time travel

Dear Timemaster,
I appologize for the interuption. As for absorbing tachyons I believe that the best that would be done without the application of infinite energy at either an area less then 0 or at a negative time there would be no way to other wise intermix the subluminal with the superluminal. This theory of course is still not complete so this may not be correct and is open to debate as all other theoyies are. I am sure that there are facters influencing the actual model that I am unaware of as of yet. For instance just today after my first transmission I was discussing this theory with a friend of mine who has a lot of knowlege on the basic physics and I found out that the greater the pressure of a mass the less the tension. For instance a rubber baloon that is filled with so much air that it is only one atom thick will burst if any more air is added.Upon first thinking about it one might be inclined to think that if a balloon of equill surface area were filled half way up and connected to the balloon with twice as much air that the larger balloon would expell air into the smaller balloon and establish a medium. This would imply that the presure in the balloon is directly related to the tension of the skin so that as the tension increases the pressure on the air from the balloon also increases. However it turns out that the opposite is true that the pressure in act upon the gas in not related to the quantity of gas nor does the pressure increase but the pressure decreases as the tension increases. The tension increases as the layers of atoms in the ruber thin out. Thus the air from the smaller balloon has a greater pressure then the balloon with twice as much gas and therefore flows into the balloon with twice as much air. This applies to the conscept of constricting the lines of flux whereas before I thought that the amount of energy that it would take to constrict the lines of flux would increase as the tension of the lines of flux increased and the strength increased but in light of this new knowlege it will take less energy as the presure decreases as the tension increases.
Mr. Schasteen, I'm beginning to think that a lot of what you're spouting is complete bull. Have you actually looked mathematically at the mechanisms of what you're proposing, as opposed to simply their supposed results? You use a lot of analogies which I don't think are valid at the energies and dimensions you're talking about. You use a lot of catchwords, like tachyon and quanta, but are you actually trying to describe what you're intending mathematically? The world of high-energy physics is very counterintuitive, and it's always important to double-check what you think will happen with the actual math and theory. Can you clearly state your idea, maybe in point form, so that I can examine it systematically? It would be much appreciated.
Mr Razmatazz. I will double check my math. I will also send via e-mail the math and theory. The analogies I use as a way to express the theory in terms that are easily digestible. If I tried to express it the way I thought of it I think that the ideas would come off as complete jivorish as is for most of us I am sure. I will send an illustration to help describe the peramaters of the idea and a gragh to show the mathematical proofs. This will take some time though for I have access to computers that will not enable me to send any complex graphics. I will use a logical and systematic and basic format so that it will be easier to follow from point to point in the conscept for I am sure you as I do not have alot of time to spare.
Sure. Send me your stuff when you get the chance -- my email's [email protected]

I tend to think that the point of examples is to make things easier to understand - but yours have only seemed to confuse and garble your underlying idea. Hopefully any stuff you can send will clear this up.
I have heard of an experiment that a physisist did. The physisist apparently compressed graphite till it crushed into dust. At the point of structural failer the graphite emitted small short lived sparks that turned out to be plasma. I was considering that if by magnetic device does not produce the theoretical affect I am looking for then I was considering using it as a conmpress to compress a graphite block to such a density that merely striking the extremely dense block of graphite will produce pulses of fusing plasma. This will work if the molecules are so compact that the transfer of kenetic energy will cause the graffite molecule to accererate to a velocity as to produce enough heat do to friction to enable fussion of the graphite rod. Placing this rod in a chamber of tritium and helium mixture will enable a fussion reactor with the magentic device as a source of containment. What do you think.
Personaly I think that rgrut's ideas are perhaps very brilliant, and reflects a mind of a Thinking Genius at work.

your contributions here are always welcome.
I only hope that there are more people like you, that would be willing to join us, and assit us in our quest likewise.

Thanks Again For Sharing Your Ideas On Our Forum. :)
Thanks Time,
that is very kind of you. I have not seen an idea on this web that is not ingeniutive. I believe that if we all work together we can find the truth between us.
I heard of an experiment that has shown that the pull force of a magnetic field is ten percent stronger at any given distance then the repulsive force of the same electro-magnetic field at the same distance. I Applied this conscept to my disc design and discovered that there is a posibility that at 160 degree rotation the pull force of the magentic field will be compressed to a singularity as a result of a form of time dialation for the pull force may exist a different time at a given location then the push force at that same location. When twisting up the magentic cylinder to an hour glass shape at 180 degrees of rotation over all the strength of the magentic field would increase exponentially in proportion to the decrease in the radius of the field at the center of the magnetic cylinder as it is twisted into an hour glass shape. However since the pull portion of the field is stronger ten percent stronger as the push portion of the field then at 180 degrees the push portion of the field will reach an infinite strength and the pull portion of the field will reach an an infinite times stronger then the infinitely stronger then the push force on acount that the sum of strength of the additional ten percent of the push field will add up to infinity just as other 90 percent of the pull field which is eqiul in strength to the push field will add up to infinity at 180 degrees twist. However this just does't add up. So after looking overthe theory again I realized that the pull force must reach an infinite strength before the push force. This led me to believe that there is a sort of time dialation between the pull force and push force of the magnetic field and that the pull force will reach infinite strengh at 160 rotation and will overcome the still finite push force of the magentic field compressing it down to a singularity in an infinite period of time. It will take an infinite period of time because the push force will increase in strength expontially and resistance to compression as it is compressed closer and closer to a singularity over an infinite period of time.
However, as we increase the torque from 160 degrees to 180 degrees the acceleration of the compression of the push force of the field increases to infinity enabling the push force to be compressed to a singularity in the time it takes to torque the remaining 20 degrees of the cylindrical field into an hour glass with an appex connection of infinitismal size. Also upon reaching an infinitismal size the ten percent deficit of the weaker push field will reach infinity. The ten percent deficit is what seperates the two forces in the fourth dimension time on account that the pull force reaches infinitismal strength first. That means that greater accelerations and higher energies are sperated form lower energies by the deficite or difference or lack of the two accelerations or energies and not the additional amount of acceleration or energies. Since the difference of the two strengths of the fields marks the amount of time dialation of the two strengths of the fields at a point of measurement; then upon infinite compression of the weaker push force at 180 degrees torque as all the ten percent deficits add up to infinity the two forces will have a time dialation of infinity where the push force will exist at an infinite time in the past and the pull force which is still ten percent stronger (since the distance in time is measured by ten percent deficit of the weaker field and not the ten percent stronger strength of the stronger field)will exist at an infinite time in the future to which is located in the present because the time dialation is relative to the field at this point. Because the strength of the pull field is still ten percent stronger then the push field the push field in the infinite past will be pulled towards the infinite future where the infinite deficit will be increased exponetially as it is compressed to an infinitely small singularity within as time dialation of the two fields approaches zero with this culmanating event accurring at an infinite time from the present...that is an infinite time from the time that the field reahed 180 degrees torque.
This seems to be a reversal of the process that forms matter: points, lines, angles, surfaces, and curves which are massed into things which appear as physical objects.
Please forgive my spelling errors in the above letter I was in a hurry for fear of being cut off. I see that some of the message did not make it through or I was thinking to fast and skipped writing a portion of what I was thinking. I would like to reword the last four lines. The push force in the infinite past is drawn towards the ten percent stronger pull force in the infinite future relative to the field which is compressed to an infinitely small point relative to our three dimensional universe. Within that point is where the forces are being pulled together in time form infinitely in the past within the point to infinitely in the future in the point. The infinite future in the point is located in the present here and now in our three dimensional universe. The culmanating event where the area difference in the two fields measured by the ten percent deficit reaches zero in size so that the two forces exist at the same point at the same time for the sake that time dialation has reached zero ;The deficit has reached an infinitely strength increase as a result of its compression to a temperal singularity in the infinite future in our three dimesional universe. It will take an infinite time for the field defficit compressed to a tmeperal singularity because the acceleration of the weaker force in temperal space is accuring in sinc with our time and each acceleration of the field in the point space is in proportion to any exponetial accleration in our three dimensional universe. This is because the field defficit reaches an infinite at the exact instant that we have completed torqing the field 180 degrees and the acceleration of the weaker field within the point starts accelerating towards the ten percent stronger pull force within the point at that instant also. Since it takes an infinite time to compress the infinite ten percent deficit to a temperal singularity on acount of the increased resistance to temperal compression as a result of the exponential strength increase of the defficit of the weaker infinite field as the defficit of that field approaches a temperal singularity. Thusly, the field defficit will reach a temperal singularity at an infinite time in the future from the instant that the field reaches 180 degrees torque.
Dear Mr Yates,
Thankyou very much I recieved your letter. I will contact you as soon as I can get a hold of a computer that has not firwalled e-mail. I am located on Marine Corps Air Station Mirimar, Sandiego California. I will be glad to help you in any way possible. I am making copies of all my notes and will send them to the return address on the package you sent. I would be honered to work with you on the production of your device and would be glad to build my device and test it and your device together to see if the theory of the devices is plausible or correct. I am sure that you know the severity of the knowlege that we will possess if the set of events that inspires you day to day is legitimate. Be as discrete as possible in case this is true and there is a very high probablility that it is. I will contact you by e-mail to discuss details there is something that you should know.
Mr. Yates,
please e-mail me a letter I have lost your e-mail address. I'd like to write you about a few things.
I smiled a great big smile as I read Mr. Schasteens response to you, he seems like a very nice guy and very intelligent.I can see the reality of this happening with you two working together. and chin in hand I looked up at the "2 1/2 x 4inches" still sitting on my desk and realized I may be observing with his posting a piece of the future.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Thankyou, Pamela that is nice of you to say.
I was wanting to add that if we were to torque beyond 180 degrees that the actions that are stated above will no longer be confined to the point. The actions will be confined to a point so long as the size of the point is a fractional entity and therefore recognized by the three dimensional universe as an entity with zero size and mass. This is because energy cannot be transfered in fractional quatums but must be transfered in integral quantums or not at all. Any mass that is a fraction of a mass transferes fractional energies which are to small to affect any three dimensional mass in a finite period of time. It takes an infinite number of intergral time quantums for an applied fractional energy to add up to a single integral action upon a integral entity that transfers only intergral energies. The reason that a quantum can only transfer an energy to it's outside invironment is because the way it transfers energy to it's outside invironment is to produce a virbratiion. Like a guitar string, the minimal vibration of the string is the width of the string. Any smaller vibration is considered a frational vibration and is not conducted by the medium surrounding the string. However if the amplitude of the vibration is greater then the width of the string then the excess energy of the vibration is transfered to the surrounding medium which in this case is air and the energy is in the form of sound. At the level that we are discussing the energy is in the form of electromagnetic kenesis and in the form of events and the relative energy portion of time. By torqing the field greater then 180 degrees we will increase the size of the point which is transfering frational energies from a fractional size to an integral size and will amplify the fractional energies within the point which happen to be infinite to integral energies and therfore will transfer those energies to the surrounding medium which happens to be our spacetime continuum.

Edwin G. Schasteen
Your theory is interesting and akin to my own ideas for time travel. There are a few points I's like to make though. First, you don't need a singularity to time travel. Physicists don't have a firm grasp of the structure of space-time. If they did they'd realize that's it's quantized (made up of little boxes that cannot be broken down further). I have enormous evidence for this and don't have room here to display it, but I stumped my Upper Division Physics Teacher at UC Riverside with it and the conclusion would be that you can jump to time travel energies before reaching a singularity. The physicists say that "it introduces complications if you think space-time is quantized instead of infinitely divisible"; however, in actuality I've found that it unites Einstein's General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics and gives us a bridge for jumping to FTL (Faster-Than-Light) velocities just as a chemical reaction can occur below its activation energy required to initiate it. This is what physicists call "quantum tunneling" and is actually a consequence of quantized space-time. Second, if you've got something that can generate sufficient energy, can it hold that energy state long enough to reach these energies? My suggestion is to build a large capacitor into your device to store the accumulated energy so it can be released in a quick enough time interval. By exposing yourself to a slowly strengthing magnetic field can have unknown and/or unwanted effects. To truly understand time travel, you must understand space-time, its relationship to the four fundamental forces of nature, and the hierarchy of the forces (the CPT Theorem of quantum mechanics combined with matter-antimatter relationships). You'll discover that antimatter is negative mass but not necessarily negative energy (negative energy is actually "virtual energy" discussed by Stephen Hawking when he discusses black hole evaporation). You'll also discover that when you go FTL matter becomes antimatter and vice versa. At about 10e-35 m space becomes quantized and at about 10e-43 s time becomes quantized. From these figures you can probably compute the energy density required to break the barrier. It's a lot! See if you can build your device to compress the magnetic field into a shell around your time machine with the required energy density. That should still keep you safe inside while the magnetic field manipulates space-time. Good Luck!
Dear Victor,
Thankyou for the knowlege. I have always believed the universe to be finite and that there are absolute limits to every finite quantity. I only use transfinite math as a convenient way of relaying the knowlege that I have in a manner that is familiar to scientists. However the minimal increment of change will be reached approxamitely at 160 degrees of torque for the pull force of the electro-magnetic fields and at 180 for both of the fields. I must also conclude that infinity in the singularity is actually a transfinite quatity. To us this appears infinite but in reality it is actually a larger finite quatity when viewed from our universe. If however we were to cross over that barrier which is light speed and the center mass of an object into that domain we would disover that the apparent transfinite universe that we crossed into is actually the same size as our own universe and we would discover that the total universe is set up in finite domains seperated by mathematical barriers such as the velocity of light or the center mass of an object or the maximum possible temperature...which is still yet to be discovered but I am sure that one day it will be. To calculate mathematically into any one of those domains requires us to graph a portion of our domain completely and then triangulate our domain with a domain on the opposite side of the zero axis which which represents the other domain such as superluminosity. Also by unifying the mathematical functions of subtraction and division such that a quatity minus that quantity is equil to the quantity divided infinitely( or the maximum possible number of divisions). And that the quatity minus a quantity is zero and thus a quatity divided infinitely is zero. Remember that by making a quatity zero one releases converts the mass into the parrallel existance which requires the amount of energy contained in the mass. By torqing up a magnetic field one converts the presure of the field into tension. As the tension of the field increases the resistance to torque decreases such that at 180 degrees of torque the tension reached infinite(or the maximum possible tension for this universe with out crossing into the other) and the resistance to torque reaches zero thus we obtain a perpetual torque. However the field may reach a maximum compression at which the field will no longer constrict however in this case if we continue to torque up the field the field will eventually reach a state where any further torque cannot mechanically be obtained without tearing the field and tearing a whole in the space time continuum bursting the mathematical barrier between us and the superluminal universe. The result of interactions of anti-spacetime with regular space-time results in the emission of some sort of energy. When anti matter come in comtact with regular matter the result is a mutual anihalation and the production of a gamma photon with an energy equil to the energy contained in both previousely anihilated masses. What does every one think? Is this logical?