Time Travel

So what your saying is you have a time traveling space ship. Because if you don't ,I'd love to know to you beat the interstellar drift problem.Considering if you warp time and space in one location doesn't mean the planet will be there at the time you are planning to travel to.For example, if you decide you want to go back six months,you warp the time and space around you.In six months the planet is on the other side of the sun.So, needless to say, you better be in some kind of air tight unit that has engines capable of space travel.On top of all that you have to consider the solar systems movement, plus galactic movement and universal movement into your equation.You could end up trillions of kilometers off your target location.To time travel period requires the means of space travel. Without it is utter suicide. If you disagree, that's fine. I would love to hear a hole in my concept.

I disagree. The Michelson Morley experiment shows the earth is not moving through space as we perceive it. It also shows the earth apparently doesn't rotate about its axis either. A very conflicting experiment to say the least. One interpretation is that the earth drags a chunk of space time with it in its journey through space time. So it would appear that if one were to stay within the confines of the earths environment, a displacement through space would not occur with the use of a time machine.

Of course experiments with gyroscopes are in direct conflict with the Michelson Morley experiment. A freely gymboled spinning gyroscope will align itself with the earths axis over one period of earths rotation. So to me the two experiments suggest the existence of two separate types of space time. Our current science doesn't make that distinction. And of course, if there are two distinct types of space time, could there be a third? Personally I like the concept of three types of space time.
You can protect yourself legally by using "allegedly".
These guys allegedly posted with the same grammar and syntax as Time Travel 0, later as John Titor, and finally pretending to be an alien.
And today, if you ask the people who posed as John Titor, they will explain that it was a joke that went too far.
So let's take those facts and hold on to them.

This sort of describes me except I was not here until 2004 for the first time ever. I never heard of John Titor until I came here in 2004. I have not time travelled yet... Now am I John Titor? No. My name is not John. And I'm horrible at math and science.
All I remember is that we were in camps on the planet in tents, but other than that I don't remember much. Just that one moment.
Well, if anything his report proves my theory.Things are in constant motion ,hence if the whole universe was in constant motion would mean that an object may not possibly ever see the same point in space 2 times in its entire orbital existence.
Now if everything took a piece of space time with it, that would create quite the problem. Nothing would actually be moving.
however,if you bend,fold or warp time and space to move threw it to travel to a certain period of time, and being that everything in space is on a constant move.You travel 2 days in the past, from that point of origin,our solar system traveling at 540000miles per hour is 25920000 miles away from the location you are at.Earth has not been there yet. Now to say that earth has a chunk of space time with it means it is in all locations at the same time.Not possible.It might be in the same spot 2 times if it makes it around the universe once, however they are finding out that it may be bigger then one universe.More of a multi-verse.Much like solar systems in a galaxy.So the actual chance of earth being in the same spot twice is possible, but not likely.So sorry my friend i must disagree with the chunk of space time traveling with earth.Even though we find signs of time moving slower around bigger objects. Time is time,Moves forward always.When you break it down, the real clock is the universal clock.Which means point A to point B.We do perceive correctly in the fashion of a start to finish concept.One thing in the scientific community,things get over looked and over thought out., when the common sense answer is the correct one.But in that line of work, most don`t think simple,they go complicated .They get stuck on a structure of things they have been taught based on hypothesis not fact.Nature is the perfect tool to observe the recycling of everything.From space right down to a small planet, its all the same.Common sense says that at the bottom of a whirl pool = death and getting crushed,well same with a black hole. Scientists with CREDIT mind you have stated it is possible to travel to another dimension or time or etc threw a black hole............Hence how things get blown out of whack.Then some guys try to prove it and indeed get some findings that prove the theory. Now what that is is simple,You look hard enough and you will find what you need to prove your case,however these same people do not record all the negative findings and only publish the good ones.Some may argue that those findings are all they need.But the point is, what about the fails, or the failings with the current facts that have been taking out to look good.Time travel at current is a joke with in the scientific community because they are basing all their theories and facts off one man.Who i think if given today's knowledge would correct a few things in his math and concepts. It is a joke because to them it is not possible,and the ones that do work on it are going about it all wrong.For example, teleportation, they have sorta solved it however what is actually happening is a cloning process.Destroys then rebuilds,Now the reason they have to do that for the effect to work is because they are not taking into consideration certain math that is a must when moving an object.Which brings up my point on time travel which is the very same .Things move therefore calculate for the movement.

Michelson-Morley experiment was also based on myth.The myth being luminiferous aether.
Which is the substance in space that light travels on.However it was proved invalid when they figured out light travels threw a vacuum chamber with no interruptions in its path.The concept behind it was simple, sound needed something to travel on why not light?It wasn't until recently they have proven it invalid.Which means years of science based on that work is wrong and invalid,hence the struggle for knowledge continues :)
Now the reason they have to do that for the effect to work is because they are not taking into consideration certain math that is a must when moving an object.Which brings up my point on time travel which is the very same .Things move therefore calculate for the movement.

Hi Jean,

In the quantum level, all mathematics about distance and movement as you know it in classical physics are all wrong. Remember 1+1 is not = 2 whenever you play with quantum physics and teleportation.

All maths about distance and movement does not apply there in particle physics and the quantum world. Your knowledge of distance and movement of the earth is categorized in the classical physics level (18-19th century) only.

The science behind teleportation is the Quantum entanglement, which is a form of quantum superposition.
When you separate a pair of entangled particles, no matter where you are in terms of distance,
when you measure one is positive, the other must be negative, that is the spooky rule. It has nothing to do with how far the earth moved in distance, the quantum teleportation transfer between the location of the separated pair, no matter how far the earth moves.

Now, from my opinion, let's say, after the entangled particles are separated, one of the pair is put into high velocity or increased gravity to experience the gravitational time dilation. After that, when you quantum teleport from the location of one to another seperated entangled particle which is in different time because of time dilation, you jump from time/location of particle A to particle B or jump from time/location of particle B to A, quantum teleportation does not affect by the distance or velocity of the object.
I remember that....They called it Phlogistos back then. Those were the days.

However, I must warn you that that is specifically the problem with timespace. Observation of processes function quite well within the parameters of General Physics. However, ample evidence suggests that events occurring at super massive or super dense levels not normally react as those occurring on general everyday instances. The same occurs with events taking place at infinitesimally small measures. They do not react like general events do. That is why Quantum Physics are there to try to make sense of the senseless logic of the super huge or the infra small.

Nonetheless I like your post a lot. I agree with you in the point of following theories and hypothesis just because they had become the general rule. In my own life time I listened to scientist say in my very own face that the speed of light could never be breached, when I presented a simple scenario where it could very well occur. Why did this happen? Because those scientist were thinking inside a box made out of theories and hypothesis. Years went by, and those very same scientist when confronted with the ample notion that it is quite possible, they only say "..Oh...you said that back in the XX's (decade omitted to protect old age), do you remember?"

Of course I remember!!! It happened in the past and is still happening now. So my advice is...keep it up. Thinking outside the box is good, it leads to wonderful lessons.