The new Canadian Wall

A_C' this is none of my busniess, but what is your true humanoid form, if you can say?

If not, then don't and consider it dropped.

Thank you
AlienChild' you have a private mail here at TTI.

Write me and also check your private mail here.

Yes I would like to talk with you.
Notes to alien predator thoughts:I was interested in the very first of the Predator movie series, as this platia of ideas, had showed definite basis in fact.

It was a series of mathematical principles, that if by where certain instances did already currently exist, then in fact, by double route possibility verification in random number coordinates, then it would be possible for this occurrence to have existed.

Every being, is as it seems, always secure within their own mind's egos.

So if you take one soldier, regardless of who he is and very well train him, then he is secure in his own thoughts, that he or she is the very best and most efficient at what they do?

But what happens when someone throws a random series of event numbers into the realm of chance encounter social meetings?

Then the hunter becomes the hunted.

This is what impressed me when I saw the opening scenes from the movie Predator One.This movie showed a high speed spacecraft, closeing in on Earth's southern border and then as the ship passed, one lonely sub-ship is ejected and lands somewhere in the Brazilian jungle.

There is a mission to send conventional Earth soldiers, to rescue a team of hostages, who are soldiers themselves.

But unbeknownst to them, something very big, powerfully agile and equipped with technologies way over the rescue team, is tracking them.

What strikes me odd about this movie, is the complete stealth at which the said Predator closes in on its intended victims.We must note the purity of both technological prowess and skill, that the Predator uses to make his kills.

There is something very familiar in the way both the Predator's society and ways are, that somehow rings in my mind as having happened before.

This being would be under the order of bipedal crustia, but in a very advanced mode.

For this being, it is the purity of honestly doing battle and sometimes giving its intended prey and even break.

How do you know that your math and my math are not the same? You assume that I don't know your language, or you math. Please do not insult the capacity of my knowledge again.
If there is one small cloaked alien found and they have taken pictures of him, then there may be bigger hunter species?

Yes it is possible but the cloaked alien could be the humter in itself.
A_C' this is none of my busniess, but what is your true humanoid form, if you can say?

We walk errect, we have no hair follicules, we breath the same way you do although we have one lung not two, our skin is more red than pink, my eyes are true blue in nature, I am 6 feet 4 inches.

That is all I can reviel.

Here on earth I am in dark brown skin, this is to best dissimilate any
imperfections of my DNA transformation, I will never get used to seeing through these eye, to many colour variations and depth perseption is irregular. Here I always wear very dark lenses and walk with you as I am blind. This also permits me to study you individual awareness to me.

Did any of you see me at the Hoover damn this weekend ?
At this point, I'm afraid to talk any more with AlienChild as he has become a frightening nemeses.

I am intensionaly the nemessis of no one, I am here to catalog your rapid and facinating evolution.
Yes the russian were ahead of the you, no question about that.Sputnik had all that we required to find you

You have only answered half of my question, if they were that far ahead then what happened? How did the Americans catch up?

The calculation methods change and the numbers are not the same, how could I explain that any more clear

How can I make this any more clear, mathematics is not physics based, this statement makes no sense whatsoever. Here is an example, if there are three beans in your hand there are three beans, what does this have to do with physics. Prime numbers have nothing to do with physics. Therefore nomatter what system you use, the distances will be the distances, your units of measurement may be different, but it would be possible to convert them. That is why prime numbers are prime numbers, don't try to hand me this garbage about different systems of mathematics.

This is a prime example why the human race is not ready to accept other life forms, this human persist in interrogation and diffamation instead of being open and suggestive.

Every week there are about five people who post here claiming to be time travellers or aliens like yourself so please forgive me for not believing everything I read here. You're posts are no more believable than the rest simply because you obviously don't know the difference between simple math and physics. If you had a simple knowledge of these, you would realize how rediculous your post sounds, I am sorry but nomatter what part of the universe you are from mathematics will always be mathematics (i.e. I have two arms and ten fingers, there is no other "method" to count these).

How do you know that your math and my math are not the same? You assume that I don't know your language, or you math. Please do not insult the capacity of my knowledge again.


I know that our math is not the same, I can calculate with both.
I am assuming that you do not know our calculations because it is documented that no one here truely knows us or has contacted us in out true form or laguage, we have been diciplined to not reveal our laguage thus you could not have senn it or learned it in any way. I am not assuming that you are not knowledgable, I am stating the obvious to me.

What did your race base they're mathematic on, it was based on something, you needed a method of calculation to explain what was going on arownd you, not the other way arownd. You developed mathematics so that you could understand your universe, not theat the universe created itself to conform to your calculations invented by humans.

Please, what you say is not possible.

You have the choice of not beleiving my words and that is ok, you can ask questions, some answers I know and some I do not, I will however tell you what I can so that I can study you reactions.

How did the Americans catch up? Pure coincedance, no! On this planet you choose to not teach each other the greatness of you discoveries, you choose to hide them. The Americans, as you call them, seem to have gotten the information about the functions of Sputnik through a spying program, The Russians never came forward to admit their vulnerability. The Americans then proceeded to send Voyager space probe.

The grey's master race captured Voyager, decyphered the information adn came to earth to study you.
I thought you were someone else, AlienChild.

Here I am beginning to understand you.

I must point out before I go, that some areas of the U.S. now are under supervision, such as dams, power-plants and the like.

So to be careful don't mention their names directly.

So you were down my way and did not drop in?

I also said the N word, viciously this last Friday, as I now understand my subconscious was trying to tell me, that you were in a Negro persona.

I am from European descent, so am not what you would consider white, but a variant of that term.

The term white person, is a very inaccurate term, due to how melanin is spread out on peoples skin, due to the galactic rule, involving sun placements.

I was right about some species using personal cloaking devices, however the pure hunter species, seems to register as have actually happened.Not the said piece offered a Jacin Young on the Kels and Dracs in the recent post he made.

I'm happy to have met you and am sorry

*You think also faster than you can type?>>Try placing your document on Microsoft word, quickly correcting this document and then posting what you've corrected here.

You spelled the word hunter, as humtter, which for technical reasons is curious to me.

A hummer on this planet is a form of oral sex, which offers stimulation to the male, via the repetited oral oscillations of the female, to that males private parts attentions thereof.

>For technical reason, the chances of you saying humter as part of hummer, is one hundred thousand to one.

Earth people can mate all year around, however traditionally spring is the time of year where since there is a rapid growth factor in plant life, mammilla also experience dramatic hormone peaks as well..

Sex is one of the issues that is spread out like candy fore humans, as by a researchers, in many ways sexual behaviors act as social lubricants, in order to move sociality along.

*Know that however the overuse of sex and sexuality by advertising and pornographic industries, in a way, can blight sections of sociality of the human race.

We at this time are not an offworld traveling species, so the less value of sex replaced by offworld business trade issues, has not been generally realized by the entire population.
It is hard to be accurate when you write sentences in your language even 56 years here I have never mastered your dialect and alphabet.

I visit lots of places. Hoover was one this weekend, next weekend the statue of liberty, Niagra Falls Canada and New York then I will see your omega prime in Washington DC.

I do not fear in my disclosure of my visits as for I can not be detected, by your eyes I am but a simple blind man who wishes to hear the words of a touring guide.

I do not visit poeple in fear of being captures, I prefer incognito as you say.
The N word is something that does not offend me as for it is not who I am.
humter is somthing that sounds like pleasure. I will have to try this with a life mate when I go home.Yes we also enjoy sexual encounter, we mate for 5 of your days once of your years and have 6 to 8 children at once. My life mate is chose and will be ready for me once I arrive.

I am surprized at your sayings that you are not an offworld traveling species, you have been traveling space in a limited fasion, we have encountered humans in your galactic space.

I like watching your television, your views of space and alien life are quite interesting and sometimes amusing, your deep space nine is possible for you in the close future, your Enterprise is on the right path but your Amazon women from the moon and invasion from mars are quite hillarious.

You great grand children might see us, maybe sooner if humans open their minds.
Humans will want to explore other worlds as you are trying now, you will encounter the same phylosophical distraght as we, should we interfere in their development or not, should we let them take the wrong path in the distruction of their space explorator. So far we have not and have just logged them in our logs.
What did your race base they're mathematic on, it was based on something, you needed a method of calculation to explain what was going on arownd you, not the other way arownd

Lets try this one last time:

Mathematics : a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement

i.e. I have TEN fingers, TWO hands, etc. Are you trying to tell me that you have a separate way of calculating how may fingers I have and there is NO WAY to compare the results? That is absurd.

the population mass is about 64 million only a chosen few get to travel and the general population mass does not know we can.

why is it possible for you to determine this quantity but not others?


Physics: the science of matter and energy and their interactions

Using PHYSICS I can calculate how fast an object is falling at a given time (velocity) on the earth, this calculation is applicable to any planet in the universe provided I take in to account that the constant for gravity varies depending upon the mass of the planet. Now, if you have a different "method" for calculating this, the end result will be comparable, because nomatter how you look at it, the object is FALLING AT THE SPEED THAT IT IS FALLING. It is not falling differently for you than for me.

Consequently your claims are WRONG, therefore you are either:

1) Another attention seeker.
2) An alien who has no clue how simple mathematics and physics works.

I think I'll go with 1. You don't have to bother responding to this post because I believe that you and I have both illustrated that you are once again nothing more than a poor hoaxer.
No, Sputnik was the Russian equivilant of the Voyager probe, you were just not told

So if Sputnik was a deep space probe, what was orbitting the earth sending the radio signal? I am sorry, but you are wrong again, this is not up for debate, you are simply wrong. It may have been a good idea to look up what sputnik was before posting.
Simple man with sime analogies will never go further that his backyard.

If you hold up your 10 fingers I will count ten finger.

If you drop a chrome ball berring is will reach terminal velocity here faster than it does on my home word, our gravity is lesser than yours.

When I illustrate to you the quantities of my population it is an estimate based on your numbers not mine.
you physics are based on what you know, your calculation serve you to explain your surroundings, you created those numbers based on what ????
By your physics calculation you could hang a elephant from a cliff by it tail and a dandylion, your physics do not stand in spacial expasion calculations, Theyr serve you( humans) to understand the basis of your spacial environment, nothing more. You will discover this one day when you travel to other worlds and realise what you have done.

We evolved from our travels and have changed several things and so far our mathematical calculations are still standing.

I choose to respond so that you may try and learn something that is out our your usual thoughts process, you seem to have all that is required to understand tho you choose to plead ignorance of other claims.

I choose to think that you are to hard headed to even comprehend the expansion of your surrowndings.
If you hold up your 10 fingers I will count ten finger.

Now we are getting somewhere, if this is so, then your mathematics is no different than mine. Also, why can you compare counting fingers but not distance?

By your physics calculation you could hang a elephant from a cliff by it tail and a dandylion, your physics do not stand in spacial expasion calculations

Please illustrate how this is possible using "our physics".

If you drop a chrome ball berring is will reach terminal velocity here faster than it does on my home word, our gravity is lesser than yours

according to you, the calculations are based on an "expansion method" that is different than mine and not comparable. Therefore you get a different terminal velocity than I will as an end result that cannot be compared because it is different. I am saying that does not make sense. Please explain to me the basics of your "expansion physics", there must be some very basic laws that you can share.

The reason that you do not appear credible is that I don't think you understand the difference between mathematics and physics.
No. I am arroused only by my life mate and my arrousal is subject to her callings not sexual attributes.

I will be arroused when I see my life mate on my home world. Some of the DNA restucturing that was completed on me was in part engeneered so that no reproducing could be acheived, this is one of the Atlantian's lessons that we had noted and dicipline ourselve to adear to. We will no and can not mate with humans, it is prohibited and subject to death. You human female is not atractive to my eyes anyway.
I understand the differences, it is you that chooses to hide behind your laws of physics of your world.

This conversation is not productive. When I say you have ten fingers this is based on simple deduction that humman are born with ten fingers and that if you hide one you have nine.

If I tell you that I was born with 11 fingers and a half, what are the calculations then ?

Let's agree to disagree, you seem not to comprehend and I will not use your calculations to demonstate your physics, you are a bright individual, show me!