time travel

When we look at the sun or the stars or anything else, we are looking at the past. This may apply to everything we experience. The present is the process of experiencing portions of a pre-existing continuum.

The past is a record of the specific portions of the pre-existing continuum that we physically experienced. Every physical thing we do or experience has a lag time. The stimuli take time to reach our sensory organs and then the signals take time to reach our brains and then our brains take time to process the input. Nothing physical is experienced real time.
rgrunt - you speak of relativistic simultaneity, and know not whereof you speak. There's no such thing as an absolute present, and you can't compare measurements made on the sun and the earth. Don't fall into the trap of averaging everything - some things are not equivalent, and can't be treated this way!
Dear timemaster and Janus,
You both have very valid arguements. To tell you the truth I am not sure if both of you and myself are not all correct simultaneosly or if only some of our observations are correct. I am very inclined to also believe that there is not really a such thing as time dialation. After all einstiens atomic clocks obviously didnot exist in the past when he read the one that had an earlier time the the other after the high altitude trip. However I am also prone to believe that time cuasality may truelly exist and that the sun indeed when measured from the point of view of a single instant must exist at a different time. In order for two points to exist at the same time there must be a mechanism that regulates the timing of thier existance so that the regulating mechanism acts upon both points in space simultaneously. For this sort of interaction in free space to work would require superluminal motion of sone sort to act as sort of a timing circuit to ensure that both or all areas in space stay confined to the present, without this regulating force all different areas in space would be free to age at thier own rate in a random manner as would accur in a reqion with no forces to guide interactions and courses of events. So at some level thier must be true present no matter how you look at it and at some level their must be time dialation as well for it is becuase of time dialation that we must have non time dialation. Thus we have another paradox. A paradox is a good thing for it seems to follow after the logic a finite space where everything that is located within the volume of a finite universe must consist of two equal opposites out of time sinc one enabling the existance of the opposite and requiring the existance of the opposite. All events located at the perimeter of the universe may suffice without the out this counteracting balancing mechanism and still stay in sinc with our universe. Finally it apears that all events in our universe exist at two levels. On the one level the event exists within the volume of our universe only thusly obeys the light speed velocity and the laws of causality. Second each of these event make contact with the edge of the universe and thusly follow after the laws of superluminosity with is one time sinc ahead of subluminosity. Another way to say this is that light speed limit is the cause happening first of course. Superluminosity is the affect happening after the cause subluminosity of course.

Edwin G. Schasteen