Dear Timemaster,
I appologize for the interuption. As for absorbing tachyons I believe that the best that would be done without the application of infinite energy at either an area less then 0 or at a negative time there would be no way to other wise intermix the subluminal with the superluminal. This theory of course is still not complete so this may not be correct and is open to debate as all other theoyies are. I am sure that there are facters influencing the actual model that I am unaware of as of yet. For instance just today after my first transmission I was discussing this theory with a friend of mine who has a lot of knowlege on the basic physics and I found out that the greater the pressure of a mass the less the tension. For instance a rubber baloon that is filled with so much air that it is only one atom thick will burst if any more air is added.Upon first thinking about it one might be inclined to think that if a balloon of equill surface area were filled half way up and connected to the balloon with twice as much air that the larger balloon would expell air into the smaller balloon and establish a medium. This would imply that the presure in the balloon is directly related to the tension of the skin so that as the tension increases the pressure on the air from the balloon also increases. However it turns out that the opposite is true that the pressure in act upon the gas in not related to the quantity of gas nor does the pressure increase but the pressure decreases as the tension increases. The tension increases as the layers of atoms in the ruber thin out. Thus the air from the smaller balloon has a greater pressure then the balloon with twice as much gas and therefore flows into the balloon with twice as much air. This applies to the conscept of constricting the lines of flux whereas before I thought that the amount of energy that it would take to constrict the lines of flux would increase as the tension of the lines of flux increased and the strength increased but in light of this new knowlege it will take less energy as the presure decreases as the tension increases.
I appologize for the interuption. As for absorbing tachyons I believe that the best that would be done without the application of infinite energy at either an area less then 0 or at a negative time there would be no way to other wise intermix the subluminal with the superluminal. This theory of course is still not complete so this may not be correct and is open to debate as all other theoyies are. I am sure that there are facters influencing the actual model that I am unaware of as of yet. For instance just today after my first transmission I was discussing this theory with a friend of mine who has a lot of knowlege on the basic physics and I found out that the greater the pressure of a mass the less the tension. For instance a rubber baloon that is filled with so much air that it is only one atom thick will burst if any more air is added.Upon first thinking about it one might be inclined to think that if a balloon of equill surface area were filled half way up and connected to the balloon with twice as much air that the larger balloon would expell air into the smaller balloon and establish a medium. This would imply that the presure in the balloon is directly related to the tension of the skin so that as the tension increases the pressure on the air from the balloon also increases. However it turns out that the opposite is true that the pressure in act upon the gas in not related to the quantity of gas nor does the pressure increase but the pressure decreases as the tension increases. The tension increases as the layers of atoms in the ruber thin out. Thus the air from the smaller balloon has a greater pressure then the balloon with twice as much gas and therefore flows into the balloon with twice as much air. This applies to the conscept of constricting the lines of flux whereas before I thought that the amount of energy that it would take to constrict the lines of flux would increase as the tension of the lines of flux increased and the strength increased but in light of this new knowlege it will take less energy as the presure decreases as the tension increases.