Theory The Dual Language Diagnosis of John Titor

hmmm ... checking again ... nope still don't care who he is.

The story of titor is interesting regardless of who he actually is. To me its an entertaining work of fiction much like any good sci-fi novel. Sure you can expose him as a fraud becuase he is whats-his-face, but to me it won't change a damn thing.
May I ask why your interest in identifying the person behind the titor story. Why now? Where were you when the story came out?
Several tips have been sent to my e-mail that is under investigation.

Its going to be interesting to find out how legitimate some faxes that Titor/Javier sent to Art Bell concerning one of the future predictions of a building going missing in New York city and its possible connection to 911. the prediction (the date specified on the faxes) was made on 6-29-98 (two years before September 11th)

Here’s one of the links to this information, where Titor mentions: (Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York.) It also talks about the faxes in detail inferring that it was altered:

Either way Javier, this tells me several things. Faked or altered faxes, that you were aware of the first attempted plot of the world trade center and gleamed its efforts, or you may have had connections to the 911 plot! Or you had the foreknowledge of a government plan, or perhaps just a fudged coincidence in which you wanted it to give the impression of it being a valid prediction influenced by a time traveller.

In all likelihood en route to your ongoing fraudulent history those faxes were hoaxed along with the rest of your story. If they were altered, this only lends hand to even more suspicion. Unfortunately this creates a whole host of other problems for you Mr. Cortez. Including the date that you arrived on the forum as TimeTravel_0 (11-02-00) and the year that you picked for your Titor saga -- 2036. If you add the numbers up for the year of 2036 you get 11 and that makes you conspicuously culpable.

Javier you still continue boasting about the 11th date through Chronohistorian including your recent comment regarding "illegal immigration day" in which you remark that the streets of America will run red for many years. It seems that you take glory in terrorist activity! Do you sincerely believe we live in a fascist country in which your Titor story helps bolster that belief. Have something agents Western Civilization do you?

Let me remind you of several of your past comments:
911 is the emergency service number for america. the spanish railway bombing happened 911 days after september 11th.
there will be attempted attacks. I think there is one in oregon but I am not sure
1. people think iraq was behind september 11th. 2. people think that palestinians are actually afghan refugees. your governments should really start sending leaflets out to the whole country telling them the real truth. that way people will be better educated on current events
Police, immigration, mad scientists etc.We don't exactly have passports to prove we are citizens. We live in places that are unlived in which we dont own.
I mean I live in a house/flat/other place where no one is living at present. We could be called squatters.
I have heard of chernobyl. is the three mile island the one covered in anthrax?
Anyway the most spoken language on earth is arabic.
They hijack because they are greedy and want to become rich.
The social level is the same as it is now but with a tiny bit of communism.
The streets of America will run red for many years.

I’m not even touching base on some of the anti-American "terrorist" remarks that XavierCage (JC) made. Nor am I nearing any of your secret number codes that you may be passing on to a recipient.

Javier, you may get a knock at the door soon.
The controls for Chronohistorian, are that this must be a computer simulation, or a real time traveler.

This is so, as in his annex of linguistics, there is no century, abrasiveness, which is inherent, at the 20 mark.

This could have only been accomplished by a very advanced computer program, or Chronohistorian, is a real time traveler.

** Please note security marks, time cops time cops.
Talk about beating a dead horse.

I can’t retire without having to be called back to duty.

It seems you want to continue this elaborate world of make believe of connections, with the TTA in the center of it!

Very well, then continue it with me NOW, while I am present this time!

HAHAHAHA i have fooled you all I Am Juan Titor .... i mean John Tithor ... i mean Joe Rotit, wait, what was i saying ?

Anyway that dosen't matter cause i was all an elaborate hoax by me !!!! HAHAHAHAHA .... BTW i work for the NSA, no the CIA, no the DEA, or was it the NSC? well it was one of those alphabet soup ass government agencys anyway ...

BTW if you didn't realize this was sarcasim ....

Get over it ... geez ....
Ok Cipher... times up.

Why not share some of the information that you've gather with me in a dialogue.

Preferably while I am still here that is!

I am sure there is some way to prove that I am not JT, Chronohistorian, XavierCage and many others you seem to claim I am or have a connection to.

You like figuring things out, so I challenge you to prove to me without a shadow of a doubt, that I am JT.

But first, the TTA will make this statement:

I TTA, have not now nor ever been anyone else here on the TTI forum or other TT forums other then the TTA, posts made by another name and or if not signed by the TTA, are not mine.

If you wish to continue your investigation, I suggest you do so with the TTA in present company this time.

Does it really matter if linguistics relates these posters? It was so obviously fake, the biggest mistake Titor made was trying to 'lay down' some physics involved in the whole time travelling process. The predictions were BS besides. It was so successful because he was the first (of many) who claimed ot be a time traveller.

It was so successful because he was the first (of many) who claimed ot be a time traveller.

Agreed! Now, everyone wants to mimic the adventures of the people behind JT and hopefully get as popular as him. He was the first and if his equivalent were to come now, no one would take him seriously because of past issues with all these TT's. Seven years ago it was a good idea to make up TT stories but that time has come and gone..

The first is always the best and then people begin to grow tired of the same shenanigans once they are played over and over again. Someone said in another forum, "Talk about beating a dead horse," and that's exactly what all these alleged TT's are doing. It's getting OLD people! With each and every NEW/USED story, our awareness tends to drift towards the growing grass outside as a much more appeasing sight, rather than reading these bogus stories!
Just to add my 2 cents...

I sort of am wondering why there is such an interest in finding out exactly "who" John Titor is. It seems at this point in time, there is a fairly strong opinion held by everyone whether J.T. is a fake or not.

I dont mind the on-line debate, but when people start prying into someones private life, this is going beyond acceptable behavior.

If I "really" wanted to know "who" John Titor would not be that hard to find him. However, it wouldnt really make any difference in my daily life to know "who" J.T. is. I have more important things occuring than digging out John Titor. Thus, my energy and time spent on "finding" him has been limited.

If government employees are involved with this thing now, I hesitate to continue to post in TTI.

Obviously, there are some fruit-loops that come in here, and I am getting nervous with the fact that some people want to go beyond the scope of an on-line debate.

If TTA is John, good job...If not...darn, John has a pretty good thing going for him.

Leave it at that. I see this thing slipping into our own little civil war, with people going into areas that should be left alone.

Keeping this here, on-line is great. But, to start using resources to "track" someone down and mess with them is too much.

And that goes for those who know who they are...relax...this is a supposed to be for a little fun and to take away the rigors of daily life. But to take it beyond these hallowed halls, is plain stupid.

If government employees are involved with this thing now, I hesitate to continue to post in TTI.

I don't know exactly what you mean by "if government employees are involved in this thing" but you should know by now that at least a half dozen of the original posters were government employees. Several of us have retired since 2000 but remain in government as retired employees (they let us work after retirement).

That being said I'd add that to my knowledge none of us has every used any government "tools" to pursue our iinterest in the story. If I thought otherwise I too would be upset over the issue. You (as a tax payer) pay us to work when we are at work. You don't pay us to play the Titor Game with your tax dollars.
I am sure you know that I have a deep respect for you. I have learned alot from your posts. I dont have any reservations regarding your interactions on this board.

However, this doesn't mean that others won't cross boundaries. The threats are inferred many times, even in this thread.

Money isnt the issue for me. We all play while at work. Regardless of where we are employed. So that doesnt bother me. It is what resources are used and what they are used for that bothers me.
So far what Cipher has done is rather basic.

What is next? Track down TTA and send someone out to beat the truth out of him? Cipher sure seems intent on bringing TTA down, one way or another, and its the "another" that concerns me.

I have friends in the law enforcement industry, but havent asked them to spend any time in any attempt to find out who J.T. may be.

They could do so easily, but I really don't think that anyone here deserves to have any law enforcement official tracking them down. This would require the agents prying into areas that really arent "my" business.

But, this doesnt mean somebody else wont take that step and go off and become a predator on the prowl.

My opinion stems from interaction with another member,, who will remain unnamed, but has demonstrated a dangerous inclination and to what lengths he would go is unknown.

Any one of us is easy to find...and I just am a little wary of some of the posters and how they view the condition of the world. I am hoping they are spoofing on how much of a conspiracy they think is occurring and how many of us they think are part of some sort of government plan and using TTI to track them and monitor their lives.

How far will they take this delusion? So far nothing really bad has happened, but that doesnt mean that one of these people wont snap and come hunting because of some sort of stupid idea that TTI members are messing with them.

I may be a little paranoid, but this is my 2nd computer, since the first one got hacked and corrupted. Whoever did it pretended to be me on-line and now my step-daughters won't even talk to me anymore.

Whether it was someone here or not, I dont know. But, it is a fact that it happened.

Thus I am wary.
In examining Zeshua, it is noticeably repeated in Zeshuas posts that he emphasizes the date of the 22nd or with anything regarding a 2 in it like the year 2025 or the dates that Zeshua came and went on the forum from 2-22-05 / 2-22-06 which you can view here.

I can tell you that Zeshua is not JT/Chrono, Javier or TTA. I lost all respect for you when you said Javier was Zeshua. It seems to me the only reason you're on this forum is to spread lies and make yourself look important. I'm not interested. You're no better than people accusing Darby or Pamela being JT. Just my opinion.

You seem to have a beef with Javier/TTA, and it seems to be a long lasting one. Perhaps the moderators should search their database on your previous IP's and we would have an answer. I suspect you've been around before and are only around now to attack Javier/TTA.

Come on over to the forum I moderate and post there. Register there like Darby and Pamela have and submit to our questions. The Zeshua group is there as well as several people that originally posted to John Titor.

I'm not advertising the forum I moderate. I'm just saying that those that were posting with JT and Zeshua are on this site and will debate Cipher and his accusations.

They could do so easily, but I really don't think that anyone here deserves to have any law enforcement official tracking them down. This would require the agents prying into areas that really arent "my" business.

Absolutely 100% right on. Law enforcement does, indeed, have tools that the average person doesn't have access to. Along with the right to use those tools comes the responsibility to use them only for legitimate purposes, under the direction of their supervisors and following the audit trail guidelines that allow them to retrace use of those tools back to the person who used them, when, why, who the target was and who authorized the activity.

The public trusts law enforcement (and government in general) to do the right thing and any violation of that public trust requires appropriate disciplinary measures.

A lot of the audit trail is built into the computer security systems...and the trails are routinely audited. Activities as innocuous as surfing the Net with no legitimate purpose is cause for discipline. "Private", unauthorized record checks and spying are cause for dismissal, criminal and civil prosecution. If the illegal inquiries cross state lines (for instance through the use of the Internet) its possible that the US DOJ's Civil Rights unit would get involved. That's very bad news for the law enforcement officer. The unit is composed of US Attorneys and Federal law enforcement officers who spend most of their time procesuting law enforcement officers for civil rights violations.

They enforce Title 18, Chapter 13, Section 242 US Code:

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Mr. Cortez, I have no personal retaliation against you. As I mentioned in my first post, I am a cryptologist with a hobby of code breaking. I had no previous knowledge of this story beforehand. I came here with the simple intention of solving a 6-year mystery. I did not come here with the intention of selecting you. There were a number of other candidates that surfaced in my analysis, but all data strongly nominated you (and continues to do so). As my analysis furthered I unraveled some undesirable things. Namely 1, that you have broken the rules of the TTI forum by advertising and promoting your schemed Titor story in a disguising and concealing outfitted way as to draw attention to the younger more persuadable and easily influences crowd by taking on the personas of different posters with cloaked IP addresses.

Agreed rules for posting on TTI:

Maybe all apply to you. This one in particular: Posts containing advertising and promotions are not welcomed and is grounds for immediate banning.

Namely 2, you continue with your personas to clearly show terrorist tendencies and intentions against western civilization. In which case NOBODY on this forum should be encouraging or supporting!

Mr. Cortez, I see it has been a race for you and your friends to erase data and evidence. Let me tell you it is a futile endeavor. Furthermore the readers of this forum should be a little wiser as to question “why” you and the other players are trying to cover up this information. Or why Pamela Moore is erasing her involvment of the missing building.

You can see here Pamela deleted all her posts as of 5-1-06 (about the building missing in New York) in this thread:

For the record here are the “original faxes” sent in by John Titor/Javier to Art Bells BBS:

FAX #1:

Dear Art,

I had to fax when I heard other time travelers calling in from any time past the year 2500 AD. Please let me explain.

Time travel was invented in 2034 off shoots of certain successful fusion reactor research allowed scientists at CERN to produce the worlds first contained singularity engine.

The basic design involves rotating singularities inside a magnetic feild. By altering the speed and direction of rotation you can travel both forward and backward in time.

Time itself can be understood in terms of connected lines. When you go back in time you travel on your original time line when you turn the singularity engine off a new time line is created due to the fact that you and your time machine are now there.

In other words a new universe is created. To get back to your original line you must travel a split second farther back and immediately throw the engine into forward without turning it off.

Some interesting outcomes of this are: You meet yourself. I have done it often. Even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine. You can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that don't exist in New York. Interestingly when you travel in time you must compensate for the orbit of the Earth since the time machine doesn't move you have to adjust the engine so you remain on the planet when you turn it off.

Now for the future you might want to know about. Y2K is a disaster. Many people die on the highways when they freeze to death trying to get to warmer weather. The government tries to keep power by instituting marshall law but all of it collapses when their efforts to bring the power back up fail. A few years later communial government system is developed after the constitution takes a few twists. China retakes Tiawan. Isreal wins the largest battle for their life and Russia is covered in Nuclear snow from their collapsed reactors.

FAX #2:

("Alright I wanted to read you something as I received it. It's from a time traveler." - Art says).

Dear Mr. Bell,

I am glad you 're back. I faxed this information to you the day before you left the air. I wanted to make sure it wasn't lost in the shuffle so I am sending a gift. If you've already seen this please accept my apologies. If you choose to make this public please do not publish the fax number. I had to fax when I heard the other time traveler calling in from the recent time past infact the year 2500 Ad.

Let me explain, Mr. Bell. I sent a fax with this opening on July 29 1998. As I said then I am a time traveler. I have been on this world line since April of this year and I plan to leave soon. Typically time travelers do not purposely affect the world lines they visit. However this mission is unusually long and I've grown attatched to some of the people I have met here.

("Isn't that the Stockholm syndrome or something?" - Art says).

Anyway. For my own reasons I have decided to help this world line by sharing information about the future with a few poeople in the hope that it will help their future. I am contacting you for the same reason. Unfortunately there is no historical reference to your program in my worldline.

I beleive you can change your future by creating one now.

Some of the information presented on your program maybe invaluable to upline researchers. I suggest you isolate the programs that concentrate on military technology and new physics theories. Transcribe these programs and put them someplace safe away from the box. I recommend someplace in the mid west.

("Away from the box? What does he mean?" - Art says).

I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia to the Russians.

("I am not paranoid about the Russians." - Art says).

They are not preparing for war with the average US citizen. They are preparing for war with the US government. They will eventually save this country and the lives of million of Americans.

I realize my claims are a bit difficult to accept so I will send the following once I know you have recieved this fax. A few pages from the operations manual of my time machine. And a few colored photographs of my vehicle.

("Alright so you know I got it. Send them along." - Art says).

If you wish to contact me I will be happy to share with you the nature of time, the physics of time travel and some of the events of your future.

("God I hadn't read this earlier." - Art says).

Please send a return package to...

("And he gives the number." - Art says).

Sosuemetoo, thank you for inviting me to your site, I strolled through it briefly and came across something interesting and I wanted to know why no interest was given to a particular post? It seems that nobody (players in particular) is interested in evidence that points to Javier. Neither do they “really” have any valid clues or information to share other than hearsay. Yet they are quick to defend him and his innocence.

Captioned here:

[Scott] Apr 26 2006, 04:01 AM
Yes I did Risata.
I'm more interested in the fact that he thinks that Zeshua was Javier.
He has put links there and one of them Leads to Javiers email being [email protected]. When Zeshua emailed us it always came from “Zeshua Alpha [[email protected]]”
“Zeshua Alpha" - "cortez alpha1". Hmmm , Interesting!


I TTA, have not now nor ever been anyone else here on the TTI forum or other TT forums other then the TTA, posts made by another name and or if not signed by the TTA, are not mine.

Mr. Cortez, *clapping my hands* I must say splendidly prevaricating and mendacious! :D The most mischievous LIARS are those who keep sliding on the verge of truth. If you were so interested in your inocence than you were very careless as to leave us clues that you are Titor. Clues like your IP address that is registered to Santa Monica CA "Orange" County. Titor mentioned how he loved Oranges as one of his favorite foods and his father sold Oranges down the (fibbed) Florida coast. What a ironic coincidence that you are from ORANGE COUNTY CA. Does this logo ring a bell?

It is not my desire that you have taken this path it is your own. I am sorrowfully regretful for your mistakes. I have not singled you out as you (and your players) would like others to believe. Therefore, I have turned this case over to harsher discriminators who will take it from here.

And for the record let me make this clear that I did not spy on anyone or invade anyones privacy. Neither did I come anywhere near encroaching upon the US privacy act! Yes I do work for a agency that utilizes my programs. I did a analysis based on my own program (that I created at home in my own time) and several other websites on the Internet and on the Time Travel Institute forum. The information that I posted is mainly from here and obtained through the supplied search engine. There is plenty of information "right here" on TTI alone that ties this case up. Any and all information that I have curtailed has come from other "donating" sources. I have nothing to do with the persecution of any individual, I only gather information and pass it on.

Good day sir, and good luck
That’s all very fascinating… but your game of connect-the-dots has been a waste of time Cipher, and it ends NOW!

I am not JT, nor anyone else besides the TTA.

The original posters can attest to this, there is no way I can be JT.

Your analysis has failed to prove this to be the case, other then to show a connection if you close your eyes and use your imagination and try hard enough, perhaps you too can believe.

Now, I'm giving you the opportunity to cease your exploitation of the TTA. Your superiors will be made aware of your actions if you choose to continue this vigilante approach.


It seems that nobody (players in particular) is interested.

Darby, are you a player?

I know I am not!

That is an accusation, from a person, that intends to tell us what we are.

I know for a fact that there was several government employees are the original posts.

I fail to see where they are players also.

Posters, yes, players, get a brain, and get a life. It ain't gonna happen, here.

Intimidation went out a long time ago on this time traveler stuff.