Please note the similarity between how Chronohistorian traveled and how AlienChild said he traveled.
The both used temporal mater transfer, which is a'head of what this time can offer.
Also note within the movie, Battlefield Earth, a book by Ron L. Hubbard, it is shown in the later sequences of the movie, that matter transfer to other worlds was possible.Link,Please note the similarity between how Chronohistorian traveled and how AlienChild said he traveled.
The both used temporal mater transfer, which is ahead of what this time can offer.
Also note within the movie, Battlefield Earth, a book by Ron L. Hubbard, it is shown in the later sequences of the movie, that matter transfer to other worlds was possible.Link, scroll down for critique of story-line.
If this is then the truth, then AlienChild would know both the type of power for this unit needed and the stile of matter transfer also needed.
This aspect would not be deemed sensitive, as one still have the problem of technical assembly.
However the mode only should not be that sensitive to reviel?
p.s. Don't pack attack in this thread, or I'll report and make complainants about you two, to the MOP?