The Key Of Time

Re: The Key Of Time = Commentary


The following is a small piece of the study on Ezekiel. It is taken somewhat out of context but the general gist of the study is there. Remember, this was written very hastily by me more than 35 years ago so it does not contain things understood since then. I was primarily trying to show the physical side of the Bible:

A little known woman writing in the middle 1840’s wrote that the heavenly sanctuary “was vast and glorious in comparison with the earthly sanctuary which was but a ‘faint reflection’.” It’s vastness can only be dimly viewed. This sanctuary held—at least—millions upon millions of angel who did the bidding of Christ and the Father. According to the Bible, the earthly sanctuary was built upon a “pattern” which was given to Moses. It was also seen by others in vision. The question here arises, can mortal man behold the glorious heavenly sanctuary with all of it’s inner workings and be able to adequately describe it? In fact—which I will prove later--mortal men could not describe it adequately, so they had to be shown a pattern which described, at least symbolically, the workings therein. In other words, the earthly sanctuary was made after a pattern which was not the true sanctuary but a symbolic pattern which could only be understood in simultudes such as: “like the appearance of brass, like the Son of Man”, etc Our understanding thus far about the sanctuary service is predicated on our belief that there were two apartments in an actual building located in some heavenly sphere. Although we can glean a great deal of knowledge from this “pattern”, it is obvious that it is just a prelude to greater knowledge and truth that can be gleaned from a new view of old truth.
There are many other “proofs” and if the reader will be patient, you will see the chain of truth. First, let us discuss the furniture. Without getting into all of the explanations of their value—which must be reexamined in view of the new truth—let me just summarize by saying that each piece had a symbolic meaning that had it’s counterpart in reality. For example, Christ is seen as walking among the golden candlesticks. The seven candlesticks are said to be the seven churches or the seven angels to the seven churches or the seven spirits. Without going into a lot of detail, this brings up a lot of questions. If, as we believe, that the seven churches of Revelation refer to the churches throughout time(ending with Laodicea), then these golden candlesticks cover the entire history of the church in all it’s forms. If these churches represent all of history, then Christ is seen as walking among them throughout time. Now this is not an unusual concept for us to understand, because we see Christ as “the Beginning and the End” or the “Alpha and the Omega” and ministering to us until the end of the world. However, when you view this in a physical way, you must make the conclusion that the heavenly sanctuary existed not only in a linear time-sense , but in the same sense that Christ and the Father exist—that is, “Before Abraham WAS, I AM.” What I am saying here is that the heavenly sanctuary contains many of the same attributes of Divine Being. The sanctuary may not be a “place” so much as it is a living process. In fact, this is exactly what it is and there is ample proof in the Bible that God’s holy mountain, Mount Zion, and the heavenly sanctuary are one and the same, and do not exist apart from God but are intricately intertwined with the ministry of Christ, the workings of the known universe, and is a sanctuary for God. Even further than this, I can state with absolute certainty that the three great laws are unified in the sanctuary; i.e., the Ten Commandment Law, the law of nature (gravity, physics, etc) and the law of Moses or the moral law of ordinances representing righteousness by faith
Thus far we have seen two aspects of the sanctuary that we must take into consideration when trying to understand what God would have us know concerning these last times. It is written that the Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached to all the world, then the end will come. Up to this point in time, the Gospel has not been preached to the extent that it must. We only know that there is a heaven with all kinds of wonderful things in it and that all we have to do is accept Christ by faith and step forth in that faith and we will inherit this wonderful heaven of which we know so little. This faith has been absolutely necessary to prepare the individual to face evil in all it’s forms and come through triumphant—not in ourselves lest we should boast—but in Christ Jesus. But more faith is needed for what is to come upon the world as an overwhelming surprise—not only to the unbelieving world but to God-fearing Christians as well. The woman I mentioned earlier also wrote, “to this day, there are still aspects of truth which are dimly seen—connections that are not understood and far-reaching depths in the Law of God that are uncomprehended. There is immeasurable breadth, dignity, and glory in the Law of God, and the religious world has set aside this law in favor of traditions and the commandments of men.”
As I mentioned early on, the one aspect of the sanctuary which has received little attention is the subject of the Holy Shekinah. Since learning of it’s qualities, the entire Bible has revolved around the truths involved. In short, the Bible is an entirely new book. An entirely different light is placed on all of the books and a new purpose is revealed. Before I get into an actual study of the Holy Shekinah, I would like to state what we are looking for and put forth what I have come to understand about it and it’s implications. The things uncovered are vast and complex and cannot be stated in a sentence or a paragraph unless we are satisfied with terms we already understand to some extent such as righteousness by faith, imputed and imparted righteousness, etc. My intent is to reveal the reality and not the theory; to place additional light upon our pathway; and—above all—to raise the standard and repair the breach. We need to unify in the three angel’s messages of Daniel 8 and this is a unifying message when it is understood in it’s entirely. It gives us an understanding of God’s nature, His Government and our purpose in it’s workings.
We all know that our Heavenly Father—through Christ—desires us to have peace, love abundant life, and eternal life. He places all things at our disposal and even the universe itself is to become ours to govern if we remain faithful and overcome to the end. While the entire Christian world is preaching impending doom, a little know verse forecasts hope. Jesus tells us in Chapter 24 of Matthew that there shall be wars and rumors of wars. It is a primary concern of many concerning nuclear war and the ever increasing scale of conventional war around the world. But the next verse says, “be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” The very angels of God are holding back the four winds in order that the Kingdom of God be preached to all the world. Then and only then will the end come. The Kingdom of God has been a secret until now. The psalmist states in Psalms 27:5, “in the time of trouble He shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of His Tabernacle shall he hide me.” Matthew 24:15 states “when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place.” The secret of His Pavilion and the Holy Place are one and the same. The question arises—is this simply a faith procedure or does it have physical applications as well? The answer to this question contains far more than we can imagine! We have to go to the visions of the prophets to find out about this secret place. However, the key to the visions can only be found in one prophet alone. That prophet is Ezekiel. In the book of Ezekiel is revealed all the mysteries.
It is not coincidence that Ezekiel was shown things in a time that closely parallels our time. He was shown the abominations that were occurring in the very temple of God and among the leaders. Some were crying for Tammuz, secretly worshiping idols, worshipping animals, and worshipping the sun. The basest of iniquity was being practiced behind religious doors. But prior to showing Ezekiel these things, he was taken into vision and shown things of a most startling nature. Let us now take up this most amazing study.
The first thing that Ezekiel saw was a whirlwind come out of the North. This was no normal whirlwind. As a matter of fact, the word used here for whirlwind is the same word used when God breathed life into Adam and Eve. It also has connotations about spirit and the quickening of understanding. This tempest was seen as coming from the North. Strong’s Concordance defines this as a hidden or secret place which is covered. What this tells us at the outset is that Ezekiel is seeing the agency through which God gives life and maintains it. But more importantly, it is coming from the secret place of God—namely the Holy of Holies. This is the REAL sanctuary in Heaven. What follows is probably the most important aspect of our study because a principle is involved that has it’s counterpart in nature and is the only yardstick we can use to identify the nature of the principle involved. First, I will discuss the laws of nature involved. These laws have only within the last few years even begun to be understood. The theories involved have been around for many years but have not been proven to any extent until now. Even now, the proof has raised more questions than it has resolved. What I’m talking about is the nature and laws involving the motions of the heavenly bodies, their effect on one another, the atomic structure and the amazing forces that keep things together, and all the other forces involved—namely the functions of light and matter, gravity, and all the other forms of energy. The entire vision of Ezekiel discusses these things—not in the framework of nature, but in the framework of the workings of the Government of God!! Each agency employed in the government of God has it’s counterpart or “image” in the world of nature. Truly, “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.”
One of the most amazing discoveries of science is the so call “black hole phenomenon.” This occurs when a normal star runs our of nuclear fuel(hydrogen). The star, which is comprised primarily of gasses and are highly unstable when the nuclear forces cease to operate because of lack of fuel. The remaining gasses and other materials begin to collapse upon one another and rush towards the center at speeds approaching that of light (186,282 miles per second). This creates such friction and heat that the by-product of hydrogen fission(helium), starts a thermonuclear furnace(fusion) and produces a star that is vastly smaller. This is called a neutron star. It has fuel enough to burn for perhaps several billion years, but when it’s fuel is finally exhausted, the imploding process begins again. This time, however, there is nothing to stop it’s collapse. The nuclear forces which prevented it’s collapse now do not exist because the fuel is spent. What now happens is the “black hold phenomenon.” The mass that was once a sun perhaps millions of miles across is now compressed into an area probably thousands, if not hundreds of miles across. This sun is now so dense and the gravity so powerful, that light itself cannot escape. It that was all there was to it, nothing important occurs. But that is not all that happens. Some very strange things occur. Firstly, the space around the “black hole” becomes “twisted” in a strange kind of way. It is said that the gravity is so powerful, that the sun ceases to exist in space as we know it. Some kind of “wormhole” effect occurs and the sun exists in another “dimension” of which we cannot measure. Even time itself is warped and twisted so that it ceases to exist in a linear fashion. Some postulate that these may be “gates” to other dimensions or worlds. It is no coincidence that the Bible asks us to enter within the gates. Scientists tell us that this phenomenon is occurring on the microscopic level as well as the macroscopic. In fact, they mention the possibility that the blackness that we see at night surrounding the stars may indeed be a giant black hole in which we are traveling towards a destination we know nothing of. What we are talking about here is the possibility that this is the medium through which the Godhead ministers to the universe. The Bible tells us of the timelessness and the vastness of Heaven This medium reveals to us the nature of the Godhead as revealed in nature. Does the inspired word indicate anything that describes this process? The next few verses of Ezekiel has a surprisingly similar description!
After seeing the whirlwind come out of the north, Ezekiel saw a great cloud. The word “great” not only means very large, but there is also a twisting which has something to do with why it is great. The word “cloud” is the same word used for the covering cloud which covers the glory of the Holy Shekinah or the angels which cover the glory overshadowing the mercy seat. In other words, the entire structure of clouds which cover the majesty of God within is “twisted” so that it may exist outside of the framework of time and space. The next verse confirms this somewhat. What he saw next was a fire infolding itself. The fire is easy enough to explain. God has manifested Himself in the burning bush, the pillar of fire, the cloudy pillar, etc. The infolding of this fire signifies that the fire is folding in upon itself. The concordance also states that it has the qualities that sieze, grab, or win. This is also a phenomenon of the black hole.
The next word of interest is also found just in Ezekiel. The prophet saw in the “midst” of the infolding fire “as the color of amber.” The word midst means that a bisection was made for the benefit of the prophet so that he could “see” into the infolding fire to see it’s qualities. Otherwise, it would have been invisible to him because amber is a polished spectrum metal that has some very interesting qualities indeed.. First, amber is transluscent. In other words it diffuses light so that what is behind it is hidden. Second, it is a spectrum metal which means light or the components of an emission or wave is separated and arranged much like the rainbow is displayed after being separated by a prism. It also does the same with the electromagnetic forces as well as radio sources. It is no wonder that the rainbow surrounds the throne of God!
The next verse gets into the four living creatures that are in the midst of the fire. The prophet uses the word “likeness” to describe the creatures which were the “likeness of man”. The concordance describes this likeness as a model or shape. The word for man is Adam. Therefore this means the model of Adam. Each of these creatures had four faces and no matter which direction you faced these creatures, you always faced the same side. It would seem that no matter which direction these creatures traveled, they always had the same face forward and they have the peculiar quality of traveling in a straight line which is a characteristic of radiation. The word for face is also the same word used for shewbread which is part of the sanctuary service. Each also had four wings which may not be wings in the normal sense but rather edges or extremities of not just a bird but probably an army. These may be the extremities of the army of Heaven which is part of the Government of God, but more likely (according the the verses following), they have a great deal to do with the creation of life and are actual elements of life itself. Further study bears this out in a remarkable way. However, since chemistry is not a very strong point of mine, I will have to stick to the facts and leave it to a further study. The implication of the next few verses would warrant a strong investigation. The word used for feet also has a strong connection to sexual organs or “pudenda” as the concordance puts it. The fact that they sparkled like burnished brass places additional light on the subject. Burnished means that light was placed on the brass which is largely copper with some zinc. Copper has some important qualities. It is chiefly univalent and bivalent. What this means is that when univalent, it has a valence of one or the capacity to combine with another to form a different element. Being bivalent, which is the next step in the chain, means it has a valence of two and is associated in pairs in snyapsis concerning synaptic chromosomes. Synapsis concerns the association of homologous chromosomes or chromosomes ehich have the same relative value or structure with chiasma formation(fusion and exchange of segments of chromatids between members of a bivalent during meiosis), characteristic of the first meiotic prophase(the complex sequence of nuclear changes resulting tn the production of cells like gametes), and the mechanism for crossing over. This sounds very complicated and gets much more complicated. These are but the first steps in creating life.
In verse eight, it talks of hands of a man under their wings. The hands denote power, means and direction of the human species. Now if we suppose as mentioned before that the wings denote the extremeties of armies, then here we may have some significance as to whether these creatures have something to do with controlling the four winds which in turn denote the armies of the world. Their wings were joined meaning that the four acted as one unit. The concordance implies a closeness bordering on coupling. When they traveled, they did not revolve but went straight forward in the sense of crossing a gulf. This sounds exactly like the effects of radiation in that it only travels in one direction. In reference to crossing over a gulf, this may be the means by which an object travels from one point of the universe to another without having to circumnavigate the gulf in between. This implies instantaneous interstellar travel! Further study makes this much more plausible.
Now as for the resemblance of their faces. One was the face of mankind. Another was of a violently pierced lion. Obviously, this has some reference to the Lion of Judah who was pierced for our sakes. The ox has something to do with traveling (around a wall) and there is some joy involved because the traveler is singing. The eagle, of course has a great deal of meaning. Speed is one of it’s attributes, but it also has something to do with tenderness, love and compassion.
Verse 11 speaks of their wings being stretched upward. The word stretched means to break through or spread or separate oneself. Upward means to ascend up at once or to shoot up. Thus, when the wings were stretched upward, they surprisingly describe the effect a black hole would have on an object—namely stretching to infinity and occupying one or more spaces simultaneously. Verse 12 says they went straight forward; whither the spirit was to go they went. The word whither has reference both to time and place or space as well as to whom, to what, how when and where. The spirit again refers to the whirlwind or the breath of life. So these creatures were under the direct control of the whirlwind and went where, when, how, to whomever and to whatever the spirit dictated and they did not deviate al all or “turned not” when they went. Verse 13 gets into the appearance of the creatures as opposed to their substance. The word appearance denotes a view, whether real, a shape, a vision or a pattern of the thing seen. By implication, what the prophet was seeing was “looking through a glass darkly” at something he couldn’t possibly understand, but the mental vision of the pattern gave him the words to use in describing it.
Their appearance was “like burning coals of fire”. The word like denoted manner, time and relation to the burning coal of fire. The burning coal of fire represents the consuming fire of which God is described and travels all around and up and down among the living creatures. The fire was bright meaning that it not only caused the creatures to shine like Moses did when coming down from the mount, but it also illuminated them with knowledge, spirit and power. Out of this fire went forth lightning which was the means by which the creatures could run and return as the flash of lightning. The lightning cast the creatures back and forth doing the bidding of the spirit. This means that these creatures traveled at the speed of light and therefore traveled instantaneously to whatever point of space and time the spirit desired. The book of John 1:51 states, hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. Here then is the means by which the angels ascend and descend! It is also the ladder that Jacob saw in vision!
Verse 15 says that as he beheld the creatures, he saw a wheel upon the earth by the living creatures. Now this perhaps one of the most difficult subjects; because of such varying interpretations. Some feel that this represents each of the aspects of life on our world. In other words, the smallest wheel interacts with the the next larger wheel which is the individual having an effect on others around him while they interact upon others and eventually affecting the entire world. I feel that these wheels represent the workings of atomic particles representing matter and their structure. There is some evidence to show that this is so. Verse 15 shows the prophet seeing one wheel upon the earth. The one wheel signifies a united one. In other wheels, while there were wheels besides each creature, they were joined together much like the wings of the creatures were joined. We have all see the symbol of nuclear particles and they appear as a wheel within a wheel. Now, in Verse 16, “the appearance of the wheels and their workings was like unto the colour of beryl.” The element beryl or beryllium has some very interesting qualities. If you were to represent beryl as a nuclear symbol, it would have four wheels because it consists of four particles. We already discussed elements #1 & 2—namely hydrogen and helium—in the workings of the black hole. Element #3(lithium) is also part of the nuclear fission and fusion process. Beryl consists of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum. Here again we have some basic building blocks of life and an increased ability in the elements involved to combine or react with similar or homologous substances. The biggest difference with these elements is that they have the ability to interact with antigens which are usually proteins or carbohydrate substances such as toxins or enzymes. They are also amorphous, meaning there is no shape and they are malleable and ductile meaning that they can be shaped. Even with the most limited chemistry background, we know that life cannot be produced without proteins, amino acids, enzymes and the like. Here again we are being shown the steps involved in the creation of life. Verse 18 states that the rings were so high that they were dreadful and the rings were full of eyes. Here we have the first inkling of the power which keeps the particles as represented by the rings for it is only the speed of the particle around a center that gives the appearance of a ring. The rings were “high” meaning that they reached into the heavens themselves—right to the throne of God. Being dreadful is the same as fear—not in the sense of fright but of reverence. The eyes are nothing more than the very presence of God within the rings, or more appropriately, the ministry of Christ and the Father. Some may say that this is pantheistic, but it is not. God’s presence exists at angles to the space of the rings and is the power that keeps it from collapsing. The particles are created by God. He upholds all things by the power of His Arm.
Verses 19 through 21 tell of the fact that without the power of the wheels, the creatures went nowhere for “the spirit of the creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures “stood” meaning ascended, the power of the wheels “stood” also; and when the creatures “went” meaning vanishing for the, again the wheels “vanished forth”. Verse 22 shows the order in which these creatures appear in the government of God for above their heads was the Terrible Crystal. The word terrible means the same as reverence or fear of God and the crystal is the same Sea of Glass seen by John the Revelator. This Sea of Glass is mingled with fire which, of course, represents the consuming fire of God. Verse 24 speaks of noise “like the noise of great waters”. The great waters represent the same “rain” that fell on the disciples at Pentecost accompanied by rushing noise and the “tongues of fire” that descended upon each of the followers and quickened their understanding by the very same spirit that attended the creatures and upheld the power of the wheels. Verse 26 shows that God’s throne was above the sea of glass or terrible crystal. The appearance of the throne was like a sapphire stone. This sapphire seems to be the final process in the creation of life and is somehow connected to the terrible crystal beneath it. Sapphire is consisted of aluminum oxide which is made of a binary compound of oxygen with an element or radical(a root part, basic principle or foundation). In the process of oxidizing, the oxygen dehydrogenates. That is, the enzyme dehydrogenase accelerates the removal of hydrogen from metabolites. Metabolites are the product of metabolism which is the sum of the processes in the building up and destruction of protoplasm incidental to life; specifically the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities. END OF STUDY OF FIRST CHAPTER OF EZEKIEL
Ezekiel is a very interesting read. Very important information disclosed within its text. Your in-depth research on the connections are fantastic. I had to read it over a few times to allow the material to sink in.

What is becoming apparent as one closes in on specific truths, regarding the essence of creation, one also begins to enter into a realm where words don't accurately describe the proceedings, or those revelations that become clear.

The symbology that is linked to much of the material involved in our study, has taken on an entirely different meaning in the last few weeks. These symbols are no longer merely ink on paper, but they are halographic in nature.

I have also become aware of the caution that must be exercised when peering around the door, as it begins to open. Throwing the doorway wide open certainly would require one to be strong, or disaster would be the outcome of seeing in full view, that which is hidden behind this doorway of which I speak.

Time Travel is possible.

The veils or obstacles that one must overcome are what makes the possibility of time travel, virtually impossible for any man.
1. There existed no matter, only force
2. A movement
3. A vortex of vibration
4. In the beginning, there was eternal thought
5. For thought to be eternal, time must exist
6. INTO the thought grew the Law of Time
7. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation
8. Time is the FORCE that holds events separate
9. Time is not in motion
10. Your consciousness moves from one event to another
11. Eternal One Existence
13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.
14. Time moves through strange angles
15. Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space
16. "Light" is the goal you seek to attain
17. Find at the source, the End of your goal.

I was looking at these statements written on this tablet. And it seemed that I have read similar statements before. So off into the library I went and found the Gospel of Thomas.

Now compare these to statements by Jesus in The Gospel of Thomas to what the Tablet of Hermes mentions.

1. For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one.
2. Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.
3. Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end
4. Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."
5.Jesus said, "Congratulations to those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again."
6.If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"
7.Jesus said, "Images are visible to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light."
8.Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you will become children of Adam.

Alot of information is given in these statements. Some of that information stands out.


3. Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end.---Gospel of Thomas

17. Find at the source, the End of your goal.--- Tablet of Hermes
4. Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female...--- Gospel of Thomas

8.Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you will become children of Adam.---Gospel of Thomas

11. Eternal One Existence --- Tablet of Hermes
13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.--- Tablet of Hermes

6.If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.--- Gospel of Thomas

7. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation
8. Time is the FORCE that holds events separate
9. Time is not in motion --- Tablet of Hermes


One of the bits of information really caught my attention...

5.Jesus said, "Congratulations to those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it.... and .... you will return there again ."
So how can we define or describe time? According to these texts, time is defined as ...

7. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation
8. Time is the FORCE that holds events separate
9. Time is not in motion

If time itself is NOT in motion, but in a state of fixation, then time itself is but ONE. Not a string of dates on the calender.

So what would we be traveling through?

10. Your consciousness moves from one event to another.
13. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent.

The traveling would be through consciousness, from one event to another. In time we are seperate, but we are ONE in ALL TIMES existent.
It looks like OvrLrd found a "back door" means to mess around with the "time base" of the TTI forums!
I know what he did, and saw the effect. Does anyone else?

BTW, OvrLrd, I for one would love to hear about your progress along this line. Care to share? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

New/Improved RMT
Manipulation of time my dear friend, RainmanTime?

As far as progress is concerned, I believe you know that I am confident you understand my position with my sentiments regarding posting further information regarding the data contained within this thread.

The progress is merely built upon the foundations woven within the tapestry of information already presented. The progress I mentioned is merely an extension of what has been revealed.
The webs we weave to achieve specific goals, despite the nature of the wandering mind?

Merely an adjustment of the lens, my friend.

Know what I mean?
Know what I mean?

You know what I mean.

I always wonder why there are so many people that want to talk about "time travel" but so few people who wish to talk about what Time really is to begin with.

Whistling past the graveyard, maybe?

I mentioned in one of these posts, perhaps deleted, that in the pursuit of truth, sacrifice is required.

What sacrifice I am referring to---may be different for each of us.

I have realized that to immerse oneself into specific "harmonics", that one must also adjust their own "harmonics" to achieve a sychronicity with the frequencies of creation.

The Key to "tuning in" ( so to speak ); is mentioned in various faiths around the globe. Too bad man has to complicate everything, the message buried beneath twisted reason and logic.

Some things are just as they are, and mere words humanity uses to argue upon these truths only creates diffusion and confusion of the reality of truth.

And also gives birth to the extremists that grasp unto the babblings to manipulate those with blind eyes, and use faith as a foundation for their own blindness and hate.

Funny how those that hate the most, will end up experiencing that which they hate, >>>> longer <<<<< than those that can "see" and realize that hate doesnt create a progressive foundation for ascension.

To the extremists, you arent gaining anything, but a longer sentence of hatred. So to you, the haters, you dont scare "us" ( the "us" doesnt mean the United States ); instead, "we" merely shake our heads with an understanding of what you are doing to "yourself". "We" know what your future holds, and that IS frightening, not for "us", but for "you".

To those that predict a horrific future, it isnt like this is a suprise. And the situation that is predicted DOES have its options available to those who "know".

To those who "see" the truth, "hear" the truth, and have sacrificed those things as required to "harmonize", it will be good.

Time Travel, it can be done, however, a vast majority of humanity will never be able to do it, because of the same reasons why "a" horrific future, that has been foretold, will more than likely come to pass.

Such is the symphony of life.

There is a small number of musicians in the band, but there sure is a huge crowd as the audience.

Wonder what our future would be like if everyone realized they are "musicians" as well, and dont have to "sit in the seats" and merely watch as the music is played ?
Such is the symphony of life.

There is a small number of musicians in the band, but there sure is a huge crowd as the audience.
I've always been thankful for those musicians who were playing in the band before I was called to play. They helped me hear the beauty of the music of Nature-al Creation. And they encouraged me to pick up an instrument, learn to play it, and join in with the band! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Time is merely a perception of the non-physical bodies. It is not "real" outside of its integrated nature with Mass and Space. "Reality" can only be described by a single (One) integrated mixture of Time, with Mass, with Space. It's a Matrix. It's THE Matrix.

Doing great work with this thread, OvLrd. Keep it up, for the sake of those who haven't decided to join the band!

Amen, Brother Ray!

A little something I feel like writing...

I like to prospect for Gold. I found a great spot near a small Southern California Town named Silverado. Taking a particular trail into the hills, there is place that the water flows underneath the canopy of some old oak trees. The mountains in the distance are silently defiant against time, which is slowly working away on their magnificence.

I would scoop some gravel in a gold pan and work the material for awhile, then relax and ponder various subjects, enjoying the scents in the gentle, comfortable breeze. The leaves overhead singing songs of joy, and birds chirping in agreement. The clear, cool water bubbling on its journey down the hillside. The day would pass by, and I would pack up the pans, and anything else I brought with me. And home I would go...

The first question that is asked when I tell of looking for gold in the mountains is this..." Did you find any Gold " ?

My response is..." Yes, I did "!!!

When asked to break out the gold so it can be viewed, I have to let them know that the "gold" I found, doesnt fit into a bag, box or crate.

When I spoke of finding gold 'in them thar mountains', I wasnt speaking about a mineral. I was talking about the "experience" of becoming one with nature. ( and becoming aware of so much more )

And the riches gained from the gold I have found on many journeys, is far greater than any digits on a balance sheet.

I know from making a few journeys with you, Ray, to a place with tons of gold , you know exactly what Gold I speak of...
In my research regarding the Key of Time, something has come to my attention.

I have been finding mention of the Lords of the Cylces in several writings, and it struck me as interesting that they are supposed to be 7 in number.

In wondering who they might be, as I am sure they are mentioned elsewhere in other esoteric/theological/mystical documentation/legends, one group of 7 came to mind.

In Christianity, we have 7 Key figures.

1. Father
2. Son
3. Holy Spirit
4. Michael
5. Gabriel
6. Raphael
7. Uriel

Are they the 7 Lords of the Cycles?

A more complete description of each Angel....

Michael ---

"Who is as God"

The greatest of angels, chief of the orders of virtues and archangels, prince of presents ( Hmmmm...reference to time ? ), repentance, rightousness, mercy, sanctification, conqueror of the Dragon, known as Sabbathiel. Key Holder of Heaven.

Gabriel ---

"God is my strength"

He is the angel who stands to the left hand of God, the angel of resurrection, mercy, vengence, death, revelations. He presides over Paradise, the spirit of truth, angel of war.

Raphael ---

"God had healed"

Labbiel. One who watches, guide of the underworld, regent of the sun, governer of the south, guardian of the west, guardian of the tree of life, angel of healing, angel of the Sun.

Uriel ---

The Flame of God, regent of the sun, archangel of salvation, watcher of thunder and terror, repentance, interpreter of prophecies and dreams, disclosure of the mysteries of the heavenly arcane. Angel of the constellations.


In reading the descritions of each of these Angels ( energies ), many specific words could be changed to mean something else entirely.


Reading an earlier post of Ezekeil...some descriptions stood out as I was pondering upon these 4 ( Four ) Angels...

4. And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north, a huge cloud and a flaming fire with a brightness around it; and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.
5. And from its midst was the likeness of four living beings , and this is their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
6. And [each] one had four faces, and [each] one had four wings.
7. And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like a round foot, and they sparkled like the color of burnished copper.
8. And human hands were beneath their wings on their four sides, and their faces and their wings were [the same] to all four of them .

Hmmmmm....4 ?

A connection to these 4 from Ezekeil and Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.

It sure becomes interesting how many connections just keep popping

Bob, you did a paper on Ezekeil, from what you know of these 4 Angels, anything you can compare to their individual attributes and the behaviour of those 4 that Ezekeil witnessed ?

I think there is much more to this than what is written, or at first perceived when read. I believe much is hidden behind the obvious.

note: I wrote this very late at night, so it may not be written all that well. Also the material presented in this post are merely ponderings...posted to allow others to also ponder and possibly make any connections that I havent seen......yet.
for me

time = movement

time is a measure.

"time" is used to measure "movement".

if there is no movement, there is no time. time passes by because everything is moving. but is it possible to stop the movement of the particles?
for me
Time = movement--------time is a measure.
(1) "time" is used to ,measure "movement".
(2) If there is no movement, there is no time. time passes by because everything is moving.
(3) Is it possible to stop the movement of the particles?

(1) Measured by whom ? And who defines the "measurement" of Time ?

If you understand Creation, you will realize there is an absolute measurement of time followed by ALL, but NOT as understood by most of humanity, with regards to the eternal/infinite nature of The Creator.

So far, 99.9 % of any definitions that relate to "what time it is"...has been contrived by humanity. Now this doesnt mean it isnt needed to function as a society, but as far as what "time" may be in itself, is a matter of perception( in this reflection of existence ). An hour to you, may be like two hours to me.

The digitized passage of time really doesnt matter in such a case. It is the perception of the event itself that governs the perceived duration of time.

(2) Really? Can you expand on this thought?

(3) It may be possible, but in regards to our quest to understand the basics of time, and to possibly travel through time, this question shouldnt be given alot of

I need to remind you, that words make it difficult to convey a complete concept, especially with a topic such as time. The list below is only an outline. There is so much more behind every word, every ideal, that it would take alot of time and text to try and convey an understanding to you of something that, for me, has taken many years of study, discipline, experiences, and travel to even begin to understand basic ideals regarding "time" and how it fits into the scheme of all things, seen and unseen, known and unknown.

1. In the beginning, there was eternal thought
2. For thought to be eternal, time must exist
3. INTO the thought grew the Law of Time
4. Time is movement that is in a state of fixation
5. Time is the FORCE that holds events seperate
6. Time is not in motion
7. Your consciousness moves from one event to another
8. Eternal One Existence
9. Even though in Time you are separate, yet you are still One in all times existent

This is merely an outline of the nature of time, and unless one takes the time to study, reflect upon, and seek out the truth of these words, then these words will remain 2 dimensional, and mean nothing to you.

Jesus said it best...

10 The disciples came to Him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"

11 He replied, "To you it has been given to know the secrets and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

( Not by His choice or decision, but because of individual peoples choice to NOT accept the 'secrets and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven' )

12 Whoever has [spiritual {understanding}] will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have[spiritual {understanding}], even what he has will be taken from him.

13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand".

14 ...You shall indeed hear and hear, but never grasp and understand, and indeed you shall look and look but never see and perceive.

15. For this nation's heart has grown fat and dull, and their ears heavy and difficult of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, lest they see and perceive with their eyes, and hear and comprehend the sense with their ears, and grasp and understand with their hearts, and in turn and I shall heal them.

18 Listen then to the [meaning of the] parable of the sower....

I can tell you how to travel in time, but the mere telling wont mean anything. It is a discipline that requires sacrifice, and this is where most fail.

Such is the symphony of...
I am almost with ya.

Hello Time_Traveller:
for me

time = movement

time is a measure.

"time" is used to measure "movement".
I almost agree with what you are saying here. But I don't see time as "=" movement. Your last statement is closer to what I find as The Truth. Time is indeed something we use to MEASURE movement (I use the term Motion). That makes Time a METRIC of Motion. And by Motion we refer to a physical metric defined as Space per unit TIME. Velocity (and all of its derivatives). So we could say:

TIME = Metric(Motion) = Metric(Space/Time)...... Time is a metric on a Space-Time manifold!

But there is another half to the story which I feel you have omitted (or maybe just left it as implied by "movement"). You assumed that there is "something" that is doing the moving. Some body of Matter. Not only is Time a Metric(Motion) but it is equally a Metric(Matter). In fact, this is why I maintain that the Metric we call Time is literally DEFINED by differing measures of Matter in Motion. And so far, I have not seen anyone who can falsify that (in fact, this is a foundation of Einstein's desciption of physics... he defines SpaceTime metrics in a Minkowski 4-D spacetime).

And just as we can define Motion as being a mixture of Space per unit Time, we can also define Matter as being a mixture of Mass per unit Time. In physics this is known by the term Mass Flow Rate, with units of (Mass/Time). So now the other measurement that comprises what we think of as Time becomes:

TIME = Metric(Matter) = Metric(Mass/Time)......Time is a metric on a Mass-Time manifold!

This is a different metric of Time which does not care at all about Space. This metric defines how some body of Mass changes with respect to Time. It is a different kind of "motion" that we have come to call Mass Flow Rate. But now if we roll all of the above into a single "equation" that describes physical Time as a mixture of these two metrics, we get:

TIME = Metric(Matter) + Metric(Motion)........Time is an integrated metric of two manifolds interacting with each other: Matter-in-Motion!

Now... all of this is just how we physically define and measure Time. It's the science side of things. There is a much deeper meaning to the metric that Time represents. This deeper meaning relies on our ability to measure physical Time in some relative manner, but it is beyond physical in its scope. For this reason I define "Tense" as the mental projection of the physical metric we agree to call Time.

Where TIME is a metric in the physical universe of Matter in Motion, TENSE now becomes a metric within the aphysical "universe" of the human mind (or any other kind of mind, for that Matter!)

I'd suggest that TENSE is more in alignment with the deeper mysteries of Life & Creation that OvrLrd is referring to. Correct me if I am wrong?

Hey Thomas,

Actually, something did just jump out at me concerning the four creatures and it was the concept that I had remarked about in my short piece on Ezekiel. It was about the four faces and how no matter how hard we tried, we would only be able to perceive the one face which was facing us. No matter which tool we use, we cannot look beyond the veil. It is simply beyond our ability to "see" how one entity can have all these completely unique "worldviews" and still remain to our understanding as a single "person". In each one of those personas, a specific attribute was accentuated (the "fruits" of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, etc.), and in their fullness--to which a limited mind would have to perceive as a single individual. We cannot wrap our minds around a being that is fully all in all. Thus, He breaks down Himself to discrete units that we can understand, but there is no space of any kind between them. It is a single unit, and as far as we know, the only thing we can truly conceive of which is not enveloped in space. Space literally surrounds every thing in the universe--except those four faces. Of course, since we can only perceive one, our minds "supply" the space around it.

Another thing that came to my mind was the many names that Diety represented Himself as down through the Ages so that man could have some understanding of Himself. Of course, in revealing Himself in successive stages--He truly was revealing nature beyond our capability to comprehend, but at the same time, He was giving us the tools to comprehend; and thus to master that nature. I don't think that we are going to have to actually invent a time machine. I am more of the mind that the time machine is building itself around us as we speak and the more we open ourselves to it, the more we will realize and see. I can almost dimly see the flashing flames of fire of Uriel surrounding us, filled with the healing fruit of Raphael, having the growing strength of Gabriel, and with the face of Michael who represents Christ--the fullness of the all-in-all within man.

Thanks for bringing this back up again. It's always nice to see where you are standing within the temple structure. Exciting times are here amid all these wars and rumours of wars. It is nice to know that it is not those who "seek to fulfill the vision" by bringing chaos on the world, but those who seek to "enter within the veil". When we see THAT number made up, then we will see the end to the nonsense that is going on. Those four faces are truly the "four angels" which hold all those winds of strife from blowing. In the end, reason will prevail. The truth will be known. The LAW will be proclaimed. War will be no more. This will happen when the secrets of time are fully revealed and will show without a doubt what the truth is and what is fable.

Fantastic observations. I dont have any words to convey my feelings on your comments. Mind goes blank as my spirit takes over and contemplates your words..

Perhaps this post will also bring about some revelations to you, and I would love to also share in your thoughts or any connections you make.

Concerning the 7 Lords of The Cycles. The following are passages as spoken from one of the Lords. The words that are in bold, were written that way in the original text.


When you and all your brethren were formless, formed forth were WE from the order of ALL .

Not as men are WE ...

Out of the Great Void were WE formed forth in order by LAW .

For know you that which is formed,

truly is formless, having form only to your eyes.


Forth were WE formed after our order:


Know you that these are the numbers of cycles

that WE descend from unto man.

Each of us, WE having here duty to fulfill;

each having here a force to control.

Yet, are we ONE with the SOUL of our cycle.

Yet are WE , too, seeking a goal.

Far beyond man's conception,

Infinity extends into a greater ALL .

There, in a time that is yet not a time,

we shall All become ONE

with a greater than ALL .

Time and space here are moving in circles.

Know you their law, and you too, shall be free.

Aye, free shall you be to move Through the cycles--

pass WE the guardians that dwell at the door.

The section that really got my mind to a pondring was the 2nd passage.

Forth were WE formed after our order:

-----------------YOU know who ONE and TWO are.

Know you that these are the numbers of cycles
that WE descend from unto man.

----------------Hmmmm...Tree of Life come to mind ?

Each of us, WE having here duty to fulfill;
each having here a force to control.

Some background on the 4 angels as mentioned previously, certainly has me wondering what truths appear when the connections are revealed.

Gabriel --- " God is my Strength "

He who presides over paradise.
Gabriels Quadrangle is WEST.

Michael --- " Who is as God "

Key Holder of Heaven
Michaels Quadrangle is EAST.

Raphael --- " God has healed "

Guardian of the Tree of Life; Angel of the "Sun".
Raphael's quadrangle is SOUTH.

Quote from "Book of Tobias"; ' After the healing of the elder Tobias, Azarias, made himself known as " the angel Raphael, one of the seven , who stand before the Lord.'

Uriel --- " Flame of God "

Watcher of thunder...
Uriel's quadrangle is North.


Interesting to note that in Ezekeil, the tempest comes from the North, with thunder...Hmmmmm...and Uriel's Quadrangle is the North, and is considered to be the watcher of the thunder. Truly, more is contained behind the obvious we are reading in these texts.


I also noticed this...

Know you their law, and you too, shall be free .

It doesnt say "THE" law, but indicates persons..."their" law. Very important to know.

Far beyond man's conception,

Conception is an interesting choice of terminology here. Why wasnt the word "comprehension" used, or "understanding" ? Far beyond man's conception....

Any ideas as to the meaning of this sentence ?


As the connections are made, and that which becomes visible, paradise truly is but an eye blink away.
Holy Cow, guys... you really are on a Creative tear here!

Excellent stuff, OvrLrd, and Zerub's inputs are certainly TIMEly and powerful. They are firing-off connections in my head with respect to another topic under discussion in another thread: The nature of the pyramid form as an object of "sacred geometry" and how it pertains to our physical and aphysical human forms.
Forth were WE formed after our order:

-----------------YOU know who ONE and TWO are.

Know you that these are the numbers of cycles
that WE descend from unto man.

----------------Hmmmm...Tree of Life come to mind ?
Totally. Completing the "lightning flash of Creation" which is depicted as a descending lightning bolt moving through the order of these seven Sephiroth. To me this represents the literal descent of Information to Energy to Momentum, which finally takes physical form in Sephira #10. Or spoken differently, we could use the terms: Descent from Spirit (Information) into Soul (Energy), and further descent into Mind (Momentum) which eventually commands the physical body. Are you with me?

Another connection that hit me is the connection between the four faces described in Ezekiel and the four faces on the pyramid form, which are (interestingly enough) triangle forms (4+3=7 levels). So the four faces of Ezekiel should align with the four edges of the pyramid base, and its four triangular sides, which obviously connect to the four archangels (the 4 directions of the compass) and the Trinity of Father/Son/Spirit.

Keep those connections rolling, guys. You're doing a great job here!