I am currently worjing on a project to produce a power supply that may enable time travel and interdimensional travel by producing the needed energy level in order to accomlplish such a feat by drawing energy transdimensionally into this dimention by constricting the lines of flux of a magnetic field to a singularity thus intensifying the strength of the field to infinity according to the inverse field law where the strength of the field is proportional to the inverted square of the distance and the laws of kenetics of three dimensional mass that states that the kenetic energy needed to compress a mass to half its volume is increases exponentially to infinity as the mass approaches a singularity due to the fact that the density of the mass also increases exponentially as the mass approaches a singularity. By placing two iron discs one above the other and giving both of them an opposite magnetic polarity by running a current around each of the discs in opposite directions. The northern flux lines of the top disc will connect to the southern flux lines of the bottom disc thereby giving the magnetic fiels the topology of a cylinder. There will be additional coils on the top and bottom disc which will fire in such a sequence as to start the static lines of flux to seek new poles on the top disc the lines of flux will accelerate clockwise and on the bottom disc the flux lines will accelerate counterclock wise causing the lines of flux of the static field to wind up in the center giving the field a new topology of an hour glass. With the proper firing sequence the magentic field at the center between the two discs will be focuses all the way down to a singularity at which point the field will increase to an infinite strength. At this point any further torqingof the magnetic field will cause the field at the center to split as a result of the splitting stress caused by the winding of the lines of flux and create a gap in the space time continuum chanelling energy with a greater then higher infinity then the magnetic field. The result will be the emission of an infinitely intense pulse of energy most likely medeated by tachyons into this dimension with at the velocity of light with an integral constant density regardless of the distance from the source(it does not follow the inverse square law since it is and infinite number of ones and not zeros that the field is measured by)this acceleration outward will result in the production of a hyperspherical inverted black hole with a curved event horizon pointing at ninety degree angles to the iron device greating a bubble of gravitational force around the device trying to pry it apart. With an infinite gravitational force trying to pry it apart and an infinite magnetic force trying to compress the iron device to a singularity the result will be that the device will maitain its structural integrity as a result of the ballance of these two opposing forces in act upon the iron object. With the nergative time facter as a result of the energy being in the form of tachyons the field might be self sustaining as result of the fact that the device tachyon energy causes the device to travel back in time creating a closed loop in time where causally the causing event of activation will by confined to beyond an infinitely small point allowing the tachyon emission to become the original event that tore the origanal gap in space time allowing the energy to transfer into this dimension whcih gives the tachyon field an infinite density for the fact that two energies are confined to the same place at the same time. Edwin G. Schasteen