The Death of John Titor.

I am gonna bookmark this thread to ensure i get to read the responses.Is it strange that a man of a 138 IQ has spelling and grammer this poor?I hope those as smart or smarter then i can overlook my poor english.I was turned on to the john titor phenomena as a skeptic,after reading the posts I joined the beliver camp,now after two nights extesive research I find myself in the middle.Why admit this to be a hoax years later?If this was a hoax the purpose could of been a grade.The timeing of the posts seem to fit that theory.And it sounds like the type of thing a college kid would do as an assignment for a grade...also the doughnut sigularity is remarkably simaler to the discription of deaths gate from Mragerets weis's books series the death gate cycle(see book 5 the hand of chaos)Still there is the predictions all which take place PRE 911. and the iraqi war post and john even uses the term weapons of mass desstruction in one post at least a year before the buzz word became popular.And the very fact that he communicated about the iraqi war BEFORE 911 is so overwhelming to me personaly and yet thier is doubt.I think my doubt comes from reading so many others doubt.from what ive read of cern its my understanding they created a microsingularity accodently but again this was one search result that was surrounded by april fools results.I emailed cern directly but im still waiting for a response.perhap michal moores movie will be a flash point.John said the date wouldn't suprise anyone.To me that suggests one of two optimal dates.July 4th or september 11. any other date would be a suprise.I do Doubt the authenticity of the one samson because after letting it go this long I fail to see the logic in comeing clean after such a period of time with no follow through to prove your him and it was fake.And in the end I guess thats what we are all left with.doubts.Will the real john titor please stand up?

You could always look up the IP addresses of the so called "time travelers" and see where they're located to see if it is a person playing a hoax on you all.

Are these guys really fakes!. Can anybody do an ip trace to find out if these guys are fake?. Oh yeah anybody read that post that is supposed to be from a colonel in 2040?. The people known a Jhon titor(timtravelr_0) and timtraver_1 are getting arreseted! in their timeperiod.

John claims of Civil Unrest and indeed a Civil War in the US in 2004/2005. (He actually contradicts himself a few times, saying 2005 instead of 2004 and vice versa).

The civil war in the United States will start in 2004. I would describe it as having a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse.

and again:

This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

Now, we haven't seen any Waco type events so far. Nor any Civil Unrest leading up to this coming election.

I seriously hope no one is buying into all of this. People constantly create hoaxes on the internet, and this is no different from going to a website with the name Ben Affleck and impersonating him. There are various contradictions in this story, and I find it interesting that this alleged time traveler would give a care about notifying people on an internet forum. What is the purpose exactly? If he doesn't really tell anyone about what's going to happen, then why was he here? Oh yeah, the "civil war". Let's think about that one for a moment with the other failed logic used. If 911 didn't happen on his timeline, then how does he know that this civil war will happen on our timeline? I'm assuming he's claiming to have found some sort of wormhole rather than time travel. A parallel universe. So if this civil war is happening there...then would that mean we wouldn't experience this civil war? So again...what's the point of this person's appearance on internet websites? Think about it...if you were some big shot from the future....would you spend your time posting on a forum that a handful of people would see? For what purpose? There seems to be an explanation for everything asked him...convieniently. I think I could come up with a more elaborate explanation than the ones he's giving. It just so happens that a friend of his is told to tell us everything....on his freaking death bed! It sounds like he got bored and wanted to be someone else. And then he became some colonel or something? If anything, this person has an identity crisis. Read all of the explanations and tell me if you think his answers are plausible. It's like he's making it up on the spot to cover for his imaginative lies. It's nice to think that time travel is possible, but you can't throw away your brain in the process. This is a hoax and nothing more.

Hi TimeTravel_1,

I have just recently become familiar with John Titor's time travel claims. I can't say that I either believe or disbelieve them. I am keeping an open mind though. I do have one question -- you said that 9/11 never happen on your (John's) worldline. Wouldn't that also mean that things that happended on his worldline (like the civil war and WWIII) may not happen on ours? 9/11 was an incredibly significant event on this worldline and if it didn't happen on yours, I have to wonder how similar our worldlines are.


What was the cause of his death? He was to young to die from old age. Unless time travel affects your chronological time clock and you age faster every time your travel?


Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda

Allow me to give you the sum of my investigations.Don't expect links thats what search engines are form.On 2-9-01 john went on a tanget demanding to be understood that he could not give us direct future info.However to illustriat his point he droped a hint talking about planes crashing.Interesting if you consider the numerology of 2-9-01.On 2-27-01(i think) he asked us if we belived iraq had nukes or if we thought it was hype to whip us into a war frenzy.Some time in dec.2000 he makes references to weapons of mass destruction A word not in our common vocabulary at that time.B4 wmd we called the stuff NBC or Nuclear , Biological, Chemical...Bush made the term WMD popular but only after 9-11.A search at scientific will reveal how scientists are already SUCCESSFULLY experimenting with sending particals through time.And the CERN institute Has created micro black holes that are to small to suck in the earth but still strong enough to capture light. It was easy stuff to search to scientificly prove his claims.Just goto any reputable science organization.....I hate the future he described...I dislike those that wish for it.I would rather live in this messed up world then a world where water is a commadity and child birth a rareity...Who bothers to contemplate thier desires when the desire Johns world....Still suck as It must I have always resented my parents tolerateing kent state...Thier should of been open rebelion sooner instead our parents did nothing and have left us the mess to clean up. The civil war doesn't bother me its the nukes that bother me.

The time travel machine was a big affair, they had it below ground level.

You can't say that him traveling from his time to our is efficacious, or a good event.

MFTP is a close to the vest card player and does not reveal all there is of Atlantia.

I agree with Misha.

9/11 was an incredibly significant event and regardless if JT is true or not you cant do much about anything if your discussing possible future events which doesnt include this particular event.

Only thing i see left is just a normal discussion or if possibly some helpful information like better health or technology that could benifit us.

I guess if its like this then ide ask these questions:

1) Is there any diseases or sickness cures been discovered and if yes would you happen to know what they are?

New medicines for aids, cancer, any known ingredients or something we should look for?

2) Can you tell me any new methods, concepts or anything that has improved our technologies?

Like computers, microchips, energy sources, communications, transportations, medical related ect ect?.

If things like aids, iraq wars, pres bush, 9/11 ect ect didnt happend in your timeline then your info to me doesnt matter or isnt very helpful at all unless it is.

Again if 9/11 didnt happen in your timeline then your really out of your or my league.

Only thing now as ive briefly read, if there is now a possiblility to safely time travel to this same timeline then by all means share with me some events.

For ex:

1) Mention some very significant events that will help us belive your words.


Who will be next president?

Have they found what is under the sphinx at giza?

Any major natural events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, ect ect.

Anything you see in my 9/11 timeline that i should prepare for?

If your a so called a time travler and can travel to this 9/11 timeline then please dont leave me in the dark because life is to short to be in need of help and find useless information that is no help at all.

Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda

I still believe John's story was true, due to the research I did back in 2005...and I continue to follow current events. There are explanations for the differences in our Timelines, but too many to post here.

I don't believe the explanation posted here, that students made up the story, because there is too much evidence to support John's claims.

In addition, there was what I call "the experiment"...Where John took back messages that people wanted to email to themselves. Their stories are incredible, but hard to find.

I spent several months researching John's claims, and the evidence convince me he was a real Time Traveler. I watch as the events in our world unfold. Now we are headed for a war in Iran, which is also based on lies, solely for the purpose of the rich obtaining more oil, money and power.

Those who are in power control the Media and they are brainwashing people into believing that Hillary will be the next president, so people give up and vote for her. She is supported by GWB, because she will continue the war, as stated by her.

If/when the U.S. invades/attacks Iran, that will be the doorway to WWIII. Russia and Iran have had a long-standing treaty and Russia will come to Iran's aid if we wage war on that country.

If that happens, then the U.S. will bring a war on our soil, and it will be nuclear. That is for sure and experts have said this. I had precognitive dreams about many things that John said, long before I heard of him. That's what attracted my attention when I read his story.

I wish that I had been on the message boards when John was here...but a family emergency called me away for months. Ironically, he posted on the boards that I frequented, as I was an avid poster on Art Bell's BBS.

If John ever does come back online during our Time Line, I hope to be there.

Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda


If John ever does come back online during our Time Line, I hope to be there.
Hate to break it to you this way but if you're right about the Titor Saga then the chances are that you have less than a 50-50 chance of being alive in 3 years.
And because you are, in his story, one of the hated people of this generation, people who don't appear in the 2036 part of his story, then you have a very slim chance of surviving the post nuclear war purge by Titor's Brave New World.

They're either going to toast you or stone you...but they won't be asking too many questions before they decide which. They'd expect both the innocent and the guilty to claim, "But I'm a believer..."

Yuh just gotta love those revolutionaries.

Too kewl, eh?

Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda

Didn't Mark Twain say something about the rumors of his death being premature? It may be that Titor will outlive us all. :)

Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda

To: Darby

Thanks, but you're not 'breaking' anything to me. I spent months researching John's material, so I am aware that he said he would not be able to return to this Timeline...Unless of course, his world improves on their ability to Time Travel (my words, not his). That is always a possibility.

I doubt the odds of me being here in 3 years are only 50-50. Perhaps after a nuclear war though, but on his Timeline, that doesn't happen until 2015. Of course, it could happen earlier or later on our Timeline, due to the unexpected alterations in events.

Yes John's generation hated ours, but they had reason to. It's because most people - sheeple, sat idly by and allowed the president to strip our Rights away and wage war over lies...which ultimately led to a nuclear war, which killed billions and destroyed the environment. What society wouldn't be mad about that?

I for one am not one of the I am not one of those people that his generation despise, because I do all that I can to bring knowledge and awareness to others about what's going on, and I do everything I can to help change it and bring peace.

It doesn't matter to me whether or not someone believes in John's story. I do, because of the research I did.

None of that really matters anyway. All that matters is that we pay attention to what's happening in our country now, and try to repair the damage done by this horrid deceiptful Administration.

But for those who don't care about what's happening in America, perhaps hearing John's story will frighten them into doing something to prevent the upcoming disaster of WW III...(because events are unfolding as John foretold).

At this point in time, with current events unfolding as they have and are, we don't need to hear from a Time Traveler to know that we're headed for WW III, IF we are paying attention...But then, most American's aren't.

And about anything in question: Time will tell.

Re: The Death of John Titor.And what I belive toda

I wouldn't want to live in a society where we all sat around hating people we never met.
