Titor Predictions - Track Record To Date

Re: Prisonplanet.com = sh!t

That would be a radical liberal agenda intended to demonize any action that a conservative administration takes to protect people. Democrats on the far left want to make Republicans look like fascists, which is utterly absurd.
I don't think so. You apparently aren't that familiar with Alex Jones and the other people who run Prison Planet.

Let's take Alex Jones as an example.
I would say Alex Jones is a tad bit more conservative than liberal, at least that's the image I have gotten after listening to several of his radioshows and after watching several of his documentaries.
He doesn't really believe in the political spectrum, according to him the higher echelons of both the left and right are bought and paid for by the same corporate intrests. Meaning it doesn't really matter if a democrat or republican gets elected.

He also ranted and raved against Clinton aswell as Bush. He prefers to follow the constitution and has much respect for the founding fathers of the United States. He doesn't believe the US should be a democracy (mob rule), but a republic, a limited democracy. He'll rant on anyone who supports laws and other things that conflict with the US constitution, especially with the Bill of Rights. He also hates socialism and communism. He isn't really a big fan of leftist "heroes" like Michael Moore or Noam Chomsky either.

Jones encourages people to look into things for themselves and investigate it, and not merely accept what he or anybody else is saying, for the truth. He also says people should copy his DVDs and spread them for educational purposes, for free of course. Which means he isn't really after a huge profit on what he's doing.

I could go on, but I'll spare you. Personally I think he might have a few crazy theories and I don't always agree with his Christian views on things, but all and all I think he's "keeping it real" :D

While there certainly are many pseudo-news websites that have a agenda like the one you're talking about, like moveon.org and indymedia.org, but personally I don't think that Prisonplanet.com is one of them. As I said, they don't make most of their news, they mainly highlight news from mainstream sources and even provide the link to the original source.

However, I do agree that there are information wars going on. Parts of both the mainstream media and the alternative media are trying to manipulate the people, that's pretty clear to me.
Re: Prisonplanet.com = sh!t

OK, here's another article from Prison Planet. I urge you to read it, and not dismiss it as complete sh!te just because it's from a source that you don't trust.
Just concentrate on the text, look at the legislation that is being passed, look at what the authorities (not public servants anymore) are doing. This is not a party thing, it's not made to bash republicans or anything. Forget about the parties.


I'm not saying a civil war is going to start, probably not anytime soon. However, the legislation that is being passed is there to control the people of America, it's pure fascist crap.

It's just so freakin' obvious. This is similar to what the Nazis did, read this letter from a holocaust survivor:
Re: Prisonplanet.com = sh!t

OK, here's another article from Prison Planet. I urge you to read it, and not dismiss it as complete sh!te just because it's from a source that you don't trust.
Fine, I will not dismiss it because I don't trust the source. But there are plenty of other reasons to dismiss it, namely:

1) Because this source, more often than not, references its own reports as a means to support its "facts".
2) Because this source, while wanting you to believe it is a reputable and unbiased news reporting outlet, consistently injects its own, highly biased, editorial opinions into its stories. Something that any reputable news media outlet would be completely and totally lambasted for doing, and would be called on the carpet for not clearly labeling it as "editorial" or "opinion". You want some evidence from the story you referenced?

"It makes absolutely no sense unless it is designed to scare people into groveling to the overlords in black ski masks."
"The VIPER teams have nothing to do with preventing terrorism, they are there to get people to cower and accept they are under control."
"This is total Stasi America and it has nothing to do with keeping you safe..."
"This is textbook, mechanized, classic tyranny."

All that from JUST ONE ARTICLE! Clearly, NONE of these are reporting of facts, and ALL of these are nothing more than editorialized (and quite sensationalized) opinions of the "reporter". Don't you "get" this and the difference between unbiased media? Don't you understand how much people would revolt if ABC or CNN or FOX used such language in their reports? But wait... I am not done with my list yet, because my final reason to distrust this source is the really big one:

3) Because this source openly asks for money and has instigated paid memberships!!! That doesn't make it an unbiased new source, it makes it a club.
This is not a party thing, it's not made to bash republicans or anything. Forget about the parties.
True enough, but it certainly does use divisive, emotional language, most often in its opinions. And why might that be? Is it possible that this is a tactic to get people SO riled up that they will join-up or send money to this "fine organization that is doing God's work" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
However, the legislation that is being passed is there to control the people of America, it's pure fascist crap.
To show you how this is emotional/biased reporting at its worst, and to counter your claims that ALL of this is being passed, here are some more quotes from the article:
"Senate bill 742 in Oregon which was slimly defeated by just three votes would have classified terrorism as a plethora of completely unrelated actions. "
NOTE: I did NOT pass. Ergo democracy still works and is still alive.
"These are actual bills being drawn up by our supposed representatives in government."
NOTE: That doesn't mean they will pass, now does it?
"Does this sound like a sick joke? Yes, but the bill is real and it nearly passed."
NOTE: More emotional wording, and it DID NOT pass!
"Not even Communist China or Stalinist North Korea put people in labor camps for writing a hot check but this was actually debated in the 'land of the free'."
NOTE: Better that it can be debated, and voted down, rather than passed as decree by a single dictator. But of course this "source" doesn't point that out, now does it?
"In Rhode Island, governors proposed a bill that would have outlawed criticism of the government, defining it as anarchy under World War One era rhetoric."
NOTE: And yet they cannot claim is was voted on, nor passed. Yet they report it to you as more emotional, sensational sh!t to stir you up, and maybe get you to contribute!

All of these from the same article. And all of these are reports of something that DID NOT COME TO PASS. We could report on a lot of things that were brought up and proposed as legislation that did not pass, now couldn't we? It seems prisonplanet only chooses those items which they can use for their agenda (which is to make money!)
It's just so freakin' obvious.
So obvious to you, who does not live in America, when you buy-into emotional, BIASED reporting which clearly injects its own opinions and seeks to enflame your emotions. Stop insulting my intelligence with this clearly biased crap. You know so little about America... I live here pal, you don't. So are you going to claim you know my country better than I do just because you read biased "reports"?

Re: Prisonplanet.com = sh!t

1) Because this source, more often than not, references its own reports as a means to support its "facts".
Which have references to mainstream media reports.

2) Because this source, while wanting you to believe it is a reputable and unbiased news reporting outlet, consistently injects its own, highly biased, editorial opinions into its stories.
True. However, I tend to ignore that.

Is it possible that this is a tactic to get people SO riled up that they will join-up or send money to this "fine organization that is doing God's work"
That could be possible. However, some people do tend to get a bit emotional when they see this kind of crap going on in their country. But I agree that the article should be more clearly marked as a opinion/editorial.
These people do however need money to pay their bills, buy food and clothes etc. like everybody else in America. I doubt it's charity work going on there. The people who run Prison Planet however do encourage people to make copies of their videos/other stuff and give them to other people for free.

All of these from the same article. And all of these are reports of something that DID NOT COME TO PASS.
Yes, but it was a very close call. And that people are even suggesting that kind of fascist crap is a bit worrying.

So obvious to you, who does not live in America, when you buy-into emotional, BIASED reporting which clearly injects its own opinions and seeks to enflame your emotions. Stop insulting my intelligence with this clearly biased crap. You know so little about America... I live here pal, you don't. So are you going to claim you know my country better than I do just because you read biased "reports"?
I'm not buying into anything. I just read what legislation is being proposed and passed, and it reminds me of places and things like Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, 1984 etc.
I know little of what it means to be American, that is true. I don't know what you know (can't read minds), but as far as American politics and current events go, I can know as much or even more about it than you. It's amazing how you don't have to live in a country to know about what happens in that particular country anymore, the internet is truly a great invention /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

And you're saying the people who write the stuff on Prison Planet (who are Americans by the way) don't know the first thing about American politics and current events, even though their job is to report on it, and they are clearly more politically active than you are?
I think you are being a tad bit arrogant RMT :D

Another update on Russia btw:

Putin's Show of Strength Triggers Fear of Fresh Nuclear Arms Race
Vladimir Putin has sparked fears of a new arms race between Russia and the United States by deploying a nuclear ballistic strike force system that officials made clear could penetrate U.S. anti-missile defenses.
General Nikolai Solovtsov, commander of the Russian missile forces, has mobilized a new battalion for the Topol-M missiles, which have a capacity for a one megaton impact — 75 times the power of the 1945 Hiroshima bomb.

1) I cannot tell you if John Titor was a hoax or not.
2) I have not visited this website in almost a year. But according to some PMs in my inbox, Titor was apparently " proven" false.

I used to be an active member at this website. I have often changed my views on the John Titor story. I have thought of him as false - and I have thought of him as truth. I am currently on this website for one reason. I was thinking back to the days I posted here - where we tried to crack the John Titor story. A few things struck me so I decided to come back to post my observations.

I still remain neutral to this day. I'm not saying he is real and I'm not saying he is false. These are simple observations from a normal human being.

By the way, forget dates. Because it's obvious that he had all the dates wrong. However, he DID say that they might be wrong due to the differences in timelines.

New World Gov - 2011
My observation: Bush made a mention of the New World Order. You don't even have to be a conspiracy theorist to know that.

Female President? - 2009
My observation: Hillary Clinton

Full Civil War - 2008
No observation

Last Olympics - 2004 until 2040
No observation

Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet
My observation: Anyone hear anything about how Texas wanted to become it's own country? Anyone notice the popularity of southern states flying confederate flags? None the less: Bush v.s. The People is an obvious potential war between the people and it's own government.

One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet
My observation: We do have a new pope.

100K Killed - No Date Given - Not Yet
My observation: Anyone remember the Tsunami?

Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003
My observation: It did hit the US for a short time.

China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003
My observation: Heard nothing about this, yet.

NO WMD in Iraq - No Date Given - 3rd Qtr 2003
My observation: Agreed.

Gulf War II - No Date Given - 2nd Qtr 2003
My observation: Agreed.

- Reduced Rights - No Date Given - 2002 To Present
My Observation: The way things are going right now it looks like all our rights concerning religion will soon be gone as the government attempts to ban christianity out of our lifes more and more everyday.

- Middle East
My observation: I'm sure we all agree that this happened. But a lot of us agree that it was simply a lucky guess.

Miscellanious Observations: I have begun to notice strange events happening what seems to be every month. Both government related and natural disaster related.
Interthreasd history post:

We are not Nazis!

How Germans got the bad end of the stick in WWll was that the slave workers, kept designing in shortcomings, into their war machine.

This was items, such as too small of gas tanks, for some of their vehicles.

It seems the powers that be are trying to infliect the American public this way, by giving the American public, by whole, inferiorly designed products.

Examples are, computers made elsewhere, but sold like they are American made.When it comes to service for these items, there are outsourced to India, or some other country.

There are glitches, that you can tell are purposely designed into them too.

Like optical mousse, that jump all over the screen, or rent a firewalls, that have to be replaced with another.

>Prose, If Im a Dr. Pepper, then your a Dr, Pepper Too?
China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003
My observation: Heard nothing about this, yet.

China Launches Its First Piloted Spaceflight 15 October 2003
China reached a milestone in human history Tuesday with the launch of its first piloted spaceflight into Earth orbit.
Blasting off from a remote space base in the Gobi Desert atop a Long March 2F rocket, a single Chinese astronaut named Yang Liwei is circling the planet every 90 minutes aboard the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft, according to the official Xinhua News Agency.


Seeing as how fast Chinas economy had grown back then, the launching of a manned spacecraft sometime in the near future was highly probable. So not even a lucky guess imo, you could come to that conclusion with a little research and some common sense.

100K Killed - No Date Given - Not Yet
My observation: Anyone remember the Tsunami?
From what I've come to understand, that 100K killed thing was just a figure of speech thing. Not really a prediction or anything.

Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003
My observation: It did hit the US for a short time.
Wasn't this epidemic supposed to be in like 25-30 years? iirc the virus had a latent period of 30 years or so, according to "John Titor"

Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet
My observation: Anyone hear anything about how Texas wanted to become it's own country? Anyone notice the popularity of southern states flying confederate flags? None the less: Bush v.s. The People is an obvious potential war between the people and it's own government.
New Hampshire also wanted to secede from the Union before 9/11, iirc. In Vermont there's also this organization called "Second Vermont Republic" that wants Vermont to secede from the Union.

Then there's all this civil liberties bashing going around. Like the article I posted on another thread:

NSA just one of many federal agencies spying on Americans
Spying on Americans by the super-secret National Security Agency is not only more widespread than President George W. Bush admits but is part of a concentrated, government-wide effort to gather and catalog information on U.S. citizens, sources close to the administration say.
“It’s a total effort to build dossiers on as many Americans as possible,” says a former NSA agent who quit in disgust over use of the agency to spy on Americans. “We’re no longer in the business of tracking our enemies. We’re spying on everyday Americans.”


When is enough, enough? When do these guys cross the line?

However, I doubt a Civil War will start according to Titors predictions. But in my opinion, one is certainly brewing.
Update...to make sure no one gives Titor credit where it has not been earned. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Last Olympics - 2004 until 2040
With today being Day 7 of the Torino Olympic Games we can conclude that this prediction is unfulfilled, as is the prediction for civil war in the US to start in 2004/2005.


Another failed "prediction" is the reason that he suggested for going into Iraq.

Titor didn't say that we would go into Iraq because of WMD's. He posted on 02/25/2001 08:00 am:

Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?

He said that Iraq has nukes - and then asks if our "surprise" at discovering this information "now" is BS to justify a war, because we already knew they had them.

He missed that one entirely. He said that Iraq had nukes.

But over the years people have read other people's posts about this particular "prediction" without looking at what Titor himself wrote. They then pass on their "knowledge" of what was said as if it was the truth.
Hi Darby,
ut over the years people have read other people's posts about this particular "prediction" without looking at what Titor himself wrote. They then pass on their "knowledge" of what was said as if it was the truth.
Yes, this is another good one where people continuously wish to "interpret" a different meaning from these words rather than accepting the literal meaning that is right there in the words.

This one is a bit more nefarious than the words "official Olympics" because the wording is quite clumsy, and likely this was on purpose. You can't really argue the fact that Titor used the words "official Olympics" and that we are at day 10 of the official winter Olympics in Torino. Yet people will endlessly argue "what Titor meant" with the Iraq nukes quote rather than just understanding what he actually said.

The "predictions" from Titor that are the most vague are the ones that seem to "live on" with those people who just want to believe. The predictions that history has clearly shown to be false (i.e. mad cow) people don't talk about much anymore.


I think that I have to amend, slightly, my last post.

So far, Titor missed the prediction completely.

There's still the "tapes" where Hussein is talking to Aziz about the nukes, bios and chemical agents that they had (and apparently had the Spetznaz and GRU move to Syria) before we invaded.

So he might yet get that one correct.

But he had access to the same information that we all had in 2000-2001 while he was posting. It was being reported on the news, the UN and halls of Capitol Hill as a matter of fact: Iraq had a stockpile of NBC's.

The problem, the real problem, that we've always had with this quote is that it has been misquoted in subsequent posts. In those posts Titor's words are mis-represented to mean that he said that the reason for the war was "BS" because Iraq had no NBC's. The US government made it all up to justify the invasion.

There's simply no interpretation of his words, as he posted them, that indicates his belief about about Iraq's NBC's was any different than what was being reported at that time. He believed that Iraq had the weapons - the same as just about everyone else believed at the time.
I agree that everything titor said could be extracted from the news available at the time his "predictions " were made. Most of the things that were said have been a topic of discussion before being posted here in TTI.

The Iraq Governmental figures did seem to spoof on alot of things they said, and perhaps they created an illusion that they had all those weapons thinking the world would be less likely to stop Saddam.

Realizing that we called their bluff, then they realized that perhaps it wasnt such a good idea, but by then it was too late.

I still remember the governmental figures of Iraq claiming that the U.S. was being repelled and was no where near the Capitol city, when you could see U.S. tanks rolling down the streets in the background.
I still remember the governmental figures of Iraq claiming that the U.S. was being repelled and was no where near the Capitol city, when you could see U.S. tanks rolling down the streets in the background.
That was a hoot, wasn't it?

To me, this illustrates a lesson of physics with respect to Information. Namely, that the Information that someone is projecting to you (i.e. the Iraqi Information minister who was told to present these lies as truth) does not necessarily represent the truth of reality at any point in Space, at any given moment in Time.

The lesson within the lesson is that it is dubious to trust any single "channel" or measurement of information as a means to define "The Truth". The greater the number of independent information channels that can report on the subject matter, the higher the probability you will receive the "true" report of what actually happened.

It's all about Information. How you use Information holds sway over how Energy is expended to achieve certain ends.

What ends do WE wish to achieve? For my vote, I want to go on record that I do NOT wish to achieve the kind of future that Titor claimed would come to pass (and which has not, as yet, come to pass). Is anyone else with me on this vote?

100k killed,i believe that is the waterquake that generated the Tsunami which killed more than 100.000 people all over indonesia,thailand,sri lanka,etc.That event had occured,we are only still waiting for CERN public announcement about finding mini black holes,to me that would be much enough evidence that he was a real traveler,even thou till this day i have many doubts about his figure thanks to Darby and others who are very skeptical with this kind of subjects /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif,sorry Darby if i offended you!

No offense taken.

Titor didn't predict a tsunami. In fact he didn't make a particular prediction at all. Here's the post:

Jan 29, 2001
I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow.

Notice - there's no particular context. But it was a bit of a joke. The "people" that he was refering to were the members of the forum. And he was the person imagining the look on their faces as they bit on the hook (some actually swollowed the hook - no catch and release there.)

The answer to the question is that it would actually be somewhat surprising. The world's human death rate is just over 150,000 per day. Only 100,000 people dying represents a one day 33% drop in the death rate. Titor assumed that the look in the faces would be one of astonishment - such a high number, that 100,000 - while he was chuckling at them for not having a clue about how many people really die every day, day after day...you know...the normal and expected rate of 150,000.

Without a context who should be surprised except as stated above. Unless, perhaps, Titor was well aware that his target Internet alt-sci audience would assume facts not in evidence, i.e. they'd read into the post what they wanted to see even though it wasn't in the post?

And some people have done just that - read into his statement what they wanted to read into it.

Titor was very good at playing salesman-like games by getting some people to agree with vaguely worded statements because he knew his target audience and that they would have a preconceived notion of what they thought they were reading without questioning the details of what was actually written.

Lawyers are also pretty good at that game.
Titor didn't predict a tsunami.
<font color="red"> Charlie Was...1 year Ahead back to 2003 [/COLOR]
entry dated: 12/14/03 03:52
<font color="blue"> I think you haven't quite grasped what I said. When I say extreme, I mean extreme. The size of this earthquake is going to going to be the biggest earthquake seen in modern times. The destruction caused by this plus 9.5 Richter quake will be immense.

I have just returned from the coming quake location to see if there are any clues that the quake is almost here. I was suprised by my finding as current technology should be easily able to record it. I made some subtle enquiries to USGS to see whether they have the same readings that I collected. Well, their answers were somewhat standerized. I think if I asked them about a dead volcano that I would have got the same response.

Although I am still bound to mission protocols and therefore I cannot reveal the exact location, but I think I can get away with giving you this. Please goto http://www.iris.edu/seismon and look at the locations for the quakes over the last two weeks. Now all I can tell you that it is not going to be near any of those locations. [/COLOR]

Takken from:
John Titor I know you are sitll here...TTI


Without a context who should be surprised except as stated above. Unless, perhaps, Titor was well aware that his target Internet alt-sci audience would assume facts not in evidence, i.e. they'd read into the post what they wanted to see even though it wasn't in the post?

No, Some US States/Comonwalth think the same or can you explain what about the <font color="red">
Claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. [/COLOR]
in other words:
<font color="red"> In case you didn't hear about it on the mainstream media
(which you haven't), numerous states are discussing [VERY] modest
limits to further increases in power of the Federal government,
and are advertising this dialog as 'State Sovereignty': [/COLOR]

It is interesting to note that Arizona explicitly speaks about continuity of government and the role of servicemen.

..."if the President or any other federal entity attempts to institute martial law or its equivalent without an official declaration in one or more of the states without the consent of that state ...
individual members of the military return to their respective states and report to the Governor until a new President is elected;..."

then you start wondering about 5 Us Regions and Omaha...NE

This is a serious question for you:

Are there more than one person posting under your handle? I ask because sometimes the posts are made in rather perfect English. At other times, for example your last post, they hardly make any sense at all. It's as if two people are posting on the account - one who speaks and writes English fluently and the other who does not.