The Matrix - Integrated (Massive SpaceTime)

Re: Let The Will Of The People Be Heard

Noticed you just couldn't help yourself and had to vote. So much for your honor. The least you could've done was hide yourself so I couldn't actually see you voting. That's OK, I will continue to honor my pledge not to vote, even though you have no self control.

Re: Let The Will Of The People Be Heard

Poll isn't looking so great for you, jmpet. And never did I petition anyone else on this forum to vote for me or against you. Yet you continue to attack me or claim to know what I agree with or do not agree with. Evidence towhit:
As the homepage of this very website reads:

"The Time Travel Institute is dedicated to the research and exploration of the temporal sciences. Together, we can make the future happen... today!"

I agree with that, you clearly do not.
Did you ever ask if I agreed with it?
Personally, we need more wacko nutjob posters here.
That would be your opinion. The fact that I do not agree with your opinion continuously annoys you, doesn't it? You've made a Valiant effort, but the poll seems to be saying it has fallen short.

So now what, oh master? More personal attacks on me?
Re: Mall music

WARNING}>Mall musack music can be dangerous and addictive.
You can start to like this music, take it home and actually tell your bedroom partner, that you like, them, her, him or it:

RMT and Credo at the mall:

RMT, "You said> are the hidden Morlocks, of our desire)???

What the Hell does that mean?

Creedo, Well you have these creatures, and they make you think stuff.

RMT, Ahhh Cree, this is getting weird?!

By the way, how did you like the last Muscak selection?

Creedo, I thought it was great, I've never heard Born Again To Be Christian, in quite that way.

RMT, Did you like the marimbas?

Creedo, Yeah, thought that this gave it a special flavor.
Re: Let The Will Of The People Be Heard

If I may ask an impatient question regarding the original post,

The diagrams show space, mass and time on 3 axes. That's 9 numbers but a 3x3x3 matrix needs 27. This might be more appropriatly asked in the tensor tutorial thread so I will move it there if you think it fits better.
Re: Let The Will Of The People Be Heard

The diagrams show space, mass and time on 3 axes. That's 9 numbers but a 3x3x3 matrix needs 27.
That's a good question, Newbie. Now tell me if you understand the answer:

Massive SpaceTime (whose primary measureable quantity is Energy) does indeed describe a 3x3=9 dimensional tensor space, according to that part of my theory. However, I think you are referring to our discussions in the "Information Subsumes Physical Energy" thread. In that case, we are discussing my equation that seeks to quantify the higher-dimensional metric of Information. Since, according to that discussion, Information is a metric at a higher dimension than Energy, the 3x3x3=27 dimensional tensor would be applied to Information, whereas the 3x3=9 dimensional tensor is applied to Energy.

Re: A lie of the wall of non-ferrits:

Late night with Larry Sping:

Larry, Rains you said that you did not give a flip about Creedos efforts in trying to understand the flap of the year 6200 and that if Creedo was going to bring his spaceship toy to the big gala party, that you were going to take it off of him stomp on it and call Creedo a name?

Rainaman; No' I never said that and I certainly did not break into his mails there?!

Larry then what do you have to say for the space matrix of the year 6200?

Rainman, My lawyer says I cannot answer this as this is a sensitive question.We all know Creedo is nuts, forinstance he thinks that Cameron Diaz, is really Mrs. Santa Clause.

Noise in the back of the studio, Creedo rushes on and yells at Rianman, "This is the last time you threaten to break my toy or break me and Cameron up as friends.

Everyone here knows that I deserve a space shuttle toy and neither you or your goofy Freud-type friend are not going to ruin this for me!

Security comes in and escorts Creedo from the building.

Creedo can be heard as he's shown the door, shouting some dealtable expletives.

Larry looks at Rainman and ask; Rains, what is the meaning of the Cree claimed distortion of time and space around Planet Earth in the year 6200?

Rains turns white faced and simply gets up, mumbling something to his lawyer and exits stage left.

A reporter intercepts Rainamn as he heads for the studio door and attempts to stick a microphone next to his face.At this point Rainman shouts, "Get that damned microphone out of my face!Its not my fault that the people of 62oo are stupid!
Re: A lie of the wall of non-ferrits:


You've been holding out on me? I never knew you and Cameron Diaz were friends! I'd really like to meet her someday... tell her to give me a call, eh? As I know it, she grew up and went to high school here in Long Beach, CA.

Also: The Golgothi have also been given another, more prevalent name in our culture. Ever heard of the Archons?

Re: We are the Archons
Re: We are , temporal fishing, well today?

One can't say Cameron is Atlantian. Does not work.

One can say,_ Camer-an, is Atlantian. I have heard, and I don't know how I know this, that her parents were of Spanish Spain decent.

So, Canary Islands, out colonies of old Atlantis?

>Creedo and Rainman are in their little boat, both fishing.

The morning mist comes over the boat and its getting light.

A big bulge rises from the surface of the water, on this big lake and Rains is startled.

Creedo garbs Rain's arm and clams him down saying, "It will take a while to get here, we have all day.

The first fish that Rains catches, has the back of a fish, however the front of it, looks like a lawyer.

The little lawyer fish is mouthing, "I need more money"!?

Rains looks right and left, slips his wallet out and puts a couple of hundred dollars, in the little suet pouch on the fish; then returns it to the water.

Creedo pulls out a nurse fish, that says, "When are you going to come over to my apartment"?

Creedo pulls out a set of pliers, tugs up a little, on her white nylon stockings as they are slipping down; then puts her back into the water.

Lunch is a giant Italian hoagie, which takes the back of the extra long little fishing boat up.

The sandwich weighs over fifty pounds.
Re: Let The Will Of The People Be Heard

Information is a metric at a higher dimension than Energy, the 3x3x3=27 dimensional tensor would be applied to Information, whereas the 3x3=9 dimensional tensor is applied to Energy.

Ah I see, this thread sews the paradigm and I was jumping ahead... Will we soon see diagrams for Information?
El Bumpo

<font color="white">MASS is a 3-dimensional tensor matrix field.
SPACE is a 3-dimensional tensor matrix field.
TIME is a 3-dimensional tensor matrix field.

MASSIVE SPACETIME is a 3x3x3 = 27-dimensional, rank 3 tensor matrix field.[/COLOR]