The new Canadian Wall

what?? are you forgetting something?? alway rememeber that there is a Secret Goverment in this world and they alway have a machine to telport people to earth to mars..

also they also have Time Travel Machine so don't tell me you did not know that too..

They have Alien(Grey) working with a Secret Goverment so AlienChild allway remember that part

our Humankind is taken to underground bases for a experiment and being kept held agasinst their will for a evil kind.

now tell me about that alienchild. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Dearest Warrior'

A pensatile, is a sculpture made by a supposed artist in the future.

The nature of the work, is such that one can be concerned by this piece, however the work itself, does all the worrying.
what?? are you forgetting something?? alway rememeber that there is a Secret Goverment in this world and they alway have a machine to telport people to earth to mars..

SSSShhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!We Earthlings aren't suppossed to let the "secret" out to the aliens and chronohistorians! Remember, Mums the word! Jeeze Louise!
In reply to:

what?? are you forgetting something?? alway rememeber that there is a Secret Goverment in this world and they alway have a machine to telport people to earth to mars..


SSSShhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!We Earthlings aren't suppossed to let the "secret" out to the aliens and chronohistorians! Remember, Mums the word! Jeeze Louise!

ohh no!!! what have I done?? well everyone know about it...hmmm read the book. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Well, we did try to put in the guise of science fiction. Now, "they' will know H.G.Wells was indeed one of our most valuable scientists. "They" also may now discover where we dock the Enterprise since you have let the cat out of the bag.
Might was well pack up the Earth and return to our "real" planets, now that "they" know we are not simple, primitive humans.
Hope we can explain the expense to Authority Prime at our "real" home world consortium. Don't worry though, I wont tell the boss you let the aliens and chronohistorians know about "humanities" secrets. You still may get your two weeks vacation and keep your pension.
They have Alien(Grey) working with a Secret Goverment so AlienChild allway remember that part

The note the grey's are sharing with us and others do no show that they are collaborating with your governement.

Humankind is taken to underground bases for a experiment and being kept held agasinst their will for a evil kind.

Your own government is doing that.

also they also have Time Travel Machine so don't tell me you did not know that too../quote]
We can not time travel as you claim you can.

what?? are you forgetting something?? alway rememeber that there is a Secret Goverment in this world and they alway have a machine to telport people to earth to mars..
Life in not possible on mars, only if you terraform ir as you are planning.

now tell me about that alienchild.

That is what I am doing.
You claim to have intercepted a satellite with information on it (Sputnik1), decyphered the info for 25 years, discovered Earth, then teleported here and studied for what is now 56 years. At best that time frame results in it being 76 years ago the satellite was launched. This is according to YOUR STORY, unfortunately, the rocket had not been invented by humans 76 years ago, so how did they launch that satellite? Now do you understand? This has nothing to do with believing in teleportation, your stupid story does not add up, it's impossible. You cannot claim your records may be wrong, because according to YOURSELF you have been here 56 years, that is still before the first satellite was ever launched. YOU'RE STORY MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AT ALL. Therefore you are a fraud. I am not posting this again CHRONOHISTORIAN because if you still don't understand that nobody believes you by now, then nothing will convince you. You should work these things out on paper first before you try to post these rediculous stories of yours, you really are not very good at this at all.

My claims are based on information that was provided to me before I left my home world, I had noticed that evendently Sputnik was launched after my arrival. I already said that this information could be wrong and that is was noted. By mathematical calculation of your world the numbers do seem not to coincide, this I also specified that then math was not the same and there might be differences and that is was noted.

Nothing I say here is of absolute, it is to understand what I find, I wright what I find and discuss with you humans. I will say that what I have in information is written in my language and requires translation, this I do as I write.

When I return to my home, history will require changes so far as I can see now.

Abhören mich gut mein kleines gars bin ich nicht CRONOS der Zeitspaziergänger.

This isn't right. I'm not sure who/what you used to translate this, but it's wrong. There's no such word in German as "gars", for a start. There's "gar", but no "gars", and that's being used in the wrong context. "Bin ich gar nicht" would be more correct.

"Abhoren" is the wrong word, it should be "hore" (with the umlauts above the "o", I don't know how to do the code).

There is no reason for "mein kleines" to be in there - it's "my little" wich makes no sense on two levels. First, it's an affectionate term, as in "mine kleine schatze", or "my little treasure". Who are you being affectionate to in this sentence and why? Secondly, there's no noun. It's "my little..." what? "My little..." nothing is the answer.

The German word for "timetraveller" is "Zeitreisender". "Zeitspaziergänger" is a nonsense word which literally translates as "time-walk-goer".

Also, whatever you've used seems to have translated "Chronohistorian" into "CRONOS", which is the acronym for "Critical Response Operations NATO Open System". It would be correct to simply use "Chronohistorian", or if you were to translate it, it'd be "Zeithistoriker" or possibly even "Chronohistoriker" at a pinch. Either way, certainly not "CRONOS".

Maybe if you give me the exact sentence you put into the translator, I can see where it went wrong, and maybe even correct it for you.

Still, you don't seem to be very good at speaking English, why should we expect you to be able to speak any other languages even slightly correctly?
When I write in other language I write by translating words directly as for I do not now precise dialects, I hope to just be able to communicate in other tongue than mine, it is an effort not a ridicule.
So how come you managed to make a sentence which makes no sense even if you translate it directly? If you translate it directly, you get this:

Evesdrop me good my little "gars" be I not CRONOS the time-walk-goer.

I'm sure that's not what you typed, is it? How do you translate the words directly into German and end up with 2 words that aren't even in the language and translate the name of a person into a NATO acronym?

I imagine that you wanted to say something along the lines of "Listen to me, I am really not Chronohistorian the timetraveller", which, translated word for word, would be "Horen zu mich, ich bin gar nicht Chronohistorian der Zeitreisender". That'd still be wrong, of course, but it's what you'd get.

My German's not nearly even slightly as good as it once was, but I believe that what you were after was "Zuhoren! Ich gar nicht Chronohistorian der Zeitreisender bin."
Your Italian leaves a lot to desire would never say - il passeggiatore di tempo -
A passeggiatore could be someone who is going for a `passeggiata` which means a walk, a stroll -
For time traveller, you would have to say - viaggiatore del tempo.

And it would have to be - Ascoltami (listen to ME) bene, and not Ascolto io bene which would imply that YOU are the one doing the listening....

your phrase:
Ascolto io bene il mio piccolo ragazzo, non sono Cronos il passeggiatore di tempo.

should be:
Ascoltami bene ragazzo mio, non sono Cronos, il viaggiatore del tempo.

I would have to read all the posts from the beginning, but what were you trying to prove by writing in all those languages? That you were better at those than at maths??!?! Oh dear....
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/loveit.gif hello AlienChild I am your DAD now come over here let me spank your butt for being secret telling everone about your being here..hehehe hahah

My name is AlienChild 2 I am ET person so I want to get kidnapped by the Secret Goverment and then they will know that I was a dumb fool that I was not a ET hahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

sorry. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
My father is in the great life now. He was a great person, he lived for better of our kind and evolution. He was a teacher of ground materials. He is now dead as you call it.
War killed many, we are at peace now, many of us fear war. Our war was over as fast as it started. They (omega's choiced militant)killed two cantons worth and we gave up. The omega is strong. We are now peacefull and well many thanks to our omega.
Also, whatever you've used seems to have translated "Chronohistorian" into "CRONOS", which is the acronym for "Critical Response Operations NATO Open System".

I use cronos to describe you Chronostorian, I've always called him cronos, that is how I translated it the first time so that is what I call him.

This is what I thought cronos was before I was reading.

Am I not correct? Cronos travel trough your time not philisophy.
War killed many, we are at peace now, many of us fear war. Our war was over as fast as it started. They (omega's choiced militant)killed two cantons worth and we gave up. The omega is strong. We are now peacefull and well many thanks to our omega.

Just thought I'd note my amazement that someone this bad at English knows what a "canton" is.