The new Canadian Wall

creedo,said:Creedo responds>Alienchild, the way things are set up, in some instance, we have no alternative, but to act self centered?

yes self centered, humans tend not to see the big picture when it comes to alien life forms, it's either conquer or be conquered, I don't get that mentalily?

The way things are set up ????? You can change that, you all have the power, you always have an alternative to what is imposed upon you, it is the concequences that you will have to face.
AleinChild' you are wrong about Bill Gates.

What he did with the Windows system was allow p.c.s to become more than they were and freely and abstractly relate to man.

The end of the equation is, that man must learn to reffece to his computer and start to relate to them as more of a companion or an equal.

Planet A-cart never developed transportation means beyond its own needs, even though it had the ability to do so.

They use the same old dumpy saucers, in the same stile and still overpopulate hoping something better will come from somewhere.

>AlienChild uses an event bubble which encapsulates the being inside of the event and then teleports this entire event, to said such place.

At fifty-six years of age, there is conjecture as to what AlienChild is, however....
At first Bill Gates wanted to, as you say, make the computer man's companion, Once he realized that he could make an OS that would need more hardware for it to function, he abanded the idea of making computers for the companionship and evolution of mankind and just got greedy. He once stated that mankind will never need more than 756k of memory, guess he was wrong or guess he the the money at the end of the tunel.

At fifty-six years of age, there is conjecture as to what AlienChild is, however....

At 123 years old (by your calculation of one year) I was sent here at the age of 67, on my home world my age count is 34, I am an explorer looking for other planets to make fist contact, so far this planet and the human race is not ready to see someone different than them, you are a scared species.
A firewall where I am from is a simple line of code that is attached to everything comming in and out of your PC, you authenticate it or disregard it, I am starting to see this principle being applied here, PKI is a rudamentry type of what I am speaking of.

56 years ago, firewall were not required and thus not invented. Does not mean that a certain level of security was not used, encryption was the first security of the internet.
AlienChild said>other planets to make fist contact, so far this planet and the human race is not ready to see someone different than them, you are a scared species.

Creedo responds> no that's not always true.Two accounts are a man walking up to a parked UFO in the desert in order to touch the saucer hull and one of the UFOnauts warned him in perfect English, "Better not touch that hull pal' it's still hot"!

The second as mentioned in Ronald Story's Enclyopedia Of UFOs, was the giving of a sack of manure to said Grays hybrids, for their below ground gardens on Mars.

They also asked the farmer for some growing advice and he gave it to them, on a face to face encounter.

Most of the people you see on this planet are part mixtures of other aliens species, plus apes and yes allot of us know this.
creedo, I can not speak for other species of aliens that have visited earth and what they have on the agenda, maybe you are absolutly right but all I can say is that from my observations so far, this species (in general) is scared and will not accept visitors from other worlds.

The greys are a sub species, the were created by a superior race and are used more or less like drones, they collect,gather and bring back to their world. They come to my world some times, we trade information. The master race of the greys are not humanoid and will never come here simply because it is inhabitable for them, the drones however can breath the oxigen here, we traded that information with them, they got the atmosphere composits, we got biological components and DNA structure.
ALienChild' I have a question.

I have found that by cross referencing information I am left with a problem.

This is that via a report in Italy, there was a causality of two young girls, by said aliens.

Secondly the true Mano mano of the South Sea Island, is a very large super preditor, which is a green version of the Komodo Dragon.

Factoring these two saids, I come to the conclusion by mathematical elimination, that there exist a real hunter species.

This remarkable similarity exist in the very first of the Predator series, starring Arnold Swarzanagger.

For some reason, everything about this movie, seems familiar in character.

The prime inputs in this script, is a super predator, which is in the order of crustacia bipedal.

Please tell me on the sly, is there a really a species like this or similar to, that persues other beings for the sport of capture?

The biological verification of this, is order of crusticia, which is arachnid by biological determination, however the later phase of evolution, is order of man-like bipedal.

If you can't get the movie, the beginning is where a lone ship passes Earth's southern zone and a small ship spits off from the main high speed orbiter.

This ship then decends into the jungles, to persue man as a soldier and take effects from this slaughtered man, home as El Tropheros.

Crustaica in para-man biological evolution, would be vastly superior, as the ability to be very fastidious, calculating and agile, all evolutionarily fit in.

The technology that a being like this could produce, would be way beyond what even warrior Earth-based man could conceive.

There are three denizens that hunt man like this said now and these are order of panthera, order of said vampires, or non-light celled beings and another order that I won't include here.

There was a beam sent to hit Earth's sun in the begining of year 1972.

This beam sent by Sirius B, awoke all old cellular memories of Earthbased man.

Some of these memories were of being soldiers in the Atlantian army, which were mind controlled.

So once this beam was sent, then the veil over past doings was lifted.

Billy Meier of Switzerland remembers wearing a beam emitting bracelet, that caught houses on fire and was used to raze villages.

I also have the same memories.

Any fill-in you could give in this area, would be most appreciated.

Thank you' Dan
ALienChild' since you had wanted to know, some aspects of mankind were bread to be very efficient killers.

What is not real well known, is that some of the Atlantian soldiers were also mind controlled, over ten thousand years ago.

They liked to kill, as this is how they were bread.

There are current two programs hidden here on Earth, used to make super soldiers.

Man's ability to be more than he is now, was limited by the said Alpha Drackoianians, but genetic tampering.

The new program selects prime soldier only candidate, to be bread in-line, so that they are more efficient killers.

There might be the problem of overbreeding, which may cause some unusual gene sets?

It is hard for supposed normal people here in this time, to imagine a being, who simply enjoys killing.

There is a problem in breeding profiles, of the super hunter and the super soldier.

Since super-soldiers are bread under heiarchial, then say after the demise of that civilization, then all that would be needed, would be the super hunter.
Please tell me on the sly, is there a really a species like this or similar to, that persues other beings for the sport of capture?

We never encountered a species like this, we are aware of 14 different species, 7 visit earth on a regular basis and 2 are here for life, 3 don't want anything to do with earth exept to put it on the galactic map as a life supporting and the other two send drones here for exploration and experimentation.

I sincerely hope for your sake that the species you mention is non existing.

Our species is in belief that there is a master species that created all species, this is why we started exploring and by exchanging information with others we are now just on the verge of finding our origins.

Life here on earth was created after ours but by studying your evolution path, you have evolved in a non logical way, something some how distracted your evolution path, this is the information that I was trying to gather from my time traveler "friend", I was not given that information prior to his departure.
Over the past 100 years you evolution has gone from living in a mud hut to what you see today. This process should take (according to other species we studied) at the very least 2000 to 5000 years.

It took 20,000 years for our species to evolve from caves to space travel (rudamentary travel, like what you are doing now) and anther 600 years to figure out the technologie we are using now.

Humans, if we follow you evolution path and exelerate it to match our present capabilities, you should reach where we are now in approximately 1,000 years, this is that fastest growth we have foun so far and this is why I am here on eath studying you.
I don't know where you are living currently that you think that we only moved out of mud huts 100 years ago, but perhaps you should crack a history book at the local library. For Europe mud huts are WAY in the past. In 3rd world countries mud hut is still the cheapest form of housing. We in the states never lived in the huts as we moved over from Europe. Unless you choose to include my ancestry. Some of the natives here lived in such structures, but many did not. I would say that we were more evolved here before all those Europeans hopped on boats to come take things over. Life was a lot better before the European plague hit.
Mud huts is a figure of speach, it is a comparison of the extreams, nothing more. The aboriginal people of the Americas, founding nation as I learned, was on the evolutionary path to becaume the dominate spiritual race untill all the sickness was brought from the other lands.

History books here are inacurate to say the least, my records of 56 years and your recent history of those 56 years differ quite alot. My records are based on contact through out civilized world, every time something major happens we record it, we are not subject to the bias opinions of your media and do not change our findings bases on popular opnion polls.
You could stay here for more years considering your present attitude and still learn nothing of humans.

Humans are far more adaptive than you realize and way more aware of your kind than you can possibly realize.
For some of us, staying here is senseless and serves no purpose other than to bore us.

For some of us, having aliens like yourself come here and analyze us in the fashion that youre doing here, is nothing but torture.
Some of us are highly developed, where others seem to want to involve themselves with domacility and not be bothered with much more.

Mathematically there is a species as I had mentioned if you factor in the contrast of known information.

However this species would only on occasion go after military figures and not it seems bother the rest of the population.
I am not stating that the human race is stupid, it is quite the contrary, the evolution path of your race is quite estonishing, it is the boost of you evolution that is concerning us more than you attitude toward us. As you say, you are more aware of us than we seem to think, trust me we see the report of you seeings and we analize each one we can but the truth of it is that the general attitude of earth is not ready to accept up for what we are. I thank you for your readyness and hope that humans like you will continu your path and make other aware and change their way of thinking.

My stay her is for another 20 of your years. I enjoy it here, your sky is blue not redish purple, different but nice.
It seems to me that to properly study a creature in it's natural habitat you would want to remove as many variables that could disrupt your study as possible. You certainly would not create a variable yourself as you are doing by alerting your "study subjects" to your presence.
I would find you a lot more convincing if you ever said anything of interest. You just sound like a person that is bored with his existence. You are angry and project that false sense of belonging on others in hopes of getting a reaction.
You seem to be talking about the address I am using to carry out this conversation ( IP linked to all physical aspects including postal address), please be assured that this is only a weak link in their system that I am using, I am not in Ottawa Canada although we do have three contact there. Creedo, with oyur intellect I thought that you would realize that I can not use the internet freely and disclose where I am, it could become cumbersum and I do not wish to be on the run for the next 20 years.

I have stated before, I work your jobs, pay my rent and use you transportation modes but I do not eat your food.