The Key Of Time

Hi OvrLrd!
The only thing I havent decided on yet, is what frequencies of sound and light to use. Any suggestions?

While these folks do not claim to be able to "travel thru time", Robert Monroe, founder of the institute with his name and designer of the hemi-sync process, claims to have found a key (using sound) that does alter brainwave patterns! Have a look:

Perhaps what they have found is just the tip of the iceberg...and once you add light stimulation to the sound stimulation you reach an entirely new brainwave stimulation (and creation) capability.

Very interesting website. The Brainwave Generator program has quite a range of frequencies and abilities of altering the modulation. It would be nice to find out exactly what combinations they are using.

I also have an astral traveling sound generator on CD. I listened to it in the past, but didnt notice anything unusual..excepting I fell asleep. But now, I will be keeping a log sheet of what happens.

One soundtrack on a certain CD always effects me...I rarely can listen to the whole track.

I sure picked a good night to start this experiment, thunder and lightening storm sprang up out of nowhere over our area of Texas. We are under severe weather warnings. 1 1/2 diameter hail has been reported in a town just 24 miles to the south. The cities a little further south are experiencing up to 60 mph winds.

The thing that I became aware of was when I stepped outside onto our porch and I could feel the energy coursing through the air. Lightening was crackling all around me, in every direction. Is awesome to feel the power of this storm!

It should make tonights experiment interesting with so much energy flowing around me. I am also going to keep a dream log, in case the sound experiment manifests itself in my subconscious state.

Report tomorrow on Sound Experiment - Key Of Time - 0001 - 3 - 8 - 6

0001 - 3 - 8 - 6
Thunder and lightening Storm was too distracting. Electrical power was effected by the storm, as was the experiment. Nothing to report at this time. Also need to adjust mind set and focus a little better than what I could do last night. Used meditation CD for sound influence, ineffective last night.

Next experiment 0002 - 3 - 9 - 6
Weather clear, except for high winds. Less Distractions during day. Will attempt next consciousness shift during this morning...will use astral traveling CD. Suppossed to be "specifically" composed for consciousness shifting. Report to follow upon completion.

My intended target for shifting through the time lines via consciousness transfer was to be the lottery. ( wonder why I would pick that ? ). Strange thing, on the way to my daughters school, a Church had this on their sign...""I Am Your Lord and Saviour, You Shall Not Want!""

Got to think about that one, hope it wasnt intended for me.
Frequency = The Key Of Time

28. The wheeling of cycles
Cycles of Time. Scientifically we describe this by the key physical parameter known as Frequency. We measure Frequency in terms of Cycles per Second (Hertz), so the connection between Cycles and Frequency cannot be understated.

I can confidently say that the science of frequency response dynamics will be a major Key of Time (Travel). And I've studied and implemented this science as a control systems engineer, so I know a fair bit about what I am saying here. The frequency spectrum is a continuum just like Space is a continuum.

Posted above, is how light and sound can effect the human body, including the brain...consciousness. So, does in not stand to reason that with the correct combination of light and sound, the consciousness may be able to shift within time?
Your point is well taken here, OvrLrd. The fact that light and sound are two SELF-SIMILAR physical aspects of the universe that our human bodies are capable of perceiving is extremely important to understanding TIME.

The most important distinction between the VIBRATIONS of sound and the VIBRATIONS of light is: FREQUENCY! Sound is a lower-frequency sense but it still has its own unique power spectral density about it. Light is a much higher frequency sense, and it has a specific spectral power density characteristic, different from sound but also similar in certain ways.

But light and sound only describe two of our five human senses. The two senses of sight and hearing are "tuned" to specific vibratory frequencies. Would anyone believe it if I told you that our other three senses (smell, taste, and touch) are also tuned to specific frequencies... frequencies that are yet again different from the frequencies we use for sight and sound?

Each and every one of our human senses ACCEPT ENERGY OF DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES as their means to deliver Information to our minds. These multi-frequency Energy inputs that our human body receives is what determines how our consciousness perceives TIME.

All of this is scientifically true and valid. And yet isn't it amazing how many ancient "mystical" texts have told us these same things (albeit in a somewhat "encoded" way) for years?

I would claim that: If you can modulate the Energy signatures around a human body with respect to the specific frequencies that our senses respond to, you can actually cause that person's consciousness to PERCEIVE Time in a non-linear manner. You can induce the consciousness to "travel through SpaceTime".

Keep going, OvrLrd. I am following your lead, even if it does take me several days to absorb your material and generate my responses!

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

This morninig I had an interesting interaction between myself and my subconscious. This may not be an accurate description of whom was interacting with whom, but for the sake of the post, it is the only way I can classify the participants.

Also , realize that the information will have gaps and not be in an organized format. I merely will relay what the interaction included as best as I could remember and edit the information exchanged ...without the conscious portion of my mind changing to much of what was given...


Key Of Time

1. Auto-rotational Frequencies
2. Alighnment of these rotational frequencies
3. Light/Sound/Electrical/Magnetism...4th dimensional components interwoven with 3-d
5. Aura is a compliation of essences/frequencies and the colors seen by some are what frequencies the body and mind are operating within.
6. In order to " travel " ( this word was stressed - travel ) in Time, each person ( dont remember what was said here ) the " Machine " has to be adjusted to the individuals relative Point of View of Time...Consciousness
7. Everything has a dual nature, as does time...past and future.
8. The Third...the present can be described as the fulcrum, i.e. a see-saw in a park. Time is the plank atop of the fulcrum.
9. Construct/consistency of the fulcrum is NOT a point within time, but think of your present P.O.V. as a collessence of consciousness, the "pyramid" of everthing in the "Now".
10. Time, the "Plank" of the see-saw, rests " atop " of the point of the pyramid of the collective consciousness of all of your present.
11. Within time itself, there are no specific dates, since ( events )of/in "time" is a collective of consciousness, if one shifted their individual P.O.V. onto the "plank" ; dates are meaningless. So if any time traveller states they are from a specific date, then they're claim isnt true. The "traveller" would be in a dream type state....
12. Do you have specific dates or calenders to reference when experiencing a dream? Same concept.

( My question...Can someone effect the time-line/our present ? )

13. Does the fulcrum effect the "plank" itself of the see-saw ? The " plank " is infinite .
14. Viewing the past/future...your imagination does this all the time...what could have been, and ..what can be...but all of these glimpses require action ... consciousness to bring about changes in the present..the space within the fulcrum of your present.
15. Lets compare the frequencies of existence with classical music...
16. What happens if any instruments are missing from the "Band" ?
17. You may have good intentions of composing great "music" , but without the required instruments working in harmony, you end up with a mess.
18. How does listening to unharmonized music effect your Point of View?
19. Now imagine the "plank" of the see-saw as a sphere. Any point the tip of the present(fulcrum) is located, the balance between time and the present always exists, no matter where the collective point of view is located within the "sphere" of creation.


Like I mentioned, I wrote down what I could remember from this exchange. Many words are missing and the flow is somewhat un-even. However, I present it to the forum for you to ponder and possibly fill in any gaps or expand on what was provided.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Almost forgot...I asked about getting lottery numbers...the response...


Your "imagination" ( a portion of your sub-conscious, which remember is not effected by physical limitations ) may be able to glimpse these numbers. But as was mentioned, there is no calender or Time reference on/in the "plank" . You look at the results and are disappointed with the fact that your selected numbers don't win. However, who's to say what those numbers were applicable to ? And, what does the failure cause within your P.O.V. ? You require focus and the ability to recognize what you are seeing. Remember, any instruments missing/or out of sync in the "Band" result with failure of the intended music.

Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

Thank-You for the link, CAT. It was fascinating to read, and it also supports the ideas that have "arisen" in this thread. The importance, as Rainman pointed out, of frequencies can not be understated.

This link demonstrates that through the manipulation of frequencies, many results can occur. I am convinced that time travel can be achieved by manipulation of frequencies of sound and light. I also am convinced that the old texts have this contained within their words.

Another point of interest was the bit regarding the array of radio towers in Alaska.

I mentioned sometime back that a friend used to mess with bats using a radio controller for his model airplane. The wavelengths of the controller confused the bats, so much so, they hardly could stay in the air.

I can imagine what the waves that are filling the atmosphere must be doing to this world's inhabitants. And who knows what effect this electronic zapping around in the air is doing to the magnetic fields surrounding our planet.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time

The fact that light and sound are two SELF-SIMILAR physical aspects of the universe that our human bodies are capable of perceiving is extremely important to understanding TIME.

Exactly. And I am certain that if we were to examine the other forms of "waves" of existence, I know that they would resemble the same as light and sound.

As you pointed out, light and sound are in different ranges of the spectrum of frequency. so it stands to reason, that so are the other waveforms. Electro-magnetism, gravity, etc...

From what Hermes claimed, or was told, is that Time is motionless. We only have consciousness to seperate events. This is supported by terminology you use, Point of View. Sometimes, time seems so sloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Like being on the job and having a really boring task that is extremely tedious. The clock isnt changing its pace, but it sure seems to slow down...alot!

What we perceive... two hours had to have been used, when in fact only five minutes passed. And of course, we have the visa versa, when we are having fun and the time just flows like a waterfall in the springtime.

Obviously, our consciousness is passing from one event to another with its own sense of time. The clock on the wall doesnt mean a thing.

The question becomes...what type of dynamics are taking place within the electrical/chemical machinery of the brain? What frequencies are being emitted as the consciousness passes from one event to the next?

And to bring this back to the waveforms...we both know of the cliches used over and over again in many esoteric disciplines. What is below, is like that which is above. That which is small, is like that which is big. As a result I wouldnt be suprised in the least if our existence itself is "reflected" within the range of frequencies ( waveforms ), as is all of creation.

As technology advances, we discover that the spectrum is wider, larger than previously what impact does this concept have on time travel, eh?

Another concept to consider...if you stepped into another dimension, exactly the same as ours, but a mirror image...and you happen to be in the mountains/ or any remote location..without any landmarks, you would never know it was a mirror image.

Regarding Time, how do we know what the rate of Time is ? We don't! Only by a collective agreement, a collessence of consciousness, have we, mankind, agreed on what the flow of Time is. We manufactured a flow, but it hardly resembles the actual passing of events from an individuals Point of View.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

Alot is being said about Ezekiels Wheel and I dont know if anyone here ever read these biblical passages. Considering the contents of this thread, I am posting one version/translation of these verses.

The tablet of Hermes is much easier to make connections, when trading out words for more modern ones. Darby's post regarding the origins of the Tablet seem to be correct. The point of view of the author is evident in the writings. If the tablet of Hermes was written by someone ( The Dr. Dorean ) who had some ideas of physics, then the "clues" of this knowledge of his era would be evident.

Now, the author of Ezekiel has a much different point of view from a completely different era. This persons knowledge of physics would be reflected in his text. This becomes apparent and I challenge our great thinkers to see how they can translate what Ezekiel saw with modern terminology...or removing the theological view point, and inserting a scientific view point.

1. Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year in the fourth [month] on the fifth day of the month, as I was in the midst of the exile by the river Chebar-the heavens opened up, and I saw visions of God.
2. "On the fifth of the month"-that is the fifth year of King Jehoiachin's exile.
3. The word of the Lord was [revealed] to Ezekiel the son of Buzi, the priest, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chebar, and the hand of the Lord came upon him there.
4. And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north, a huge cloud and a flaming fire with a brightness around it; and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.
5. And from its midst was the likeness of four living beings, and this is their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
6. And [each] one had four faces, and [each] one had four wings.
7. And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like a round foot, and they sparkled like the color of burnished copper.
8. And human hands were beneath their wings on their four sides, and their faces and their wings were [the same] to all four of them.
9. Their wings joined one to the other; they did not turn when they walked; each one would go toward the direction of his face.
10. And the likeness of their faces was the face of a man, and the face of a lion was on their right, to the four of them, and the face of an ox to their left, to the four of them, and the face of an eagle [was] to the four of them.
11. And so were their faces. And their wings were extended upward; each one had two wings joined to each other, and two covering their bodies.
12. Now each one would go toward the direction of his face; wherever would be the will to go, they would go; they did not turn as they walked.
13. And the likeness of the living beings; their appearance was like fiery coals, burning like the appearance of firebrands; it was going among the living beings; and there was a brightness to the fire and from the fire came forth lightning.
14. And the living beings would run and return, like the appearance of the sparks.
15. And I saw the living beings, and behold, one wheel [was] on the ground beside the living beings for its four faces.
16. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like the appearance of crystal, and the four of them had one likeness, and their appearance and their workings were as a wheel would be within a wheel.
17. When they went, they went toward their four sides; they did not turn when they went.
18. And they had backs, and they were very high, and they were dreadful, and their eyebrows were full of eyes round about-[so it was] to the four of them.
19. And when the living beings would go, the wheels would go beside them; and when the living beings would lift themselves off the ground, the wheels would lift themselves.
20. Wherever there was the will to go, they would go; there was the will to go, and the wheels would lift themselves correspondingly to them, for the will of the living being was in the wheels.
21. When they [the living beings] would go, they [the wheels] would go, and when they would stand, they would stand, and when they would lift themselves up from the ground, the wheels would lift themselves correspondingly to them, for the will of the living being was in the wheels.
22. And there was a likeness over the heads of the living beings, of an expanse like the color of the severe frost extended over their heads above.
23. And beneath the expanse, their wings were straight, one [pointed] toward the other; this one had two that covered, to here, and that one had two that covered, to here, their bodies.
24. And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of many waters like the voice of the Almighty-when they went; the sound of stirring, like the sound of a camp; when they would stand, they would let down their wings.
25. And there was a voice above the expanse that was over their heads; when they stood still, they would let down their wings.
26. And above the expanse that was over their heads, like the appearance of a sapphire stone, was the likeness of a throne, and on the likeness of the throne, was a likeness like the appearance of a man upon it above.
27. And I saw like the color of chashmal like the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and above; and from the appearance of his loins and below, I saw [a thing] like the appearance of fire, and there was a brightness round about it.
28. Like the appearance of the rainbow that is in the cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness round about; that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice speaking.

Rainman...notive the descriptions of colors...perhaps these are clues to the specific frequencies we seek.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

I seperated some of the passages and highlighted specific words.


And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north, a huge cloud and a flaming fire with a brightness around it ; and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.
And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like a round foot, and they sparkled like the color of burnished copper

And the likeness of the living beings; their appearance ( color ) was like fiery coals, burning like the appearance of firebrands ; it was going among the living beings; and there was a brightness to the fire and from the fire came forth lightning .

The appearance of the wheels and their work was like the appearance of crystal , and the four of them had one likeness, and their appearance and their workings were as a wheel would be within a wheel.
And there was a likeness over the heads of the living beings, of an expanse like the color of the severe frost extended over their heads above.

And above the expanse that was over their heads, like the appearance of a sapphire stone one, was the likeness of a throne, and on the likeness of the throne, was a likeness like the appearance of a man upon it above.

And I saw like the color of chashmal like the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and above; and from the appearance of his loins and below, I saw [a thing] like the appearance of fire, and there was a brightness round about it.

Like the appearance of the rainbow that is in the cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness round about; that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord, and when I saw, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice speaking.

Notice that the author doesnt state that what he is witnessing in exact descriptions...He uses the word "LIKE" before many of his descriptions. I.e... like the appearance of..., like the color of..., the likeness of...etc...
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

1...And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north

A...And I saw a craft coming from the north

2...a huge cloud

B...interaction of energy with surrounding moisture/atmospheric conditions

3...a flaming fire with a brightness around it

C...The craft was surrounded by a light so bright it resembled a great fire ( what color ?) Propulsion system ? Field of energy surrounding the craft for several flight purposes ?

4...and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.

D...midst of what ? The middle of the craft ? or midst of the energy field surrounding the craft ?
....the color chashmal; braking system ? part of a directional propulsion system in operation ?

O.K. ! I started it, can anyone take it from here, and translate the text into a more modern version using the knwoledge we have of physics. I know the craft would be more advanced than we have, but it seems to be using technology we "know" is a question of application and design. or, how the energy and lights play a role in the crafts construct.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

This becomes more interesting the deeper I go into this quest. I have no idea what the color "Chashmal" was, so I searched for it on the web. The following explains what "Chashmal" is defined as ( from a Jewish Point of View )....

In Kabbalah, the fence symbolizes a field of light that protects one from falling -- both spiritually and physically. This light is called chashmal. (In modern Hebrew, chashmal means "electricity.") This word appears in the Bible only in the book of Ezekiel (chapter 1), in the vision of the Divine chariot -- the deepest and most mystical part of the Bible. The meaning of chashmal in Ezekiel is the light of electrum, a certain color of light related to electricity.


Hmmmmm....? any thoughts or assistance on figuring what "color" the electricity was as described by Ezekiel? and what effect does this definition have with regards to the passage as written in The Bible?

In modern Hebrew, chashmal means "electricity." .... This bothers me... In MODERN hebrew, chashmal means....; then what did chashmal mean in ancient hebrew ?
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

Darn the copyright laws...

I reviewed several different versions of Ezekiel, and the only thing that came from the comparison between all of them was a clear pattern of making certain that they where different.

Not to necessarily to be an accurate translation, but to be just plain different. Frustrating to say the least.

I still find it fascinating that the description involves light, and different colors as well. The description of the craft seen by Ezekiel seems to fall into exactly what we are pondering in this thread.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel

Nice going OvrLord,

The clues are woven throughout what you are posting here and if we can eliminate the "noise", a very accurate picture emerges of how "creation" takes its "form".

I studied Ezekiel for years, and the passage you quote deals with the creation of matter. The "color" in question here is actually amber which is a polished spectrum metal that diffuses light and "hides" what is behind it. The author was actually doing a bisection for our benefit so that we could get a general ideal as to the "structure" of matter and its natural progressions as it "morphed" from one element to another. There are several other "metals" mentioned like burnished brass, etc. that take into consideration the "refining" involved.

Contrary to what most people understand, NOTHING travels in straight lines. Even the sine waves that you picture in this thread appear to travel in a straight line (albeit as waves), but in reality, they are traveling straight forward as a SPIRAL--much the same way electricity travels in a spiral around a wire and NOT through it. The movement of the sound, light, matter, etc.--gives it its shape and the "fixation" of time/space gives it its pathway. These are the strange shape and curves of time/space.

Now as to the conclusion reached in Hermes as to the upwardness and the rightward leaning of the light/sound, this is exactly how it is defined in the in the process of traveling from the Shekinah, through the Key arrangement of the ten "words" (via the 13 Sharia), through the special alignment of the breastplate of the High Priest (very special recipe) and then upward and rightward through the path outlined by the tower at the entrance of the temple.

It is no surprise to me that the Hermes text can be traced to Tibet, since the entire Mandela system that is ritualistically created and and destroyed is nothing more or less than the changing shape (depending upon your point of view within the tent) of the temple proper when it is being manipulated with sound and light. Take a closer look at the mandelas that are created with multicolored sand, and you will see the resemblance. I wonder if the Tibetans have a grasp as to what it is they are representing with the ritual of mandela building. I suspect that they lost this knowledge long ago, but have encapsulated it so as to NOT lose the information that represents something that only the last generation on earth would be able to figure out.

At some point in time, I will try to find my original notes on a word/by/word study of the wheel-within-a-wheel. There is definitly a key here, and it involves the 10th chapter of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation--all prophetic books that deal with last-day events involving symbols that are still not understood by the religious world-nor the scientific one. I am firmly of the belief that the Torah is, in actuality, a history book handed down to us from the far distant future, and forged in the far distant past--perhaps by timetravelers that were consumed with the need to pass this information over to us and yet very cognizant of the danger of the "wise" seeking out the knowledge for their own benefit. Just goes to show how difficult it is for "wise" people to react to the "new" paradigms without the predjudice of their belief systems and "set-in-stone knowledge".

Contrats, OvrLord. It appears you are zeroing in on the area by mostly intuition. I believe this is the only way it can be understood. Ironically, I do see people who are utilizing this intuitive knowledge--without realizing that they are calling upon a purely scientific principle and calling it "spiritual healing" or "casting out demons", or "astral projection" etc.
Re: Frequency = The Key Of Time = Ezekiels Wheel


Thank-you for your post. I was getting a tad frustrated with Ezekeil, and your explaination helps. I went so far as to bring out the Vulgate and try to translate that, since it is a word for word translation of original writings. However, since latin is not a language that I ever learned much about, it turned out to be more of a challenge than I planned.
I figured to do the same as the creator of the Vulgate, and just translate Ezekeil 1 into english,word for word.
But, alas, I couldnt even find Ezekiel in the Vulgate. The latin to english dictionary couldn't find the words used in The Vulgate. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Such are the ways of these things sometimes. I will figure it out, time permitting.
The Chapter of Ezekiel just seems to fit right in with the other writings mentioned in this thread.

I am firmly of the belief that the Torah is, in actuality, a history book handed down to us from the far distant future, and forged in the far distant past--perhaps by timetravelers that were consumed with the need to pass this information over to us and yet very cognizant of the danger of the "wise" seeking out the knowledge for their own benefit. Just goes to show how difficult it is for "wise" people to react to the "new" paradigms without the predjudice of their belief systems and "set-in-stone knowledge

Agreed. I feel the same, as with The Bible, it is a complete history of man, from beginning to end. Of course for specific reasons, I believe it originally was given to man by God. Unfortunately, many translations became political tools, as do many of the ancient texts.
I mention in my bio that I was involved in some esoteric disciplines, but left when it became apparent that the path I was on differed from theirs. However, the exposure to the disciplines and to get to know some of the "masters" of "The Arts" was a vast learning experience. There certainly is much, much more than what is perceived by "The Moderns" or "The Mundane" as "they" are referenced to within certain circles.

Contrary to what most people understand, NOTHING travels in straight lines. Even the sine waves that you picture in this thread appear to travel in a straight line (albeit as waves), but in reality, they are traveling straight forward as a SPIRAL--much the same way electricity travels in a spiral around a wire and NOT through it. The movement of the sound, light, matter, etc.--gives it its shape and the "fixation" of time/space gives it its pathway. These are the strange shape and curves of time/space.

Yes. The animation of the DNA configuration was the best I could find in the time I had while creating the post. This animation was intended to tie the similarities of all these "waves" together. If one looks at the multi-dimensional diagrams, and they were not identified as to what they represent, it would be difficult to tell one from the other, which says something about The Key Of Time, or the essences of creation.

The posts in this thread were done not only to present to the forum, but to keep a running record of the subject matter. The Key Of Time. Even with the slivers of what has been posted within this thread, the Key crys out that frequency has a major role in the manipulation of anything of creation.

This is what I am attempting to find, is the correct combination of frequencies that will result in the consciousness gaining the ability to understand time from a different Point Of View than the bubble of our current present. Keep in mind, I realize that it is merely a method of meditation. One particular set of frequencies may work for one person, but not the other. Like the fingernails scratching across the chalkboard. Most people cringe from the resulting vibration, but others are not effected what-so-ever.

The intent of this thread is also for "us" to build a foundation that will provide the chance to open up a gateway of progress towards our goals, as we tread upon our individual, yet, parallel paths within The Tree.
Re: The Key Of Time = Commentary

As one delves deeper into the anceint texts and other sources, what becomes striking are the many simularities amonst many different disciplines.

1. Resonance
2. Rhythm
3. Melody
4. Harmony
5. Pitch
6. Timbre
7. Toning


Seven Holy Sacraments

1. Baptism
2. Confirmation
3. Communion
4. Penitence
5. Holy Orders
6. Matrimony
7. Unction with oil


The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

1. Wisdom
2. Understanding
3. Counsel
4. Fortitude
5. Knowledge
6. Piety
7. Fear of God

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy

1. To feed the hungry
2. To give drink to the thirsty
3. To clothes them without clothes
4. To harbor the harborless
5. To visit the sick
6. To visit the imprisoned
7. To bury the dead

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy

1. To admonish sinners
2. To instruct the ignorant
3. To counsel the doubtful
4. To pray for the salvation of thy neighbor
5. To comfort the sorrowful
6. To bear wrongs patiently
7. To forgive all injuries

The Seven Mortal Sins

1. Pride
2. Greed
3. Lewdness
4. Envy
5. Gluttony
6. Anger
7. Indolence ( Laziness )

There are 3 principal colors ( or frequencies ) in the rainbow. Blue, Yellow, and Red.

"""The hottest stars of all are blue, Hotter stars, stars like our Sun, are yellow. The coolest stars are red."""

For all the mathematical genius members, you may find this link interesting to review...

Color Rendering of Spectra


And to throw in a tid bit for my spiritual friends...I had a dream this morning, I was standing in a vast field of green grass. The field was filled with an orchard style layout of trees. The trees were all bare. No leaves, no fruit, just as trees in the dead of winter.

This has a message for me and I think it reflects that the trees are planted, but have yet to bear fruit. The trees where in even rows and evenly spaced, but no leaves. And why was the grass green ? The field itself rich and fertile ?

I think that the comparisons have been made. This thread has shown that there are many links and similarities in nature, the mystic and science. My question for my esteemed TTI collegues, is what direction should we take from this point. Any suggestions ?

If the dream was related to this thread, then it demonstrated that the grass is fertile, the trees all grown, but missing the fruit and leaves. How can we proceed to bring the trees to blossom?
Re: The Key Of Time = The Key Of Dreams

The Key Of Time = The Key Of Dreams

The subconscious is one place that we are not effected by any physical limitations. We can do anything, from flying, to visiting distant stars in a flash. But what do these dreams mean? How can we "translate" these dreams into something understandable by the logical mind ?

This question was answered long ago by one dream I had. My logical portion of my mind-set was aware of the dream, and was a passive witness to the story that was unfolding by my sub-conscious.

The dream....

In 1986, I was taking a nap around 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. . As I lay upon the bed, an earthquake began to rumble, and I was horrified, because I knew my girlfriend was extremely scared of earthquakes. So I jumped up out of the bed, ran to the bedrom door, opened it, ran around the house screaming her name...I had to find her...

I ran through the living room, around the furniture, and up to the front door. I unlocked it, opened up the screen door, and thank-God there she was, walking towards me with groceries in hand.
I was trying to yell to mind couldnt find the word "earthquake" ... I was desperate to tell her about warn her...

So I shouted out..." IT'S A MOVER ! IT'S A MOVER ! "

She looked at me and exclaimed, " What the hell are you talking about " ?

At this point I completely woke up. I literally was standing at the door screaming in her face. She had just returned from the market to have me open the front door and yell. " IT'S A MOVER " !
Needless to say, I was then classified as a nut by her.


Regardless of her reaction, many Key elements were revealed from this experience. I had fallen asleep on the bed. This is where the earthquake took place, in my subconscious. However, I actually, physically was able to negotiate through the house, open closed and locked doors. I was mixing reality ( the awakestate ) with the subconscious ( its point of view ), and logic was watching the entire episode.

The most important factors were twofold.

1. The emotional content was what the subconscious was being motivated by, the emotions were the primary "garment" of this event.

2. The realization that the subconscious couldnt find the word earthquake. It chose to use the word Mover, instead.

1(a)...The emotional content of the dream consisted of not being able to find the girl. The feelings of loss and pain were clear. Several months later, our relationship was exactly like an earthquake. I recognized the emotions of this dream matched exactly to what happenned in the dream. No variations, the experience of the relationship and the emotions attached were absolutely identical.

2(a)...The subconscious level of our mind is operating without the use of reason, or the logical use of our archives stored in our memory banks. Why ? I believe that the subconscious is the medium between our physical world and the upper soul. Not fetterred by the earthly limitations, the subconscious can access areas of existence that our reasoning mindset would lose itself within. There has to be a division between our Earthly Point of View and the esoteric. To mix the two together without this division would result in maddness.

Thus, we have a dream-state, where the logical mind can shrug off any unusual occurances, and remain functional in the world. Obviously, if you existed from a point-of-view in a perpetual dream state, you would not be able to function with the rest of mankind.

We know what the awake mind uses to communicate. What does the subconscious use to communicate to us when logic is dormant? Emotions.

The subconscious searches through the archives of our memory banks from an emotional point of view. No logic involved. This is why so many things in the dream seem out of place. It isnt the exact definition of the appearance of the things, but there emotional meaning. The message being communicated within your dream is entirely based or constructed from emotional material.

Instead of translating what you see by appearances alone, know what emotional attachments exist around what you see in your dream. Write the dream down, and link the objects to the emotions you felt in the dream, and search your memory as to similar feelings in YOUR past, with circumstances in your present. If you do it out as described in this post, I know you will be in for a suprise.

The mind searches the archives for things as they are classified by emotional attachments. Thus you have strange trees and landscapes, the subconscious merely selects the items from how one felt about it.

So as my mind struggled to define the sensations of the earthquake, what the subconscious did was select the only thing that it could find from its point of view..." IT'S A MOVER " !

Think about that...the subconscious using the word "MOVER" in place of the word "earthquake". The answer to this is the Key To Dreams
Re: The Key Of Time = Commentary

I had a dream this morning, I was standing in a vast field of green grass. The field was filled with an orchard style layout of trees. The trees were all bare. No leaves, no fruit, just as trees in the dead of winter.

I know what this dream meant. I wasnt primarily about this thread. To be completely honest, it has to do with my life. As I explore the writings that I quote from, it is impossible to read the words without reflection.

In pondering my life, the dream described exactly how I feel, now that I witnessed it in a visible format. My thinking skills, or the field of grass is fertile. Thick green grass in a rich soil. The orchard of bare many ideas have sprung forth from this fertile field and have yielded nothing.

The ideas of writing books, establishing corporate enterprises, creating works of art, building extravegant homes, counseling those in need, solving some of histories mysteries, questing within the spiritual realms for answers...each of these planted trees grown, but bare of results, incomplete, fruitless.

This dream has brought to the surface what needs to be done, at first I thought that the trees needed cultivation, attention to bring forth there leaves and to bear fruit. However, upon reflection, what needs to be done, is to leave that field behind. To abandon it, to let it wither in the past.

Time to travel over the hill, to the next field, and plant new a new tree. Perhaps not to seed an entire orchard, but to sow only one seed. To work on that one seed and attend to its requirements to have it grow, to sprout leaves and bring forth fruit. This is what I believe I must do. Thus the garden begins anew, and my work has just begun.
Re: The Key Of Time = Commentary

In modern Hebrew, chashmal means "electricity." .... This bothers me... In MODERN hebrew, chashmal means....; then what did chashmal mean in ancient hebrew ?


The Chashmal/Hashmal are Electrons that form the energy fields which give rise to physical form. Yet, the electrons themselves are not form as we know it. They are energy, an energy which gives rise to form but itself is not form. This is the secret of what the Kabbalists call the "speaking silence", the Hashmal (which hover around the celestial throne. The Hashmal are not electrons but it is the force that directs the electrons in their function.

Read all about it… /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: The Key Of Time = Commentary

Thank-You for pointing me to that post. That fits into the foundation of this thread very well.

There is much information covered in your post. I could expand or comment on almost every point you brought forth. But, I decided to address one in particular since mention of it was contained within one of the first posts in this thread.

The Hashmal are not electrons but it is the force that directs the electrons in their function.

"""Then to me spoke He, the Master: “Know ye, O Hermes, in the beginning there was void and nothingness: a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-pervading, and It filled the Void. There existed no matter, only force , a movement, a vortex of vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the Void."""

Your description of the Hashmal seems to describe exactly what the Master was telling Hermes. Now to compare it too what Ezekiel witnessed, the version I read and quoted from was of Judaic origins. So it isnt suprising that this word or description was used in translation. The question that comes to my mind is this...Ezekeil is witnessing a craft of some kind, and describing it as best he can with what he knows, so is what he seeing actually Hashmal...or is it as stated in his description... LIKE Hashmal ?

If what he is witnessing is LIKE Hashmal, then what was it he really witnessed from our modern point of view ?

In other words, if that craft appeared before, lets say, RainmanTime, today, with his background and experience, what description would he write of this craft ?