time travel


Chrono Cadet
I am currently worjing on a project to produce a power supply that may enable time travel and interdimensional travel by producing the needed energy level in order to accomlplish such a feat by drawing energy transdimensionally into this dimention by constricting the lines of flux of a magnetic field to a singularity thus intensifying the strength of the field to infinity according to the inverse field law where the strength of the field is proportional to the inverted square of the distance and the laws of kenetics of three dimensional mass that states that the kenetic energy needed to compress a mass to half its volume is increases exponentially to infinity as the mass approaches a singularity due to the fact that the density of the mass also increases exponentially as the mass approaches a singularity. By placing two iron discs one above the other and giving both of them an opposite magnetic polarity by running a current around each of the discs in opposite directions. The northern flux lines of the top disc will connect to the southern flux lines of the bottom disc thereby giving the magnetic fiels the topology of a cylinder. There will be additional coils on the top and bottom disc which will fire in such a sequence as to start the static lines of flux to seek new poles on the top disc the lines of flux will accelerate clockwise and on the bottom disc the flux lines will accelerate counterclock wise causing the lines of flux of the static field to wind up in the center giving the field a new topology of an hour glass. With the proper firing sequence the magentic field at the center between the two discs will be focuses all the way down to a singularity at which point the field will increase to an infinite strength. At this point any further torqingof the magnetic field will cause the field at the center to split as a result of the splitting stress caused by the winding of the lines of flux and create a gap in the space time continuum chanelling energy with a greater then higher infinity then the magnetic field. The result will be the emission of an infinitely intense pulse of energy most likely medeated by tachyons into this dimension with at the velocity of light with an integral constant density regardless of the distance from the source(it does not follow the inverse square law since it is and infinite number of ones and not zeros that the field is measured by)this acceleration outward will result in the production of a hyperspherical inverted black hole with a curved event horizon pointing at ninety degree angles to the iron device greating a bubble of gravitational force around the device trying to pry it apart. With an infinite gravitational force trying to pry it apart and an infinite magnetic force trying to compress the iron device to a singularity the result will be that the device will maitain its structural integrity as a result of the ballance of these two opposing forces in act upon the iron object. With the nergative time facter as a result of the energy being in the form of tachyons the field might be self sustaining as result of the fact that the device tachyon energy causes the device to travel back in time creating a closed loop in time where causally the causing event of activation will by confined to beyond an infinitely small point allowing the tachyon emission to become the original event that tore the origanal gap in space time allowing the energy to transfer into this dimension whcih gives the tachyon field an infinite density for the fact that two energies are confined to the same place at the same time. Edwin G. Schasteen
How can you be sure you can keep the energies in balance? One slip means nothing works or catastrophy. The iron discs and coils would be have to be allined perfectly.








with respect
There already have been "micro blackholes" created in the lab. Granted these blackholes have a life span of a trillionth of a second or less and they are unstable and extremely small. It is the stablity and containment that worries me. The more stable a blackhole becomes, it would seem that it would be harder to contain.
If the field splits the energy will be released in the form of a tachyon wave which has a frontal velocity 186,000 mps approximately and an internal velocity equil to or greater the velocity of light. This gives the field an infinite energy-restmass equivalent and an infinite kenetic energy. The field accelerates outwars in the same manner that an electro-magnetic field does and since it contains an infinite mass traveling at the velocity of light the pulse will warp space time in all 360 degrees outward along its path of travel causing three dimensional space to fold in a scissor like manner. For the universe is a hypersphere do to the fourth dimension. All forward direction will be folded ninety degrees so in on itself and vice versa for the reverse direction creating an affective containing field as the tachyons are wound around the event horizon. This create a polarized space time continuum by creating space-time eddy currents. The field will have an infinite density. Edwin G. Schasteen
"<...> constricting the lines of flux of a magnetic field to a singularity thus intensifying the strength of the field to infinity <...> kenetic energy needed to compress a mass to half its volume is increases exponentially to infinity as the mass approaches a singularity due to the fact that the density of the mass also increases exponentially as the mass approaches a singularity."

So you'll do to magnetic flux lines what you can't to matter itself? Interesting.

"The northern flux lines of the top disc will connect to the southern flux lines of the bottom disc thereby giving the magnetic fiels the topology of a cylinder."

What about edge effects? are the discs large enough to swamp edge turbulent effects?

"<...>causing the lines of flux of the static field to wind up in the center giving the field a new topology of an hour glass."

But flux lines can pass through each other. My guess is you'd get something oscillating between an asymptotic cone-shape and the cylinder you had before.

"<...>create a gap in the space time continuum chanelling energy with a greater then higher infinity then the magnetic field."

Or so you say.

"The result will be the emission of an infinitely intense pulse of energy most likely medeated by tachyons<...>"

Why most likely? (just curious)

"<...>a hyperspherical inverted black hole with a curved event horizon pointing at ninety degree angles to the iron device<...>"

How can a hyperdimensional object embedded in 3-space be at right angles to something?

"With an infinite gravitational force trying to pry it apart and an infinite magnetic force trying to compress the iron device to a singularity the result will be that the device will maitain its structural integrity as a result of the ballance of these two opposing forces in act upon the iron object."

But are they the same infinities?

So, the gist of your idea involves a closed loop of tachyons affecting normal matter and vice versa, generating an infinite density of energy. Where's the energy coming from? You're violating conservation principles.

Doesn't relativity say that anything going at c has zero mass?

You view spacetime as a hypersphere - so you think that one day the universe will once again return to this exact state? That time is cyclic? That's what this implies.
This is enterasting I have always heard that mass that travels at the velocity of light has infinite mass however one may note that a photon does have mass even though it travels at the velocity of light. As for the oscilating affect itself is what a alternating current motor from producing a magnetic singularity. In order to compensate for this affect I have chosen a firing sequence that will keep the lines of flux at transfering to th intended pole by allowing the coils to fire out of phase just before the coils reach ninety degrees causing the weaker half of the field to spin along in the same direction as the flux lines. As for the discs producing the tubulence I may use a series of silicon tubes stacked on top of each other and place mount the tubes around the sphere of each disc I will have to do the math but as long as the measurments of the tubes and there spaceing is correct the and if the tubes are at ninety degrees to the center mass we can canscel out certain frequencies of the electromagnetic wave. We can use a radio to adjust with frequencies to cansel at the edqe of the disc. If we canscel the write amount of frequencies we will alter the field so that the negative portion of the magnetic turbulence will be ninety degrees out of phase with the positive portion. Or running a transverse current through each of the stacks of silicon tubes with each layer stacked at ninety degrees alternating intervals will most likely canscel the entire spectrum if the right amount of current is applied by forming an effective electromagentic trap.

Edwin G. Schasteen
Edwin ,perhaps you could show a diagram of your proposed design and how it may work?
I for one am interested in your idea and would like to know where you may be obtaining parts and supplies needed for this design. Exactly how big will this black hole phenomena be and what tests will you be trying? Time acceleration/ travel or others besides that?

As for your method very well done.

I wish you all the best and i hope it works!
Dear Dr Light,
Thankyou for your reply, I will send a complete sketch and mathenatical model for each action the device is intended to accomplish as soon as I locate a computer with the nesecary program. As for parts I will be aquiring the two iron disc plates from U.C.S.D. I will have the holes cut in the capactive-inductive powered electromagnetic coils called hallow coils. These coils are fastened two the plate where the center mass of each coil is inline with the center mass horizontally of the iron disc to produce a balanced magnetic pull. I wire powered up with direct current will be wound around each of the iron discs to produce a magnetic field around each of the discs which are spaced one above the other with each of the centermasses of the discs inline. The top disc produced a north field. The bottom disc produces a south field. The lines of flux from the top disc will connect to the flux lines of the south bottom disc to produce a magnetic attraction. The coils will emit imense pulses of magnetic field to attract the lines of flux from each disc so that the lines of flux will start canting to the right. The magnetic field between the discs forms the shape of a solid cylinder where the outer flux lines are attracted in a near straight line to a pole on the disc adjacent to it's source. If the the top disc the lines of flux on the top disc were to spin around 180 degrees to attach to a pole on the opposite side of the disc adjacent to it's source the the lines of flux would attach to the opposite side through the center mass of the two fields directly in the center between the two plates to form the topology of an hour glass. All the flux lines from the each disc will attach to a pole on the opposite side of the adjacent disc running throught the centermass so as to focus the nmagnetic field to an infinitely small point and thus intensify the strength of the field to infinity. To continue to spin the flux lines will result in a shearing of the space time continuum that is to pry a gap in the space time continuum increasing the size of an 'infinitely small' point to take up four dimensions of spacetime causing it to abtain a quantum of one through which tachyons will flow from it's source which is subpoint space. There is an entire superluminal universe that is contained to an area that is less then zero size relative to our position. So if one were to take a mass that is three feet in circumferance and were to compress it six feet inward, that is, three feet past it's own center the mass would become density of the mass would increase to a higher infinity and become a tachyon mass that is a positive mass contained within the super luminal universe. This mass will have a negative time facter and will be in the form of antimatter unless it is frozen to abolute zero and maitained at that temperature until it is beyond its own centermass. The mass that is zero degrees kelvin has a light speed of zero through the medium. This was discovered in 1998 as an Austrian physisist slowed the speed of light down to 38 mph through a semi conducter that had been frozen to near absolute zero thus disproving the often misconscieved theorum that light has an absolute velocity regardless of the medium. This is curious for I never read anything that Einstien wrote that claimed that the ligt speed was constant through all mediums. However I do remember reading Einsteins book where he states that light is constant through a vacuum. Since a mass that is absolute zero has a positive mass definition of zero then to compress the mass two half to a point will add an infinite number of zero temperaturs upon arrival at an infinite division that is infinite compression at infinite density giving the mass a mass definition of positive one. Thus we have a mass that is not anti matter that has a existing within a superluminal universe. The mass also having an infinite velocity as a result of the total velocity of the mass at a point equilling 186000 mps to the infinite. A medium with a light speed velocity of zero that is compressed to half its size increases to a velocity of four times the speed of light. This is based on the inverted square law that states that the strength and density of a field decreases to the inverted square of the distance and that a medium with a density of twice the same medium transmits energy at twice the velocity of the medium of lesser density. Edwin G Scahsteen
Relativity puts in a couple of restrictions on velocity and mass - if a particle is massless, it must be traveling at c - for example, light and probably neutrinos. If a particle has positive mass, it can only travel below c, never at or above c. This is simply because to move a mass at c would require infinite energy, more than the entire universe contains. So your comment that a photon does have mass is untrue. It couldn't have mass, or all photons would have infinite energy and the universe would collapse.

You also said "The mass that is zero degrees kelvin has a light speed of zero through the medium. This was discovered in 1998 as an Austrian physisist slowed the speed of light down to 38 mph through a semi conducter that had been frozen to near absolute zero thus disproving the often misconscieved theorum that light has an absolute velocity regardless of the medium.", which had me rolling on the floor laughing. That light slows down in a medium has been known for ages! Why do you think going through a prism bends light?

Oh, and I think there's a big problem with your whole experimental concept. You're trying to concentrate a finite amount of energy in an infinitesimal space, right? Well, if you did that, the whole device would collapse in on itself and the singularity would fall into the Earth. How do you intend to keep the singularity from escaping your grasp?
Granted, it has been known for years that the light speed velocity through a medium slows down, However has it been known for years that light speed slows down through a medium as the temperature decreases? Secondly, relativity has such restrictions indeed. However has relativity related the compression of a mass to its velocity? If not then did Einstien consider compression when calculating for the theory of relativity. Secondly, All physic with the acception of possibly string theory has been based on the laws of thermo-dynamics which is directly related to the measurement of mass to its center mass not beyond. All physics is based on actions of four dimensional mass in three dimensional space without taking into consideration that the amount of mass contained with in a volume may not end at its center mass. As far as I am conscerned there is no way that the amount of energy that is contained within a particle such as an electron could be contained by the particles gravito-strong force if the mass were contained to three dimensional area that is measured from its outer most edge to its center mass. There is more matter contained within each mass then is contained in the area between the cemter mass and the outer most edge of the particle. The extra mass is conained beyond the centermass of the particle. Easiest way to picture this affect is to imagine is to convert this model to two dimensions by imagining a telephone pole inbedded into the ocean floor. The hieght of the telephone pole is twenty feet. The depth of the ocean is ten feet. You, the viewer, are standing in a boat observing the telephone pole. You see that the telephone pole is ten feet high... you are measuring the height of the telephone pole from the surface of the water to its top and neglecting to measrure the portion of the telephone pole that is under the water. The air which is above the water which is to the surface of the water is synonomous of four dimensional space three of which are spacial. The ten feet from the top of the telephone pole to the surface of the water is synonomous of the mass of a particle measured from its outer most edge to its center mass. The unseen ten feet of telephone pole that is beneath the water is synonomous of the unmeasured mass of the particle that is beyond the center mass. To draw energy form this portion of mass would not violate the laws of thermo dynamics because it is tapping a part of the mass that does exist. It is not creating energy and it is not destroying energy. It is tapping a source of energy that has, until now, yet to be discovered theoretically with maybe the acception of string theory and perhaps heisenbergs 'borrowing energy from a vacuum'.Energy is equal to mass according to e=mc^2. The rest mass of an electon is measured in energy equal to .510024Mev energy. When the electron comes in contact with a positron the static energy of both particles is converted to a photon whos energy is 1.0228 Mev energy approxomately. so if photons don't have mass the how can a gamma ray of 1.02 Mev be bombarded against the nuclear force of an alluminum atom to produce an electron positron pair? I may be misunderstanding the nature of the measurements made so please reply so I may gain understanding. For I am certian I missed something in regards to my hypothesis. Thankyou for your reply.
Edwin G. Schasteen
Ahem... One slight ignorance of the laws of physics, your honor! You're trying to summon energy from a higher dimension, then compress the magnetic fields into a singularity, is that not correct? In the first place, we're not even sure that a higher dimension even exists!
Einstein and Minkowski have all suggested that the fourth dimension is time, so you couldn't 'summon' energy from time. Time is not energy, as any scientist will tell you.
In the second place, to create a singularity requires immense GRAVITATIONAL attraction, not magnetic attraction. Even if you were able to contract the magnetic fields down very small, a singularity is actually a mathematical point, so that no matter how far you squeezed it it still wouldn't make a singularity.
Sorry about these criticisms, but you've got to buy some physics books at least!

P.S: (Since this forum doesn't let you reply to a reply, I'll just tack on a reply to a question about white holes.)

Ahem... Sorry to disillusion you, but white holes cannot and willnot ever be created by the laws of physics. Haven't you ever heard of the blue-sheet effect? As light trying to escape from a black hole is infinitely red-shifted, light trying to enter a white hole would be infinitely blue shifted.
Now hold on a sec, here... I can see your question coming straight me. "Light doesn't try to enter a black hole, it is emitted..." Yes, but the white hole itself has some gravitational attraction.
To get on to my statement, all the light attracted by the white hole would be infinitely blue-shifted, building up into an incredibly dense wall of blue light. Here's your question, again: "Then why don't black holes create an infinite sheet of red light?" Because the light is safely locked away in the singularity; in the white hole, it's outside.
Anyhow, the immense gravitational attraction of the light would wrap around the white hole, actually FORMING a black hole around it, thus smothering the would be white hole. Thus, no white hole may exist in our universe. (Sorry to disappoint you, pal!)

Actually, I was going to tap the energy from the higher dimension by constricting the lines of flux of the static magnetic field to a singularity thus increaing the field strength of the magnetic field to infinity according to the inverted square law for fields and forces that says that a magnetic field dimenishes to the inverted square of the distance from the center mass of the magnet. At the centermass of a magnetitic field the strength of the field is infinite. It is pretty much the same thing as focusing light from the sun through a magnifying glass. If one were to focus the light from the sun to a singularity the temperature of the point at which the light is focused would increase to an infinite temperature. This is what we are attempting to do to a magnetic field. We have theoretically found a way to focus the magetic field to a singularity and since electromagnetism is light the intensity of the field should increase to infinity. All that is left is to buy the parts for the device and test our theory. The only problem is whether the device is safe that is the only thing stopping me. Once I am certain that the containment is adequete which I believe it is I will assemble the device in conjunction with the physisists that I am working with around the country and will test it to see if it works.
This is very good. The result of expnding the size of the point to introduce energy to from a higher dimension would have a mass equil to the same amount of energy compressed to a singularity accept that the energy added amplifies the intensity of blue shifted light. which is still contained around the singularity. Is this correct. Now I was relying on the kenetic energy produced by the emmision of tachyons with an infinite energy-mass equivelant to warp space time continuum in exactly the opposite manner causing an expelling force. It would be the opposite of warping the spacetime inward toward the center mass to create an infinite gravitational field. It would be to warp the space time outward away from the centermass to produce an infinite expulsive field resulting in the x-y-z-t axis to become a
x=-x; y=-y; z=-z;and t=-t. Where in normal three d space. x=x; y=y; z=z; and t=t where t-t=0 and vice versa for all the other dimensions.The above model can be expanded to the infinite power if the warping affect add an infinite number of angular degrees to existing space in both cases where for a gravitational singularity will produce an opposite spacial polarity as an expulsive singularity. I have not taken into consideration the gravitational affects of the mass of the field in producing drag on the tachyon emission. I would invite anyone to add in an alternate view on account of this absent information. I would like to see if anyone comes up with the same conclusion as I do to see if I am following a reasonable chain of lgic in calculating the hypothetical chain of events in the above stated model provided the theory holds true.
I believe that the definition of a singuularity is a finite mass compressed to and infinite density. Another definition might be a finite mass compressed to an infinitely small point thatis zero in size. However I view a singularity as a mass compressed to a point which is defined as an area of fractional increment greater then zero but less than one. In short a mass that has a fractional mass and is therefore appears to be zero in nature appears to take up zero dimensions but is really a area confined to a space smaller then the minimal increment of three dimensional space which is equil to an arbitrary number one...the smallest non frational increment equil to an infinite number of zero increments. Infinity in the large to me is an infinite number of ones and ones an infinite number of zeros and one compressed to less then one is equil to an infinite number of ones and therfore infinity for the sake that all fractional divisions within a mass become equivelant at an increment less then one.
[email protected]:
You said:
"Now I was relying on the kenetic energy produced by the emmision of tachyons with an infinite energy-mass equivelant to warp space time continuum in exactly the opposite manner causing an expelling force."

What are the properties of a tachyon?

How are they emited?

How are they absorbed?

What is the medium of propagation?

How is infinite energy-mass equivelant to warp space time continuum?
Dear Timemaster,
I have heard that as an airplane accelerates to the speed of sound there is a trail of energy in the form of sound that is formed into a funnel shape along and around the airplane. At the point the air plane breaks the sound barrier the plane tears through the sound energy it accelerates to a velocity greater then sound energy may propogate. The sound funnel collapses and travels outward like in the same manner as an elecotromagnetic pulse...only with sound. sort of black hole of sound is formed around the aircraft and engulfs the aircraft. This energy is actually strong enough to support the weight of a man so that is one were to step outside the aircraft one could step on the sound an fly right next to the air craft without falling to the ground...so I have heard. I believe that tachyons are supperluminal particles that exist at within a superluminal universe that is located beyond the centermass of all quatities of measurement and that the photons emited are infact trails of energy created by the connection with the tachyons mediating energy to three dimensiona space and the the photons trajectory is in the exact opposite direction to the directional path of the tachyon. In my origanal theory I held that tachyons were created by particles anihalating with antiparticles to compress to an infinitely small point producing a tachyon however. However I am now leaning more towards the view that tachyons exist from creation in the superluminal state and cannot cross into subluminal dimension but that photons are the broken energy of light as the medium through which tachyons propagate come in contact with the medium that light propagates at light speed. Mathematically tachyons with an infinite energy decelerate to light speed. As energy in the form of mass accelerates to light speed it approaches infinite energy. As energy exists at light speed then the fractional mass photon may posibbly come in contact with an infinite mass tachyon. I will write again later on today to finish this transmission I appologize I have some things to take care of. Feel free to reply before hand though.
always inquisitively,
Edwin G. Schasteen