You misunderstood me Darby, probably my fault. I am trying to imply that the John Titor posts on forums such as TTI (here) and other's that have been copied, were meticulously pre-screened BEFORE John Titor posted them. He/she/they went through the post, fixed many grammar and spelling mistakes, and then posted.
I was not trying to imply someone else had gone through the posts after the fact and fixed them up. No, not that at all. I am saying that the posts were scrubbed thoroughly BEFORE they were posted.
I am familiar with the origination of the IRC logs with John Titor that Yariesa posted. It is those logs I am referring to, when I was attempting to compare them to the John Titor forum posts. There is a major variance in the spelling/grammar that can only be accounted for by someone writing something, analyzing it, fixing spelling/grammar mistakes, and then posting it. This implies purpose, and not just someone "chatting" with other people online. For example, I will post this message right away without previewing it or re-reading it. John Titor did not really seem to do that. But whatever.