time travel

Supposing one of you does actually make a nini-black hole that persists, and you do so in the earths atmosphere. Would it not pull the surrounding air into itself, become more massive and proceed to draw in more air on and on untill the entire planetary atmosphere was gone? Cool!
But it is 1000 to one that you'll blow YOURSELVES up first. So I'll sleep just fine.

On a different note, light is evaporated matter and matter is condensated light. The other 99.9999999999-----% of the universe is subquantal mind. Build your mathmatical model around this and you'll begin to get somewhere. Have a nice!
This is a possobility however I do not believe that it will happen so long as the field is not torqued beyond 180 degrees. This is why I am not going to just flip the switch as soon as it is built I will only torque the field slightly
I was considering using a spinning copper discs as a meteod of extracting electrical energy from the device by placeing the spinning disc in the midst of the field as it is focused to a singularity. The electrical power will increases as the field is constricted. The electrical current can be trasfered for the the copper disc to a copper rod to wire for distribution. What do you think?
Hey guys! Just some quick advice. Everything I've seen so far assumes perfect rigidity of not only the rotating matter but also the field lines. As anything approaches higher velocities, it tends to become more and more warped. Otherwise, spiral galaxies could be rotating straight lines instead of a center rotating faster than its outer limits due to limitations by the speed of light. Have you mathematically figured what rotational speeds must be reached by all objects involved? I would very much like to see a mathematical analysis of what you're proposing.
Victor S.
Dear Edwin,
I also forgot to ask you if it's possible to e-mail me information regarding your power supply? My computations show that the energy required to warp space enough for time travel is so large that even the fusion reactors currently being worked on can only produce a fraction of the required amount. Please e-mail me at [email protected] with any information you can supply me. It would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Victor, I was originally conscerned also about the amount of energy required to accomplish such a feat. However I ran the problem past an Admiral Coeyman an internet friend of mine and he had a pretty good idea. If one were to apply a small amount of energy to a small enough space that in itself would be enough to warp space and time. He also liked to mention that any quantum force would do but has settled on electromagentism on account of the fact that it is more permiable and easier to both create and manipulate. I believe that it will become easier to constrict the field to a smaller area if one spaces the plates at the correct distance. As the lines of flux and the field constricts tha tension of the flux lines increases in the direction of the northern and southern polarities. As a result the magentic pressure decreases at right angles to the poles. This strengthens the field in the direction of the poles and weakens the field at right angles to the poles. As a result it gets easier and easier to constrict the field to a smaller and smaller area up until the field starts winding up toward the poles to produce a string of wound magnetic flux lines. This will accur if the proper spacing is not produced as a result of an unbalance tension increase to pressure decrease ration such that the increased tension is assymetric to the corresponding pressure decrease. In this case once the wound portion reaches 90 degrees from the edge of the iron discs on both sides any further torqing will either cause the field to break or the discs to start decreasing in size. As soon as the field reaches its maximum tension even the slightest applied tension will break the field at its center or there abouts tearing a gap in the spacetime contitnuum. Or produce a sphere of field with less density then the space time continuum. In this case you would have a magnetic vaccuum such that the magnetic vacuum is a vacuum with in space-time. A vacuum within a vacuum if you will. If the former results then the tear or gap in the space-time continuum will serve as a conduit to channel energy from a super luminal source of tachyons that exist at an area within a point. We will be chanelling energy from a universe that is located within an infinitely small omnipresent point in our universe.
Dear Edwin,
When I did my calculations I used the same idea of restricting energy into tighter and tighter spaces. If space and time are quantized then the most you could restrict the energy would be to one quantum of space-time. I'm sure you've heard the Planck-length is approximately 10E-35 meters and that gravity separated from the original superforce at about 10E-43 seconds thereby beginning time. It was in these initial conditions that established the sizes of quantized space and time. (Did you ever divide the Planck length by the time factor of gravity separating from the superforce? It results in a velocity. What velocity though?) I know that space and time are quantized because it is for this reason that the speed of light was established as a universal speed limit and also why quantum field theory behaves the way that it does. You may want to look at the research that was going into reaching absolute zero. These researchers rigged a laser trap to remove energy over and over again and produced a cascading effect so that the atoms had to continually lose kinetic energy until the Bose-Einstein condensate was reached. It caused the matter to fall into smaller and smaller spaces. You want something similar to this but a little inverted. You want energy to be confined to smaller and smaller areas but instead but being in an energy loss cycle you want an energy gain cycle. It's assymetric to what you're trying to accomplish. Check it out.
Victor S.
Dear Victor,

Thankyou for the numbers I have been needing to find out this information. That means that my definition of the first integral energy is plancs length and of 10E-35 meters. And the minimal time equivalent must be 10E-43. That means to constrict the field to an area of 10E-35 meters is to increase the flux density to infinite which is merely what ever the maximum value of energy is for matter. I am sure that it is a finite value as is the absolute zero. But the maximum density will be reached and a fequency of 10E-43 meters persecond persecond thus having a frequency and inphase with time itself. To constrict the field to a smaller area will be to confine it to the theoretical frational energy equated with zero on the model I mentioned in other postings. This will result in a breach in the structure of the field itself and a tear in the space-time continuum with a mass area of confinement of <10E-35 at a timeing of [10E-43 resulting in a negative output at a negative time interval...the introduction or generation of tachyons by impossing a negative density with respect to the amplitude and frequency of the universal space-time oscillating bandwidth for the electro-magnetic spectrum and space-time not including strong force which appears from the model you presented above to exist at a higher bandwidth then 10E-35 at 10E-43 timing. If my interpritation of your last message is correct then that might indicate that strong force or the stronger force that you mentioned is a subpoint force existing at a relative fractional area of less then [10E-35 at a timing of less then 10E-43. (Please forgive me for continueiousely repeating the above values you gave me but I do so in order to memorize them).What do you think? Also I was considering using a series of toriodal magnetic coils wrapped around my device to create an inductive field to run along the in the same diection as the flux lines of the magentic fields produced by the iron plates as a method to confine the lines of flux so that we may be able to wind the field up which is enabled by preventing the flux lines from the coils from each plate from establishing poles on the coils on the opposite hemisphere of the plate when the coils on each of the plates that are ninety degrees intersection fire creating equilly strengthed magnetic pull on both hemispheres of the opposite plate and causing the field from the left have of the plate to divide itself to attract to both sides of the opposite plate equally. By preventing the afore mentioned scenario we may infact wind up the field by firing the coils on both plates a total of 90 degrees firing rotation each causing the field to constrict to the area of 10E-35 at a timing of 10E-43. Again a way of abstracting energy from this field is by focussing this field through a copper disc that is connected to a copper stator or shaft that rotates on a metal rod trasfering the electrical energy up to what ever the maximum amount that is possible. Although an inductive field is destructive to the directional flow of a magentic field if we adjust the strength of the inductive field we will be able to gyroscopically align the polarity of the electromagnetic photons to face the coils at right angles to the bottom adjacent coil on the bottom plate and the top adjacent coil on the top plate so that if one were to draw a straight line form the coil on the top plate through the center of the two field to the bottom coil of the bottom plate that is 180 degrees on the opposite side of the bottom plate...this line would intersect the centermasses of all the electromagentic photons through the poles of the elecromagnetic photons thus maximizing the attraction of these photons to the individual coils and enabling the force holding them to this line of intersection to always be greater then the force trying to seperate them which is the force of the torque generated by the winding of the field and which is generated by the intersecting of the these lines. Which is what causes mechanically the field to focus as the plates are rotated 180 degrees or rather the coils on the plates fire to 180 degrees at which time all these lines will intersect through the area 10E-35 at 10E-43 timing. What do you think is all of this logical?[P>
Edwin G. Schasteen
Thanks for the info, Pamela. By the way, the idea of matter and antimatter being gravitationally repulsive I figured out in 1992 and discussed with a Community College professor with a Master's degree in physics. He agreed with my reasoning and I will post all that information on this bulletin board. It goes farther than the website you directed us to. I discussed it with a UC Riverside professor who taught Upper Division Physics in 1993. He couldn't get around my logic. In 1999, I sent a letter to DISCOVER magazine because one of their articles talked of a jet of antimatter particles coming out of the Milky Way's galactic disk. I told them wouldn't this support my idea of REPULSIVE matter-antimatter interactions? They were kind enough to reply and stated they couldn't answer my questions.
-Victor Sciortino
Dear Pamela,
Thankyou for the information it was very interesting and I find it a coinsedence that it came just after I had been thinking of gravity and how it appears to be related to maxwells equations. As an electro-magnetic field is spun around a iron rod an electro static field is produced at right angles to the magnetic field. I was considering the affects of centrepital force upon my glass of nestle's quike. As I stirred up the glass I observed the whirlwind affect of the centripetal force caused by the differing velocities at differnt radiuses of the spin. I also couldn't help but notice the causes of the phenomenon as being the amount of mass that is spun and at a higher velocity at greater radiuses. I noticed as well that the forces being greater on the outermost side of the spinning medium was a result of greater velocities where the total of curved velocity is the sum of both linear velocity tangents that intersect at right angles or is it the square of both velocity tangents that intersect at right angles. Anyhow I assumed that the force this force might generate a gravitational static force at righ angles to the spinning field in the same way the a spinning magnetic field produces a static field at right angles. This force may be imaginary for the centrepital force alone was enough to cause most of my milk to cling to the edge of the glass and a funnel to be produced in the center of the glass. I say that the transverse spin of spacetime fields caused by the draining of spacetime into mass may infact cause the warping of spacetime as a result of a threehundred sixty degree acurring within the gravcitational field with the drain being the center of balance of the earth. This spinning of coarse would produce two way gyroscopic spin allowing for the torque created by the spinn and sideways gravity or centeripital force to be counter acted because of the fact that the spinn of the fields accur in both directions. So all we have is gravity. For instance if we were to create two coils around the same area of a bar and the to cause the one coil to produce a clockwise spinning magnetic field and the other around the rod to produce a counterclock wise electromagnetic field we two electrostatic fields would be generated and both traveling in opposite directions through the rod. The result is that these two electrostatic flows counteract each other and therefore remain static. Now if one were to consider the similarities between this and the actions of a top that is spun one may ascertain that as the top spinns in either direction an excess of rotational force is generated and is added to the already existant rotational force in the mass caused by the clockwise-counterclockwise spin of spacetime as it is chanelled through the mass toward the centermass of the earth. The result is a generation of gravito static field at right angles to the spin and that this force is what causes the top to stand on end.For the gravito static force repels against the static gravitational force generated by the curvature of space which acts as enertia. With the curvature of space producing a dimple we have the gravito static field generated by the spinning of the glass of milk traveling toward the center of the glass at the bottom and the gravito static field generated by the curvature of the dimple in our milk with the static field origonating at the center of the glass and flowing to the outermost portion of the glass at the edge which is what causes othe milk in my glass to conscentrate at the edge where the spin velocity and quantity of spin is greatest. What do you think is it plausible?

Edwin Gary Schasteen
Dear Pamela,
Thankyou for the information it was very interesting and I find it a coinsedence that it came just after I had been thinking of gravity and how it appears to be related to maxwells equations. As an electro-magnetic field is spun around a iron rod an electro static field is produced at right angles to the magnetic field. I was considering the affects of centrepital force upon my glass of nestle's quike. As I stirred up the glass I observed the whirlwind affect of the centripetal force caused by the differing velocities at differnt radiuses of the spin. I also couldn't help but notice the causes of the phenomenon as being the amount of mass that is spun and at a higher velocity at greater radiuses. I noticed as well that the forces being greater on the outermost side of the spinning medium was a result of greater velocities where the total of curved velocity is the sum of both linear velocity tangents that intersect at right angles or is it the square of both velocity tangents that intersect at right angles. Anyhow I assumed that the force this force might generate a gravitational static force at righ angles to the spinning field in the same way the a spinning magnetic field produces a static field at right angles. This force may be imaginary for the centrepital force alone was enough to cause most of my milk to cling to the edge of the glass and a funnel to be produced in the center of the glass. I say that the transverse spin of spacetime fields caused by the draining of spacetime into mass may infact cause the warping of spacetime as a result of a threehundred sixty degree acurring within the gravcitational field with the drain being the center of balance of the earth. This spinning of coarse would produce two way gyroscopic spin allowing for the torque created by the spinn and sideways gravity or centeripital force to be counter acted because of the fact that the spinn of the fields accur in both directions. So all we have is gravity. For instance if we were to create two coils around the same area of a bar and the to cause the one coil to produce a clockwise spinning magnetic field and the other around the rod to produce a counterclock wise electromagnetic field we two electrostatic fields would be generated and both traveling in opposite directions through the rod. The result is that these two electrostatic flows counteract each other and therefore remain static. Now if one were to consider the similarities between this and the actions of a top that is spun one may ascertain that as the top spinns in either direction an excess of rotational force is generated and is added to the already existant rotational force in the mass caused by the clockwise-counterclockwise spin of spacetime as it is chanelled through the mass toward the centermass of the earth. The result is a generation of gravito static field at right angles to the spin and that this force is what causes the top to stand on end.For the gravito static force repels against the static gravitational force generated by the curvature of space which acts as enertia. With the curvature of space producing a dimple we have the gravito static field generated by the spinning of the glass of milk traveling toward the center of the glass at the bottom and the gravito static field generated by the curvature of the dimple in our milk with the static field origonating at the center of the glass and flowing to the outermost portion of the glass at the edge which is what causes othe milk in my glass to conscentrate at the edge where the spin velocity and quantity of spin is greatest. What do you think is it plausible?

Edwin Gary Schasteen
I was cosidering the different settings of my device and how reversing the inductive field would result in the potential of creating an electromagnetic equivalent of a gravitational field where all forces are attract matterm whether positive in charge or negative. One way to determine whether the field-if generated-is gravitational or magnetic is to determine whether the field is composed of gravitons or photons. One way to determine whether the field is composed of photons is to determine whether photons have a spin of one. By doing we are using the proccess of elimination to determine if the field is composed of photons. If the spinn of the particles is not one then the field is not composed of photons and therfore what ever particles the field is composed of may have a spin of 2 maybe more I haven't done the math. If the particles in the field have a spin of two then it is possible that the particles are gravitons. However since nobody has discovered a graviton due to either its extremely small size or wavelength and frequency;or non existance, we will most likely be able to determin whether the particles comosing the field are indeed gravitons by being unable to measure them. This would be evidence that the particles fall in the size range or illusividity of the mysterious gravitons and Higgs boson. The field if having a spin of two may be determined to be mediated by the higgs boson if the particles in the field are measurable and a graviton if the particles in the field are immeasurable but have a integral spin greater than one but less then three. I might be mistaken can anyone tell me if a graviton is supposed to have a spin of one or two and whether the Higgs boson is still expected to be extremely massive. In other words has the physisists reformulated their the theory of the Higgs boson to determine that this boson will be extremely small almost the size of a graviton?

Edwin G. Schasteen
" I am convinced that the past present and future all coexist at the same time at some level so there is at least three dimensions of time past, present-future, future and the omnipresent point that connects all times and spaces to a simultaneous localization. Actually thats four time dimensions.
I consider that each of these may have two states of existance atleast. One when measuring the states of a dimension of time and a particle together with the present-future dimension in which we percieve existance mostly. And the seconnd the independent existance of each dimension apart from our own. In the first case when measuring the past we measure the past as tachyon entities in accordance with einsteins mathematical discription of cellestial past. In the second case we measure the past as being the same as our own dimesion with subluminal existance as we remember. This implies that time transfers energy to sustain the present events from past events in the form of superluminal transferance via tachyons subsequently creating the apparent forces of random accurence caused by quantum mechanical actions at a distance and the uncertainty principle all of which is caused by the nature of that transferance. Secondly the left over energy not transfered to the sustainance of future events remains in the past such that the amount of energy existing in the present is never diminished nor increased. This is what is responcible for conservation of energy. The differential between mass and space density and the transferance of events through space via four fundamental forces is what causes energy loss in mechanical conditions in addtion of friction the causality.

Edwin Gary Schasteen "

I find your above statement interesting, not correct but interesting. Why are you convinced that the past present and future all coexist at the same time at some level?
I believe that everything may exist at one time: past, present, and future. Everything that was ever done was done in the present and we have records to prove it. Everything that will ever be done will be done in the present, as well. The present is the place where we decide which completed events we want to experience. All possible events already exist.
Fate has already planned out what everyone will ever do at the beginning of time. Past, present, and future has already been documented and all time traveling that will ever happen has already occured. It least it's interesting to believe that. Perhaps Christopher Columbus was a time traveler that knew that the world was round and nobody else in the year 4067 AD knew that and dared to find out. Maybe that's why he went to the past to prove that so colonization would be made on the other side of world.

-Crono S. Chrono
Dear Timemaster,
Thankyou for responding to my post, also thanks to Crono and Notime for posting. To answer the following question: What leads one to ascertain that the past, present, and future all coexist as simultaneous at some point? (Please forgive me for reconstructing the above question but I have somewhat of a short term memory defect, occasionally.) I would consider the position of the sun at this exact moment existing 7 light minutes respectively from our position earth. In order to reach the position of the sun at this exact instant one would have to travel at a velocity greater then light so that upon attaining the distance 7 light minutes to arrive at our sun; one will do so with out the loss of time so that we will arrive at the sun at the exact moment we departed the earth. The sun we view is the sun that is seven minutes old.
I appologize for the break in my last transmission.(duty calls.) The earth is thus seven minutes in the future from the sun and the sun is seven minutes in the past from the earth when triangulating their position at an instant in time. Further more the earth is seven light years from the sun so that from the sun the earth exists seven minutes in the past;and the sun seven minutes in the future from the earth also when triangulating their position at that same instant. So if the earth and sun exist both seven minutes in the past and seven minutes into the future from each other the earth and sun both exist at a single instant at thier respective positions seven minutes in the past and seven minutes in the future. So the sun and earth both exist in the past and future simultaneously and thier position at present is the sum of both their time positions which counteract each other to form an equilibrium. The sum of two times seven minutes into the future plus the sum of two times seven minutes into the past is equil to zero which is the universal location of the present. Thusly all locations exist as the sum of two opposite time positions dependent on thier distance in three dimensional space. Thus all points in the past present and future exist at a simultaneous instant.

Edwin G. Schasteen

The earth is 92,957,000 miles from the sun. With the speed of light ( 11,176,943.4 miles per minute ) the position of the sun at any moment is 8.32 light minutes from the earth.

This is not to say that the sun exist 8.32 minutes in our past, only that we see the sun as it was 8.32 minute ago. This is because the light from the sun is 8.32 minutes old. The sun and the earth exist simultaneously in the present. There is no past for the sun to exist in.

The past is a product of our memory {if no memory then no past }. The future is a product of our imagination. We use the present and our memories of the past to imagine what the future will be.

One light year is 5.878e12 miles, therefore the earth is 1.581e-5 light years from the sun.

Please explain this statement.
"In the first case when measuring the past we measure the past as tachyon entities in accordance with einsteins mathematical discription of cellestial past."