Temporal Novice
That worldline might diverge two percent, but the overall structure of that timeline, will not have changed that much.
What might change, is the mechanics of that timeline, not necessarily its overall mass.
Some objects might change, such as restaurant signs out of the blue.This is where there had not been the night before and nobody knows how this sign got there, however the time-fild, that this worldline exist on, is not so much changed.
Interesting thought, but how do these 2% quants "know" how to form those complex objects?
No, really! 2% of a "Worldline" can only mean 2% of a given state of ALL quants in a Universe, that can result in anything!
Or let me put it this way: if i change only 2% of the quants in your computer you weren't even able to read this! 2% of the universe is a whole bunch o quants! Look around on your table.
Wouldn't all the things surrounding us change completely if we were able to change even only 0.2% of their quantum state?
oh maybe i am talking already nonsense.
Seriously, 2% of what? "Certain historic events and the position of certain pysical objects" or "All possible quantum states"? I think John trapped himself with this.