Temporal Novice
I am gonna bookmark this thread to ensure i get to read the responses.Is it strange that a man of a 138 IQ has spelling and grammer this poor?I hope those as smart or smarter then i can overlook my poor english.I was turned on to the john titor phenomena as a skeptic,after reading the posts I joined the beliver camp,now after two nights extesive research I find myself in the middle.Why admit this to be a hoax years later?If this was a hoax the purpose could of been a grade.The timeing of the posts seem to fit that theory.And it sounds like the type of thing a college kid would do as an assignment for a grade...also the doughnut sigularity is remarkably simaler to the discription of deaths gate from Mragerets weis's books series the death gate cycle(see book 5 the hand of chaos)Still there is the predictions all which take place PRE 911. and the iraqi war post and john even uses the term weapons of mass desstruction in one post at least a year before the buzz word became popular.And the very fact that he communicated about the iraqi war BEFORE 911 is so overwhelming to me personaly and yet thier is doubt.I think my doubt comes from reading so many others doubt.from what ive read of cern its my understanding they created a microsingularity accodently but again this was one search result that was surrounded by april fools results.I emailed cern directly but im still waiting for a response.perhap michal moores movie will be a flash point.John said the date wouldn't suprise anyone.To me that suggests one of two optimal dates.July 4th or september 11. any other date would be a suprise.I do Doubt the authenticity of the one samson because after letting it go this long I fail to see the logic in comeing clean after such a period of time with no follow through to prove your him and it was fake.And in the end I guess thats what we are all left with.doubts.Will the real john titor please stand up?