Theory The Dual Language Diagnosis of John Titor

I think a nuke did go of in this thread, and created a bunch of rambling people all off topic at each others throats. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif By the way I liked Shaun Of The Dead. :D

Yes, I was reiterating what you'd posted with a correction that Pamela didn't tell me his "real" name and I gave an active link for the one that you posted (which is broken - but which originally linked to the same site). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm not involved in doing any analysis on the situation. I did the linguistic analysis two years ago and I'm satisfied with the results. The difference between what I did and what Cipher has posted is that I can quantify my experimental results and from all appearances Cipher can't (though I've invited him/her to show his base work, assumptions, metrics and results if I'm mistaken on that point).

Another factor built into my experimental design (and for which I also posted the results) which is lacking in Cipher's analysis is that I compared the styles of many posters not just a single target. Those posters included many people who posted with Titor/TTO, random posters on this site and Art Bell's site and random posters from other sites. Those people included Javier, myself, Pamela, Rick Donaldson, Rainman, Creedo, Buzzmaker and Brandon Haber.

I'm not suggesting that you have to believe that my analysis is correct. That's obviously something that you have to decide for yourself.
Thanks for the confession Javier! :D

Javier said: [ <font color="red">Your interpretations [/COLOR] ] are obviously unique to you. Nothing I say will prove to your complete satisfaction who I really am.

Javier said: Really, anyone who tells you their views, is not in a sense judging one or the other, [ <font color="red">but offering their unique perspective [/COLOR] .]

Titor said: I’m not sure what you’re asking. I think those statements speak for themselves and [ <font color="red">your interpretation [/COLOR] ] of them may be… [ <font color="red">unique [/COLOR] .]


Javier said: [ <font color="red">I hope I was able to asnwer some of your questions to your satisfaction [/COLOR] .] [ <font color="red">If I was not, please let me know exactly what you'd wish to know [/COLOR] ,] [ <font color="red"> and I will get back to you as soon as I am able. Have a pleasant day all [/COLOR] .]

Javier said: [ <font color="red">I hope some of these questions were to your satisfaction. Let me know if there is anymore you'd like for me to answer for you [/COLOR] .]

Titor said: Greetings everyone. [ <font color="red">I’ve been away for a while so I apologize for not getting back to these questions sooner. [/COLOR] ] Since Trott brought up a few things I had addressed in the mysterious mail that never made it to the board…I will post it here. The others are responses from other questions.

Titor said: [ <font color="red">Please feel free to ask anything you like [/COLOR] .]

Titor said: Titor said: Which quantum theories are you talking about? [ <font color="red">Please forgive me but If I missed a question or if there was something else to go into I would have been happy to do so [/COLOR] .]


Javier said: It is of great consequence, [ <font color="red">nor prudent [/COLOR] ] for the TTA (a true SP) to disclose any prior involvement or knowledge that I may have had with the Co$, the Sea Org and it’s members. But I will say this, that OC org sure did have a nice pond.

Titor said: I used a shotgun in the war. Yes, I think [ <font color="red">it’s prudent [/COLOR] ] to be prepared for anything.


Javier said: First of all, I don’t need the celebrity status J.T. has, I have my own. The TTA was named a legend too on the Time Travel Network back in 2004. I made a brief cameo appearance there, only to get banned a week later by some “TimeCop” adolescent flamers, all while the moderator in his power trip joined in as well (ask Sosuemetoo, she can vouch for this). But that is beside the point, [ <font color="red">I don’t have a desire to be liked by anyone [/COLOR] ,] especially now with some believing I am responsible for creating the J.T.

Javier said: [ <font color="red">Would it just help if I said [/COLOR] ] that I wasn’t John Titor, and never had anything to do with the making of the story? Would that conclude this tedious and time consuming investigation? Or is that again, according to your criteria, without “verification and validation” I could just be lying to “keep the game going.”

Javier said: It’s like I said today, (or if I’m John Titor, and said it many years ago) [ <font color="red">Nothing I say will prove who I am [/COLOR] .]

Javier said: But who’s to say if I am really telling the truth? Not even my “once” best friend CAT seems to believe me. If you want to believe I am John, [ <font color="red">what can I say to convince you otherwise [/COLOR] ?] [ <font color="red">That is the conclusion you would draw no matter what might I say [/COLOR] .]

Javier said: What else would I show, verses [ <font color="red">what you would have liked for me to show [/COLOR] ?]

Titor said:
I see you’re all asking yourselves questions about who I really am, what I want and why I’m here. Frankly, I really can’t blame you but perhaps it’s a bit easier now to understand why [ <font color="red">I not only didn’t expect you to believe me but I didn’t want you to. [/COLOR] ] As far as my credibility, I thought we had reached some sort of happy medium and we could call each other friend.

Titor said: Thank you for trying to answer those questions [ <font color="red">but I really do not expect that anyone can. [/COLOR] ] I thought I would share with you things we wonder about. Your logic about me is quite correct but again I must state that [ <font color="red">I am not trying to get you or anyone else to believe or buy anything. [/COLOR] ]


Javier said: Whoa slow down Ray, your getting way to technical for me. [ <font color="red">I never stated I was some kind of expert in the field [/COLOR] .] Your expecting me to have Ph.D. material written out for you on a silver platter. I’m just a regular guy, like many others who read and post. My investigation has been my observations and experience with people, no ancient texts referenced.

Javier said: You guessed correctly Ray. As I’ve stated many times in the past (look it up), the [ <font color="red">TTA is no scientific expert [/COLOR] .] I have more of an intuitive “Common Joe” feeling to Time Travel.

Titor said: [ <font color="red">I'm not a physicist [/COLOR] ] so I cannot answer that to your level of
sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field.


Javier said: Calm down Ray, I was speaking in general terms. [ <font color="red">I apologize for [/COLOR] ] using "we" in the context that I used it in. [ <font color="red">I did not mean to offend you or anyone [/COLOR] .]

Titor said: Please keep in mind the web site is not mine and [ <font color="red">I apologize [/COLOR] ] for the poor quality of the files. The photo you saw was taken by me with a Polaroid camera manufactured here. The other documents were duplicated by placing a book onto a copy machine at a packaging and shipping store and then scanning and saving them.

Titor said: The basic math to alter worldlines exists right now. Tipler first described a working "time machine" through his theory of massive rotating spheres. [ <font color="red">I apologize [/COLOR] ] for the web site but it was the only one I could find quickly.


Javier said: If MOP wishes to ban me again [ <font color="red">for no reason other then to make you happy [/COLOR] ] CAT, then so be it.

Javier said: Like I said, if he wants me out of here [ <font color="red">to make you more comfortable [/COLOR] ,] I have no problem with it.

Titor said: Granted, this will not affect you on your worldline now but you make [ <font color="red">take some comfort [/COLOR] ] that another “you” on another worldline has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I’ve seen, I’ve decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998.

Titor said: [ <font color="red">If it makes you feel any better [/COLOR] ,] I never shot anyone who wasn’t trying to kill me ...


Javier said: Take care everyone, [ <font color="red">I hope you find the truth you are in search for [/COLOR] .]

Titor said: When you can see it through the high level smoke and haze, not that I'm aware of.

Cipher says: Javier, we know all about the high level of smoke and haze in California! :D
Javier, I think I've allowed you enough time to gloat, and than bow out like I thought you would.

Darby, thanks for the recognition of the evidence. However, I claim no such prize. I cannot release my metrics or methodology and I cannot reveal my CV. Although, I will make known that I work for the Intelligence Agency. A friend whom I’ve worked with in the past had contacted me and asked me for some help in cracking the case. In some cases that I have been involved in I have been credited in finding overwhelming evidence. I have worked on text analysis in a number of high profile matters including the Unabomber case and McVeigh. Contrary to the evidence I have submitted here, I have curtailed certain evidence that could incriminate Javier Cortez Sandoval "as perpetrator" for fraud. As for his "accomplices", it is futile, the game is over.

I’m not absolutely sure that he came forward in good judgment. I detect hidden agenda. I sense that Javier is now trying to use this in his favor. I will admit that he gave me a good laugh. It was a good challenge for my intellect -- that’s important you know for government security issues nowadays. but I’m not so sure to those that were involved, effected in some way or caught up in all the many hours of this story. Javier came forward and acknowledged that the story has been the very basis of your lives here, giving up so much of your free time in reading and posting. For this he says, he is truly sorry.

Folks you must critically rethink what Javier said, because even though he is saying he is sorry, you ought to realize that for 6 years it was deliberate, calculated, thought-out, intended and up till now still largely remains premeditated. After taking a good look at this misleading character, I’m not sure at this point if I should hold back the damaging evidence.

I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to sit on this for a while longer and watch what transpires. Both on the forum here, around the web and in the media. I would hope that Javier makes the wise choice to give it a rest. The looking glass I have is elite. It allows me more than enough windows of opportunity. And if you already didn’t know Javier, that nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.

If I see that this is going in the wrong direction by (false advertising, fraud, capitalizing on broken dreams, harassing of any nature and feeding off of young and inexperienced people that are easily influenced as I’m aware this is where your biggest business potential lays. These are people included as "first comers" to the whole time travel story that will buy the book and the memorabilia merchandise). I will without hesitation retrieve those documents, start preliminary action and turn them over to the court. I should tell you that courts uniformly have admitted evidence of known writings, recognizing that the particular or peculiar use of grammar and spelling can be observed and identified to establish authorship. Although that’s not all the evidence we are dealing with here that I have withheld in view of the fact that it is unlawfully inappropriate for public forum.

In the mean time I am compiling a list. I would like anyone that feels they were in some way "wronged" by Javier in this whole Titor saga to please e-mail me at [email protected]

In addition I would also like to bring to your attention the person or persons who own the Time Travel Institute forum?

I read up on the Disney - Celebration - TTI - Titor - MOP discussion which was posted on 4-2-04:;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=18775&amp;Forum=time_travel&amp;Words="Copyright"&amp;Match=Entire%20Phrase&amp;Searchpage=0&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=18775&amp;Search=true#Post18775

On 9-16-04 MOP posts and asks: Would you buy TTI?;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=25792&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=MOP&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=0&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=25792&amp;Search=true#Post25792

On 5-11-05 Mop posts about copyright laws regarding the John Titor material:;Board=time_travel&amp;Number=33023&amp;Forum=All_Forums&amp;Words=MOP&amp;Match=Username&amp;Searchpage=0&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main=32933&amp;Search=true#Post33023

Captioned here:

Siegmund, I would imagine your lawyer would have his hands full keeping you out of the mental ward. You can't copyright or trademark a t-shirt. You can copyright or trademark a certain design or slogan (the Coca-Cola curve, for example, or Nike's "Just Do It") or fictional character or place (Mickey Mouse or "Oz", for example), but not a t-shirt. As the owner of a trademark, you can prevent people from putting it on a t-shirt. You can't put Mickey Mouse on a t-shirt without having Disney breath down your neck. Sure, if you're small enough, the cost of litigation is probably not worth pursuing, you can write "Mario and Luigi cleaned out my pipes" on a t-shirt and if you print only 5 of them, Nintendo may let it slide. But you have no claim here. You see, you have no claim on "John Titor". Copyrights usually depend on "first use" (that is, where the property first appeared) and where did John Titor "first appear"? That's right, the Time Travel Institute. And who owns the Time Travel Institute? That's right, I do. And, so, unless someone comes forth and claims to be the "real" John Titor, ownership of John Titor and all associated products/merchandise fall to me. So, if you want to make a t-shirt and put John Titor's name on it, I think I'm going to have to ask you to shove it. This, of course, pertains only to you. Sadly, I'm not sure you'll be able to see this post as it was pointed out to me that I've already banned you from this forum four times and this is the fifth time. Keep it up, and I'll just have to contact your ISP - Comcast in Panama City, Florida - and tell them that you're harassing the users of this forum.

Thank you,
Raul Burriel

Might something have transpired here when the new John Titor memorabilia became available on the forum 1-14-05?

The question is, who "really" owns the Time Travel Institute?

I already know the answer to that. :D

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!

Well its been fun folks. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it, but I really need to be going now. Goodbye.
There you have it folks!
Case is closed! ... Finally!

OK so who's next?
I love these jokers who come along and say they are an expert in such and such and have special knowledge that for some reason they can’t share. Then they say they’ve solved the Titor case and expect us to believe their “infinite and impossible wisdom” is the truth.

Cipher sounds more like Titor than Javier ever did. As the saying goes, “put up or shut up.”

Oh and anyone who wishes to claim they are Titor can prove it to me quite simply. Send me my “email to the past.” I’ll authenticate you to the world faster than your fake micro singularities didn’t take you to the future.
Well, Jimbo, Pam and Darby were all here when JT was posting and they all say that Cipher has it wrong.

So the case ain't closed until the very ones that were communicating with JT are satisfied with the result. I guess that is fair enough!. That is 4 witnesses against one accuser.

Javier, the court needs you to testify. Not to defend.

Now, who is the accuser anyway? ... I mean ...Really?
Who are you Cipher?
I like your approach but I don’t understand why you are here? Why now?
What is your motivation?

So I RE-OPEN THE CASE! The appeal has begun!

John Titor still lives!

For me, I am only an interested party.
I want to know who Zeshua was.
Hey nitescott...some OT info...

I'll be flying to Brisbane on April 20th, and holidaying from Brissy up to Cairns through the 12th of May. You anywhere around those parts? I'll buy you a few cold ones!
And how do I put this question in a nice way? Where do all the hotties hang out? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


I have curtailed certain evidence that could incriminate Javier Cortez Sandoval "as perpetrator" for fraud. As for his "accomplices", it is futile, the game is over.

I would seriously advise you to be very careful about how you word your posts. If indeed you work in or have worked in the intelligence community (government or private industry) then you have received specific training relative to the civil liability involving the profession and investigative targets. I did. Lot's of it. In fact, after basic, intermediate and advanced training virtually all of the follow-on training involved civil liability. Even after I left the intelligence community I remained in government for the remainder of my career (I retired last year). The same applied thereafter - majority of training = civil liability relative to the proper and expected conduct of government officials.

The word "fraud" has a very specific meaning in the legal world. Accusing someone of fraud in the public arena is a very serious business. Fraud is a felony crime. It is theft by the use of trick or device.

If you meant that he was involved in this Internet "hoax" then you might want to reconsider how you phrased the last post.

If you really meant "fraud" and you cannot establish that crime by probable cause then you have a considerable legal problem...both for yourself and your client/employer. Even if you can establish probable cause you aren't necessarily free and clear. If you work for a government "intelligence agency" are an agent of the government. If that's the case I can assure you that you do not want a visit from the DOJ's Civil Rights Unit - and you do not want to hear them say "Are you aware of Title 18, Chapter 13, Sections 240-242 USC - Violation of civil rights/conspiracy to violate civil rights?" Those are 5 year Federal felonies. You don't accuse someone of a crime by ambushing them on the Internet if you are the government.

If you are in the private sector you still have the normal civil liability for libel.

If you used your employer's facilities, programs, computers, etc. to make the public "disclosure or do the "research" the employer, aka "Deep Pockets", could have an issue to settle. Even if you didn't actually use their facilities you've vaguely suggested that you might have. They probably won't be too pleased to even be contacted about the possibility. It would cost them money just to extricate themselves from the mess because they are the potential Deep Pocket respondent.

If your employer participates in US government or state government contracts for service ongoing and/or pending they could have an issue with the Inspector General's office.

I'd think it over. If you've read the posts you know that there have been legal repercussions in the past.

"John Titor" is an Internet game - nothing more. Its our hobby to debate. It isn't something that you should get so over-the-top involved in that you put yourself and your family (if you happen to have a spouse, children, etc.) in jeopardy over.

If you really didn't mean "fraud" you should clean it up.

Just my advice - take it for what its worth.
Hey nitescott...some OT info...

I'll be flying to Brisbane on April 20th, and holidaying from Brissy up to Cairns through the 12th of May. You anywhere around those parts? I'll buy you a few cold ones! And how do I put this question in a nice way? Where do all the hotties hang out?

Sorry Ray, (Actually I would like to meet you for a beer, I would enjoy the chat!) but I live in Sydney. So ... If you go south, Then email me and we can meet up for Schooner at Darling Harbour.

Go to the Sunshine coast and the Goldcoast, Them babes are all beautiful up there!
You’ll have a great time there for sure! Lucky Ray!
Oh to be young again!

I have a question.
Creedo is “freaking-out” because of my signature troll. Can somebody please explain to him that it won’t hurt him and that my little troll looks after my posts when I can’t be around to do it?

He won’t bite you Creedo! Come give him a little pat on the head. You’ll see that he is a nice little troll!
Nightscott, that is me. Are you nuts as Cipher here lately?

I wonder by what Rights or Freedom you are going around with? Who said that you can post anything?

I do want the owner, or moderator to throw these two off of this forum now?

I have a real problem with people who claim that they can do anything to anyone?

It is not public even on a forum due to copyrights and anything else.

That is final, and that is the law. With Art Bell, a set of pictures of Titor was given to, and not even those should be used, since they are archived. Not even did any of that.

Even if you are making no money off of it, I will tell you that I am deeply offended, and March Madness must be in some people on this forum. I been through this with other people, and I expect that someone with some ethics and morals, will proceed to do the correct thing.

Afterall, I do know what The Bible says about it all, and the Declaration of Independence. Afterall a slippery slope is not even close to time-traveling, or time-travel.

If you can not see the error of what is done, then I suggest you read a good Ethics and Logic book. It does seem that looseness is indeed a problem also with some people in this World. Afterall, there are others that do want to end it all.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

What are you trying to tell me?

What laws have I broken?

I am a member here am I not? Therefore I can contribute a post from time to time about time.

Please explain TimeNot_0, what I have done to offend you?

If you can not see the error of what is done, then I suggest you read a good Ethics and Logic book.
What error?
Hey TimeNot_0:

Kindly lay off my Aussie buddy, will ya? And what are you going on about? I think we'd all appreciate it if you were a little bit clearer in this post (and others).

In order for anyone to be in intelligence, as either an authority or an enforcer, on request, they must present a badge number.

Also, Ciper, Darby and RMT, all have to state what agencies they are with.If they don't, its only general huff and puff.

Ciper left and e-mail to register complaints, to, if you feel that you've been wronged by the Titor debachel.

How do I know that this e-mail is not going to the staff at Wal-mart?

Say if in part the Titor exposé, was to cover the stealing of an item, from someone who is para-affiliated with aliens and that particular person gets a signal off to an old and ancient armada.Does the U.S. or this world, have the ability to repel a fleet of angry aliens, as one of their relatives has been abused?
Want to join them, Rainman Time. That picture is my ISP, and I emailed Mop. That and your gang member activity against me, ain't gonna go. I am already looking for a lawyer to sue this Government, because of people in the past like you people. I am a U.S. Citizen, and I do not take attacks on my person, like in the Past, either physically, or anything else.

You were warned against such anti-social behavior on this forum, and I guess now you want to join them, is that correct Rainman Time?

You think private information is for your type of behavior. Answer the question, for I have called the FBI up after 911 like some others on terroists websites back then, and just called the FBI on these new security bullentins put out by Microsoft lately.

These are foreigners who are dishing (unknown) out these viruses over the Internet, lately.

I wonder where you think you post my info about what I use, and my ISP address in that stupid picture. And like some other Veterans in this Nation, when they are liars and other things, like some other babyboomers, I wonder how far foreigners go to try and start a Civil War here in the USA, on a USA forum. That does not necessarily mean Titor, either, just your buddies here lately, and their own admission, and Darby's statement about it up above.

I do not like it, and I do not like having a leaky heart valve lately either or being fired from my job, because some Doctor states at a hospital that he "thinks" I had a heart attack, when it was not actually that.

I do not have to explain my life to your kind, and I am searching for a lawyer to sue this Nation due to previous what I call "hate" crimes after being attacked when I was young in this Nation, including my former family across the border in Illinois way back years ago. If you can not have compassion, I tell you right now, the Jew Druggie died of his own cause some years ago, but no Veteran is going to have their anti-social ways either, along with that non-paying former company U.S. West, along with the Governor of Iowa, who states he wants to move Child Molesters out of State. Of course he did not do that, but if you all want the FBI called, consider I have called them up before and just now, about many things. If you think your families are more important along with your lack of ethics, then you best remember what Titor thinks of your kind also. I am not associated with Titor or Pamela, but if I were Pamela, I also think of getting a lawyer, and telling white-faces men where to go, the real way. That is up to her, but to me, I am not here to take your lack of ethics any time of day, or any other way!

The End, until I find a lawyer, I will not rest or respond to a bunch of gang-type members anymore.
And by the way, until other Veterans start telling the truth, I do not take threats out of this damn Nation any way either, from drunks or anyone else gang-member crap parade. The type of people ain't getting one, and protesters in L.A. I really do not care about. That ain't political, it is against the USA to me.

I don't need your opinion or your selfish acts either. I am flat out telling you, I already told the Senator of this State, that I am ready to sign affadivits to that effect. Don't feed me your obstinate natures, I am a U.S. Citizen, and I will and have called CBS-60 minutes about some things. I wonder if you type of people really think you start Civil Wars in the USA. Answer the question, do you think you can prove that you are nuts like the others?
Answer the questions, for the FBI has been called. No response and I will take whatever steps are necessary to protect my life and quit putting up with any kind of that behavior in the USA.
Hey TimeNo 0, the troll in Nitescott's postings, is reflective Javascript.

This only reflects to the ISP back to that system's ident, that is looking at the screen?