Re: = sh!t
OK, here's another article from Prison Planet. I urge you to read it, and not dismiss it as complete sh!te just because it's from a source that you don't trust.
Fine, I will not dismiss it because I don't trust the source. But there are plenty of other reasons to dismiss it, namely:
1) Because this source, more often than not, references its own reports as a means to support its "facts".
2) Because this source, while wanting you to believe it is a reputable and unbiased news reporting outlet, consistently injects its own, highly biased, editorial opinions into its stories. Something that any reputable news media outlet would be completely and totally lambasted for doing, and would be called on the carpet for not clearly labeling it as "editorial" or "opinion". You want some evidence from the story you referenced?
"It makes absolutely no sense unless it is designed to scare people into groveling to the overlords in black ski masks."
"The VIPER teams have nothing to do with preventing terrorism, they are there to get people to cower and accept they are under control."
"This is total Stasi America and it has nothing to do with keeping you safe..."
"This is textbook, mechanized, classic tyranny."
All that from JUST ONE ARTICLE! Clearly, NONE of these are reporting of facts, and ALL of these are nothing more than editorialized (and quite sensationalized) opinions of the "reporter". Don't you "get" this and the difference between unbiased media? Don't you understand how much people would revolt if ABC or CNN or FOX used such language in their reports? But wait... I am not done with my list yet, because my final reason to distrust this source is the really big one:
3) Because this source openly asks for money and has instigated paid memberships!!! That doesn't make it an unbiased new source, it makes it a club.
This is not a party thing, it's not made to bash republicans or anything. Forget about the parties.
True enough, but it certainly does use divisive, emotional language, most often in its opinions. And why might that be? Is it possible that this is a tactic to get people SO riled up that they will join-up or send money to this "fine organization that is doing God's work" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
However, the legislation that is being passed is there to control the people of America, it's pure fascist crap.
To show you how this is emotional/biased reporting at its worst, and to counter your claims that ALL of this is being passed, here are some more quotes from the article:
"Senate bill 742 in Oregon which was slimly defeated by just three votes would have classified terrorism as a plethora of completely unrelated actions. "
NOTE: I did NOT pass. Ergo democracy still works and is still alive.
"These are actual bills being drawn up by our supposed representatives in government."
NOTE: That doesn't mean they will pass, now does it?
"Does this sound like a sick joke? Yes, but the bill is real and it nearly passed."
NOTE: More emotional wording, and it DID NOT pass!
"Not even Communist China or Stalinist North Korea put people in labor camps for writing a hot check but this was actually debated in the 'land of the free'."
NOTE: Better that it can be debated, and voted down, rather than passed as decree by a single dictator. But of course this "source" doesn't point that out, now does it?
"In Rhode Island, governors proposed a bill that would have outlawed criticism of the government, defining it as anarchy under World War One era rhetoric."
NOTE: And yet they cannot claim is was voted on, nor passed. Yet they report it to you as more emotional, sensational sh!t to stir you up, and maybe get you to contribute!
All of these from the same article. And all of these are reports of something that DID NOT COME TO PASS. We could report on a lot of things that were brought up and proposed as legislation that did not pass, now couldn't we? It seems prisonplanet only chooses those items which they can use for their agenda (which is to make money!)
It's just so freakin' obvious.
So obvious to you, who does not live in America, when you buy-into emotional, BIASED reporting which clearly injects its own opinions and seeks to enflame your emotions. Stop insulting my intelligence with this clearly biased crap. You know so little about America... I live here pal, you don't. So are you going to claim you know my country better than I do just because you read biased "reports"?