The Matrix - Integrated (Massive SpaceTime)

(Massive SpaceTime) Balanced & Unbalanced-Choice

Neo came to understand his Consciousness, and therefore could transcend it.

I felt it was time to resurrect this thread when I found the following on the net:

A few years back Hameroff began working with Roger Penrose, one of the great physicists of our era. Penrose, who brought the notion that spacetime effects exist not only at the level of planets and stars but also at the very tiniest levels of existence, was deeply intrigued by the implications of cells seeming to be able to learn in this structural way. Penrose and Hameroff have theorized that the capacity for consciousness goes much deeper even than these microtubules within our cells. They suggest that within everything in the universe is the capacity for sentience, awareness, personality-consciousness. These elements are known as qualia, particles that are the fundamental components of conscious experience. As quarks and atoms are the building blocks of all matter, so they believe that qualia are the building blocks of awareness and consciousness. The ways in which qualia are accessed, triggered by changes in energy within nerve cells and pathways, ultimately shapes our conscious experience. We are aware because of an ongoing process of qualia, these particles of consciousness, being accessed-or chosen-within our brains.
Penrose's great work lay in bringing understanding of these effects down to the smallest level. Now, with Hameroff, the theory is that consciousness is a kind of quantum effect. When those qualia, the building blocks of conscious experience are accessed and chosen, there is a kind of bubble in spacetime-a bending in the fabric of the universe in two ways at the same time-which allows for a quantum effect to take place. We choose among qualia-aesthetic or moral choices-that are part of the fundamental spacetime material of the universe. Our consciousness is composed of our individual brain's activities coupled to self-organizing ripples in fundamental reality; in other words, we choose elements of consciousness, and at the same time we are completely connected to the entirety of consciousness at that very moment.
Putting all of this together, this theory of consciousness suggests that the whole universe, everything we know, is actually a massive spacetime energy field, all interconnected, some of it in a quantum state, the rest entangled. (my emphasis) And we, and our brains, are part of this elaborate network, and our consciousness is thus both a reflection of our uniqueness and a demonstration of our connection to everything.
There is one final piece, the smallest part of consciousness, which goes to the very heart of all existence. Penrose theorizes that qualia, those particles of consciousness, are actually composed of almost infinitely small spin networks, energy bumps in the spacetime fabric whose configurations convey particular types of meaning and aesthetic values. A process going on at smallest conceived level [, on the Planck scale (e.g. quantum state reductions)] could access and select configurations of experience. Elements of consciousness would then be found at the very basis of all existence: in responses to stimulae that are not purely physical, or apparently chemical. That are, perhaps, moral.

The preceding came from:
Dare you read from a website with the word "satan" in its URL?

Something that might be more palatable would be:
Dr. Stuart Hameroff's Quantum Consciousness website.

We actually do live in an integrated Energy Matrix. The sooner you understand it, the sooner you can learn to maipulate it with higher levels of efficiency than previsouly thought possible.

Enjoy the reading,

Now that my website is back, the graphics on this page will load again.

Massive SpaceTime is an integrated description of our 3x3x3 physical matrix. If anyone can falsify this mathematical approach, they are welcomed to try!

Re: 3D Time Field. Where are "we right now" in the 3D time field? Are we the white ball or at the end of the "Present" arrow or is this totally a perceptual thing? This is my main problem and I have the same problem with another colleage as well.

Personally, I believe I tangably exist. If I pinch my arm, I will feel the pain from it. And in the greater sense, we all exist in "two universes": the universe that is our unique perspective in the present and the shared reality that tangably exists. I alluded to this months ago- if I came at you with a knife it would be "my reality meeting your reality"... we share the same reality. You could even make the same (but weaker) argument ala "The Butterfly Effect": the chaos factor to my existing is directly related to yours, my CO2 gets converted to O2 and you breathe it in sometime later.

When we die, our personal universe goes along with us, tangable reality is still intact. Thinking otherwise, imo, is like that Twilight Zone where every time the guy dies the world dies with him. I firmly believe that when I die, the Earth will still exist.

In a larger sense, I have a problem with your presentation of time altogether- I believe time is a cone and at its narrowest point is my birth and at the largest end my death and all the chaos my life has wrought. The present would not exist if there wasn't a solid, iron-clad 100% proof positive past to account for every atom and photon everywhere in the universe; I am sitting here typing this in the present and there is 15 billion years of infallable history that can show every single thing in the universe leading up to this present moment, I think I can even argue the point using E=MC2.

When something, anything in the past is altered, a new timeline becomes tangable for the viewer (two slit experiment, John Titor). In a weird kind of way, if John Titor really existed then we all have him to thank because to us, he is God: he made this "potential timeline" a reality when he stepped into it!

At the same time, it is impossible to go from past to future- they must always be seperated by the present. I presented a visual for linear time a while back, lemmie try again, here's how I see it:

Imagine a whole bunch of spaghetti strands held together by a metal ring. You slide the ring from left to right and as it passes, it squeezes all the strands into a point. The spaghetti strands are "units of time" in any fashion you can imagine, the metal ring is "the present", the stuff to the left of the metal ring is the past etc. The present is the end-product of the past, the future is based on the present, without "the present", time would not exist/be irrelevant, maybe even dark matter!

I can agree with you that our reality is nothing more than an illusion (or words to that effect; there's more than what we sense), but I feel time is a solid, cone shaped thing. I'd even go so far as to say it's not impossible to "cut and paste" our awareness to reality moment by moment (the film "Dark City") where we wake up one day knowing it's 2005 and wake up tomorrow knowing it's 1975. But I can't dismiss reality altogether or I am missing a part of what you're saying.

And visuals do help, if nothing else they allow one to think with both hemispheres!

I have a mental problem with this. I tried skipping over that part and continue to read but it kept bothering me. It's as if I said to you "Imagine atoms are really pumpkin pies. Now imagine this..." I can even say I agree with the (green) image but the question remains- if this is what time looks like then where am I on that image?
I'm going to ask a really dumbed-down, dumb weird question. If Mass, space and time are all matrices, then is any defined point within any matrix anywhere in reality "everything in the universe less that"? Is any measurable thing measurable in the first place because "it's surrounded by stuff"?

The point is- are we "measured relative to measurable things including the atomic and Planck (Galileo)" or "measurable by our awareness of the existence of measurability" (Descartes)?
Dealing With Time As A 3-Field


I resurrected my website, and bumped this thread, in response to your call for "simpler explanations" behind my more complex mathematical tensor approach. I will try to address and explain some of the things you have issues with. You may disagree with my "simpler" explanations as I go through this process. But if you do, all I can say is that you will eventually have to "get down and dirty" with the mathematics to see why what I am saying is explained by it, and how my 3x3x3 tensor model contains these "simpler" explanations.
Re: 3D Time Field. Where are "we right now" in the 3D time field? Are we the white ball or at the end of the "Present" arrow or is this totally a perceptual thing? This is my main problem and I have the same problem with another colleage as well.
The source of your problem is common. Lots of people have the same problem. Quite honestly, the problem stems from a human's tendency to resist separating their center of consciousness from the physical matrix of Massive SpaceTime. This is quite evident in your statement above because you wish to know "where we (I) are right now". Yes, you seek to place your point of relative consciousness within the "map" I have given you. But what I must remind you is that the Massive SpaceTime theory is describing the 3x3x3 Matrix Mixture of physical dimensions, independent of the Point Of View (POV), or Point Of Consciousness.

To tell the truth, the non-physical aspects of our consciousness can also be described by a similar 3x3x3 matrix model, but this part of us is separate and distinct from the 3x3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. In fact, the totality of our non-physical Spirit/Soul/Mind is the 10th point that is, indeed, immersed in the 3x3x3 Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. The fact that this 9 dimensions + 1 consciousness equates to the suggested 10 dimensions of String Theory is no coincidence. But I will not address that here. The fact that this 9+1 model has also been accurately described by the Tree Of Life (as embodied in the human physical form) is also not a coincidence. That is what I address on my website.

I think part of your "problem" with my presentation of Time is because you are misusing the analogy of the 3-D "axes" that I use to describe the 3 subdimensions of Time. Realize that only the first picture, of Space, can be LITERALLY interpreted as a physical, spatial set of 3-D axes. That is because this is precisely how a 3-D vector Space is defined. The use of the axes for Mass and Time can be somewhat misleading, because the axes are not meant to denote a realtive position (or "whereness"). Instead, the Mass axes are intended to denote "whatness" and the Time axes are intended to denote "whenness". (So one could say that the totality of the Massive SpaceTime Matrix answers the questions of "What, Where, and When") So when you ask:
Where are "we right now" in the 3D time field?
Your question does not suit the 3-D topology of the Time field. It asks a spatial question (where?) about a temporal field, and it adds the qualifier of "right now", thereby ignoring two entire axes of the Time field. I'll continue to try to explain by examining other statements of yours in this reply:
In a larger sense, I have a problem with your presentation of time altogether- I believe time is a cone and at its narrowest point is my birth and at the largest end my death and all the chaos my life has wrought.
And this is a typical view for a consciousness that cannot (or refuses to) give-up their POV as a "privileged" inertial reference frame. You base your belief upon only what your physical senses deliver to you, and you must admit that these sensations are an utterly small segment of all physicality. Einstein told us that there is no, single privileged inertial frame of reference. This is the truth of relativity, and it is just as true for the 3-D field of Space as it is for the 3-D fields of Mass and Time.

A mathematical description of the real, no-sh!t physical reality of Mass, Space, and Time MUST be frame-invariant. TO me, that means not only Space-frame invariant, but Mass and Time-frame invariant as well. My tensor representation of Massive SpaceTime does, indeed, obey this required frame invariance. But I must report to you that your belief (based upon your perceptions) that time flows linearly, and its "shape" is conical are not frame invariant. They are frame-dependent. As once you remove that view from your frame of reference, and try to transform it to another frame of reference (another person's POV), the views change.

This is an important concept. So important I will try to state it in as many ways as I can: Frame Invariance is an extremely important part of any theory of physics. If we are to agree upon a single, "Grand Unified Theory" of everything, there is no doubt in the physics community that frame invariance cannot be violated. I maintain that frame invariance is not only held true in the physical dimension of Space. I maintain (and my tensor math shows) that frame invariance must also hold in the other physical dimensions that we call Mass and Time. And my tensor maths show that if you define both Mass and Time as orthogonal, 3-D fields to Space, then frame invariance is guaranteed by the 3x3x3 tensor equations of Massive SpaceTime. Furthermore, the conservation laws of Momentum and Energy are not violated.
I think I can even argue the point using E=MC2.
When you can go beyond the simplicity of Einstein's scalar equations, and present your argument in the full tensor mathematics form which is the foundation of Einstein's theory, then I will be interested.

At the same time, it is impossible to go from past to future- they must always be seperated by the present. I presented a visual for linear time a while back, lemmie try again, here's how I see it:

Imagine a whole bunch of spaghetti strands held together by a metal ring. You slide the ring from left to right and as it passes, it squeezes all the strands into a point. The spaghetti strands are "units of time" in any fashion you can imagine, the metal ring is "the present", the stuff to the left of the metal ring is the past etc. The present is the end-product of the past, the future is based on the present, without "the present", time would not exist/be irrelevant, maybe even dark matter!
Yes, this is certainly a linear view of Time. Yet I must ask: Why do you assume that Time must be linear? Is this solely based upon what your senses tell you? If so, I know you are aware that your senses deliver only a tiny fraction of the reality of what is going on in the physical universe. Hell, the human visual spectrum alone is such a teeny-tiny slice of the whole electromagnetic spectrum that it would be silly to base your beliefs in a linear Time on such a small sample size.

Again, I ask: Why do you ASSUME that Time is linear, especially when the examples of non-linearity (i.e. fractals and chaos) dominate what we know of nature?

Thinking linearly is the sum and total of the "problem" you are having with my model of Time. That is not an insult, that is just the way it is. My specialty of control systems was founded upon defining LINEAR control laws that are used to control a system. But we have since become a whole lot smarter about things. We now know that our attempts to force linearity on control systems is something which causes a great deal of the energy waste we see as heat in a system. We are now developing highly non-linear control solutions, which exploit non-linearity instead of trying to legislate it out of existence. Such advanced (some call them "AI" based) control solutions increase energy efficiency greatly. Wait until you see how well they work in the domain of information!

I will continue to describe the nature of the 3-D Time field if you wish. I will even try to continue to describe it to you with "simplistic" words, if you wish. But the dirty details are contained in the full-blown tensor models.

The point is- are we "measured relative to measurable things including the atomic and Planck (Galileo)" or "measurable by our awareness of the existence of measurability" (Descartes)?
Why do you assume that it can only be one or the other? What if I told you that it is possible to be BOTH, and all it depends upon is which POV your free will elects to assume?

Question for you: How would you, in a technical sense, define INFORMATION?

In all honesty, I don't see an answer to my questions with what you've written. I have tried three times to reply but I just can't. You need to tell me even simpler. Let's put it this way, if your theory is right then so what- what is the point? What are you telling us?

Only thing I figured is that we have a problem with reality. I believe I exist in a tangable, interactive universe. I believe I exist in the present, I can prove this. On my arm is a scratch. That was from when I scratched my arm last week "in the past". And if I scratch myself again, I know that there will be two scratches on my arm "in the future". As such, the present is that time when we're able to take the information from the past and apply it to the future.

At no point am I able to imagine the scratch on my arm away and I believe it's impossible to change reality, that is, go somewhere else in time and change that historical event from ever happening. Is all of this consistent with your theory and if not, then how isn't it?

How do I define information? The same way I define the present- information is facts (within an acceptable, usable degree) from the past which are known enough to where I am able to infer change to things in the future. I will go so far as say there is no present, only a constant quasi-future because we wouldn't know if reality broke down until it did (as a fish wouldn't know it's in water until you take it out of the water). Information is based on facts which were gathered in the past, we cannot learn anything from the future. Is this consistent with your theory?

Can you stick to just that one aspect of your theory and explain time to me as your theory reads? I am willing to follow suit and listen and try to learn: where are we in the time field? Nowhere? Time's irrelevant? I disagree with that. Are we souls that imagine we're in a tangable reality?

Okay, this refers to either of three things then. Which is truest?
1. We tangably exist.
2. Existence is all in the mind.
3. A little bit of both.
Okay, this refers to either of three things then. Which is truest?
Why do you always insist upon ignoring, and therefore not answering, the questions I put to you? Why is it always you telling me why I am wrong, and not answering the questions I ask you?

Stop telling me why you have problems with the model, and start at least answering some of the explicit questions I put to you. Could you do that for me, please? I am trying to work with you, but if you don't work with me.... that's when it gets ugly.

Let's put it this way- do you feel you answered my question "where are we on the time axis?". I will be happy to go back and read it until it makes sense but I need to know if you answered my question because I did not see a clear cut answer. I am willing to accept "your answer is not valid" but I made my questions as simple as possible:

1. Do we tangably exist?
2. Does reality really exist?
In all honesty, I don't see an answer to my questions with what you've written.
The only honest answers come mathematically. ("This is why you fail"--Yoda). I don't mean to be snide, but there is little other way that I can explain it to you. *I* cannot be the one to give you the answers you seek. You must find them yourself. My suggestion to you is that math is the key tool for unearthing answers.
You need to tell me even simpler. Let's put it this way, if your theory is right then so what- what is the point?
There can be many "points" to what I am talking about. Some may suit you, others you may find offensive. One "point" would be that I am describing a mathematical, physical tensor field that governs the expression of Force, Energy, and Information. That mathematical description of that 3x3x3 Field could be used in many different change the universe, if you will.
What are you telling us?
I'm describing an alternate, mathematically-coherent description of what constitutes physical reality. I am describing a set of field equations that describe the 3x3x3 Physical Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.
As such, the present is that time when we're able to take the information from the past and apply it to the future.
Information is certainly a key aspect (metric) of physical reality. But let me ask you: Do you think it is possible for you to give-up your linear view of Time, if I can show you by example how it is, in fact, non-linear? Yes or no, please.
At no point am I able to imagine the scratch on my arm away and I believe it's impossible to change reality, that is, go somewhere else in time and change that historical event from ever happening. Is all of this consistent with your theory and if not, then how isn't it?
Your scratch and its Truth is consistent with YOUR linear, perceived field of Time. I cannot change that. But I can describe a tensor field within which that Truth and Reality, as you perceive it, can come to exist...and actually exist. Along with a whole lot of other POVs, and "timelines" associated with a lot of of other people (and beings).
How do I define information? The same way I define the present- information is facts (within an acceptable, usable degree) from the past which are known enough to where I am able to infer change to things in the future. I will go so far as say there is no present, only a constant quasi-future because we wouldn't know if reality broke down until it did (as a fish wouldn't know it's in water until you take it out of the water). Information is based on facts which were gathered in the past, we cannot learn anything from the future. Is this consistent with your theory?
Your definition of information is certainly not mathematical, and one could question its technical viability. I claim to be able to define information in a much more rigorous, mathematical, and scientifically-verifiable format. As such, I define information as a higher-dimensional metric over and above Energy. And Energy is the higher-dimensional metric which rules over the physicality of Massive SpaceTime that we live within. In summary: Information is much more vast than the way I see that you characterize it. At least that is what I can show mathematically.
Can you stick to just that one aspect of your theory and explain time to me as your theory reads? I am willing to follow suit and listen and try to learn: where are we in the time field? Nowhere?
1) I will try to explain the vector basis of the 3-D Time field to you, yes.
2) "where" we are with respect to the Time field is an inappropriate question (i.e. it is a non-sequitor with respect to Time). "When" we are in the Time field is a more appropriate question. The answer to that question is not, identically, the same for you and me (nor for others). This is because you possess a different cognitive POV in the Massive SpaceTime field than I do.
3) To understand the 3-D Time field we must be willing to discuss and understand what the three orthogonal aspects of Time (Past,Present,Future) describe, and how they are represented. We could begin by what we would "mean" by:

Negative Past, Positive Past
Negative Present, Positive Present
Negative Future, Positive Future

These are the 6 ordinal "directions" associated with the 3-D Time field as I have shown it in the above diagram.

Answer The Questions, Counselor.

Let's put it this way-
Allow me to convey to you how I interpret your response: "I am not going to answer your questions. I want YOU to answer my questions, and I want you to answer them in the exact ("simple") manner that I want you to answer them."

That is how I perceive your approach to this conversation. You need to have things spoon-fed to you in YOUR way (with your preferred inertial frame as being hallowed?) before you are ever going to answer questions of mine, or even comment on points I have made. This is how my POV is perceiving your POV. And it gets old and annoying, especially if you SAY that you want to learn something new. It would seem you do NOT want to learn something new, but would rather argue about how your model of reality does not agree with mine.

But anyway, I will attempt to do your questions the best justice I can. Because I am a sport about these things... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

do you feel you answered my question "where are we on the time axis?".
No. I never attempted to answer THAT question, because, as I have explained, that question is improperly framed for the mathematical configuration I am defining for Time.
I will be happy to go back and read it until it makes sense
I'd recommend you do more of this, and more investigation of tensor math, and less of the "other stuff".
but I need to know if you answered my question because I did not see a clear cut answer. I am willing to accept "your answer is not valid"
I did not attempt to answer your question. And for the record, I did not claim "your answer is not valid". Rather, I pointed out that "your QUESTION is not valid". Big diff.
1. Do we tangably exist?
I cannot answer that question, in broad terms, to you or for you. But I can and will ask a question in response to this very question. Will you answer it?
Q for jmpet: Do you require for me to answer, or "prove" to you, that we tangably exist? I know the answer for me. What is the answer for you?
2. Does reality really exist?
The form of this question is interesting. It is a dual-embedded, recursive question. Highly non-linear. And that means that it has more than one "solution" (read:answer).
Q for jmpet: What answer do you presume to be the "solution" to this question?

Non-linear math can really work your gourd, dude. I have never claimed this stuff was easy. In fact, that is my whole point in getting familiar with classical tensor mathematics. It really helps with understanding the non-linear, non-intuitive elements of our common physical reality.

Re: Answer The Questions, Counselor.

I'm glad you bumped this thread. Mass & Time diagrams are making me smile =)

So if you knew the value of I in a system, and the only unknown was the value for the position in the future, could you predict a particles position at any point in the future knowing past and present, with 100% accuracy?
Re: Answer The Questions, Counselor.

>The only honest answers come mathematically.<

Okay, so your theory is more a theory of a concept of something and less an actual "invention-like" thing? It's a plain truth like E=MC2. Am I getting closer? It's something you can build things from by applying the theory to it?

>One "point" would be that I am describing a mathematical, physical tensor field that governs the expression of Force, Energy, and Information. That mathematical description of that 3x3x3 Field could be used in many different change the universe, if you will.<

So you're describing something we can build McGuffins from?

>I'm describing an alternate, mathematically-coherent description of what constitutes physical reality. I am describing a set of field equations that describe the 3x3x3 Physical Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.<

I like that one a lot. Is the purpose to develop applications like how there is no "E=MC2 machine" even though stuff couldn't exist without it?

>Do you think it is possible for you to give-up your linear view of Time, if I can show you by example how it is, in fact, non-linear? Yes or no, please.<

Mentally? Absolutely. But that will not change the reality of the issue at hand. I can envision infinite empty black space.

>Your scratch and its Truth is consistent with YOUR linear, perceived field of Time. I cannot change that. But I can describe a tensor field within which that Truth and Reality, as you perceive it, can come to exist...and actually exist. Along with a whole lot of other POVs, and "timelines" associated with a lot of of other people (and beings).<

Man you're gonna hate this- does this mean "there are many different ways to see the same thing, many different realities all making up reality"?

>As such, I define information as a higher-dimensional metric over and above Energy. And Energy is the higher-dimensional metric which rules over the physicality of Massive SpaceTime that we live within. In summary: Information is much more vast than the way I see that you characterize it. At least that is what I can show mathematically.<

Is this more a "collective unconcious" thing? Is that the direction to think?

>Negative Past, Positive Past
Negative Present, Positive Present
Negative Future, Positive Future<

So this means there are many different pasts depending on the observer but they are or can be all equally tangable?

>Allow me to convey to you how I interpret your response: "I am not going to answer your questions. I want YOU to answer my questions, and I want you to answer them in the exact ("simple") manner that I want you to answer them."<

Well you're the one postulating, my replies are inquiries for clarification- that's how knowledge is gleaned isn't it?

>That is how I perceive your approach to this conversation. You need to have things spoon-fed to you in YOUR way (with your preferred inertial frame as being hallowed?) before you are ever going to answer questions of mine, or even comment on points I have made.<

Yes, that is how learning new things works, at least for me. First you take Math 101 then Math 201 then calculus.

>do you feel you answered my question "where are we on the time axis?"<
>>No. I never attempted to answer THAT question, because, as I have explained, that question is improperly framed for the mathematical configuration I am defining for Time.<<

So does that mean we are nowhere on the time axis; time is irrelevant to the observer?

>Do we tangably exist?<
>I cannot answer that question, in broad terms, to you or for you.<

Can you at least hint at it? Are you leaning more towards "we exist" or "everything is just an illusion"? In your mind, is there a difference between tangable reality and something else?

>Q for jmpet: Do you require for me to answer, or "prove" to you, that we tangably exist? I know the answer for me. What is the answer for you?
Q for jmpet: What answer do you presume to be the "solution" to this question?<

I know I exist. I live and breathe; I eat. If I stopped eating I would die. One day I will die and at that point my mind will no longer interact with everyone else's on this planet. I know stuff really exists too. I know it really is 93 million miles to the sun, I know there's no "big screen TV of the sun in space". I know I exist in a universe that makes sense even though it does not completly make sense to me. I know I am made of three trillion atoms and the "me" is none of those things but this is still my body and I call myself a human being.

I also know you tangably exist. I know that if I got into a plane and flew over to Cali, it is possible to meet you. And I know you existed before I knew you existed. I know you know stuff I don't and vice versa- I know you're not an illusion, you're a seperate person like me and we both exist in human bodies on planet Earth. I can actually learn new things from you- ideas I never thought of or ever could think of. This proves you're not an illusion to me. On a broader scale, I can learn Swahili too, then go to Africa and meet people for the first time ever and speak to them fluently; I know I can truly learn from others; other people like me really exist, we all exist together.

I know the beans in my bean burrito were once beans on a tree and that tree was planted by someone a year ago; I know I can't wish bean burritos into existence or wish them out of existence.

I believe the planet Earth and everything else in the universe is the direct result of the Big Bang which happened 15 or so billion years ago. The universe makes sense to me even though I don't know exactly how it works. I believe one of perhaps an infinite different things that happened when the Big Bang banged was a series of events that led to me here now In The Flesh.

When someone thinks up a way that the world wouldn't make sense, he has a new idea. This becomes a theory, which asks logical questions to see if that hairbrained idea holds weight. From there you start adding math and maybe even new math too in the hopes that one side of the equasion is truly equal to the other side. If it does, he then submits the paper so other like-minded people can look at it objectively and either agree or disagree with its truth. Then all these like-minded individuals go back to whatever they were doing and perhaps apply this new theory to their field of expertise. From this we get independant confirmations which adds even more weight to that theory. A time later, when nearly all like-minded people agree with that notion, it more or less becomes accepted fact, that guy usually goes to Switzerland and gets a medal. This is how people "figure new stuff out". To me, at least.

So the way to learn new stuff is first to have a daydream and a crazy idea; complex theories do not spontaneously pop into people's heads. It took Einstein years to write E=MC2 because it's such an awesome formula that it applies to everything, everywhere. And the best part is that while it's incredibly complicated, it can also be explained to a nine-year old.

Q- What does E=MC2 mean?
A- E=MC2 defines this universe. Before we had E=MC2, everyone thought the universe was more or less magical- that when our understanding of things ends, the fantasy fills in the missing parts. E=MC2 tells us that everything, everywhere is related to everything else and that this is truly a closed universe. By that, I mean there are no magical curtains you can pull back and see a guy pulling strings- the universe makes sense.

Question for RainmanTime: Is your theory consistent or at odds with E=MC2?
Re: Answer The Questions, Counselor.


Non-linear math can really work your gourd, dude. I have never claimed this stuff was easy. In fact, that is my whole point in getting familiar with classical tensor mathematics. It really helps with understanding the non-linear, non-intuitive elements of our common physical reality.

I agree with you that tensor analysis truly goes beyond our intuitive view of reality - even though tensor analysis actually more appropriately explains how reality works than, say, simple vector analysis.

That being said, I think that maybe it is time for you to start a thread that deals with what a vector is, vector analysis and progresses to what a tensor is, how it relates to vector analysis and what it means in our common reality before we try to relate it to the even more complex reality of General Relativity and space-time.

I know that it is a complex subject but it can be exlained in simplified terms. For instance, tensors can be related to how a block of clay is distorted by twist, stretch and compression (torque/shear, strain and stress). Simple vector analysis can't fully explain the shape that the block of clay is mutated to given those forces acting on it.

It can be explained without going into all of the higher math, as you know. Post Grad and Post Doc analysis obviously requires the math in depth but on the forum a pop-sci explanation should suffice. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

PS: As you referenced above "classical tensor math" is one animal. Non-classical tensor math is probably asking too much.

PSS: Don't even try going into tensor analysis of crystals. Clay will do just fine.

For the general community:

By asking Rainman to do this please don't assume that I think that anyone here is ignorant or uneducated. I don't. Physics is a complicated subject but it can be reduced to terms that a non-physicist can appreciate and understand..

My purpose in this is to have Rainman define what he means by "vectors" and "tensors" in a way that, to some degree, gives everyone a level playing field. To whit, everyone has a common definition and understanding of the basics of what he's trying to explain so that it can be related to his theories.
Patience and Vigilance, My Friend

Okay, so your theory is more a theory of a concept of something and less an actual "invention-like" thing? It's a plain truth like E=MC2. Am I getting closer?
Yes, you are getting closer. And if you have been paying attention in the "Information Subsumes Physical Energy" thread, then you should be able to see how my theory relates to, includes, and somewhat modifies E=MC^2.
It's something you can build things from by applying the theory to it?
Yes, but "building things" is not necessarily the do-all-and-end-all. Understanding how things work is important before you can Do things. Once I understand how to do things, then I will naturally want to build things to help me do those things. Get it?
So you're describing something we can build McGuffins from?
One can build many things (or anything) once one has a better understanding of how the physical universe is constructed and how it works.
Is the purpose to develop applications like how there is no "E=MC2 machine" even though stuff couldn't exist without it?
The FIRST purpose is to describe how Force relates to Energy, and Energy relates to Information, in a fractally-embedded (non-lienar) manner. From a better understanding of how Force is modulated by Energy which, in turn, is modulated by Information, many applications can arise. I understand you are eager to get to "a widget". I deal with the same "widget-focused mentality" with my sophomore engineering students to whom I am trying to teach systems engineering. The most important aspect of systems engineering is avoiding the natural tendency to jump straight to the "widget", and instead step back and understand how things work, what sort of "widgets" are required, and how a system relates to the environment it lives and operates in.
Mentally? Absolutely. But that will not change the reality of the issue at hand.
I've asked you before if you define your reality solely by what your physical senses tell you. You have not answered that question either. Let me start a trend for when I would like you to answer specific questions:
Q for Jmpet: Do you believe reality is solely defined by what you can perceive to be "real"? Or is it possible that there is a larger reality, beyond which your senses can report?
Man you're gonna hate this- does this mean "there are many different ways to see the same thing, many different realities all making up reality"?
That is one way to say it, but there are more mathematically-stringent ways to say it that don't rely upon an "absolute reality". Remember, the only absolute is that there are no absolutes. We live in a relative universe. And one of the problems I have with your approach is that you are overly concerned with ensuring yourself that you "know" what "reality" is. You seem to have the attitude that "no one can tell me anything new about what is real." When in fact, "reality" changes every day. That is part of the nature of help shape our vision of what is "real".
Is this more a "collective unconcious" thing? Is that the direction to think?
No, as that would imply that information is not of the physical domain, when it is. The "unconscious" is on the "other side of the veil" from Massive SpaceTime. "Unconscious" is in the realm of Spirit/Soul/Mind. When I speak of Information, I am speaking of a physical metric (measureable) that is just as real as a Force or just as real as physical Energy. In fact, one of the better ways to visualize it would be as 3 concentric spheres. Label the innermost sphere "Force" and assign it the "reality" described to us by Newton, Kepler, Galileo, etc. Label the middlemost sphere "Energy" and assign it the reality described to us by Einstein, Mach, Bernoulli, Maxwell, and a whole host of others from that era. Label the outermost sphere "Information" and assign it the reality that I am trying to describe, by standing on the shoulders of much smarter and much greater men than I, such as: Shannon, Boltzmann, Turing, Planck, Feynman, Wheeler, Thorne, etc.
So this means there are many different pasts depending on the observer but they are or can be all equally tangable?
Not exactly, and certainly not "equally tangable". The physical metric of Information will certainly allow me to describe conditions or situations that are not, nor will they ever be, tangible. It will also allow me to describe conditions and situations that do, indeed, have a possibility of being tangible. So consider "Negative Past, Negative Present, and Negative Future" the total 3-D manifold of things that I can describe (with Information) that could never, EVER occur given what we know of physics. Alternately, consider "Positive Past, Positive Present, and Positive Future" the total 3-D manifold of things that I can describe (with Information) that do have some possibility of occurrence given what we know of physics. In between these 3-D manifolds of "Positive" and "Negative" would be neutral (saddle) points: "Actual Past, Actual Present, and Actual Future". These 3 coordinate points are the ones that matter most to your POV, your consciousness.
Well you're the one postulating, my replies are inquiries for clarification- that's how knowledge is gleaned isn't it?
Knowledge is gleaned in many ways. Do not make the error of thinking it can only be gleaned in one way (your way). Certainly inquiring for clarifications is one way. Another way would be to stop, think about my questions to you, and either answer them or discuss them. Asking questions and answering questions exhibit two, different ways to glean knowledge.
So does that mean we are nowhere on the time axis; time is irrelevant to the observer?
You keep insisting on using "where" with respect to Time. Can you not understand when I correct you to "when"? Furthermore, you wish to force "we" to be in the same "place" on the Time axis. I have intimated that "when" YOU are on the Time axis is distinct from "when" I am on the Time axis. And each of us is at a different "when" on the Time axis. I know this answer may not be satisfying to you now, but it is leading to a manifold view of Time. One which may cause you to rethink your certainty that Time is linear, and conical in form.
Can you at least hint at it? Are you leaning more towards "we exist" or "everything is just an illusion"?
Again, I see your tendency to force things to be mutually exclusive. What if my maths exhibit how both could be true? By that I mean: The Massive SpaceTime tensor field, when coupled with a non-physical consciousness, could exhibit how we could come to the conclusion that "we exist" while at the same time showing how the things we rely upon to "know we exist" are based upon the illusions of separate physical dimensions we call Mass, Space, and Time.
In your mind, is there a difference between tangable reality and something else?
Yes. Tangible reality is what is described by the 3x3x3 integrated tensor fields of Massive SpaceTime. And yet, one cannot "know" tangible reality without having a POV (the tenth element) immersed within Massive SpaceTime to sense its surroundings. The "something else" beyond tangible reality is something I have not discussed here, but it is the subject of the "Spirit" side of my website. I have some material developed on that side, but as you can see there is not much posted on that side of the website. Let's stick to Massive SpaceTime (the tangible part) for now.
The universe makes sense to me even though I don't know exactly how it works.
And yet I can describe (mathematically) things that DO exist, and DO "work" in the universe that would not make much sense to your mind. And this gets back to another question I have asked you before that I would like you to answer:
Q for Jmpet: Do you think it is good to presume how the universe works based solely on the SMALL (VERY SMALL) slices of information delivered to your mind by your senses? Or... can you appreciate that the "reality" of our universe is much, MUCH, M U C H greater than what you see/feel/hear/taste/touch with your senses?
It took Einstein years to write E=MC2 because it's such an awesome formula that it applies to everything, everywhere.
Yes, indeed. And I must continually remind you that "E=MC^2" is just the "reader's digest condensed (scalar) version" of his theory. The full-blown tensor representation of this is even more beautiful, and even more astounding as to what it tells us!
Before we had E=MC2, everyone thought the universe was more or less magical- that when our understanding of things ends, the fantasy fills in the missing parts.
This statement is highly debateable with regard to its technical veracity. "Everyone" did not think it was more or less magical. In fact, I can give a short list of names of people who came BEFORE Einstein who KNEW the universe was NOT "more or less magical": Newton, Kepler, Bernoulli, Mach, Maxwell, Heaviside, Boltzmann, and on and on and on the list goes.
E=MC2 tells us that everything, everywhere is related to everything else and that this is truly a closed universe.
Absolutely not. In fact, not only does E=MC^2 not tell us the universe is closed, the question of whether the universe is "open" or "closed" was not even solved by the time of Einstein's death. In fact, there are people who claim that even today this question is not answered to sufficient accuracy. And one must always ask "closed with respect to what?". Our conservation of Energy law would tell us our universe IS closed with respect to Energy. But if Information is a higher-dimensional metric than Energy, the next question would be "Is our universe closed with respect to Information?". IOW, is Information a conserved entity just like MomEnergy?
Question for RainmanTime: Is your theory consistent or at odds with E=MC2?
Again you seek one of two mutually exclusive answers. And yet both science and math has shown us that such is rarely "reality". I can tell you that my theory is consistent with E=MC^2 to a point. But beyond that point, it is my belief that what we currently know as "E=MC^2" needs some further tweaking (just as Einstein told us that Newton's F=ma needed some tweaking at relativistic speeds). Furthermore, my theory claims there is a "dimensionality" that exists OUTSIDE of the dimension called Energy expressed by E=MC^2. This goes back to my three, nested spheres visualization above.

The sum total of my "tweaks" to F=ma and E=mc^2 I have been describing to you has been how we need to treat Mass and Time as vectors, just as we have always treated Space as a vector. By adopting this SAME, 3-D balanced mathematical model to these other two dimensions, it is my claim that we can (and will) take the mathematics of Newton, Einstein, and others to even greater heights of understanding... and yes, we will also be able to "build new widgets" based on this new understanding.

Re: Patience and Vigilance, My Friend

Would it be fair to say that Massive Spacetime is a concept like E=MC2 or F=MA which can be used predictably to understand how things in the universe work? That with an understanding of how Massive Spacetime works one can have a better understanding of how the physical universe is constructed and how it works? I think you would agree.

Would you also agree that Massive Spacetime is an "Uber-map of the universe" that shows where everything everywhere is in relation to everything else? That anything and everything in the cosmos can be defined in its proper place using MST? And once you understand this, you could theorize about ways to affect aspects of MST which would then affect aspects of reality?

Ya see, this sounds like good stuff and it makes sense. It is dumbed down enough to where it makes sense to a lay person.

I understand the whole "there is a lot more to the universe than what we see" part and I can think abstractly and spatially but there needs to be some kind of anchor that I can relate to. The way I see it now (and I am pretty much sure you'll laugh then disagree), if MST was a thing it would be the map from the film "Time Bandits". Am I getting warmer?
Re: Patience and Vigilance, My Friend

Would it be fair to say that Massive Spacetime is a concept like E=MC2 or F=MA which can be used predictably to understand how things in the universe work? That with an understanding of how Massive Spacetime works one can have a better understanding of how the physical universe is constructed and how it works? I think you would agree.
Would you also agree that Massive Spacetime is an "Uber-map of the universe" that shows where everything everywhere is in relation to everything else? That anything and everything in the cosmos can be defined in its proper place using MST?
Almost. You've captured the "everywhere" part (Space) and the "everything" part (Mass). I would say that one must also include the "everywhen" part (Time), even if this part is only a result of a consciousness tracking the sequence of "everywhere" and "everything".
Ya see, this sounds like good stuff and it makes sense. It is dumbed down enough to where it makes sense to a lay person.
Good. Thanks for your patience, and your help, it getting it to a point where now you at least understand (sorta/kinda) what I am getting at.
I understand the whole "there is a lot more to the universe than what we see" part and I can think abstractly and spatially but there needs to be some kind of anchor that I can relate to.
Fine. As long as you understand that there are "things (read:information) "out there" in the universe that you may have a difficult time finding such an anchor for. Not saying that such an anchor cannot be found, only that many times such concepts are difficult....VERY difficult. And I am telling you this only to prepare you for the eventuality that we will come upon tensor concepts where your natural reaction will be to say "this is all just unnecessarily complex psychobabble". However, that natural reaction is only a result of you not being able to find your "anchor" and may have nothing to do with whether or not the concept is valid and/or "real". OK? I can (and do) get emotional sometimes about things I don't understand. But when I buckle-down, turn off my mouth, and engage my brain in an effort to understand, I can often make great headway.
The way I see it now (and I am pretty much sure you'll laugh then disagree), if MST was a thing it would be the map from the film "Time Bandits". Am I getting warmer?
I never saw "Time Bandits" so I can't say.
