Americans can either work for minimum wage or have no job.

Where do we end up? With the rich and the poor and most of us are poor.

A lot of Titor's words referred to an impending doom the world is about to plunge into and while you can debunk his words, he still has a very strong point to make.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

First of all, I'm all against the whole European Union. The whole thing was a trap to start with. I mean it's classic conditioning, the way it emerged. The European Union was not always the European Union you know. First it was the Coal and Steel Union, then the European Economic Community, then the European Community and would ya look at that, now it's the European Union. Hoarding more power by the decades.
I'm all for the dismantling of the EU.
Well, it's clear then that we both have the same opinions on the failure of the EU to integrate in a fair, and free way as the US did. Perhaps, then, we may also both agree that the conditions for civil war are actually closer to the truth in the EU than they are in the US? Wouldn't that be ironic? Now, you can hit me on the technicality that you are still a bunch of sovereign countries, so it would not "technically" be a civil war if you rebelled against the EU. However, once a pan-European army is put into place, THEN you would have a federalized government, with an army, to rebel against.

What I find most laughable about the Titor predictions for US civil war is that there are ANY NUMBER of other places in the world where civil war is much more likely, almost ripe. From places like Iraq, Iran, even the recent violence we have seen in France, down to the whole of the EU. ALL of these show much more signs of civil stress than you currently see in the US. And as to...
Americans do not like the way their country is going, and they do agree that a civil war might be brewing in the background.
The wonderful thing about our federal election process is that we can change our government, at will, each two years... and change our president and his administration every four years. We don't need civil wars... we just kick the bums out and change our path.

Personally I prefer America, or what it used to be.
Could you define a timeframe for "what it used to be"? Do you mean during the Clinton "I don't see no terrorist threat" years? I can make some predictions of my own: You ARE going to see some changes in the upcoming midterm elections of 2006. And I would bet, just based on current sentiment towards the Bush administation, it will be hard for a Republican to take the White House again in 2008.

But make no mistake about one thing: American people do NOT like it when we are "f-ed" with. F with us and we'll kick your ass five times to Sunday. So while our administation will certainly change in 2008, I seriously doubt we are going to stop doing what WE think is necessary to capture or kill terrorist elements in the world. As I have pointed out: TWO times in the 20th century, Europe had the chance to stamp-out tyranny in their own back yard. And TWO times the whole of the European community waited until it was too late. America will NOT make that same mistake. Whether you (or other countries) like us or not, we are going to do what it takes to wipe out Islamic Fundamentalist terror cells (and their allies), and we are going to do it BECAUSE we do NOT want the same kind of crap happening on our soil that happened in Europe...TWICE!

We learn from history. So far, I do not see that Europe has learned from its history. Are you folks going to go all milk-toast on Iran? Or will the US have to step in when/if things get ugly there too? And in my mind, it's pretty ugly there right now.

Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Perhaps, then, we may also both agree that the conditions for civil war are actually closer to the truth in the EU than they are in the US?
It can't really be called a civil war, not until Europe is fully unified as one state. But yes I'd imagine that there might also be more civil unrest here in Europe, like the French riots, which most likely happened because of forced multiculturalism via too liberal immigration and refugee laws, and the welfarestate, the poor young muslims that rioted thought that the government somehow owed something to them.
However, unlike the US, almost all the countries here in Europe have quite diffrent histories and cultures. For instance, people here in Finland didn't react much to the French riots.

The wonderful thing about our federal election process is that we can change our government, at will, each two years... and change our president and his administration every four years. We don't need civil wars... we just kick the bums out and change our path.
Well yes in theory that's true. But the majority of the higher echelons of both the democrats and the republicans are bought and paid for.

I seriously doubt we are going to stop doing what WE think is necessary to capture or kill terrorist elements in the world ... Whether you (or other countries) like us or not, we are going to do what it takes to wipe out Islamic Fundamentalist terror cells (and their allies), and we are going to do it BECAUSE we do NOT want the same kind of crap happening on our soil that happened in Europe...TWICE!
Well first you must realize that there is no organized international terrorist network, like the fictious al Qaeda for instance. al Qaeda was made up back in 1998 when the East African US embassy bombings took place, the whole al Qaeda myth is based on what one Sudanese militant that claimed to have been in bin Ladens posse, who was also paid a couple of hundred thousand dollars and offered safehaven in the US by the US government, said.

If you go search the internet you won't find any article dated before August 7 1998 mentioning "al Qaeda" and refering to a international terrorist network. Two months before the bombings it was "Osama bin Laden and a couple of his followers.", not "the international terrorist network al Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden", like it was about a week after the bombings.
Even the UK's prime minister Tony Blair said the following in a interview on Fox News: "Al Qaeda is not an organization. Al Qaeda is a way of working … but this has the hallmark of that approach."

So remember, when they mention "al Qaeda operatives" in the news, what they really mean is either "random Islamist militant", "random muslim who might possibly have something against the US" or "somebody that doesn't even exist."

Countries that you have more reason to worry about is China and North Korea.
Two years ago border patrol agents spotted Chinese military near the southern border of the US.
China virtually owns the Panama canal and they could already be smuggling military equipment and troops down there.
A Chinese general has already twice said that China will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against the US, incase they interfere on plans that they might have for Taiwan.
The former Chinese Minister of Defense said in that speech I posted above, that China will specifically wage war against the US and other western countries, with inferior races, in order to among other things aquire more living space for the chinese.
China also owns a big piece of America, through numerous companies and also in US bonds etc.

North Korea has said several times that it will not hesitate to attack the US with nuclear weapons. North Korea also launched a ICBM test missile which landed in Alaska, sometime after the US invaded Iraq.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Two years ago border patrol agents spotted Chinese military near the southern border of the US.

Do you have a source for that? I'm sure I heard somewhere that that was BS

China virtually owns the Panama canal and they could already be smuggling military equipment and troops down there.

Is that really that likely? I'm sure the CIA would know

A Chinese general has already twice said that China will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against the US, incase they interfere on plans that they might have for Taiwan.

Again, care to provide a source?

The former Chinese Minister of Defense said in that speech I posted above, that China will specifically wage war against the US and other western countries, with inferior races, in order to among other things aquire more living space for the chinese.

That's not immpossible, but I cant see it happening anytime soon.

China also owns a big piece of America, through numerous companies and also in US bonds etc.

I can't really deny that, so I wont try

North Korea has said several times that it will not hesitate to attack the US with nuclear weapons.

Again, sources please /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

North Korea also launched a ICBM test missile which landed in Alaska, sometime after the US invaded Iraq.

Didn't it land in the sea of Japan?
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

It can't really be called a civil war, not until Europe is fully unified as one state.
Yes, I said something very similar in my reply.
But yes I'd imagine that there might also be more civil unrest here in Europe
Glad we agree.
Well yes in theory that's true. But the majority of the higher echelons of both the democrats and the republicans are bought and paid for.
To some extent, possibly. But to the outlandish, "conspiracy theory" levels that some people believe (and propagate on the internt), I don't think so. This is the difference between "reading about America" and being part of its fabric. America is NOT its government, it is the People. The US Federal Government is not ONLY the executive (president) branch, but the legislature elected by the states. And while to some extent legislators may be "bought off" by special interests, they are well aware that the People can and do vote them out of office if they show themselves as overly self-serving crooks. Ask one crook by the name of Dan Rostenkowski, former senator from Illinois. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well first you must realize that there is no organized international terrorist network, like the fictious al Qaeda for instance
I don't want to get into semantics or hair-splitting. To some extent, what you say is true. However, clearly they are organized enough to carry out militaristic-style, coordinated attacks. If you study miltary tactics (as I have in some of my past jobs) you know that a gang of hoodlums with a gripe are not capable of pulling off sophisticated attacks with critical timing without reconnaisance and support elements. Unorganized criminals are easy to take down, and US law enforcement does it all the time. Organized, secretive, and highly-connected groups of people are a different story. It takes time, intelligence, and often times strokes of luck to take them down.

Countries that you have more reason to worry about is China and North Korea.
And don't think we are inane enough to not be aware of this.

A Chinese general has already twice said that China will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against the US, incase they interfere on plans that they might have for Taiwan.
Just because the USSR is no longer around does not mean that Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is still not the order of the day.

North Korea has said several times that it will not hesitate to attack the US with nuclear weapons. North Korea also launched a ICBM test missile which landed in Alaska, sometime after the US invaded Iraq.
Care to show me some viable reports of this? (And I do not mean unverifiable, internet "free press" that has no means to verify their stories) But even beyond your ability to verify this story, North Korea is a joke. They are already imploding from within. While many people may not like the US, there are a whole lot more countries that like North Korea even less. Dictatorships leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.

But now let's be practical here. If North Korea launched even ONE nuke at the US, they would be vaporized. And for all the hemming and hawing we do with South Korea about not using nukes on their peninsula, that goes out the window when the US mainland is threatened. North Korea would cease to exist in the space of a day. You know that as well as I do. And the world would not shed a tear, given they were the ones who initiated a nuclear attack.

As to China, they know the tightrope they are walking. They also know what MAD means, and they know that we still have enough nukes contained in our subs alone to lay them to waste. The bottom line is that we, the US, are "cowboys". And we are not necessarily upset that the world looks at us this way. We can be very peaceful, benevolent people, and our history clearly shows this in what we have done for peoples and nations. We'll help you clean up after your natural disasters, we'll even fund governments who will help us clean up the world and enforce the rule of law. But as I said above, if you "F" with us, we will not pull any punches. If someone pulls the nuke trigger against us, they'd better be ready to kiss their own ass good bye, because we will unload on them like God on a bad hair day!

You made reference to our 2nd amendment. A wonderful thing. And one thing that any country who is thinking about invading the US must consider is: "They could ALL possibly be armed and dangerous." You bet your sweet bippy! Anyone who comes calling on my house trying to take what I have is going to meet Smith, Wesson, and a lot of my other, lead-filled friends. And all the people in the "red" states (look at the map, like Titor implored) could be considered to be armed, and of the same philosophy as mine. Having guns in the population is a wonderful thing for the self defense of a nation that wants peace and freedom. Don't you think?

Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated


Perhaps we should discuss the "wonderful" EU constitution that has been proposed? If you wish to talk about giving up freedom for security, one could make a very good case that this behemoth constitution gives up many more freedoms than any PATRIOT act laws have ceded.

Had Kaiser Wilhelm or Chancellor Hitler known what was to come they could have spared 40+ million European lives. Germany wins by default...and countries like Finland are going to let it happen. Lebensraum ist.

Europe: To Old to Lead, to Proud to Follow.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Timely subject:
And while to some extent legislators may be "bought off" by special interests, they are well aware that the People can and do vote them out of office if they show themselves as overly self-serving crooks. Ask one crook by the name of Dan Rostenkowski, former senator from Illinois.

You could also ask the likes of one Randy Cunningham. He is also a former legislator who will be seeing the inside of a prison soon.


And I believe today we learned about the law-breaking tendencies of a certain Liberal-leaning government to the north of the US. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Democracies send their crooked politicians to jail. Dictatorships are a bit different. You have to usurp the darned dictator first. Or wait for him to kick the bucket, a la Cuba.
Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Do you have a source for that? I'm sure I heard somewhere that that was BS
"Dennis and Ann Bossack, hosts for a live internet broadcast on DNA Live Radio, have spoken to two US Border Patrol agents who have told them that they encountered Chinese military (as many as 3 to 4,000 troops) fifteen (15) miles north of the US-Mexican border several times between August, 2002-January, 2003. They wore “desert camouflage” uniforms, what appeared to be Kevlar helmets, carrying military style rifles, and every man they could see was armed with a sidearm."

Is that really that likely? I'm sure the CIA would know
Yes it's likely. The CIA knows.
Clinton gave Hutchinson-Whampoa Ltd., a Chinese PLA (People's Liberation Army) front company control of the port cities in both ends of the canal. Clinton also turned over the Long Beach port to the PLA. Already in 1996 COSCO (Chinese Overseas Shipping Company) imported over 100k semi-automatic Chinese combat rifles and tried to smuggle 2000 fully-automatic AK-47's in to the country.
The Chinese also shipped a few containers of military equipment in the Panama Canal a few years ago, I'll see if I can find the article.

Again, care to provide a source?
Sure pal. Here ya go: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_17-7-2005_pg4_3

That's not immpossible, but I cant see it happening anytime soon.
Maybe, maybe not. Last year a book called "Nine commentaries to the Communist Party" was released, it spread like wildfire in China. Now, because of that book 5 million people have left the communist party. The communist party is becoming desperate, I think they will do pretty much anything in order to keep their control over China. In the apex of the Water Gate scandal Nixon also became desperate, he once even suggested the use of nuclear weapons in Vietnam.

Again, sources please
I knew I saw an article on that somewhere. Can't find it at the moment, I will keep trying though.

Didn't it land in the sea of Japan?
One of many landed there I guess. But another one landed in Alaska.

Had Kaiser Wilhelm or Chancellor Hitler known what was to come they could have spared 40+ million European lives. Germany wins by default...and countries like Finland are going to let it happen. Lebensraum ist.
Yup. It's really sad. Currently Europe is generally more free than America, at least here in Finland. That's what my friend who was in America as an exchange student told me anyway. You don't have to have any IDs everywhere you go etc., however I think we'll catch up soon. The EU is a trojan horse.

But to the outlandish, "conspiracy theory" levels that some people believe (and propagate on the internt), I don't think so.
Depends on which "conspiracy theories" you are refering to.

North Korea is a joke.
In a way yes. However Iraq was more of a joke, and less of a threat. Same thing goes for Iran, and Syria.
At least North Korea has got ICBMs that can hit America, and they most likely have nuclear warheads, since the US government has so kindly provided them with the funding, equipment and information needed to produce them, even while saying NK should stop their nuclear programs. It's somewhat funny.

As to China, they know the tightrope they are walking. They also know what MAD means, and they know that we still have enough nukes contained in our subs alone to lay them to waste. The bottom line is that we, the US, are "cowboys". And we are not necessarily upset that the world looks at us this way. We can be very peaceful, benevolent people, and our history clearly shows this in what we have done for peoples and nations. We'll help you clean up after your natural disasters, we'll even fund governments who will help us clean up the world and enforce the rule of law. But as I said above, if you "F" with us, we will not pull any punches. If someone pulls the nuke trigger against us, they'd better be ready to kiss their own ass good bye, because we will unload on them like God on a bad hair day!
If China were to launch an all-out nuclear attack on the US they would be destroyed, however they would also do some serious damage, yet they threaten to do that. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of a conspiracy behind this. Some group of people that want these two giants to tear eachother apart, and other countries too. I bet Russia and Europe would jump in. Then that group would crawl out from under the rocks they've been hiding and pick up the pieces.

Here's a video clip from the movie "The Sum of All Fears", where a fascist conspirator and his buddies are trying to get the US and Russia to tear eachother apart, in the movie I think fascist Europe would come and pick up the pieces after the exchange of nuclear warheads, biological agents and chemical bombs between the US and Russia, would've occured. However they failed, as usual. But in real life, who knows ...
Right click and save target as...

Another intresting Titor-related estimate:

American Police State: The Frog Has Cooked
Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.

How cute, just like when the Nazis did public executions of dissid... "terrorists", to scare the other "terrorists."
What next? Random home searches? I hope they do. Maybe it will wake up those who are asleep.
Latest US Economy News - Titor Not In Sight!

I am not specifically responding to "swear" in this post... just continuing to update this thread with facts and reality... which continue to show just how "off" Titor's predictions were as 2005 comes to a close.

People can whine and complain about my postings on Titor all they want, but wouldn't they whine and complain even more if I were to speak-out AGAINST their freedom to post the kinds of baloney that they post intending to try to "validate" Titor's claims? "What's good for the goose...." you know the rest!

So, for today's update I would like us to focus on the following words of Titor before we get to the FACTS that were reported today:

13 December 2000 12:44
(How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?)
Titor: They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

Now then... certainly one could use many measures of a society to evaluate its "stability". I doubt many would argue with the fact that, since the Western world is based on a capitalistic, free-market model of trade, that one of the best indicators of the "Western stability" would be the economic health of its largest economy. The URL below provides a report on the recently released update to the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The economy shook off Hurricane Katrina and just about every other obstacle in the third quarter, growing at the fastest rate in a year and a half and topping even the most optimistic forecasts, a government report showed Wednesday.

I dunno, Darby.... do you see any signs of the imminent "collapse" of Western stability in this report?

"It's about as perfect a GDP report as you can get," said John Silvia, chief economist for Wachovia Securities.

Re: Latest US Economy News - Titor Not In Sight!

This could possibly rattle the economy a bit. Doubt it will "collapse" yet though.

Preparatory measures taken to sell oil in euros
The Chairman of the Majlis Energy Commission, Kamal Daneshyar said here, on Friday, that preparatory measures have been taken to sell oil in euros instead of dollar, adding that such a measure is quite positive and should be taken as soon as possible.

Speaking to the Persian service of Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), he went on to say that Iran should at the first phase sell its oil in both Dollar and Euro, and then gradually move toward Euro as the mere source.


Iran has also been working closer with Venezuela recently, and Mr. Chavez isn't really the biggest fan of America, he has even talked about switching to trading oil with the euro infavour of the dollar. I'll see if I can find that article. Saddam also talked about switching to the euro before Iraq got invaded.
Anyway, if say Iran and Venezuela were to switch to the euro, it would not be good for the dollar or for America.

There might be a storm a brewing, a economic sh!tstorm.