The Key Of Time

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The greatest parts of our universe (dark matter and dark energy) exhibit distinctly non-linear tendencies. Only the smallest portion (baryonic matter) exhibits linearity.

This has been one of the primary keys to the "code" I have been speaking in. Each and every statement I have made in this code has had meaning. However, when viewed with the simple linear "eye" (or processing algorithm of the brain) the casual reader sees no meaning.

There is One who reads this board (and he knows who he is) that knows this code, and how to read non-linearly to understand exactly what each statement has said.

When viewing science, technology, and advancement within these domains there can be no argument that it is through increasingly non-linear analytical and practical means that we evolve as a species.

Non-linearity is the "Manifest Destiny" of the human race. There is no escaping it... only the choice to ignore it. The invitation is made to each and every human being by our Creator to grow towards this new & improved version of humanity.

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

TIME to continue this excellent and informative thread...

Above several of us have talked about frequencies, and specifically I have talked about the frequencies that our senses respond to. Let's call these external stimulus frequencies. But what about the internal frequencies of the body, or even more interesting, the brain?

The human brain generates a very specific range of frequencies that is measured along the scalp. This is called an Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG). Science has even quantified how specific EEG dominant frequencies (i.e. the frequencies with the highest spectral amplitude content) as follows:

Wave_____Frequency Range_______State of Mind
Delta______0.5Hz-4Hz_______________Deep sleep
Theta______4Hz-8Hz________________Drowsiness (& early stage of sleep)
Alpha______8Hz-14Hz_______________Relaxed but alert
Beta_______14Hz-30Hz______________Highly alert and focused

Just as in vibration theory we say that a physical body has a natural resonant frequency at which any signal input to the body will cause resonance, we can also call the above frequency ranges the natural resonant frequencies of the brain during different states of awareness. That means if we wish to stimulate the brain (to create some specific result) we would do best to match the resonant frequencies of the brain as this will make the most of the natural resonance to amplify the effect.

Enter the BrainWave Generator:

I believe OvLrd has established that the Key Of Time does indeed lie in understanding frequencies and vibrations. And I would further posit that OvLrd would likely agree that the ability to "travel" through Time would involve frequency manipulation AND it would BEGIN in the brain!

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Rainman...yes...frequency is such an important factor, and as we discover more and more regarding the essences of existence/creation, we find this to be unavoidable.

I started this thread by making reference to information as written long ago. And the cross-referencing of the information with what we are discovering....

As as example, consider what Jesus said in the following...

"...the underlying reality of the universe and the plan?....was asked by Philip of Jesus.

Jesus repiled, " I want you to know that all men are born on earth from the foundation of the world until now, being dust, while they have inquired about God, who he is and what he is like, have not found him. Now the wisest among them have speculated from the ordering of the world and (its) movement. But their speculation has not reached the truth. For it is said that the ordering is directed in three ways, by all the philosophers, (and) hence they do not agree. For some of them say about the world that it is directed by itself. Others, that it is providence (that directs it). Others, that it is fate. But it is none of these. Again, of the three voices I have just mentioned, none is close to the truth, and (they are) from man. But I, who came from Infinite Light, I am here - for I know him (Light) - that I might speak to you about the precise nature of the truth."

"...teach us the truth!" requested Mathew.

The Savior said: "He Who Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except he alone, and anyone to whom he wants to make revelation through him who is from First Light . For he is immortal and eternal. Now he is eternal, having no birth; He is unbegotten, having no beginning. Since no one rules over him, he has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another."

"And he has a semblance of his own - not like what you have seen and received, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the universe. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it is infinite, he is ever incomprehensible. He is imperishable and has no likeness (to anything). He is eternal. While he is not known, he ever knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is imperishability blessed..."

"...Before anything is visible of those that are visible, the majesty and the authority are in him, since he embraces the whole of the totalities, while nothing embraces him [>>>> OvrLrds note: does this word "nothing" mean more than meets the eye ? <<<<]. For he is all mind. And he is thought and considering and reflecting . They all are equal powers. They are the sources of the totalities..."

"..."The Lord of the Universe is not called 'Father', but 'Forefather', the beginning of those that will appear, but he (the Lord) is the beginningless Forefather. Seeing himself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself, but his likeness appeared as Divine Father, and <as> Confronter over the Confronted ones, First Existent Unbegotten Father. He is indeed of equal age <with> the Light that is before him..."

"...I want you to know that he who appeared before the universe in infinity, Self-grown, Self-constructed Father, being full of shining light and ineffable, in the beginning, when he decided to have his likeness become a great power, immediately the principle (or beginning) of that Light appeared as Immortal Androgynous Man, that through that Immortal Androgynous Man they might attain their salvation and awake from forgetfulness through the interpreter who was sent, who is with you until the end of the poverty."

"...First Man has his unique mind, within, and thought - just as he is it (thought) - (and) considering, reflecting, rationality, power. All the attributes that exist are perfect and immortal. In respect to imperishableness, they are indeed equal. (But) in respect to power, they are different, like the difference between father and son <, and son> and thought, and the thought and the remainder. As I said earlier, among the things that were created, the monad is first ."

"... Whoever does not know the work of perfection, knows nothing. If one does not understand how fire came into existence, he will burn in it, because he does not know the root of it. If one does not first understand water, he knows nothing. If one does not understand how blowing wind came into existence, he will blow away with it. If one does not understand how body, which he bears, came into existence, he will perish with it. And how will someone who does not know the Son know the Father? And to someone who will not know the root of all things, they remain hidden. Whoever will not understand how he came will not understand how he will go..."


There are several points I could have high-lighted, since many points of these words apply to what has come before in this thread. This also gives us a window to creation, what clues we can extract from these words, in addition to the words preceding this particular post, provides for an excellent foundation to understanding from whence we came, how we came, and who we really are...

1. First Man has his unique mind, within,... just as he is it (thought), considering, reflecting... All the attributes that exist are perfect and immortal.

Reflections, Cycles, Frequencies...all clues...all components needing understanding of there nature and how one can utilize these with (MIND) and (THOUGHT) to shift into other realms of perception, which would include the point of view of where one is within TIME.

So by isolating merely the bold text that I selected, from which others may make more connections and comment on what they discover, this fits into what other texts have pointed out regarding the nature of creation.


1. First Light
2. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself
3. he embraces the whole of the totalities, while nothing embraces him
4. For he is all mind
5. he is thought and considering and reflecting
A. First Light ?
6. Seeing himself within himself in a mirror, he appeared resembling himself
A. reflecting ?
B. Tree of Life ? Sephira = Reflections of the First Light ?


7. they might attain their salvation and awake from forgetfulness


From the Emerald Tablets....

1. There exsited no matter, only FORCE

First Light


1. In the beginning, there was eternal thought
A. ( he (God) is thought and considering and reflecting

2. For thought to be eternal, time must exist
3. INTO the thought grew the Law of Time
4. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation
5. Time is the FORCE that holds events seperate
6. Time is not in motion
7. Your consciousness moves from one event to another
8. Eternal One Existence
9. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent


It seems the foundation for many understandings are contained within these words left by those who knew. And the Key of Time also can be seen within these be able to extract the actual meanings that lay behind these words, and place them in order...I believe...would reveal the answer that many seek.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

It is said that after his Awakening, Buddha told the story of a net of pearls in Indra's heaven that was arranged so that each pearl reflected [mirrored]every other pearl. He didn't explain what the story meant, though.

I think that in its fundamental nature consciousness is a "mirror" that reflects all other consciousnesses. In mortal man this mirroring is unconscious, normally.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

It is said that after his Awakening, Buddha told the story of a net of pearls in Indra's heaven that was arranged so that each pearl reflected [mirrored]every other pearl. He didn't explain what the story meant, though.

I think that in its fundamental nature consciousness is a "mirror" that reflects all other consciousnesses. In mortal man this mirroring is unconscious, normally.

This is a demonstration of the idea that when one removes the dogma and other ... stuff ... added onto the original "religious" thoughts, the primary principles are similar.

This is why I believe it is stressed that for one to find the end, one must find the beginning.

The Tree of Life would provide an explaination of the pearls. It is a similar representation of the Sephira of the Tree.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

I think that in its fundamental nature consciousness is a "mirror" that reflects all other consciousnesses. In mortal man this mirroring is unconscious, normally.
Reflection. Yes. Mirroring phenomenon of Nature. Yes. I certainly like and encourage where this is going. Well done gentlemen.
The Tree of Life would provide an explaination of the pearls. It is a similar representation of the Sephira of the Tree.
It is certainly the organized matrix represented in the form of the human body. And the human body is obviously special since it has risen to the highest form of conscious activity on our particular planet.

Consciousness as a reflection of physicality is a very good balance. It "works", or so it would seem.

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The primary essences of existence all seem to share a similar nature, only being catagorized or recognized by the frequency they operate within. And you are correct, the frequencies of sight are different than sound, by a 'difference' of vibration. The images of this on a scope look the same...without any labels, one wouldnt really know what is being represented or measured by the device.

There isnt anything that does not function at some frequency. Thus, it stands to reason that time also functions as a frequency. a standing wave..? or in motion ? That question has been answered in previous posts in this thread.

The evidence or thoughts from the texts presented so far in this thread indicate that time itself is NOT in motion.


In pondering something that came to mind this morning...every so often I set a particular date in my computer that saves everything at that point in time. If for whatever reason, I decide or need to re-set my computer, I can pull up a calender, and select a point in the past, and the computer will return itself to what it was on that date.

Is this a clue to time travel ? A VERY IMPORTANT clue...

The way the comuter can do this is because it has "saved" the moment in time as it was on that date. The "saved" state of the computer exists.

Do the moments we experience as our consciousness moves through time get "saved"...and do these moments in the past still exist ?

In order to return to any point in time in the past...that moment must still exist to return to.

Is this process a time traveling simulation in the way it functions and the dynamics involved ?


With the Brain Wave Generator, one can harmonize with specific frequencies of sound and light, that effect the dynamics of the functioning of our consciousness. Allowing it to slow down and the perception of time changes from an individual point of view.

This points to what I have stated in previous posts. Time is NOT a universal perception by everyone. The movement in time is an individual experience. I now believe that by even calling the feat time "travel" we set ourselves up for a misconception of exactly what dynamics would take place.

As a standing wave, the only movement is our consciousness...time in itself hasnt moved at all. Thus we would have individual perceptions as to what time actually is. We can NOT compare time to any device or machine...this is for an agreement of society to make things happen in an orderly fashion...but certainly does not define what the nature of time actually may be.

There have been moments in my life that time meant nothing. No job, no appointments, no reason to even keep track of time as defined by society. The sun went up, the sun went down. What time was it, it didnt matter. What day it was, it didnt matter. My perception of time took on an entirely different meaning. The clock was nothing. Didnt need one, didnt want one, and didnt matter if one was around, didnt need to look at it, because there wasnt any particular place I had to be at any certain time.

Didnt regulate anything to a set time...mow the lawn every Saturday...I didnt even know what day it was...the lawn got mowed when the grass got long.

So how can we define time with a universal definition, if time itself is merely a perception from ones point of view ?

The Key to traveling in time would be through a shift of awareness, or the perception of ones point of view of where they are relative to their "saved" points of their exsistence.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Several comments about time:

In our relative space-time existence we think of one dimension of time.I believe that there are an infinite number of time dimensions, and that each monad has its own time: this makes it eternal. In a fundamental sense, time, motion, vibration, and consciousness are all different aspects of the same thing.

Seconndly, there is a confusion resulting from using the word time in two different ways. In one usage it means change, and in another it means the content or record of time or change.

Let's say we are passengers on a train traveling through a countryside.The countryside is the content of time. It's always there,("set in place"--isn't that how the Emerald Tablets put it?) but we are aware of moving through it.

Incidentally, H.G. Wells, in a preliminary draft of The Time Machine expressed the idea that there was no difference between the dimensions of time and space except that our consciousness moves through it [time].
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Hi OvLrd,
The evidence or thoughts from the texts presented so far in this thread indicate that time itself is NOT in motion.
Yes, indeed. And these ancient texts are in very good company. Any number of scientific relations of physical mechanics tell us that Time is really a "byproduct" of MATTER in MOTION. Kepler told us this, Newton told us this, and Einstein told us this. If the baryonic matter that we observe as comprising our universe were NOT constantly in motion, there would be no way for us to measure Time. Indeed, if matter were not in motion there would be no "us". Our physical human bodies totally rely upon energy exchanges which are made possible by Matter in Motion.
In order to return to any point in time in the past...that moment must still exist to return to.
An important point... and if I may state it in another way, just for the sake of variety: If you wish to return to any specific moment, that moment must have already been created, or "etched" within the total Matrix of Massive SpaceTime. If that moment has not yet been created, then it first must be created in order for someone to return to it. It really is that simple, and this also further reinforces that WE are Creators of our future.
The Key to traveling in time would be through a shift of awareness, or the perception of ones point of view of where they are relative to their "saved" points of their exsistence.
Once again, I think you have hit the nail on the head. And recently PB pointed out that Don Juan the nagual shaman taught Carlos Castenada that one could perform certain amazing feats ("time travel") by shifting their Point Of View. Don Juan called it the human "assemblage point", if I recall correctly.

Here is something that I wonder about: If we must have a "saved point of reference" in order to travel to that point, is there some way that I and my POV can "save a moment in Time" in some manner that I could "pass on" that saved moment in Time to one or more of my friends, such that they could experience it?

And this all reminds me of the movie "Brainstorm" with Christopher Walken. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

If we must have a "saved point of reference" in order to travel to that point, is there some way that I and my POV can "save a moment in Time" in some manner that I could "pass on" that saved moment in Time to one or more of my friends, such that they could experience it?

Using your quote as a starting point for this post...

Stanford University has a team researching and has apparently developed technology that infuses artificial synapses into the brain.

With the development of lateral technologies, I can foresee a potential of having the ability to store our experiences on a "card" and then inserting it into a virtual reality device that allows us to re-live the stored events.

This brings up a question I have...even if we are able to take ourselves to a point in time other than our current point of view or perspective, would we be able to make changes, or only be able to observe the events, and nothing more?

Unless the evolution of these technologies allow us to overcome the mysteries of space and/or time and actually move about the time-line.

One of the endeavors of the research is involving life extension via cell replacement. By removing biological cells with artificial cells, that can interface with other electronic technologies, the human structure would become, in essence, a machine itself.

The lifespan of such an individual unknown, but with a potential of unlimited length, causes me to wonder what would our world be like if people like Einstien, Tesla, etc...had a life span of 10,000 years or more ?

This also brings in the flip side of such a technology. For those who obtain lengthy lifespans, what does that mean for those who dont have such. If you have a malicious group, that has become "immortal", or at least with extended lifespans, any unwanted classes of people could be targeted for extinction.

Imagine being able to design a programmable nanobot, that can be used within a human structure, programmed to perform a specific task. It is able to interface with a computer..or mainframe and do DNA analysis, it literally could target specific DNA patterns, identify the individual as per the DNA and inject or modify the bodies molecular construct to destroy it.

One brief comment inserted here...AIDS came from green monkeys..yeah, ok, sure it did.

In time, these "immortals", would not use genocide, but nanocide to eliminate those they determine to be unfit, or those who dont provide for the progress of what these "immortals" think the progress should be for humanity.

At this level, is where I believe we would find the source of the "REAL" time travelers. These "immortals" monitoring civilization to ensure there existence or evolution. Their abilities being such that any lower forms of time travel would be blocked, to prevent the flow of events from being altered, and putting their time-line at risk.

This scenario only valid, assuming mankind hasnt eliminated themselves existence.

God best reveal Himself as mentioned in the Bible, before this man and machine thing goes too far.

How much God would allow of us creating ourselves ?.........dont know.

But, if Jesus waits too long, when He does return, He may find His children are gone and have been replaced by machines.

P.S. This opens the door for concepts that stagger the mind. Are we the children of OUR children from a distant future ? Interesting to note that Jesus did mention...In order to find the end, one must look to the beginning. And to find the beginning, one must look to the end.... Hmmmmm....wonder what He really meant by that ?

I really believe that it is time to re-read the oldest of old texts and codex's and evaluate what is written to what science offers...I believe these "immortals" have encoded information within them for extraction at some point in time, and I also believe that point in time is very, very close.

And once the translation has been completed...the "evolution revolution" shall begin.

What humanity once was will become extinct, and the new man will rise from the ashes.


"""Hear thou, O Thomas, for I am the Son of God the Father and I am the father of all spirits. Hear thou of me the signs which shall come to pass at the end of this world, when the end of the world shall be fulfilled: mine elect depart out of the world . I will tell thee that which shall come to pass openly unto men : but when these things shall hidden from before them."""

Interesting text. I did a bit of online research and the only reference that I can find as to their actual origin is that a "mysterious" Dr. Doreal published them in the 1930's.

I couldn't find a single scholarly reference to them anywhere. I checked Google and even checked about 100 university online references in the USA, UK, India, Egypt, South Africa and France. Not a single reference.

But if this particular "chapter" was written in the 1930's the context doesn't surprise me. It's a fairly decent description of Special and General Relativity with a bit of QM cosmology tossed in - which were the cutting edge of physics in the 1930's (especially QM which had only existed as a theory for less than 10 years and GTR was only five years older).

Have an up-date that applies to this post, Darby. I obtained a manuscript that is a translation of another, and within it's text is a sentence that I found to be interesting...

" Without doubt, Hermes Trismegistus, that divine Magician and Philosopher, who ( as some say ) lived long before Noah, attained to much Divine knowledge of the Creator through [ his studies ], as his writings testifie. "

The Key of Time is one of the " as his writings testifie".

Here is the kicker...

Title of Manuscript: Arbatel of Magick
Translation done by: Robert Turner
Date of Translation: 1655


In doing a bit more research ...

"The books now known as the Corpus Hermeticum"

"While they are difficult to date with precision, the texts of the Corpus were likely redacted between the first and third centuries"

"During the Renaissance, these texts were all believed to be of ancient Egyptian origin, and even today some readers believe them to date from pharaonic Egypt. However, by studying the vocabulary of the texts, the classical scholar Isaac Casaubon showed in 1614 that some of the texts (mainly those dealing with philosophy) betrayed a vocabulary too recent to be so old"


There is much debate on "Hermes Trismegistus", and whether "he" ever existed or not, or the writings are a compilation of several authors.

Dr. Doreal was merely "another" translator, who took a stab at putting forth his own idea of what these "books" contained, and from whence they had come.

However, as you can see, the "books" of the "Corpus Hermeticum" collection were a topic of discussion long before the 1930's, as evidenced by an obscure sentence contained in an obscure manuscript, translated itself, and prefaced by the author, Robert Turner, in the mid-1600's.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

If we must have a "saved point of reference" in order to travel to that point, is there some way that I and my POV can "save a moment in Time" in some manner that I could "pass on" that saved moment in Time to one or more of my friends, such that they could experience it?

Rainman, I think you hit on something important way back when this thread was active. As virtual reality technology advances, with the ability to "plug in" and "experience" an event as though it was happening at that moment...may be a clue to time travel.

You record an event in your life, and a few generations later, a relative is able to plug the "memory card" of that event into a virtual reality device, and experience the same event as did you...could this be considered traveling in time ?

IF the 'traveler' can"t change "your" experience, is this really traveling in time ?

Does such a experience fit into the "classical" definition of "time travel" ?

We have a difference between "everyone's" experience of the flow of events verses an individual experience of the flow of events.

In watching an episode of Ghost Hunters (assuming nothing is faked for ratings ), during one of the EVP sessions, they recorded a woman who said she was still waiting for her husband to return to a particular train station. This train station is now an empty, delapidated structure, the trains stopped running to this station decades ago.

The "ghost" of the woman stuck in time.

Is this a hint of the "physical" dynamics taking place, alongside what already has been covered in this thread.

What "physical" dynamics are taking place for her to be able to communicate with the researcher(s) ? When the researcher asked the questions to which she responded, within and/or what frame of reference did she hear the questions being asked ?

Were the questions of the researchers "ghostly" voices from her point of view ?

It would seem to me that EVP investigations would be worth a try...since seeing the results of an experiment of this type done on television does not provide concrete evidence of the phenomenon. One would have to experience it for themselves to establish EVP work as real and valid.

If you did establish that EVP experiments did in fact produce positive results, and you did record conscious responses of deceased individuals...what would this mean in the pursuit of time travel ?
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Howdy Kerr, /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You record an event in your life, and a few generations later, a relative is able to plug the "memory card" of that event into a virtual reality device, and experience the same event as did you...could this be considered traveling in time ?

Did you ever see the movie "Brainstorm" with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood? It came out in the mid 80s when I was in college. It was a fave of mine. Essentially, it deals with this concept.

IF the 'traveler' can"t change "your" experience, is this really traveling in time ?

Does such a experience fit into the "classical" definition of "time travel" ?

IMO, no. And one of the reasons is the one you stated with regards to inability to change the experience or interact with it. It is a passive experience only, and it occurs merely by manipulating your synapses to provide the same inputs as would be delivered from the 5 senses. Your physical body is still in the current timeline. So in the classical(?) "romantic" version of time travel, I do not think this qualifies. But as I always point out, I do not think time travel, per se, is impossible. Only that the "romantic" notion of your body traveling to another time without being changed in its mass...that is impossible. (IMO)

If you did establish that EVP experiments did in fact produce positive results, and you did record conscious responses of deceased individuals...what would this mean in the pursuit of time travel ?

While I am the eternal, scientific skeptic with regard to "romantic" version of time travel, I would never say it is useless to investigate such phenomenon. Quite the opposite. But as you point out, these shows are not fundamentally based in science, but rather their purpose is for entertainment. I think you are correct to say that a truly scientific investigation (with a LOT more instrumentation) would be necessary before anyone could even begin to conjecture how the data may, or may not, relate to time travel.

I wish I had the funds to carry out such an investigation (buy the right equipment and sustain myself while doing such work, essentially unfunded). It would be a lot of fun for an engineer like me, and I would hazard to guess for a lot of other people whose living is made in real science.

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Did you ever see the movie "Brainstorm" with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood?

I did, and I love that movie, as well. It would seem that we are not all that far away from actually having the equipment to do what was shown in the movie.

I like Christopher Walken, as an actor, and enjoy most of the movies he has been in.


What I am looking for via the process here in this thread, is building a set of stepping stones to understanding the dynamics of time. Not mankind's definition of time, but what time really may be...

We both know that merely by "saving" a particular experience in time, is not traveling through time.

However, are the dynamics similar to how time functions ?

Has the memory of all time been recorded on some level that could be un-locked ?

Only that the "romantic" notion of your body traveling to another time without being changed in its mass...that is impossible. (IMO)

I DO agree that there are "alot" of problems associated with a "physical" body traveling through time ( and space ) for it to be realistic.

We covered this before with many "what-if" scenario's in other threads.

However, I don't know if I would say "physical" time travel is completely impossible, but more along the lines of highly improbable.

Even the with the slightest of probablities, still leaves the door open, and "not" entirely closed.

There are alot of strange things that do occur, and we dont know why.

In combination with the research of EVP work, it seems we could be provided with some crucial insights into how time functions.

EVP work doesnt require expensive equipment. I have an in-expensive recorder that would suffice for any EVP work.

It is a matter of time, and willingness to wander around strange ( spooky ) places in the middle of the night, that has prevented me from a more in-depth pursuit of this type of investigative work.

We did do some ghost hunting when I lived in Whittier, and got caught in a graveyard around 2 AM, and it was very difficult to convince the police that we were NOT under the influence of mind altering substances, or just plain nut-jobs, and felt lucky to be able to have left the graveyard as free citizens.

I played around the house with my recorder. To be honest, I don't know if I would want to hear any "ghostly" voices recorded on it. In any other place, besides MY house, is fine. And if any ghostly voices did get recorded "in" my home, I don't know if I'd want to encourage any further activity.

Know what I mean ?


I wish I had the funds to carry out such an investigation (buy the right equipment and sustain myself while doing such work, essentially unfunded). It would be a lot of fun for an engineer like me, and I would hazard to guess for a lot of other people whose living is made in real science.

IF any voices ( conscious responses ) did get captured on a little, inexpensive recorder, I am sure either one of us would find a way to take it up a few notches, with many goals in mind, not merely just an answer to the " life after death " question.

Self-verification of ghostly interaction(s) would be a major break-through for what kind of role "time" plays in the scheme of existence.

As with the woman in the train station, she believes herself to be existing within a specific time period, what are the researchers to her?

And if she can interact with the researchers in a conscious manner, what type of impact would there be with an exchange of information between researchers and a ghost stuck in time ?
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Glad to have you back, OvrLrdLegion/Kerr. I believe your posts stir the kind of thinking that this particular forum is really all about (or supposed to be about). And this thought of yours highlights exactly that:

What I am looking for via the process here in this thread, is building a set of stepping stones to understanding the dynamics of time. Not mankind's definition of time, but what time really may be...

Much more interesting to discuss and ponder this, IMO, rather than some folks who post here thinking they've got time all figured out, and so go on to post gloom and doom stories of what lies in our future. I changed my signature line awhile back to highlight exactly what Joe Strummer means by this line. I think it is pertinent!

Has the memory of all time been recorded on some level that could be un-locked ?

Resurrecting our previous thoughts from threads long past... I like it! And now I see where you are going with this.

However, I don't know if I would say "physical" time travel is completely impossible, but more along the lines of highly improbable.

Even the with the slightest of probablities, still leaves the door open, and "not" entirely closed.

You are, of course, absolutely correct...and "my bad" for using that word impossible. Even thermodynamics says as much (i.e expresses the viability of an energetic process in terms of its probabilities). Thanks for that!

EVP work doesnt require expensive equipment. I have an in-expensive recorder that would suffice for any EVP work.

It is a matter of time, and willingness to wander around strange ( spooky ) places in the middle of the night, that has prevented me from a more in-depth pursuit of this type of investigative work.

Well, I tend to believe the amount/quality of equipment you need depends upon your objective. If you are merely trying to satisfy your own curiosity, and "prove" things to yourself, then a recorder might work. If you are actually trying to correlate data to come to conclusions, you would need cross-correlating information which would come from alternate/complementary sensors. As an example: In addition to an audio recorder, we would probably want an instrument that could identify electromagnetic changes in the area, and perhaps also thermal gradients. If you could correlate "spikes" (or even "real voices") on the recorder with similar "spikes" or activities in the e/m and/or thermal spectrums, then you are collecting cross-correlating information. This is why hard science can be so costly. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

IF any voices ( conscious responses ) did get captured on a little, inexpensive recorder, I am sure either one of us would find a way to take it up a few notches, with many goals in mind, not merely just an answer to the " life after death " question.

Self-verification of ghostly interaction(s) would be a major break-through for what kind of role "time" plays in the scheme of existence.

True, but at the same time this is the same level that I see being done on the "for entertainment" style TV shows. Single media recording can, indeed, be great for convincing oneself. But given we are interested in TIME, then if we only have one form of energy recorded during this anomalous event, then this limits anything further we could correlate it to post-facto. If we REALLY want to bust the hard science wide open, instead of just convince ourselves like the TV shows, then it is my opinion such an effort should commit itself to collection of cross-correlating data from multiple energy spectra.

Let me give a more mundane example from my profession to exhibit how science is focused on cross-correlating effects: Many things can affect the performance of an airplane, with the atmosphere that the airplane is flying through as the biggest effect-producer. Aerodynamicists are primarily focused on the PRESSURE field around an air vehicle. That is what leads to Lift and Drag generation. But we also are aware, from a simple and useful physical relation, that things other than pressure come into play. That physical relation is known as the Ideal Gas Law. It looks like this:

Pressure = Density*(Gas Constant)*Temperature

So the pressure field around an airplane is ALSO AFFECTED by the type of fluid (usually air, but this is embodied in the Gas Constant), as well as the Density and the Temperature of that fluid. Hence, when we run wind tunnel tests, our primary instruments are pressure devices reading the pressures at various points around the wing, fuselage, tail etc. But we also measure temperatures because, with the combination of pressure and temperature, we can infer what the air density is doing. Abrupt changes in air density can have just as large an aerodynamic effect on a vehicle as can, say, a deformed wing flap, or some damage to the aerodynamic shape of an airplane.

Hard science takes lots of data from different energy spectra and seeks to show how correlations between the differing data can be shown to adhere to some theoretical law, expressed in physical terms using the language of mathematics.

Understand what I am saying?
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

I have a question for you sir, if you ran your hand through a pool of water do you think you could figure exactly were your hand ran through days later?
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

I agree with and understand what you are saying...

A simple recording device would be for self-inquiry, only. Additonal equipment would be required for additional information ( values ) necessary to try and resolve multiple questions.

I.E., merely making a statement such as those written in the Hermes writings: " Time is movement that is in a state of fixation -- Time is the FORCE that holds events seperate --- Time is not in motion " does not provide any sufficent solution(s) to the problem(s).

The statement(s) would need to be backed up by an equation or three, to prove the assumption(s) to be valid.

With the ghost phenomenon, we still face many problem(s), once again, assuming the woman story is true, just because she "thinks" she is the 1940's, still does not establish that indeed she is.

If she is able to communicate with us, then she may still moving through time, and may be existing on a different level of frequency, no where near the 1940's. Without the numbers, these statements are concepts--only. Hard facts must be constructed around the "phenomenon" before claiming exactly what dynamics are in play.

We can guess, but thats all it would ever be, a guess, until it can be " expressed in physical terms using the language of mathematics".

Even by proving her to be real, still does not necessarily provide any additional solutions as to the definition of time, but may only open the door for more complications.

Prove It ! has taken on a whole new meaning.

Note: wasn't quite ready to take on the Space-Time-Mass thing yet. Jumped the gun on that, and thus I felt compelled to edit the content of this post.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

I have a question for you sir, if you ran your hand through a pool of water do you think you could figure exactly were your hand ran through days later?

I have given your question alot of thought, satown, and my answer is this: If "you" ran "your" hand through a pool of water, do "you" think "you" could figure out where "your" hand ran through a few days later ?

Obviously, the answer you expect me to provide, will result with a conversation that slips into a definition of terms. By you answering your own question, provides me with an idea of what you have in mind.

Then...once your intentions are understood, I will either agree or disagree, and state the reasons behind my decisions.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Obviously, the answer you expect me to provide, will result with a conversation that slips into a definition of terms.


Good job. The answer definitely involves defining what a pool of water means. You can arbitrarily define a coordinate system that covers the surface of the pool, put your hand in the water and record the coordinates.

But that would apply to any coordinate system, pool of water or the middle of the intersection of State and A streets.

If the question involves the configuration space of the water itself, a thermodynamic problem, then the question makes no sense. One water molecule is pretty much like every other water molecule. One can't fully describe the state of the pool of water, except statistically, even before running a hand through it. It isn't even theoretically possible to define the configuration space of all those molecules. ';)