Javier, I think I've allowed you enough time to gloat, and than bow out like I thought you would.
Darby, thanks for the recognition of the evidence. However, I claim no such prize. I cannot release my metrics or methodology and I cannot reveal my CV. Although, I will make known that I work for the Intelligence Agency. A friend whom I’ve worked with in the past had contacted me and asked me for some help in cracking the case. In some cases that I have been involved in I have been credited in finding overwhelming evidence. I have worked on text analysis in a number of high profile matters including the Unabomber case and McVeigh. Contrary to the evidence I have submitted here, I have curtailed certain evidence that could incriminate Javier Cortez Sandoval "as perpetrator" for fraud. As for his "accomplices", it is futile, the game is over.
I’m not absolutely sure that he came forward in good judgment. I detect hidden agenda. I sense that Javier is now trying to use this in his favor. I will admit that he gave me a good laugh. It was a good challenge for my intellect -- that’s important you know for government security issues nowadays. but I’m not so sure to those that were involved, effected in some way or caught up in all the many hours of this story. Javier came forward and acknowledged that the story has been the very basis of your lives here, giving up so much of your free time in reading and posting. For this he says, he is truly sorry.
Folks you must critically rethink what Javier said, because even though he is saying he is sorry, you ought to realize that for 6 years it was deliberate, calculated, thought-out, intended and up till now still largely remains premeditated. After taking a good look at this misleading character, I’m not sure at this point if I should hold back the damaging evidence.
I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to sit on this for a while longer and watch what transpires. Both on the forum here, around the web and in the media. I would hope that Javier makes the wise choice to give it a rest. The looking glass I have is elite. It allows me more than enough windows of opportunity. And if you already didn’t know Javier, that nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
If I see that this is going in the wrong direction by (false advertising, fraud, capitalizing on broken dreams, harassing of any nature and feeding off of young and inexperienced people that are easily influenced as I’m aware this is where your biggest business potential lays. These are people included as "first comers" to the whole time travel story that will buy the book and the memorabilia merchandise). I will without hesitation retrieve those documents, start preliminary action and turn them over to the court. I should tell you that courts uniformly have admitted evidence of known writings, recognizing that the particular or peculiar use of grammar and spelling can be observed and identified to establish authorship. Although that’s not all the evidence we are dealing with here that I have withheld in view of the fact that it is unlawfully inappropriate for public forum.
In the mean time I am compiling a list. I would like anyone that feels they were in some way "wronged" by Javier in this whole Titor saga to please e-mail me at
[email protected]
In addition I would also like to bring to your attention the person or persons who own the Time Travel Institute forum?
I read up on the Disney - Celebration - TTI - Titor - MOP discussion which was posted on 4-2-04:
On 9-16-04 MOP posts and asks: Would you buy TTI?
On 5-11-05 Mop posts about copyright laws regarding the John Titor material:
Captioned here:
Siegmund, I would imagine your lawyer would have his hands full keeping you out of the mental ward. You can't copyright or trademark a t-shirt. You can copyright or trademark a certain design or slogan (the Coca-Cola curve, for example, or Nike's "Just Do It") or fictional character or place (Mickey Mouse or "Oz", for example), but not a t-shirt. As the owner of a trademark, you can prevent people from putting it on a t-shirt. You can't put Mickey Mouse on a t-shirt without having Disney breath down your neck. Sure, if you're small enough, the cost of litigation is probably not worth pursuing, you can write "Mario and Luigi cleaned out my pipes" on a t-shirt and if you print only 5 of them, Nintendo may let it slide. But you have no claim here. You see, you have no claim on "John Titor". Copyrights usually depend on "first use" (that is, where the property first appeared) and where did John Titor "first appear"? That's right, the Time Travel Institute. And who owns the Time Travel Institute? That's right, I do. And, so, unless someone comes forth and claims to be the "real" John Titor, ownership of John Titor and all associated products/merchandise fall to me. So, if you want to make a t-shirt and put John Titor's name on it, I think I'm going to have to ask you to shove it. This, of course, pertains only to you. Sadly, I'm not sure you'll be able to see this post as it was pointed out to me that I've already banned you from this forum four times and this is the fifth time. Keep it up, and I'll just have to contact your ISP - Comcast in Panama City, Florida - and tell them that you're harassing the users of this forum.
Thank you,
Raul Burriel
Might something have transpired here when the new John Titor memorabilia became available on the forum 1-14-05?
The question is, who "really" owns the Time Travel Institute?
I already know the answer to that. :D
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!
Well its been fun folks. I’ve enjoyed every bit of it, but I really need to be going now. Goodbye.