I thought you were someone else, AlienChild.
Here I am beginning to understand you.
I must point out before I go, that some areas of the U.S. now are under supervision, such as dams, power-plants and the like.
So to be careful don't mention their names directly.
So you were down my way and did not drop in?
I also said the N word, viciously this last Friday, as I now understand my subconscious was trying to tell me, that you were in a Negro persona.
I am from European descent, so am not what you would consider white, but a variant of that term.
The term white person, is a very inaccurate term, due to how melanin is spread out on peoples skin, due to the galactic rule, involving sun placements.
I was right about some species using personal cloaking devices, however the pure hunter species, seems to register as have actually happened.Not the said piece offered a Jacin Young on the Kels and Dracs in the recent post he made.
I'm happy to have met you and am sorry
*You think also faster than you can type?>>Try placing your document on Microsoft word, quickly correcting this document and then posting what you've corrected here.
You spelled the word hunter, as humtter, which for technical reasons is curious to me.
A hummer on this planet is a form of oral sex, which offers stimulation to the male, via the repetited oral oscillations of the female, to that males private parts attentions thereof.
>For technical reason, the chances of you saying humter as part of hummer, is one hundred thousand to one.
Earth people can mate all year around, however traditionally spring is the time of year where since there is a rapid growth factor in plant life, mammilla also experience dramatic hormone peaks as well..
Sex is one of the issues that is spread out like candy fore humans, as by a researchers, in many ways sexual behaviors act as social lubricants, in order to move sociality along.
*Know that however the overuse of sex and sexuality by advertising and pornographic industries, in a way, can blight sections of sociality of the human race.
We at this time are not an offworld traveling species, so the less value of sex replaced by offworld business trade issues, has not been generally realized by the entire population.